le lait
Publié le 08/04/2013
Extrait du document
the second part will be on the cheese Curdling This operation is used to coagulate the milk selected, cow, goat, sheep, (in most cases), ie the separation of whey (lactérosérum) and a gelatinous material; This is the dough gives us the basis of cheese. Is used most often in calf rennet or process "plant" the juice of fig. The dosage is very important for the texture. For cheese, we will provide a heat treatment milk.DrainingIt can be done either mechanically, using a press, either naturally leaving the curd in a cloth and let its own weight exert pressure. This stage of the manufacturing evacuates the proportion of water still in the curd too. Depending on the type of cheese, it will press more or less long and strong.SaltingSalt is an integral part of the production, it acts exausteur of taste, preservative and its concentration will affect the flexibility of the cheese. Salt is added at different times in the manufacture of cheese, to the refining. It has an impact on the taste, texture and appearance of the cheese (crust). Salting can be performed also by trampage in a brine bath.MoldingThese shape cheese: we define, shape and weight are thus affect its refining. It is at this moment that gives a visual recognition.PressingThis ste...
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- Du lait de poule
- révision bac de français la laitière et le pot au lait
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- détrempe détrempe, technique de peinture pour laquelle les couleurs sont broyées à l'eau et détrempées (délayées) avec, selon les procédés, de l'oeuf, du lait, de la gomme ou un liant à la colle.
- À 3 0 km au sud-est de Bordeaux Le « lait des gourmets » Les vins produits sur les cinq communes de Sauternes, Barsac, Bommes, Preignac et Farques, qui ont seules droit à l'appellation« sauternes», sont parmi les plus somptueux vins blancs liquoreux naturels de France.