529 résultats pour "youit"
shoulders, "Promise me you'll take care," she said, pulling the hood of my coat over my head, "Promise me you'll take
extra-special care.
she said, Itouched herchest, thenpointed herhand outtoward theworld, thenpointed herhand ather chest, "Iknow," she said, "Ofcourse Iknow that." Iheld herhands andpretended wewere behind aninvisible wall,orbehind the imaginary painting,ourpalms exploring itssurface, then,atthe risk ofsaying toomuch, Iheld oneofher hands overmy eyes, andtheother overhereyes, "Youaretoo good tome," shesaid, Iput herhands onmy head andnodded yes,she laughed, Ilove itwhen shelaughs, although thetruth isIam not inlove...
what did you do?
ceilings, theplates, thewindows, thelampshades! Wasitan act ofrebellion! Anact ofexpression! Werethepaintings good, orwas that beside thepoint! Ineeded tosee itfor myself, andIneeded totell the world about it!Iused tolive for reporting likethat! Stalin found outabout thecommunity andsent histhugs in,just afew days before Igot there, to break alloftheir arms! Thatwasworse thankilling them! Itwas ahorrible sight,Oskar: theirarms incrude splints, straight infront ofthem likezombies! Theycouldn't fe...
From As You Like It - anthology.
ROSALIND : Ay, and twenty such. ORLANDO : What sayst thou? ROSALIND : Are you not good? ORLANDO : I hope so. ROSALIND : Why then, can one desire too much of a good thing? [ To CELIA ] Come, sister, you shall be the priest and marry us.—Give me your hand, Orlando.—What do you say, sister?ORLANDO : [to CELIA ] Pray thee, marry us. CELIA : I cannot say the words. ROSALIND : You must begin, 'Will you, Orlando'— CELIA : Go to. Will you, Orlando, have to wife this Rosalind? ORLANDO : I will. ROSALIND...
All the Things You Are - analyse de l'oeuvre.
Charlie Parker Charlie Parker est ici sur scène en 1950 dans son club de jazz de New York, le célèbre Birdland.Frank Driggs/Archive Photos Le tromboniste Tommy Dorsey est le premier jazzman à avoir enregistré All the Things You Are, en 1939. Succès de l’année 1940, le morceau ne devient toutefois réellement un standard de jazz qu’en 1945, grâce à la fameuse version de Dizzy Gillespie, soutenu par Charlie Parker. Coleman Hawkins a gravé une dizaine de versions de All the Things You Are ; de...
It might not matter to you, but my brother was having an affair with my wife.
upon them kissing oneafternoon inthe field behind theshed behind ourhouse. Itmade mesoexcited. Ifelt asifIwere kissing someone. Ihad never kissed anyone. Iwas more excited thanifit had been me.Ourhouse wassmall. AnnaandI shared abed. That night Itold herwhat Ihad seen. Shemade mepromise nevertospeak aword about it.Ipromised her. She said, Whyshould Ibelieve you? I wanted totell her, Because whatIsaw would nolonger bemine ifItalked aboutit.Isaid, Because Iam your sister. Thank you. Can Iwatch you...
Maybe you help with chores at home. Maybe you play
After the queen mates with a male ant, she makes or finds a nest. She then lays eggs. The first group ofeggs to hatch become worker ants. The queen’s only job after that is to lay more eggs. The worker antstake over the job of caring for the nest. Males come from some of the eggs, queens and more workerscome from other eggs. When the egg hatches, a wormlike larva appears. It does nothing but eat and grow. When it gets bigenough, it becomes a pupa. The pupa grows legs and antennae. It becomes an...
I told her, "The fall play this fall is Hamlet, in case you're interested.
wages war,andkisses withlips.Soinaway, themore youkisswith lips,themore human youare." "And themore you wage war?" ThenIwas thesilent one.Shesaid, "You're asweet, sweetboy."Isaid, "Young man.""ButIdon't thinkit'sa good idea." "Does ithave tobe agood idea?" "Ithink itdoes." "CanIat least takeapicture ofyou?" Shesaid, "That would be nice." Butwhen Istarted focusing Grandpa's camera,sheputherhand infront ofher face forsome reason. Ididn't want toforce hertoexplain herself, soIthought ofadifferent p...
