671 résultats pour "sire"
Sir Christopher Wren
Sir Christopher Wren (1632-1723), English architect, scientist, and mathematician, who is considered his country's foremost architect.
Saint Paul’s Cathedral, LondonSaint Paul’s Cathedral, a major London landmark and the greatest achievement of architect Sir Christopher Wren, is a fineexample of English Baroque architecture. It was completed in 1710 and replaced the older cathedral that had beendestroyed in the Great Fire of 1666.Courtesy of Liesel Stanbridge Wren's designs for St. Paul's Cathedral were accepted in 1675, and he superintended the building of the vast baroque structure until its completion in 1710. It ranks asone...
Sir Robert Borden.
of the British Empire, Laurier proposed creating a Canadian navy that in case of war could be incorporated into the British navy. The plan was opposed by theConservatives, who thought that Canada should simply provide ships for the British navy. The Québec nationalists also opposed the plan because they did not wantCanada either to participate in the British navy or to have a navy of its own. At the last moment before election day in 1911 it looked as if the Liberals might win. The government ne...
Sir John Thompson.
over when the Jesuits were suppressed by the British in the 18th century. This action enraged Protestants in Ontario, who objected to public funds being given to areligious organization. In 1889 they tried to have the Jesuits' Estates Act disallowed. Thompson, however, refused to declare the act unconstitutional, and all but 13members of Parliament went along with his decision. F Abbott Government In the 1891 election, the Liberals campaigned mainly on the issue of free trade with the United St...
- C'est justement pour cela que je me défie d'elle, Sire.
– Henriot, ditCharles, jene sais pasceque tudésires, jene sais pasquel estton but ; mais sites désirs ne s’accomplissent point,situ manques lebut que tuteproposes, jeserai bienétonné. – Je puis donc compter surlasévérité duroi ? – Oui. – Alors, jesuis plus tranquille… Maintenant qu’ordonneVotreMajesté ? – Rentre cheztoi,Henriot. Moi,jesuis souffrant, jevais voir mes chiens etme mettre aulit. – Sire, ditHenri, VotreMajesté auraitdûfaire venir unmédecin ; sonindisposition d’aujourd’hui estpeut- êt...
- Gilbert, sir Humphrey Gilbert, sir Humphrey (v.
- Frobisher, sir Martin Frobisher, sir Martin (v.
- Ross, sir James Ross, sir James (1800-1862), explorateur des régions polaires.
Sir Robert Borden - Canadian History.
of the British Empire, Laurier proposed creating a Canadian navy that in case of war could be incorporated into the British navy. The plan was opposed by theConservatives, who thought that Canada should simply provide ships for the British navy. The Québec nationalists also opposed the plan because they did not wantCanada either to participate in the British navy or to have a navy of its own. At the last moment before election day in 1911 it looked as if the Liberals might win. The government ne...
Sir John Thompson - Canadian History.
over when the Jesuits were suppressed by the British in the 18th century. This action enraged Protestants in Ontario, who objected to public funds being given to areligious organization. In 1889 they tried to have the Jesuits' Estates Act disallowed. Thompson, however, refused to declare the act unconstitutional, and all but 13members of Parliament went along with his decision. F Abbott Government In the 1891 election, the Liberals campaigned mainly on the issue of free trade with the United St...
Sir Charles Tupper.
campaign, Macdonald asked him to become minister of finance. He was then sent to Washington, D.C., as leader of the Canadian delegation to settle a fisheries disputewith the United States. A treaty was worked out and signed, but the U.S. Senate refused to ratify it. Tupper had already become a Knight Commander of St. Michaeland St. George in 1879, and he received the Knight Grand Cross of St. Michael and St. George in 1886. For his services in Washington he was given the hereditary titleof baron...
- Mackenzie, sir Alexander Mackenzie, sir Alexander (v.
- Back, sir George Back, sir George (1796-1878), officier de la marine britannique et explorateur du nord-ouest du Canada.
Sir Charles Tupper - Canadian History.
campaign, Macdonald asked him to become minister of finance. He was then sent to Washington, D.C., as leader of the Canadian delegation to settle a fisheries disputewith the United States. A treaty was worked out and signed, but the U.S. Senate refused to ratify it. Tupper had already become a Knight Commander of St. Michaeland St. George in 1879, and he received the Knight Grand Cross of St. Michael and St. George in 1886. For his services in Washington he was given the hereditary titleof baron...
From Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - anthology.
And she urged it on him eagerly, and ever he refused,And vowed in very earnest, prevail she would not.And she sad to find it so, and said to him then,“If my ring is refused for its rich cost -You would not be my debtor for so dear a thing—I shall give you my girdle; you gain less thereby.”She released a knot lightly, and loosened a beltThat was caught about her kirtle, the bright cloak beneath,Of a gay green silk, with gold overwroght,And the borders all bound with embroidery fine,And this she p...
- Shackleton, sir Ernest Shackleton, sir Ernest (1874-1922), explorateur britannique de l'Antarctique.
- Hillary, sir Edmund Hillary, sir Edmund (1919-2008), alpiniste et explorateur néo-zélandais, vainqueur du mont Everest.
- Bragg (sir William Henry) (Wigton, Cumberland, 1862 - Londres, 1942) et son fils, sir Lawrence (Adélaïde, Australie, 1890 - Ipswich, 1971).
