24 résultats pour "worms"
- Worms.
- Worms.
- Worms.
- Worms, concordat de
- Worms, diète de
Invertebrate - biology.
animals with a five-pointed design. They live in the sea and move with the help of tiny fluid-filled feet—another feature found nowhere else in the animal world. Zoologists recognize several different groups of worms. The phylum known as flatworms contains the simplest animals possessing heads. Nerves and sense organs areconcentrated in the head. Most flatworms are paper-thin and live in a variety of wet or damp habitats, including the digestive systems of other animals. Roundwormsrepresent anot...
Invertebrate - biology.
animals with a five-pointed design. They live in the sea and move with the help of tiny fluid-filled feet—another feature found nowhere else in the animal world. Zoologists recognize several different groups of worms. The phylum known as flatworms contains the simplest animals possessing heads. Nerves and sense organs areconcentrated in the head. Most flatworms are paper-thin and live in a variety of wet or damp habitats, including the digestive systems of other animals. Roundwormsrepresent anot...
Coral Reef.
sensitive to particles of mud or sediment settling on them, which means that corals rarely grow close to rivers or other sources of sediment. In the sea, light is filteredout by depth, so reef-building corals can only grow in relatively shallow water. Even in the clearest oceans few reef-building corals grow below a depth of 80 to 100 m(260 to 328 ft). Although corals need nutrients, they cannot thrive in areas where there are large amounts of nutrients. Typically, microscopic organisms in the p...
- Romilly (Jacqueline Worms de), née Jacqueline David.
Virus (computer).
how closely it resembles a virus. It relies on experience with previous viruses to predict the likelihood that a suspicious file is an as-yet unidentified or unclassified newvirus. Other types of antiviral software include monitoring software and integrity-shell software. Monitoring software is different from scanning software. It detects illegal orpotentially damaging viral activities such as overwriting computer files or reformatting the computer's hard drive. Integrity-shell software establis...
cabinet de curiosités - sciences et techniques.
À la fin du XVIe siècle, l’électeur de Saxe Auguste I er (1526-1586), Albert V (1528-1579), duc de Bavière, qui fait spé\ cialement édifier un imposant bâtiment pour présenter ses curio\ sités, l’archiduc Ferdinand II (1529-1595), qui rassemble une importante collection dans le château d’Ambras au Tyrol, ou encore\ François I er de Médicis (1541-1587), grand-duc de Toscane, figurent parmi les g\ rands collectionneurs de leur époque. À la charnière des XVI e et XVII e siècles, Rodolphe II...
directly to the spool and turns the spool one rotation at a time. C Fishing Lines Fishing lines serve as the link between the angler’s reel and the lure or bait. The most popular line used for sportfishing is monofilament nylon line, which is strong anddurable and has a certain amount of stretch, which helps when an angler sets the hook. The line comes in a variety of strengths, from 2-pound test to more than 100-pound test. (Pound test is the amount of pressure that can be put on a line before...
Turtles use their jaws to cut and handle food. Instead of teeth, a turtle’s upper and lower jaws are covered by horny ridges, similar to a bird’s beak. Meat-eating turtlescommonly have knife-sharp ridges for slicing through their prey. Plant-eating turtles often have ridges with serrated edges that help them cut through tough plants.Turtles use their tongues in swallowing food, but unlike many other reptiles, such as chameleons, they cannot stick out their tongues to capture food. C Limb Structu...
Turtle - biology.
Turtles use their jaws to cut and handle food. Instead of teeth, a turtle’s upper and lower jaws are covered by horny ridges, similar to a bird’s beak. Meat-eating turtlescommonly have knife-sharp ridges for slicing through their prey. Plant-eating turtles often have ridges with serrated edges that help them cut through tough plants.Turtles use their tongues in swallowing food, but unlike many other reptiles, such as chameleons, they cannot stick out their tongues to capture food. C Limb Structu...
Comparative Anatomy.
In comparing two species, anatomists have to be careful to differentiate between homologous structures, which are ones that have evolved from a shared ancestor, andanalogous structures, which have developed from different origins. Homologous structures are built on the same underlying plan. A human arm, a bat’s wing, and awhale’s flipper look quite different from the outside, but the bones inside reveal that these limbs all have the same basic structure. Analogous structures, by contrast,often l...
Dictionnaire en ligne:
DÉCRET, substantif masculin.