"'Well, what can you say about that?
names belonged toresidents ofthe Sixth Borough, andwere carved whenCentral Parkstillresided there,instead ofin Manhattan. Somepeople believe theyaremade-up namesand,totake thedoubt astep further, thatthegestures oflove were made-up gestures. Othersbelieve otherthings." "Whatdoyou believe?" "Well, it'shard foranyone, eventhemost pessimistic ofpessimists, tospend morethanafew minutes inCentral Park without feelingthatheorshe isexperiencing sometense inaddition tothe present, right?""I guess. " "Ma...
Your mother and I never talk about the past, that's a rule.
under theNothing doorandstained theSomething hallway,there'snothing tosay. Itbecame difficulttonavigate from Something toSomething withoutaccidentally walkingthrough Nothing, andwhen Something—a key,apen, a pocketwatch—was accidentallyleftinaNothing Place,itnever couldberetrieved, thatwasanunspoken rule,likenearly all ofour rules havebeen. There cameapoint, ayear ortwo ago, when ourapartment wasmore Nothing than Something, thatinitself didn't havetobe aproblem, itcould havebeen agood thing, itco...
devoir anglais: You’re going on a trip : where are you going and how do you organize the trip
You’re going on a trip : where are you going and how do you organize the trip Destination ville ou pays Meteo L’argent du pays Vaccin Je prend quoi dans ma valise Langue du pays Activité Hotel ou location d’appartement Avion ou train Meilleur offre pour les bilets Pourquoi se moment la ? Pourquoi là-bas Le pays que j'ai choisi est le Maroc, et j'ai opté pour Marrakech en raison de sa riche culture, de son histoire fascinante et de son archi...
- If you go in Paris...
Who am I, who are you
Because friends come in different colors, shapes, nationalities, religions... So please, don't judge a person from the outside! We can learn from each other, About different cultures, We can teach each other, Different languages, And spread love and peace all over the world. Wars were made, People were dead, Concepts were made, Justice was sometimes served, But wars didn't disappear! I wish we can all scream: Yes to love & no to wars! My brother lets hold our hands together, And shout to t...
Who am I, who are you
Because friends come in different colors, shapes, nationalities, religions... So please, don't judge a person from the outside! We can learn from each other, About different cultures, We can teach each other, Different languages, And spread love and peace all over the world. Wars were made, People were dead, Concepts were made, Justice was sometimes served, But wars didn't disappear! I wish we can all scream: Yes to love & no to wars! My brother lets hold our hands together, And shout to t...
- Cows. Can you imagine keeping a cow in your yard? It
- Apes. Suppose you want to dig some insects out of a
To my unborn child:
point at,"The regular, please," orperhaps, "AndIwouldn't saynotosomething sweet,"whenmyonly friend, Mr.Richter, suggested, "Whatifyou tried tomake asculpture again?What's theworst thingthatcould happen?" Ishuffled halfway into thefilled book: "I'mnotsure, butit'slate." Iwent through hundreds ofbooks, thousands ofthem, theywere allover the apartment, Iused them asdoorstops andpaperweights, Istacked themifIneeded toreach something, Islid them under thelegs ofwobbly tables,Iused them astrivets andc...
How similar and different are you from your parents?
didn’t want to give their opinion about that but I could have easily guessed that they would not have accepted some of these sections. It was clear that I should have chosen sciences , like my brother and sister did . Do our personalities differ? Probably, to a certain extent they do, but not essentially. If being different means having different tastes in music or ways to spend free time, then we are different, since we have entirely opposite views on music, films and pastimes. For...
- Zoos. You don't have to go to Africa to see an
Sujet 6
+ Sujet national, septembre 2005, séries ES et S, LVI
"Why aren't you in class? Have you dropped...
Sujet 6 + Sujet national, septembre 2005, séries ES et S, LVI "Why aren't you in class? Have you dropped out aga.in?" 5 10 15 "Quit. I needed more free cime to do the papers. That's taken off in a very big way. l've got to tell you, the number of conscienceless college students these days just boggles the rnind, Chine. If I wanted to do this for a career, l'd probably be able to retire when l'm forty." China rolled her eyes. The papers were term papers, take-home essay tests, the occassiona...
- Do you think that going to a memorial makes people feel better?
- LE DISCOURS D’UN ROIFrançais Anglais In the first instance, i’m going to recapitulate the movie for those of you who don’t know.
