50 résultats pour "strike"
London Docks strike
27 august 130 000 men in strike so the docks were paralyzed Formed a comittee for the strike to organize the dispute and decide on its aims. « The main strike demand was 'the dockers' tanner' - a wage of 6d. an hour (instead of their previous 5d. an hour) and an overtime rate of 8d. per hour. They also wanted the contract and 'plus' systems to be abolished and 'call-ons' to be reduced to two a day. They also demanded that they be taken on for minimum periods of four ho...
Hubbell Strikes Out Five.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Paige Strikes Out 17.
Dean fared almost as well against such Negro League stars as James “Cool Papa” Bell and Willie Wells. Dean shut down the team of talented black players for 12innings until he gave up a run in the 13th inning. Paige earned an impressive and satisfying win, going 13 innings without a run. It seemed he could have pitchedforever. Paige's team won, 1-0. Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Labor Unions in Canada - Canadian History.
job. Before collective bargaining begins, workers elect a bargaining committee. The bargaining committee determines the workers’ demands and strategy innegotiations with the employer. Local unions usually are part of national or international unions. These national and international unions employ a staff for organizing workers at the local level, doingresearch, educating union members about labor and political matters, and working with local union leaders. Unions hold regular conventions of dele...
Labor Unions in the United States - U.
National Guard troops were used against the strikers, with the result that the strike was lost and the union that conducted it virtually destroyed. In 1894 a strike by theAmerican Railway Union against the Pullman Palace Car Company was defeated by an injunction issued under the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, which made acombination or contract in restraint of trade illegal. Thereafter employers used injunctions with increasing frequency and effectiveness as an antistrike weapon. See also Hours...
In each of the first nine frames the bowler rolls one or two balls. If the bowler knocks down all ten pins with the first ball, he or she has rolled a strike, the best roll possible. An X is recorded on the scoresheet or screen, and the bowler receives ten points (the number of pins knocked down) plus a bonus of the number of pins thebowler knocks down in his or her next two bowls. The maximum possible score in a strike frame, therefore, is 30: the strike followed by two more strikes on subseq...
pitcher or argue a call with an umpire. Two or more coaches, positioned closer to the field, assist the manager by communicating with the players. For example,managers may decide what pitches should be thrown, when batters should swing at a pitch, and how runners should move around the bases. The manager relays thesedecisions through special hand signals that the coaches repeat to communicate to the players. Umpires are responsible for interpreting and enforcing the rules of play. They rule on...
Babe Ruth's "Called Shot".
When Ruth, the second New York batter in the fifth inning, came to the plate, Wrigley Field was roaring. “They called me ‘big belly’ and ‘baboon,’” Ruth recalled,according to the book Great Moments in American Sports by Jerry Brondfield. The New York Times said of the Chicago fans, “It seems decidedly unhealthy for anyone to taunt the great man Ruth too much, and very soon the crowd was to learn its lesson.” During the at bat, Ruth mouthed off to the Chicago players in thedugout as they and...
and interpret rules. The head official on the court, called the chair umpire, sits on a tall chair at one end of the net. A varying number of line judges sit around the courtbeyond the path of the players. Line judges determine whether serves and shots are good or out. A net-cord judge may be employed to determine when a ball touchesthe top of the net, and a foot-fault judge may watch for that specific infraction. In the 1980s electronic devices began to be used in some professional tournaments...
Winnipeg - Geography.
about to become a territory of the Dominion of Canada, the Métis seized Upper Fort Garry because Canadian expansion was a threat to their own territorial claims andto their unique way of life. This began the Red River Rebellion, which ended with Canada’s 1870 agreement to make Manitoba a self-governing province. Winnipeg wasmade the provincial capital. The young city came into its own after 1885, when the Canadian Pacific Railway was extended to the Pacific Coast, but it did not really boom unti...
Snake (reptile).
in their heads that conduct sound. They are able to hear low-frequency sounds and to sense vibrations that travel through the ground or water. The majority of snakeshave good eyesight, especially for detecting moving objects, although most burrowing snakes can only distinguish between light and dark. Pit vipers, boas, and pythons have an unusual adaptation for detecting warm-blooded prey and predators. On the heads of these snakes are small pits lined with cellsthat are extremely sensitive to he...
