Devoir de Philosophie

Laomedon Greek First king of Troy; father of Priam, Hesione, and others.

Publié le 26/01/2014

Extrait du document

Laomedon Greek First king of Troy; father of Priam, Hesione, and others. He was slain by the hero Heracles. The gods Apollo and Poseidon had displeased Zeus. As punishment, he sent them to work for Laomedon for wages. Poseidon built the walls of Troy, while Apollo tended the king's flocks on Mount Ida (2). After the two gods had completed their tasks, Laomedon refused to pay them. In revenge, the gods sent a sea monster to ravage Troy. Only the sacrifice of a maiden would appease the monster. One of the maidens chosen was Hesione, the daughter of the king, but Heracles rescued her. Again Laomedon refused to pay his debt, and Heracles killed him.

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