Vocabulaire relatif à la restauration (base)
dessert ? The burgers are very good. / Les hamburgers sont délicieux. Sorry, the hamburgers are off. / Pardonnez-moi, mais, les hamburgers ont mauvais goûts. Is everything all right ? / Tout va bien ? Did you enjoy your meal ? / Le repas vous a-t-il plu ? Are you paying together ? / Allez-vous régler l'addition ensemble ? May I show you to a table ? / Puis-je vous proposer une table ? If you wait, there'll be a table for you free in a minute. / Veuillez patienter un petit p...
- What is a dream for you ? (Celon toi qu'est ce qu'un rêve ?)
If you had the opportunity, would you go and spend a year in a foreign country? Discuss the pros and cons.
Sujet 2: If you had the opportunity, would you go and spend a year in a foreign country? Discuss the pros and cons. In our society, we can have the opportunity to travel and go abroad in a foreign country. People usually say that it’s a good thing because it’s a way to acquire knowledge. All the same, some persons think that to take a gap year is like going on holiday. On the one hand, I would like to go and spend a year in a foreign country since that would allow me to meet people and to go...
- essaie d'anglais how can you make your trip unforgatable
Song of the Open Road
Leaves of Grass, 1900
Walt Whitman
Afoot and light-hearted, I take to the open road,
Healthy, free, the world before me,
The long brown path before me, leading wherever I choose.
I think you are latent with unseen existences — you are so dear to me. You flagg'd walks of the cities! you strong curbs at the edges! You ferries! you planks and posts of wharves! you timber-lined sides! you distant ships! You rows of houses! you window-pierc'd façades! you roofs! You porches and entrances! you copings and iron guards! You windows whose transparent shells might expose so much! You doors and ascending steps! you arches! You gray stones of interminable pavements! you trodden cros...
WANG YOU-TCH'ÉNG KI (Recueil des
poésies de Wang Fou Tch'êng].
printemps U. La description minutieuse des d?tails porte toujours en soi une atmosph?re de paix universelle ; c'est ce que l'on trouve dans ces po?sies descriptives o?, avec une extr?me ?co- nomie de moyens, l'auteur donne la v?ritable cl?, le secret des choses ? Ombre du soleil sur les m?riers et les champs de roseaux, le fleuve brille au milieu des petites maisons de la cam- pagne ; le jeune berger chemine vers le village, et avec lui s'en revient le chien de garde ?. Le po?te ?voque admirable...
bafouille à un pigeon
MC: That isn't a whim, it's my fate. I'm ill at ease in the society where people are materialistic ans selfish, I go far from the civilization, into the wild for spice my life up and surpass myself. Father: Be careful Chris... Take care of your choice... If you would regret it , you wouldn't be able to go back to my house. If you leave , you won't be my son anymore. Mother: You are ruthless Walt, I remind you that you're speaking to our son , and you Chris you should think, more deepl...
3 Complete the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original sentences. / 7 0 Eating in class is not allowed. You mustn’t eat in class. 1 Smoking is not allowed here. You ___________________________________ 2 It would be a good idea to eat more fruit. You ___________________________________ 3 You can’t stay at the hotel if you don’t pay first. You ___________________________________ before you can stay in the hotel. 4 It is very important for me to work harder. I ______________...
12. You w i l l t han k ‘l i t t le baby cheeses’ every n igh t for pu t t i ng h i m/her i n you r pa t h. Cheeses gives you f ree w i l l and you choose w isely.
Récit imaginaire sur Night Hawks d'Hopper
And I could feel his eyes staring at me. I could feel his breath on my neck. I couldn't go back. - Yes, I said in a heartbeat. I'm still in, if you are? - Ha-ha darling, please, he looked at me amused. You're the one who's hesitating, I'm not. - I'm not. - You're nervous; you're blushing, you're trembling. You're hesitating because what you asked me to do to your own family is awful, he said as he was getting closer to my...
Créer une histoire à partir du tableau Night Hawks de Hopper
And I could feel his eyes staring at me. I could feel his breath on my neck. I couldn't go back. - Yes, I said in a heartbeat. I'm still in, if you are? - Ha-ha darling, please, he looked at me amused. You're the one who's hesitating, I'm not. - I'm not. - You're nervous; you're blushing, you're trembling. You're hesitating because what you asked me to do to your own family is awful, he said as he was getting closer to my...