Mirages appear because differences in air temperature cause light rays from an object to take different paths to a viewer's
Refraction of Light by DiamondsThe brilliance of diamonds is due to their high refractive index, a measure of how strongly a transparent material bendslight rays. The skill of the gem-cutter lies in angling the facets of the stone so that each light ray entering it is reflectedmany times before it emerges again.Spencer Grant/Photo Researchers, Inc. The amount of light reflected depends on the ratio of the refractive indexes for the two media. The plane of incidence contains the incident ray and...
Russian Revolutions of 1917 (Histoire) .
as Marxists. They believed that the working class—with its struggles to organize trade unions and to bring about political reforms of benefit to the majority ofpeople—would become the primary force for revolutionary change. The Russian Marxists formed the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP) in 1898. By 1903,however, the RSDLP had split into two factions. The faction called the Bolsheviks (from the Russian word for “majority”), led by Vladimir Ilich Lenin, favored a more centralized a...
Chicago (city, Illinois) - geography.
VI EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS Chicago has one of the largest public school systems in the United States. The Chicago Board of Education administers the system in a centralized fashion; in recentyears it has been experimenting with local school councils as a means of partial devolution of authority. These councils, established in 1989, have authority in severalareas, including the ability to approve budgets and curriculum. In addition, Chicago has many private schools, including larg...
Sound, physical phenomenon that stimulates the sense of hearing.
A fundamental law of harmony states that two notes an octave apart, when sounded together, produce a pleasant-sounding combination. Other combinations of notescan also be pleasing. Physically, an interval of a fifth consists of two notes, the frequencies of which bear the arithmetical ratio 3 to 2, and a major third, the ratio 5 to4. Fundamentally, the law of harmony states that two or more notes sound pleasant when played together if their frequencies bear small, whole number ratios; if thefreq...
Persian Gulf War.
to “use all necessary means” to force Iraq from Kuwait if Iraq remained in the country after January 15, 1991. The Iraqis rejected the ultimatum. Soon after the vote,the United States agreed to a direct meeting between Secretary of State James Baker and Iraq’s foreign minister. The two sides met on January 9. Neither offered tocompromise. The United States underscored the ultimatum, and the Iraqis refused to comply with it, even threatening to attack Israel. For the United States, themeeting was...
Persian Gulf War - History.
to “use all necessary means” to force Iraq from Kuwait if Iraq remained in the country after January 15, 1991. The Iraqis rejected the ultimatum. Soon after the vote,the United States agreed to a direct meeting between Secretary of State James Baker and Iraq’s foreign minister. The two sides met on January 9. Neither offered tocompromise. The United States underscored the ultimatum, and the Iraqis refused to comply with it, even threatening to attack Israel. For the United States, themeeting was...
Persian Gulf War - U.
to “use all necessary means” to force Iraq from Kuwait if Iraq remained in the country after January 15, 1991. The Iraqis rejected the ultimatum. Soon after the vote,the United States agreed to a direct meeting between Secretary of State James Baker and Iraq’s foreign minister. The two sides met on January 9. Neither offered tocompromise. The United States underscored the ultimatum, and the Iraqis refused to comply with it, even threatening to attack Israel. For the United States, themeeting was...
Jackie Robinson Breaks the Barrier.
Leagues. The crowd of fans at the Negro Leagues' annual East-West Classic All-Star Game in 1944 outnumbered the major league All-Star Game 46,247 to 29,589. Another barrier to black players fell when baseball commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis, an adamant opponent of desegregation, died in office in 1944 and wasreplaced by A. B. “Happy” Chandler. Chandler was known to support integration, but it took Branch Rickey, who had built the St. Louis Cardinals' farm system intothe finest in baseba...
Martial Arts.
These movements are based on stylized renditions of ancient kung fu arm and foot blows. C Tae Kwon Do Tae kwon do (Korean for 'way of hands and feet') was founded in 1955 by a group of masters led by Korean general Choi Hong Hi. It is the national sport and pastimeof Korea and is also popular throughout the world. Often referred to as Korean karate, tae kwon do is reputedly based on ancient Korean and modern Japanesemethods of combat. Basic to tae kwon do are many spectacular kicks, particularl...
body. In larger agencies, executive officers may be selected through a civil service or merit system, after moving through the ranks from patrol officer to sergeant,lieutenant, captain, and (in still larger agencies) deputy or assistant chief. At the county level, the head of the agency usually holds the title sheriff. The sheriff is almost always elected and has the power to appoint deputies. Sheriffs'departments often provide law enforcement services for unincorporated areas of counties and ar...
Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924), Russian revolutionary leader and theorist, who presided over the first government of Soviet Russia and then that of the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics (USSR).
with Japan ( see Russo-Japanese War). A string of military defeats and the strains placed on society by the war made for a tense atmosphere in Saint Petersburg, and by the beginning of 1905 various segments of Russian society, including students and liberal members of the nobility, were calling for political reform. When an unarmedcrowd of workers marched to the city’s Winter Palace on January 9 (or January 22, in the Western, or New Style, calendar) to submit a petition to Emperor Nicholas II,s...
Vladimir Lenin.
with Japan ( see Russo-Japanese War). A string of military defeats and the strains placed on society by the war made for a tense atmosphere in Saint Petersburg, and by the beginning of 1905 various segments of Russian society, including students and liberal members of the nobility, were calling for political reform. When an unarmedcrowd of workers marched to the city’s Winter Palace on January 9 (or January 22, in the Western, or New Style, calendar) to submit a petition to Emperor Nicholas II,s...
Vladimir Lenin .
with Japan ( see Russo-Japanese War). A string of military defeats and the strains placed on society by the war made for a tense atmosphere in Saint Petersburg, and by the beginning of 1905 various segments of Russian society, including students and liberal members of the nobility, were calling for political reform. When an unarmedcrowd of workers marched to the city’s Winter Palace on January 9 (or January 22, in the Western, or New Style, calendar) to submit a petition to Emperor Nicholas II,s...
Quantum Theory
Quantum Theory, in physics, description of the particles that make up matter and how they interact with each other and with energy.
electron in the same way a particle with momentum would: It bumps the electron and changes the electron’s path. The light is also affected by the collision as though itwere a particle, in that its energy and momentum changes. Momentum is a quantity that can be defined for all particles. For light particles, or photons, momentum depends on the frequency, or color, of the photon, which in turndepends on the photon’s energy. The energy of a photon is equal to a constant number, called Planck’s cons...
A charge-coupled device (CCD) can be much smaller than a camera tube and is much more durable. As a result, cameras with CCDs are more compact and portablethan those using a camera tube. The image they create is less vulnerable to distortion and is therefore clearer. In a CCD, the light from a scene strikes an array ofphotodiodes arranged on a silicon chip. Photodiodes are devices that conduct electricity when they are struck by light; they send this electricity to tiny capacitors. Thecapacitors...
Labor Union.
B The Legal Environment The legal environment, which permits certain types of union activities and prohibits others, also influences the extent of union organization. States with right-to-worklaws have much lower unionization rates than other states. In the United States, the states with the lowest unionization rates are North Carolina, South Carolina, SouthDakota, and Arkansas—states that have right-to-work laws. In 2000 the unionization rate in these states ranged from 4.44 percent to 6.7 per...
John Elway Leads "The Drive".
touchdown against a strong defense. Bedlam reigned inside the stadium. In their two previous possessions the Broncos mustered a total of 15 yards. When Elway entered the huddle, however, he cracked a smile. “I couldn't believe it,”Denver receiver Steve Watson told Sports Illustrated. ”He said, ‘If you work hard, good things are going to happen.’ And then he smiled again.” Elway hit running back Sammy Winder for a short gain. After two more short-yardage plays, Elway shifted into high gear....
Champion Batters and their Averages.
1985 Willie McGee St. Louis .353 1986 Tim Raines Montreal .334 1987 Tony Gwynn San Diego .370 1988 Tony Gwynn San Diego .313 1989 Tony Gwynn San Diego .336 1990 Willie McGee St. Louis .335 1991 Terry Pendleton Atlanta .319 1992 Gary Sheffield San Diego .330 1993 Andres Galarraga Colorado .370 1994* Tony Gwynn San Diego .394 1995* Tony Gwynn San Diego .368 1996 Tony Gwynn San Diego .353 1997 Tony Gwynn San Diego .372 1998 Larry Walker Colorado .363 1999 Larry Walker Colorado .379 2000 Todd Helton...
Champion Batters and their Averages
National League.
1985 Willie McGee St. Louis .353 1986 Tim Raines Montreal .334 1987 Tony Gwynn San Diego .370 1988 Tony Gwynn San Diego .313 1989 Tony Gwynn San Diego .336 1990 Willie McGee St. Louis .335 1991 Terry Pendleton Atlanta .319 1992 Gary Sheffield San Diego .330 1993 Andres Galarraga Colorado .370 1994* Tony Gwynn San Diego .394 1995* Tony Gwynn San Diego .368 1996 Tony Gwynn San Diego .353 1997 Tony Gwynn San Diego .372 1998 Larry Walker Colorado .363 1999 Larry Walker Colorado .379 2000 Todd Helton...
