Publié le 04/11/2012
Extrait du document
Blitzkrieg and the Battle of Britain is the first air battle in history.
The war unfortunately also mark
the beginning of the bombing of civilian targets carried out with training hundreds of planes: first
by Germany (raids on Rotterdam and Coventry in 1940) and Japan, followed by the United States
and the United Kingdom from 1943 (raids on Hamburg, Tokyo, etc.)..
Asia, World War II ends after
the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
2/Description and the way it works
Aircraft engines were either rotary engines or engines or compressor, the engine of the time was made
with one piston cooling system.
The engine was made of pistons that could be
installed in either V H or flat star.
The cooling system could be air-cooled or water.
The locations of deferred engines also:
• In position before, tractive propulsion.
• In rear position in propulsion winded.
• In front and rear position in propulsion "push-pull"
3/Manufacturing and production:.
Liens utiles
- Commentez cette réflexion de Saint-Exupéry (Terre des hommes): « La machine n'est pas un but, l'avion n'est pas un but : c'est un outil. Un outil comme la charrue.»
- X-15. prototype d'avion américain. Ce fut le premier véritable avion
- Rupture d'une aile d'avion
- Introduction : L’avion est aujourd’hui le moyen de transport le plus utilisé pour les trajets sur des très longues distances (+1000km).
- En quoi l'Homme s'inspire t-il de la nature pour concevoir un avion ?