Devoir de Philosophie

Avis d'expédition (3)

Publié le 15/08/2010

Extrait du document

Dear [Mr or Mrs or Sirs],    We thank you for your order [numéro] of [date] and have the pleasure to inform you that it has already been processed. The [produits] will be loaded on [bateau] tomorrow and your consignment is due to be in [lieu d'arrivée] on [date].    Following your recommendations, the [produits] have been individually packed in strong cardboard. Each one of the twenty crates is marked 1 to 20 and shows our brand on six sides.      The shipping documents have been handed over to [agent de la banque du client], with our draft for [montant] at 30 days. [Agent de la banque du client] will send the documents to [banque du client], who will get in touch with you as soon as they have receive them.    Concerning the certificate of origin we have supplied to you, we want to draw your attention on the following point: in case this would be for re-exporting purposes, your customers will have the same guarantee as yourself only if the products are not modified in any way.    We trust you will be entirely satisfied with the consignment and look forward to being of service to you again in the near future.    Please let us know when you receive the [products].    Yours sincerely  [votre nom]  [votre fonction]   

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