Proteus Greek A minor but ancient sea god who served Poseidon.
Publié le 26/01/2014
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Proteus Greek A minor but ancient sea god who served Poseidon. Proteus had enormous knowledge and the ability to change his shape at will if he did not want to stay around to answer questions. When finally cornered, he advised Menelaus, whose ship was becalmed off the coast of Egypt, that to escape he should pay proper honor to the god Zeus. Menelaus listened to the advice of the sea god and was eventually able to sail home to Sparta. In another story, Aristaeus, the son of Apollo, sought the advice of Proteus, who advised him to sacrifice cattle to the gods. Aristaeus did, and was rewarded by seeing swarms of bees emerging from the corpses of the slain cattle. (Aristaeus was an expert in the art of beekeeping.)
Liens utiles
- Libya (1) Greek Mother, with sea god Poseidon, of Agenor, king of Tyre.
- Nereids Greek The Nymphs of the sea, specifically the Mediterranean Sea; the daughters of Nereus, an ancient sea god, and Doris, a daughter of Oceanus.
- Phorcys (Phorcus; Old man of the sea) Greek An ancient sea god; son of Gaia and Pontus; husband to his sister Ceto.
- Pontus (Pontos) Greek An ancient sea god; the first sea god.
- Poseidon Greek Sea god and one of the Olympian gods; son of Cronus and Rhea; brother of Zeus, Hades, Demeter, Hera, and Hestia; husband The Roman goddess Pomona displays her fruits of plenty in the painting by French artist Nicholas Fouche (1653-1733).