- Raleigh, sir Walter Raleigh, sir Walter (1554-1618), navigateur et écrivain anglais, figure importante à la cour de la reine Élisabeth Ire.
- Franklin, sir John Franklin, sir John (1786-1847), officier naval britannique, administrateur colonial et explorateur de l'Arctique, né à Spilsby, dans le Lincolnshire.
Sir Mackenzie Bowell.
government. B Retirement Bowell's political career was not quite over. He remained Conservative leader in the Senate until 1906. He did not forgive his rebellious colleagues, even when some ofthem joined him in the Senate. In 1905 he reasserted in a speech that they had been “a nest of traitors.” Even his retirement in 1906 struck a bitter note. TheConservative senators elected one senator to succeed Bowell, but not before another senator had been led by Bowell to expect the position. Microsof...
- Parry, sir William Parry, sir William (1790-1855), explorateur britannique de l'Arctique dont les tentatives pour trouver le passage du Nord-Ouest et atteindre le pôle Nord se soldèrent par des échecs.
Sir John Abbott.
nonetheless tarnished a number of Conservative reputations. Mainly, however, these charges succeeded only in keeping the government on the defensive. The party'srelative success was due partly to Thompson's debating powers and partly to the conveniently timed defeat of the Liberals in Québec because of similar charges ofcorruption. V RETIREMENT In November 1892, Abbott's doctors warned him that he must retire. In his letter of resignation he advised the governor-general to send for Thompson. Ab...
- Drake, sir Francis.
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Dates)
- Lely, sir Peter - biographie.
Reynolds, sir Joshua - biographie du peintre.
Reynolds, Miss Anna Ward et son chien Joshua Reynolds, Miss Anna Ward et son chien, 1787. Huile sur toile, 141,6 × 113,7 cm. Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas.Kimbell Art Museum/Corbis Contemporain et ami de Thomas Gainsborough, Joshua Reynolds fonde en 1764 un club littéraire qui compte parmi ses membres l'essayiste et critique Samuel Johnson, l'acteur David Garrick et l'homme d'État Edmund Burke. En 1768, Reynolds est élu président à l’unanimité de la nouvelle Royal Academy of Arts. Il y p...
- ELLE LE FERAIT SI ELLE LE POUVAIT (résumé) de Sir George Etherege
Wren, sir Christopher - biographie du peintre.
Wren (Christopher), Royal Hospital (Chelsea) Mis en chantier en 1682 sur l'ordre de Charles II, qui voulait offrir un toit aux soldats retraités et aux invalides de guerre, le Royal Hospital de Chelsea a été inauguré dix ans plus tard parGuillaume III et Marie II. C'est l'un des plus beaux ensembles architecturaux de Londres, dessiné par sir Christopher Wren ; il comprend notamment une magnifique collégiale et abrite encoreaujourd'hui quelque quatre cents pensionnaires.London Aerial Photo Librar...
- SIRIS (Résumé et analyse)
Sir Mackenzie Bowell - Canadian History.
government. B Retirement Bowell's political career was not quite over. He remained Conservative leader in the Senate until 1906. He did not forgive his rebellious colleagues, even when some ofthem joined him in the Senate. In 1905 he reasserted in a speech that they had been “a nest of traitors.” Even his retirement in 1906 struck a bitter note. TheConservative senators elected one senator to succeed Bowell, but not before another senator had been led by Bowell to expect the position. Microsof...
Reynolds, sir Joshua - vie et oeuvre du peintre.
Reynolds, Miss Anna Ward et son chien Joshua Reynolds, Miss Anna Ward et son chien, 1787. Huile sur toile, 141,6 × 113,7 cm. Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas.Kimbell Art Museum/Corbis Contemporain et ami de Thomas Gainsborough, Joshua Reynolds fonde en 1764 un club littéraire qui compte parmi ses membres l'essayiste et critique Samuel Johnson, l'acteur David Garrick et l'homme d'État Edmund Burke. En 1768, Reynolds est élu président à l’unanimité de la nouvelle Royal Academy of Arts. Il y p...
- Le chien des Baskerville de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Sir John Abbott - Canadian History.
nonetheless tarnished a number of Conservative reputations. Mainly, however, these charges succeeded only in keeping the government on the defensive. The party'srelative success was due partly to Thompson's debating powers and partly to the conveniently timed defeat of the Liberals in Québec because of similar charges ofcorruption. V RETIREMENT In November 1892, Abbott's doctors warned him that he must retire. In his letter of resignation he advised the governor-general to send for Thompson. Ab...
- Ross, sir Ronald - sciences et techniques.
- Ross, sir Ronald - savants et scientifiques.
- Ross, sir Ronald - Biologiste / Naturaliste.
- Sir Francis Drake.
- Beaumanoir, sire de
- Frankland, sir Edward - chimiste.
- Dewar, sir James - physicien.
- Wheatstone, sir Charles - physicien.
- Fleming, sir Alexander - médecine.
- Smirke, sir Robert - architecture.
- Soane, sir John - architecture.
- Steele, sir Richard - littérature.
- Sir John Joseph Caldwell Abbott - biography.
- Paxton, sir Joseph - architecture.