Libitina Roman Ancient goddess who presided over funerals.
Publié le 26/01/2014
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Libitina Roman Ancient goddess who presided over funerals. Her name is often synonymous with death. Originally she was an Earth goddess or agricultural deity. Undertakers in ancient Rome were called libitinarii. They had their places of work within Libitina's temple. Here deaths were registered and the bereaved paid money to honor the goddess. Libitina was sometimes identified with the Greek goddess Persephone.
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- Lara (Lala; Larunda; The talker) Roman Originally, a Sabine goddess who presided over houses.
- Juno (Iuno) Roman An old goddess among the Roman people who became one of the principal deities of ancient Rome.
- Robigo and Robigus Roman Two deities, a goddess and god, who watched over growing fields of wheat and grain and who, if not treated well, brought rust or mildew to crops.
- Juturna (Iuturna) Roman An ancient goddess of springs and fountains.
- Juventas (Juventus, Iuventus) Roman The goddess of youth, especially of youths who had reached the age of wearing adult clothing, which usually began at age 14.