Devoir de Philosophie


Publié le 20/01/2013

Extrait du document

Dear Ms. Myrna,I am a divorced mother of 2 children.( A fourteen years old girl and an eight years old boy)  The Dad is nowhere in the picture. The girl has started to be mouthy and not tell me where she will be when she goes out.  She comes in late smelling of alcohol and I feel I am unable to keep her safe. She is setting a bad example for her brother and keeping me on edge. What should I do?  She is a tall, muscular girl and, frankly, I am afraid of her. Since I am at my wits end, I would appreciate it if you could give your advice as soon as possible. Distressed in California Corn pone (sometimes referred to as "Indian pone") is a type of cornbread, made of a thick, malleable dough made of cornmeal or hominy grits, shaped by hand and then baked or fried in butter, margarine, lard or bacon grease. Corn pone has been a staple of Southern U.S. cuisine. Typically corn pone is formed in two to three inch oval shapes and features a crunchy and/or chewy texture.The term "...

« 2 medium onions, chopped 1 medium potato, cut in bite sizes 5.

I eat my breakfast at half past seven, my lunch at twelve o’clock and my dinner at six o’clock.

I never eat them in front of the television but always at the table with my parents and I enjoy conversations more when I eat with them.

We all know the stereotype of the couch potato: Somebody who's fat and lazy, and who only gets off the couch to grab more popcorn.

Well, studies have proven that most people wrongly estimate how many calories they're consuming when they watch TV and eat at the same time.

So if watching TV makes it difficult to know how much you're really eating, you're more likely to overeat if you chow down in front of the TV screen than if you eat quietly at your table.

That means more fat and calories, and more of a chance that you'll be overweight or obese. 6.

My mother nursed me until the age of two and half.

Until that age, I didn’t want to eat or to drink anything except for water and milk.

But one day, my mother got ill and had to stop breastfeed me.

This was very hard for me to stop drinking milk, because I had got use to drink it.

After a long struggle, I stopped to drink milk that my mother had been nursing me.. »

