Hesione - Mythology.
Publié le 26/01/2014
Extrait du document
Hesione - Mythology. Greek Daughter of Laomedon, king of Troy; sister of Priam. Laomedon offered Hesione as sacrifice to a sea monster to appease the gods Poseidon and Apollo. Heracles slew the monster and gave Hesione in marriage to Telamon, with whom she bore a son, Teucer. Hesione's brother, Priam, now king of Troy, demanded her return. The refusal of the Greeks to return Hesione to her Trojan home was said to have caused some of the ill feeling that eventually led to the war between Greece and Troy (see the Trojan War).
Liens utiles
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- Laomedon Greek First king of Troy; father of Priam, Hesione, and others.
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