23 résultats pour "sudán"
Sudan - country.
B Principal Cities and Political Divisions The principal city is Khartoum, the capital; other major cities include Omdurman and Khartoum North, major industrial centers, and Port Sudan, a seaport on the RedSea. Sudan is divided into 26 states. C Religion and Language About 70 percent of the people of Sudan are Muslims, some 15 percent are Christians, and most of the remainder follow traditional religions. The people of northernSudan are predominantly Sunni Muslims (Sunni Islam). Most of the pe...
Sudán (república) - geografía.
bosques sudaneses. La deforestación, el sobrepastoreo y la pobre gestión del suelo han acelerado el proceso de desertización y el Sahara ahora penetra en suelopreviamente cultivable y boscoso. El país sufre periódicas y catastróficas inundaciones debido a desbordamientos fluviales. El Departamento de Estado estadounidense estima que hay más de 1 millón de minas antipersonas enterradas en Sudán, aunque el Gobierno sudanés cree que al menosdebe haber unos 3 millones de minas en el país. Algunas fu...
Republik Sudan - geographie.
Es besteht Schulpflicht von 8 Jahren. 63,2 Prozent der Bevölkerung können lesen und schreiben. Zu den Einrichtungen der höheren Bildung gehören u. a. die Universitätvon Khartum (gegründet 1956), die Islamische Universität in Omdurman (1912) sowie die Universität Juba (1975). 4.1 Kultureinrichtungen Zu den wichtigen Bibliotheken zählen u. a. die Universitätsbibliothek, die Flinders Petrie Library (benannt nach Sir Flinders Petrie) und das Nationalarchiv, die sich alle in Khartum befinden. Das...
Sudán - ficha de geographia.
Datos básicos y Población Los datos de superficie proceden de centros estadísticos de cada país. Los datos de población, tasa de crecimiento de la población, mortalidad infantil y esperanza de vida se han extraído de la base de datos internacional del United States Census Bureau, International Programs Center (www.census.gov). Los datos de densidad depoblación provienen de centros estadísticos de los distintos países y de la base de datos internacional del United States Census Bureau. Los datos...
- Sudan du Sud
- Tarikh es-Sudan [Abderrahman es-Saadi] - fiche de lecture.
Sudan Facts and Figures.
HEALTH AND EDUCATIONLife expectancy Total 50.3 years (2008 estimate) Female 51.2 years (2008 estimate) Male 49.4 years (2008 estimate) Infant mortality rate 87 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 3,333 people (2006) Population per hospital bed 1,429 people (2002) Literacy rateTotal 63.2 percent (2005 estimate) Female 53.2 percent (2005 estimate) Male 73.3 percent (2005 estimate) Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP)...
Sudan - Daten und Fakten - geographie.
Die Angaben zur Lebenserwartung und Kindersterblichkeit entstammen dem United States Census Bureau, International Programs Center, International Database (IDB)(www.census.gov). Die Daten zur Bevölkerung pro Arzt und pro Krankenbett wurden von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) (www.who.int) übernommen. Ausbildungsdatenstammen aus der Datenbank der UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) (www.unesco.org).RegierungDie Angaben zu Regierung, Unabhängigkeit, Geset...
Nile - Geography.
The Nile is also a source of hydroelectric power ( see Waterpower), although the river’s potential as a source of electricity has yet to be fully exploited. Dams to provide hydroelectricity (and control flooding) have been constructed along the Nile in Egypt, Sudan, and Uganda. Additional hydroelectric projects are planned. IV HISTORY OF THE NILE A Ancient Egypt and the Nile The first great African civilization developed in the northern Nile Valley in Egypt in about 3300 BC. Settlements alon...
Eritrea - country.
1993 decree set up a formal transitional government under EPLF control. This provided for a National Assembly, a president, and council of ministers. Isaias Afwerki,secretary general of the EPLF, was formally elected president by the National Assembly in June 1993. A new constitution was approved in 1997. Under this constitution, the National Assembly is the country’s legislature. Its members are popularly elected to five-yearterms. A president, elected by the National Assembly to a five-year te...
Tschad - geographie.
Recht; darüber hinaus wurden Elemente des islamischen und des traditionellen Stammesrechtes übernommen. Der Tschad ist in 14 Präfekturen gegliedert. 6 WIRTSCHAFT Der Tschad zählt zu den ärmsten Ländern der Erde; 64 Prozent der Bevölkerung leben unter der Armutsgrenze (1996). Obwohl nur 2,9 Prozent der Landesflächelandwirtschaftlich genutzt werden, ist die Wirtschaft überwiegend agrarisch orientiert. Die im Süden angebaute Baumwolle ist ein wichtiges Ausfuhrgut. Daneben werden vorallem Erdnüsse...
Scramble for Africa.
additional territorial grabs. The most significant of these rules stated that colonial powers were obligated to notify each other when they claimed African territory.Further, subsequent “effective occupation” of the claimed area was necessary for the claim to remain valid. Through it all, as Europeans negotiated their rights toAfrican territory, not a single African was present. Once the conference was over, it was clear that a European Scramble for African territories was underway. Southern Afr...
Afrika - geographie.
Victoriasee fließt. Blauer Nil und Weißer Nil vereinigen sich bei Khartum, der Hauptstadt der Republik Sudan. Der Nil fließt von Khartum aus zunächst nach Norden, biegtdann im Süden der Nubischen Wüste nach Westen und verläuft anschließend wieder in nördlicher Richtung, bis er bei Alexandria ins Mittelmeer mündet. Der Kongo ist4 374 Kilometer lang und entwässert einen großen Teil Zentralafrikas, insbesondere das mehr als vier Millionen Quadratkilometer große Kongobecken. Er entspringt inSambia u...