Argentina Wins World Cup.
Dutch team responded with two unanswered goals to earn the victory. In the consolation match Brazil squeaked past Italy, 2-1, in what was the final high-profileappearance of Brazilian star Roberto Rivelino, a three-time World Cup participant. The championship match was held at Río de la Plata stadium in Buenos Aires on Sunday, June 25. In a classic match-up, a methodical, disciplined European teamplayed against a spontaneous, mercurial South American squad. According to Argentina's coach, Ce...
Computer Memory.
been created, information can be retrieved but not changed. Newer technologies allow ROMs to be semi-permanent—that is, the information can be changed, but ittakes several seconds to make the change. For example, a FLASH memory acts like a ROM because values remain stored in memory, but the values can be changed. C External Memory External memory can generally be classified as either magnetic or optical, or a combination called magneto-optical. A magnetic storage device, such as a computer'shar...
Koala - biology.
V REPRODUCTION Female koalas become sexually mature around 18 to 24 months of age. They can produce one offspring a year until they reach about 13 years of age. Males begin toproduce sperm around age 2 and, in the absence of older, stronger males, they may breed at that young age. More often, however, a male must grow big enough tocompete with other males for females, and mating generally begins for males at about 4 years of age. The breeding season for koalas is from October to May, during the...
Benito Mussolini.
Mussolini threatened to order his tens of thousands of armed Black Shirts to occupy Rome if he were not asked to form the new government. Bands of Fascists beganmoving towards the capital in what would become known as the March on Rome. King Victor Emmanuel III at first leaned towards declaring a state of emergency andsending the army against the Fascists, but powerful interest groups, state officials, and army leaders convinced him that Mussolini should be given the chance to endwhat they consi...
Benito Mussolini .
Mussolini threatened to order his tens of thousands of armed Black Shirts to occupy Rome if he were not asked to form the new government. Bands of Fascists beganmoving towards the capital in what would become known as the March on Rome. King Victor Emmanuel III at first leaned towards declaring a state of emergency andsending the army against the Fascists, but powerful interest groups, state officials, and army leaders convinced him that Mussolini should be given the chance to endwhat they consi...
Richard Nixon.
As President Eisenhower neared the end of his second term, his vice president emerged as his logical successor, and the president endorsed Nixon in March. Nixonreceived an impressive vote in party primaries, and at the Republican National Convention, held in Chicago in July, he received all but ten of the delegates’ votes on thefirst ballot. Nixon chose as his running mate the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts. An unusual feature of the campaign wasa serie...
Richard Nixon
As President Eisenhower neared the end of his second term, his vice president emerged as his logical successor, and the president endorsed Nixon in March. Nixonreceived an impressive vote in party primaries, and at the Republican National Convention, held in Chicago in July, he received all but ten of the delegates’ votes on thefirst ballot. Nixon chose as his running mate the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts. An unusual feature of the campaign wasa serie...
United Kingdom - country.
B Natural Regions and Topography The island of Great Britain can be divided into two major natural regions—the highland zone and the lowland zone. The highland zone is an area of high hills andmountains in the north and west. The lowland zone in the south and east consists mostly of rolling plains. The zones are divided by an imaginary line running throughEngland from the River Exe on the southwest coast to the mouth of the River Tees on the northeast coast. The lowland zone has a milder climat...
Jupiter (planet) - astronomy.
Beneath the supercritical fluid zone, the pressure reaches 3 million Earth atmospheres. At this depth, the atoms collide so frequently and violently that the hydrogenatoms are ionized—that is, the negatively charged electrons are stripped away from the positively charged protons of the hydrogen nuclei. This ionization results in asea of electrically charged particles that resembles a liquid metal and gives rise to Jupiter’s magnetic field. This liquid metallic hydrogen zone is 30,000 to 40,000 k...
Spain - country.
B Natural Resources Spain has a number of mineral resources. The largest known deposits are of iron ore, zinc, and lead. Spain also produces significant quantities of copper and mercury.These deposits are mined mainly in Huelva province in southwestern Spain, around Cartagena on the Mediterranean, and at various points along the Bay of Biscay inthe north. Additionally, uranium is mined in the region of Extremadura, near the Portuguese frontier, where pyrites, fluorspar, gypsum, tungsten, and po...
