Deianira - Mythology.
Publié le 26/01/2014
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Deianira - Mythology. Greek Daughter of Oeneus, king of Calydon, sister of Meleager. She became the second wife of the hero Heracles and unwittingly caused his death. Deianira killed herself in despair at what she had done to Heracles.
Liens utiles
- Prometheus Unbound Author's Preface Percy Bysshe Shelley The Greek tragic writers, in selecting as their subject any portion of their national history or mythology, employed in their treatment of it a certain arbitrary discretion.
- Oeneus (Oeneous; Vintner) Greek King of Calydon; husband of Althea, father of Meleager, Tydeus, Gorge, and the beautiful Deianira, who eventually married Heracles.
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- pantheon Greek and Roman In mythology, pantheon refers to all the gods of a people, particularly those considered to be the most prominent or most powerful.
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