Publié le 22/02/2012
Extrait du document

Greek A sea goddess; daughter of
Nereus or Oceanus; wife of Poseidon; mother of
triton, Rhode, and Benthescyme. She was a female
personification of the sea.
Amphitrite was not pleased when Poseidon tried
to woo her. She fled into the Atlas Mountains, in
North Africa. Poseidon sent delphinus to win her and
eventually she consented to become Poseidon's wife.
She bore him three children.
Amphitrite discovered that Poseidon was a faithless
husband. One of his lovers was the beautiful
nymph Scylla, whom Amphitrite changed into a
terrible monster.
Liens utiles
- BOSCEAZ: Médaillon d'Amphitrite.
- Poséidon, en grec Poseidôn, dans la mythologie grecque, dieu des mers, fils de Cronos et de Rhéa, frère de Zeus et de Hadès, époux d'Amphitrite.
- Amphitrite - mythologie.
- Définition: AMPHITRITE, substantif féminin.
- ADAM, Lambert Sigisbert (1700-1759) Sculpteur et ornemaniste, d'inspiration baroque, il est l'auteur du Triomphe marin de Neptune et d'Amphitrite (Versailles).