Oenomaus Greek King of Pisa in Elis, in northeast Peloponnesus; father of Hippodameia.
Publié le 26/01/2014
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Oenomaus Greek King of Pisa in Elis, in northeast Peloponnesus; father of Hippodameia. Many suitors contended for the hand of Hippodameia in chariot races with Oenomaus. The penalty for losing was death, and Oenomaus made sure that they all lost. Thirteen suitors had died by the time Pelops came along and won the race. Oenomaus died in a final chariot race with Pelops, who won Hippodameia and Pisa itself.
Liens utiles
- Laertes Greek King of Ithaca husband of Anticlea, father of the hero Odysseus.
- Laomedon Greek First king of Troy; father of Priam, Hesione, and others.
- Nestor Greek King of Pylos (on the west coast of Messenia, in the Peloponnesus) and, at 60 years old, the oldest and most experienced of the chieftains who fought in the Trojan War.
- Oeneus (Oeneous; Vintner) Greek King of Calydon; husband of Althea, father of Meleager, Tydeus, Gorge, and the beautiful Deianira, who eventually married Heracles.
- Peleus Greek Son of King Aecus; brother of Telamon; husband of Thetis; father, with Thetis, of the hero Achilles.