Phineus Greek Brother of Cepheus, the king of Ethiopia; uncle of Andromeda, whom he wished to marry.
Publié le 26/01/2014
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Phineus Greek Brother of Cepheus, the king of Ethiopia; uncle of Andromeda, whom he wished to marry. The hero Perseus rescued Andromeda and claimed her as his bride. Phineus and his soldiers appeared at the wedding feast but were transformed into stone by the sight of the head of the gorgon Medusa, wielded by Perseus.
Liens utiles
- Midas Greek A mythical king of Phrygia, an ancient region of central Asia Minor; son of the goddess Cybele and Gordius, from whom he inherited the throne.
- Peleus Greek Son of King Aecus; brother of Telamon; husband of Thetis; father, with Thetis, of the hero Achilles.
- Pelias Greek Son of Tyro, a half brother of Aeson, from whom Pelias stole the throne of Iolcus, in Thessaly.
- Telamon (Telemon) Greek Son of King Aecus of Aegina; brother of Peleus; father, with Hesione, of Teucer, the great archer.
- Seven Against Thebes Greek The name given to the conflict between the rulers of the kingdom of Thebes and the rebels who challenged the king for the throne.