French Revolution.
B2 Assembly of Notables and Estates-General To pressure the parlements into accepting the plan, Calonne decided to gain prior approval of it from an Assembly of Notables—a group of hand-picked dignitaries hethought would sympathize with his views. But Calonne had badly miscalculated. Meeting in January 1787, the assembly refused to believe that a financial crisis reallyexisted. They had been influenced by Necker’s argument that state finances were sound and suspected that the monarchy was only...
French Revolution .
B2 Assembly of Notables and Estates-General To pressure the parlements into accepting the plan, Calonne decided to gain prior approval of it from an Assembly of Notables—a group of hand-picked dignitaries hethought would sympathize with his views. But Calonne had badly miscalculated. Meeting in January 1787, the assembly refused to believe that a financial crisis reallyexisted. They had been influenced by Necker’s argument that state finances were sound and suspected that the monarchy was only...
South America - Geography.
South America is dominated by relatively warm climatic regimes. Spanning nearly the entire continent along the equator is a belt of humid tropical climate that grades tothe north and south into broad zones where the length of the rainy season and the amount of rainfall diminish. These zones have wet summers and dry winters and aresubject to prolonged droughts. Droughts are a particularly serious problem in northeastern Brazil and along the northern coast of Venezuela and Colombia. The areas ofra...
values as coming before a radical political transformation. Others argue that a radical political transformation will then be followed by a change in values. Fascists claimthat the nation has entered a dangerous age of mediocrity, weakness, and decline. They are convinced that through their timely action they can save the nation fromitself. Fascists may assert the need to take drastic action against a nation's 'inner' enemies. Fascists promise that with their help the national crisis will end an...
Vietnam - country.
E Natural Resources Vietnam’s most valuable natural resource is its land, particularly the fertile, alluvial soils in the Red and Mekong deltas. Some 29 percent of the land is currently beingcultivated. Vietnam has some valuable mineral resources, including gold, iron, tin, zinc, phosphate, chromite, apatite, and anthracite coal. Most deposits are located in the northernpart of the country. Few attempts were made to extract these minerals until the French takeover of Vietnam at the end of the 1...
Afghanistan - country.
D Climate Most of Afghanistan has a subarctic mountain climate with dry and cold winters, except for the lowlands, which have arid and semiarid climates. In the mountains and afew of the valleys bordering Pakistan, a fringe effect of the Indian monsoon, coming usually from the southeast, brings moist maritime tropical air in summer.Afghanistan has clearly defined seasons: Summers are hot and winters can be bitterly cold. Summer temperatures as high as 49°C (120°F) have been recorded in thenorth...
United States History - U.
and improved upon the designs of Arab sailing ships and learned to mount cannons on those ships. In the 15th century they began exploring the west coast ofAfrica—bypassing Arab merchants to trade directly for African gold and slaves. They also colonized the Madeira Islands, the Azores, and the Cape Verde Islands andturned them into the first European slave plantations. The European explorers were all looking for an ocean route to Asia. Christopher Columbus sailed for the monarchs of Spain in 149...
United States History - U.
and improved upon the designs of Arab sailing ships and learned to mount cannons on those ships. In the 15th century they began exploring the west coast ofAfrica—bypassing Arab merchants to trade directly for African gold and slaves. They also colonized the Madeira Islands, the Azores, and the Cape Verde Islands andturned them into the first European slave plantations. The European explorers were all looking for an ocean route to Asia. Christopher Columbus sailed for the monarchs of Spain in 149...
In Britain, Robert Owen, a philanthropic Welsh manufacturer, strove against the social problems brought about by the Industrial Revolution and sought to improve thewelfare of workers. As manager of a cotton mill, he enhanced the environment of his workers by improving their housing, modernizing mill equipment for greater safetyand sanitation, and establishing low-priced stores for the workers and schools for their children. Owen believed that workers, rather than governments, should createthe in...
Communism .
In Britain, Robert Owen, a philanthropic Welsh manufacturer, strove against the social problems brought about by the Industrial Revolution and sought to improve thewelfare of workers. As manager of a cotton mill, he enhanced the environment of his workers by improving their housing, modernizing mill equipment for greater safetyand sanitation, and establishing low-priced stores for the workers and schools for their children. Owen believed that workers, rather than governments, should createthe in...