Uganda - country.
Uganda’s population is predominantly rural and is concentrated in the south, particularly in the crescent at the edge of Lake Victoria and in the southwest. Almost allUgandans are black Africans. Foreign residents make up less than 4 percent of the population and come mostly from neighboring states. In 2008 Uganda’s population was estimated at 31,367,972. The estimated growth rate of the population in 2008 was 3.6 percent. The birth rate was 48 per 1,000people and the death rate 12 per 1,000. Th...
Republik Mali - geographie.
Zu den wichtigsten Exportgütern gehören Baumwolle, Vieh und Fisch. Importiert werden insbesondere Erdöl- und Nahrungsmittelprodukte, Kraftfahrzeuge, Maschinen undChemikalien. Die wichtigsten Handelspartner sind Frankreich, die Elfenbeinküste, der Senegal, Belgien, Luxemburg, Großbritannien und Deutschland. 6.3 Verkehrswesen Der Niger, der von Juli bis Januar größtenteils schiffbar ist, ist die Lebensader Malis. Der Senegal ist von Kayes bis zu seiner Mündung ebenfalls schiffbar. Das Schienennet...
Eritrea - geografía.
En 2008 Eritrea tenía una población estimada de 5.028.475 habitantes, lo cual daba una densidad de 41 hab/km² aproximadamente. La población rural de Eritrea suponeaproximadamente el 80% del total, y los cultivos y el pastoreo son las principales formas de subsistencia. Las ciudades más importantes son: Asmara, capital del país yciudad con mayor número de habitantes, los puertos de Massawa y Āseb, así como Keren, Nak'fa, Ak'ordat y Teseney. Iglesia de Santa María, AsmaraLa iglesia de Santa María...
Zentralafrikanische Republik - geographie.
ist weit verbreitet. 36,5 Prozent (2005) des Landes sind bewaldet. Die Ausbeutung der Wälder gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung: Holz macht etwa 14 Prozent der Exporteinnahmen aus. 6.2 Bergbau Die Bodenschätze dieses hauptsächlich landwirtschaftlich geprägten Landes sind vergleichsweise schlecht erschlossen. Diamanten sind die bedeutendsten Mineralien, dieabgebaut werden. Es gibt sowohl Vorkommen von Uran als auch von Eisenerz, Gold, Kalk, Zink, Kupfer und Zinn. 6.3 Industrie und Handel Die indust...
Chad - country.
B Industries The processing of cotton and cottonseed oil and the manufacturing of peanut oil are major industries in Chad. Modern meatpacking plants have been established inN’Djamena and Sarh. The fishing industry furnishes fresh, dried, and smoked fish for domestic use and export. Petroleum mining and processing are increasinglyimportant industries in Chad. Gold and natron, a mineral used to make soap, glass, paper, and medicines, are also mined. Forestry is important in the south. The outputo...
Central African Republic - country.
Manufacturing activity in the Central African Republic is very limited. Products include cottonseed, peanut, and sesame oils; textiles; leather goods; tobacco products;soap; flour; bricks; and paint. The output of electricity in 2003 was 106 million kilowatt-hours, 80.19 percent of which was generated in hydroelectric installations. Gemdiamonds account for nearly all the country’s mineral output and two-thirds of its export revenue. Production was 250,000 carats in 2004. Uranium was discovered i...
Ancient Egypt - history.
The Nile River runs through the ancient city of Thebes in eastern Egypt. For a time, beginning in 2040 bc, Thebes was the capital ofEgypt.Farrell Grehan/Photo Researchers, Inc. According to inscriptions and documents found by archaeologists, the Egyptians called their country Kemet, meaning “the Black Land,” a reference to the dark, fertile soil that remained after the Nile floodwaters had receded. They also used another term, Deshret, or “the Red Land,” a designation for the desert sands th...
Egypt - country.
Egypt has a wide variety of mineral deposits, some of which, such as gold and red granite, have been exploited since ancient times. The chief mineral resource ofcontemporary value is petroleum, found mainly in the Red Sea coastal region, at Al ‘Alamayn (El ‘Alamein) on the Mediterranean, and on the Sinai Peninsula. Otherminerals include phosphates, manganese, iron ore, and uranium. Natural gas is also extracted. D Plants and Animals The vegetation of Egypt is confined largely to the Nile Delta,...
The highest elevations in Africa are found in the various ranges of East Africa. After Kilimanjaro, the next highest peaks are Mount Kenya (5,199 m/17,057 ft), north ofKilimanjaro in central Kenya; Margherita Peak (5,109 m/ 16,762 ft) in the Ruwenzori Range on the border between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo(DRC); Ras Dashen (4,620 m/ 15,157 ft) in the Ethiopian Highlands of northern Ethiopia; Mount Meru (4,565 m/ 14,977 ft), close to Kilimanjaro in Tanzania; and MountElgon (4,...
Africa - Geography.
The highest elevations in Africa are found in the various ranges of East Africa. After Kilimanjaro, the next highest peaks are Mount Kenya (5,199 m/17,057 ft), north ofKilimanjaro in central Kenya; Margherita Peak (5,109 m/ 16,762 ft) in the Ruwenzori Range on the border between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo(DRC); Ras Dashen (4,620 m/ 15,157 ft) in the Ethiopian Highlands of northern Ethiopia; Mount Meru (4,565 m/ 14,977 ft), close to Kilimanjaro in Tanzania; and MountElgon (4,...