Good morning ladies and gentlemen and welcome to our first session of the DevOpS Academy. I am your host, Lawrence Muthoga and I look after Microsoft Open source business across Middle Eastern Africa and a good thing with the open source world is it runs on Dev OPS Dev OPS is the engine that fuels it and so it's only right that I step in and share with you why you should care about Dev OPS in this first session in this series of videos, we're going to be talking about. Not just why you ne...
devoir d'anglais
deal positively with a rejection is to ask for feedback if the firm doesn't make it clearwhy your application was rejected. It's the best way to find out why you were turned down and therefore makeadjustments for the next job interview. Another positive aspect is to show how motivated you are and how capableyou are of adjusting to the firm's requirements, something useful if you re-apply in the future.The document also highlights the fact that being rejected doesn't necessarily mean that you wer...
If he asks anything, just let him know that it will be OK.
That's true. It's ashame tobe inside. I guess so. But here weare. I wanted toturn toface him, butIcouldn't. Imoved myhand totouch hishand. They letyou outofschool? Practically immediately. Do you know whathappened? Yeah. Have youheard fromMom orDad? Mom. What didshe say? She said everything wasfineandshewould behome soon. Dad willbehome soon,too.Once hecan close upthe store. Yeah. You pressed yourpalms intothebed likeyou were trying tolift itoff us. Iwanted totell you something, butIdidn't know...
Coutumes et traditions des pays anglophones
Etat civil : S'adresser à
Whe n the phone r ings, you pick up the re ceiver and give your number: 6-3–1- 0-9W e say each figur e separately. Whe n you call someone, you identify yourself : - He llo, David speakin g / Hello, this is David / He llo, David here Th en you ask for who you want : - Can I speak to .... ? / I ’d like to speak to . ..I f the pe rson who answers is not the person you want, you’ll p robably hear somethin g like : - Hang o n a minute / Hold on please - I ’m afraid he isn’ t i...
Vocabulaire lexico
have a better tomorrow you can’t win them all you have to accept something with resignation ça peut pas toujours aller comme on veut things can only get better the situation is certain to improve ça ne peut que s’améliorer that’s life you have to accept things as they are you win some you lose some you’ve got nothing to lose used to encourage someone to do something by telling them they can only gain something tu n’as rien à perdre his bark is worse than his bite...
From Julius Caesar - anthology.
Let but the commons hear this testament—Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read—And they would go and kiss dead Caesar's wounds,And dip their napkins in his sacred blood,Yea, beg a hair of him for memory,And, dying, mention it within their wills,Bequeathing it as a rich legacyUnto their issue.FIFTH PLEBEIAN : We'll hear the will. Read it, Mark Antony. ALL THE PLEBEIANS : The will, the will! We will hear Caesar's will. ANTONY : Have patience, gentle friends, I must not read it. It is not meet you...
30 "All right." He sank back in the chair, and after a moment said in a low voice, "I am a British agent." This was the last thing she had expected to hear, but thunders truck though she was shekeptherexpression neutral. Whyeverdidn't 1 think of the intelligence business? She wondered, but she said in 35 a cool, very steady voice, "You're with MI 6, is that it?" "A special branch of SIS, actually." "What is SIS?" 'The Secret Intelligence Se...
Devoir d'anglais correction
particular occasion you lacked the tiny bit that would have made the differenceor, as in the given example, you gave the wrong answer to one essential question.The document suggests that in order to take no chances when preparing for a job interview, you should stick asclosely as possible to the skills and attributes mentioned in the job advertisement. If you don't get the job, youshould be prepared to accept it and move on.Being well aware of the qualities required for a position is vital, but...
exactly what to do.
him upthe next Saturday at7:00, andwewould startthen. Itold him, "I'mnoteven through withtheA's." Hesaid, "OK," and thesound ofhis own voice made himcrythe most. Message three.9:31A.M. Hello? Hello?Hello? When Momtucked meinthat night, shecould tellthat something wasonmy mind, andasked ifIwanted totalk. Idid, but not toher, soIsaid, "Nooffense, butno." "Are yousure?" " Tresfatigué, " Isaid, waving myhand. "Doyouwant meto read something toyou?" "It'sOK." "Wecould gothrough the New YorkTimes for m...
what is a good life
Moderation should be promoted beyond all. Trying to follow the extremes will not lead you anywhere. Balance brings inner tranquillity and peace to each individual, and since the soul trumps the external and the body, balance brings exterior calm as well. The result is a whole society in balance, which permits harmony, just like Plato promotes it ( The Republic ). One should seek for moderate happiness instead of up- and-downs or intensive pleasures, for the latter will mean indeed extreme...
