Paris Greek Son of Priam, the king of Troy, and of Hecuba.
Publié le 26/01/2014
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Paris Greek Son of Priam, the king of Troy, and of Hecuba. Before he was born, soothsayers prophesied that Paris would cause death and destruction. Accordingly, his parents placed him upon a mountainside (Mount Ida [2]) and left the infant to die. Shepherds rescued and raised Paris. He fell in love with Oenone but was later to abandon the nymph in favor of Helen. He became a fine athlete and a very handsome man. Paris competed at the games at Troy and won many prizes, gaining the attention of King Priam, who recognized him as his son. In spite of the soothsayers' warnings, Priam welcomed Paris back into the household. The prophecies came true. Paris's abduction of Helen became one of the leading causes of the Trojan War. In some versions of the story, Paris kills the hero Achilles, and is himself killed by Philoctetes. The Judgment of Paris - Mythology. This is how Paris's abduction of Helen, wife of King Menelaus came about. Eris (Discord) was present at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, the parents of Achilles. She made the goddesses quarrel among themselves by throwing a golden apple ("the apple of discord") among the guests. The apple was inscribed, "To the fairest." Hera, the chief goddess and wife of Zeus; Artemis, goddess of the hunt; and Aphrodite, goddess of love, each claimed the apple. Asked to make the choice among the three goddesses, Zeus wisely declined and sent his messenger, Hermes, to ask Paris, the most handsome of men, to make the decision. Each of the goddesses offered Paris bribes. Aphrodite offered him love of the most beautiful woman in the world: Helen of Sparta. Paris awarded the apple to Aphrodite. On 110 Pa nacea that day, Hera and Artemis became enemies of Paris and of Troy.
Liens utiles
- Laocoön Greek A priest of Apollo and Poseidon; son of Priam, king of Troy, and of Hecuba.
- Laomedon Greek First king of Troy; father of Priam, Hesione, and others.
- Priam Greek King of Troy during the Trojan War, though too old to take an active part in the war.
- Seven Against Thebes Greek The name given to the conflict between the rulers of the kingdom of Thebes and the rebels who challenged the king for the throne.
- Iphicles Greek Halfbrother of the hero Heracles; son of Amphitryon, a prince of Tiryns, and his wife, Alcmene, who was a daughter of the king of Mycenae; husband to Automedusa, and later, to the youngest daughter of King Creon of Thebes.