Epimetheus (Afterthought) Greek Brother of Prometheus, a Titan.
Publié le 26/01/2014
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Epimetheus (Afterthought) Greek Brother of Prometheus, a Titan. Epimetheus accepted Pandora as his wife, in spite of the warnings of his wiser brother. Pandora had been created by the gods to punish humankind for accepting
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- Menoetius Greek A second-generation Titan; son of Iapetus and Clymene, who was a daughter of Oceanus; brother of Atlas, Prometheus, and Epimetheus.
- Prometheus (Forethought) Greek One of the Titans, descended from the Earth Mother (Gaia) and the Sky Father (Uranus); son of Iapetus and one of the daughters of Oceanus, possibly Clymene; brother of Atlas and Epimetheus; father of Deucalion.
- Oceanus Greek The Titan son of Gaia and Uranus and the brother and husband of the Titan Tethys; father of all the Oceanids and all the rivers and seas of the world.
- Zelus (Zelos; Zeal, Strife) Greek The personification of rivalry, envy, jealousy, and eagerness; a demigod or lesser god; son of the Titan Pallas and the water Nymph Styx; brother of Nike (Victory), Bia (Force), and Cratus (Strength).
- Cratus (Crato s; Krato s; Strength) Greek The personification of strength; a demigod or lesser god; son of the Titan Pallas and the water Nymph Styx; brother of Nike (Victory), Bia (Force), and Zelus (Zeal).