Excerpt from Northanger Abbey - anthology.
“I will read you their names directly; here they are in my pocket-book. Castle of Wolfenbach, Clermont, Mysterious Warnings, Necromancer of the Black Forest, Midnight Bell, Orphan of the Rhine, and Horrid Mysteries. Those will last us some time.” “Yes; pretty well; but are they all horrid? Are you sure they are all horrid?” “Yes, quite sure; for a particular friend of mine, a Miss Andrews, a sweet girl, one of the sweetest creatures in the world, has read every one of them. I wis...
Excerpt from Troilus and Cressida - anthology.
Enter Pandarus and Cressida, veiled PANDARUS. Come, come, what need you blush? Shame's a baby. ( To Troilus ) Here she is now: swear the oaths now to her that you have sworn to me. ( To Cressida ) What, are you gone again? You must be watched ere you be made tame, must you? Come your ways, come your ways; an you draw backward, we'll put you i'th'fills. ( To Troilus ) Why do you not speak to her? ( To Cressida ) Come, draw this curtain, and let's see your picture. Alas the day, how loath you are...
Excerpt from Measure for Measure - anthology.
PROVOST. Who's there? Come in. The wish deserves a welcome. DUKE. Dear sir, ere long I'll visit you again. CLAUDIO. Most holy sir, I thank you. ISABELLA. My business is a word or two with Claudio. PROVOST. And very welcome. Look, signor, here's your sister. DUKE. Provost, a word with you. PROVOST. As many as you please. DUKE. Bring me to bear them speak, where I may be concealed. Duke and Provost retire CLAUDIO. Now, sister, what's the comfort? ISABELLA. Why,As all comforts are: most good, most...
Excerpt from The Merry Wives of Windsor - anthology.
MISTRESS FORD. O sweet Sir John! FALSTAFF. Mistress Ford, I cannot cog, I cannot prate, Mistress Ford. Now shall I sin in my wish: I would thy husband were dead. I'll speak it before the best lord, Iwould make thee my lady. MISTRESS FORD. I your lady, Sir John? Alas, I should be a pitiful lady. FALSTAFF. Let the court of France show me such another. I see how thine eye would emulate the diamond. Thou hast the right arched beauty of the brow thatbecomes the ship-tire, the tire-valiant, or any tir...
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - anthology.
“Do you mean that you think you can find out the answer to it?” said the March Hare. “Exactly so,” said Alice. “Then you should say what you mean,” the March Hare went on. “I do,” Alice hastily replied; “at least—at least I mean what I say—that's the same thing, you know.” “Not the same thing a bit!” said the Hatter. “Why, you might just as well say that ‘I see what I eat’ is the same thing as “I eat what I see’!” “You might just as well say,” added the March Hare, “that ‘I l...
Excerpt from A Midsummer Night's Dream - anthology.
BOTTOM: Well, proceed. QUINCE: Robin Starveling, the tailor? STARVELING: Here, Peter Quince. QUINCE: Robin Starveling, you must play Thisbe’s mother. Tom Snout, the tinker? SNOUT: Here, Peter Quince. QUINCE: You, Pyramus’ father; myself, Thisbe’s father; Snug, the joiner, you the lion’s part; and I hope here is a play fitted. SNUG: Have you the lion’s part written? Pray you, if it be, give it me; for I am slow of study. QUINCE: You may do it extempore; for it is nothing but roaring. BOTTOM: Let...
Excerpt from The Two Gentlemen of Verona - anthology.
JULIA. Is he among these? HOST. Ay; but, peace! Let’s hear 'em. SONG:Who is Silvia? What is she,That all our swains commend her?Holy, fair, and wise is she;The heaven such grace did lend her,That she might admirèd be. Is she kind as she is fair?For beauty lives with kindness.Love doth to her eyes repair,To help him of his blindness;And, being helped, inhabits there. Then to Silvia let us singThat Silvia is excelling;She excels each mortal thingUpon the dull earth dwelling.To her let us garlands...
"You've been trying for months without any success," Nailles 30 said. "Y ou keep saying that you' li try to eut down and all you do is to watch more and more. Your intentions may have been good but there haven't been any noticeable results. Out it goes". "Oh please don't, Eliot," Nellie cried. "Please don't. He loves bis television. Can't you see that he loves it?" 35 "I know that he loves it," Nailles said. "That's why I'm going to thro...