JEAN-PAUL MARA, DIT MARAT, Pamphlets, Appel ? la nation, 1790, page 136. 2. DROIT FRAN?AIS MODERNE. D?cision ?manant du pouvoir ex?cutif, agissant dans le cadre de ses attributions. D?cret du Pr?sident de la R?publique; prendre un d?cret; d?cret de mobilisation?: ? 3. ? la fin d'octobre 1913, le ministre de la Guerre soumettait ? la signature du pr?sident de la R?publique le d?cret portant R?glement sur la conduite des grandes unit?s?: MAR?CHAL JOSEPH JOFFRE, M?moires, tome 1, 1931, page 39....
Martin Luther - Religion.
Im folgenden Jahr erschienen die drei reformatorischen Hauptschriften An den christlichen Adel , Von der babylonischen Gefangenschaft sowie Von der Freiheit des Christenmenschen . Zeitgleich wurde der Ketzerprozess wieder aufgenommen und die Bulle Exurge Domine, in der ihm der Bann angedroht wurde, an Luther geschickt. Luther verbrannte die Bulle öffentlich. 1521 reagierte die Kurie mit der Exkommunikation. Vor dem weltlichen Gericht, dem Reichstag zu Worms, widerrief Luther nicht. Vom Kai...
Martin Luther (Sprache & Litteratur).
Im folgenden Jahr erschienen die drei reformatorischen Hauptschriften An den christlichen Adel , Von der babylonischen Gefangenschaft sowie Von der Freiheit des Christenmenschen . Zeitgleich wurde der Ketzerprozess wieder aufgenommen und die Bulle Exurge Domine, in der ihm der Bann angedroht wurde, an Luther geschickt. Luther verbrannte die Bulle öffentlich. 1521 reagierte die Kurie mit der Exkommunikation. Vor dem weltlichen Gericht, dem Reichstag zu Worms, widerrief Luther nicht. Vom Kais...
Aristotle (384-322
Greek philosopher and scientist, who shares with Plato and Socrates the distinction of being the most famous of ancient philosophers.
succession of individuals. These processes are therefore intermediate between the changeless circles of the heavens and the simple linear movements of the terrestrialelements. The species form a scale from simple (worms and flies at the bottom) to complex (human beings at the top), but evolution is not possible. C Aristotelian Psychology For Aristotle, psychology was a study of the soul. Insisting that form (the essence, or unchanging characteristic element in an object) and matter (the commonu...
succession of individuals. These processes are therefore intermediate between the changeless circles of the heavens and the simple linear movements of the terrestrialelements. The species form a scale from simple (worms and flies at the bottom) to complex (human beings at the top), but evolution is not possible. C Aristotelian Psychology For Aristotle, psychology was a study of the soul. Insisting that form (the essence, or unchanging characteristic element in an object) and matter (the commonu...
Diseases of Animals.
infected animal. It may also spread in milk or in garbage that contains contaminated meat. Typical symptoms include blisters that appear on the mouth and feet;animals may become lame when their hooves degenerate. Canine distemper is a highly contagious disease caused by the paramyxovirus, which is transmitted in discharges from the nose and eyes. Symptoms begin with fever,malaise, and nasal and ocular discharges and may progress to convulsions and other nervous system disorders. Parvoviruses aff...
Excerpt from Antony and Cleopatra - anthology.
They seize Cleopatra Guard her till Caesar comes. Exit Gallus IRAS. Royal queen! CHARMIAN. O Cleopatra! Thou art taken, queen. CLEOPATRA. Quick, quick, good hands! She draws a dagger PROCULEIUS. Hold, worthy lady, hold! He disarms her Do not yourself such wrong, who are in thisRelieved, but not betrayed. CLEOPATRA. What, of death too,That rids our dogs of languish? PROCULEIUS. Cleopatra,Do not abuse my master's bounty byTh'undoing of yourself. Let the world seeHis nobleness well acted, which you...
- Émile Zola LA CURÉE (1872)
Au retour, dans l'encombrement des voitures qui rentraient par le bord du lac, la calèche dut marcher au pas.
mondaines envoiture découverte, menaçaitdeseterminer parune soirée d’unefraîcheur aiguë. Un moment, lajeune femme restapelotonnée, retrouvantlachaleur deson coin, s’abandonnant aubercement voluptueux de toutes cesroues quitournaient devantelle.Puis, levant latête vers Maxime, dontlesregards déshabillaient tranquillement lesfemmes étaléesdanslescoupés etdans leslandaus voisins : – Vrai, demanda-t-elle, est-cequetulatrouves jolie,cette Laure d’Aurigny ? Vousenfaisiez unéloge, l’autre jour,lorsqu’o...