20 résultats pour "saké"
- Saki moine: Ou saki à perruque.
- ? saka.
- Sakai.
- Saki
- Saki - littérature.
- Saki - écrivain.
- Saki moine
- Saki: Avec son poil hirsute, il a l'air d'un petit vieux.
- Akinari Ueda, 1 734-1809, né à ? saka, écrivain japonais.
1914, Übersetzung zu den Heften 1-4 der Urk.
Mark J.SMITH 1980, «A Second Dynasty KinginaDemotic Papyrus ofthe Roman Period»,JEA 66,173. R. W. SMITH &D. REDFORD 1976, TheAkhenaten TempleProject, 1,Initial Discoveries, Warminster. 1988, TheAkhenaten TempleProject, 2,The Temple Rwd-Mnw andtheInscriptions, Warminster. W. S.SMIT H 1978, AHistory ofEgyptian Sculpture andPainting inthe Old Kingdom. SNR =Sudan NotesandRecords, Khartoum. Sond. DAIK=Sonderdrücke desDeutschen Archäologischen InstitutsinKairo, LeCaire. Georges SOUKIASSIAN 1981, «Une...
Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics
2) Hume, enquiry concerning the principles of morals self love vs public affection The second appendix is intended to clarify the meaning of the term self-love. Does this term connote only those actions which are selfish in the narrower sense of the word, or is it possible that it includes actions which are usually called altruistic? The question arises from the fact that moral sentiments are said to have their origin in the feelings. Whose feelings are referred to in this connection? Is it...
Hermann GRAPOW
1949, Studien zu den Annalen Thutmosis des Dritten und zu ihnen verwandten historischen Berichten des
Neuen Reiches, ADAW, 1947/2.
BSEG 9-10,109-112. 1985a, «Das Fragment einerListefremdlândischer Tiere,Pflanzen undStâdte ausdem Totentempel des Kônigs Djedkare-Asosi »,SAK 12,29-42. 1985b, «Ein zweites Sedfest desKönigs Adjib»,VA 1,91-98. William GROFF 1899, «Moïse etles magiciens àla Cour dupharaon d'aprèslatradition chrétienne etles textes démotiques », RT 21, 219-222. 1902, «Études surcertains rapports entrel'Égypte etlaBible »,RT 24, 121-134. K.A. GRZYMSKI 1982, «Medewi/ BedewiandM d s/ Bedja »,GM 58,27-30. Rolf GUNDLACH...
Modern Art
American Gothic
American Gothic was painted by the 20th-century American artist Grant Wood in 1930.
while at the other side a woman in black appears to mourn the end of her participation in the dance. Click on the buttonsto learn more.© Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. In view of this diversity, it is difficult to define modern art in a way that includes all of 20th-century Western art. For some critics, the most important characteristic ofmodern art is its attempt to make painting and sculpture ends in themselves, thus distinguishing modernism from earlier forms of art that had con...
1983, « A Critical Examination of the Theory that the Right to the Throne of Ancient Egypt Passed Through the
Female Line in the 18th Dynasty », GM 62, 67-78.
1977-1978, «Ahhotep Iand Ahhotep II», Serapis 4,31-40. Jean ROUSSEAU 1988, «Les calendriers deDjoser »,DE 11, 73-86. Georges Roux 1985, LaMésopotamie. Essaid'histoire politique, économique etculturelle ,Paris, Seuil. RSO =Rivista degliStudi Orientali, Rome. Gerhard RÜHLMANN 1971, «Deine Feinde fallenunterdeinen Sohlen :Bemerkungen zueinem altorientalischen Machtsymbol», WZU Halle 20,61-84. Edna R.RUSSMANN 1974, TheRepresentation ofthe King, XXVth Dynasty, Bruxelles. 1979, «Some Reflections onthe...
1984, « Prêtres isiaques: essai d'anthropologie religieuse », BIFAO 84, 155-187.
1969, LeProche-Orient asiatique.Desorigines auxinvasions desPeuples delaMer, «Nouvele Clio»,P.U.F., Paris, 2e édition, 1982. P. GARELLI &V. NIKIPROWETZKY 1974, LeProche-Orient asiatique.Lesempires mésopotamiens. Israël,«Nouvelle Clio»,P.U.F., Paris. Jean Sainte FareGARNOT 1942, «L'imakh etles imakhous d'aprèslesTextes desPyramides »,Annuaire del'École Pratique des Hautes Études, Ve Section, 1-32. 1948, Lavie religieuse dansl'ancienne Égypte,coll.«Mythes etReligions »,P.U.F. 1952, «Études surlané...
Herman KEES
1954, « Zu den Annaleninschrift des Hohenpriesters Osorkon vom 11.
1984, «Family Relationship ofRamses IXand theLate Twentieth Dynasty»,SAK 11,127-134. 1985, «Les suites desguerres libyennes deRamses III», RdE 36,177-179. 1986, TheThird Intermediate PeriodinEgypt (1100-650 B.C.),seconde édition,augmentée, Warminster. 1987a, «The Titularies ofthe Ramesside KingsasExpression oftheir Ideal Kingship »,ASAE 71,131-141. 1987b, «Amenmesses inNorthern Egypt»,GM 99,23-25. K RI =K. A.KITCHEN, Ramesside Inscriptions. HistoricalandBiographical, 7vol., Oxford, 1968-1988 :ci...
From Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - anthology.
And she urged it on him eagerly, and ever he refused,And vowed in very earnest, prevail she would not.And she sad to find it so, and said to him then,“If my ring is refused for its rich cost -You would not be my debtor for so dear a thing—I shall give you my girdle; you gain less thereby.”She released a knot lightly, and loosened a beltThat was caught about her kirtle, the bright cloak beneath,Of a gay green silk, with gold overwroght,And the borders all bound with embroidery fine,And this she p...
Your mother and I never talk about the past, that's a rule.
under theNothing doorandstained theSomething hallway,there'snothing tosay. Itbecame difficulttonavigate from Something toSomething withoutaccidentally walkingthrough Nothing, andwhen Something—a key,apen, a pocketwatch—was accidentallyleftinaNothing Place,itnever couldberetrieved, thatwasanunspoken rule,likenearly all ofour rules havebeen. There cameapoint, ayear ortwo ago, when ourapartment wasmore Nothing than Something, thatinitself didn't havetobe aproblem, itcould havebeen agood thing, itco...
Japan - country.
island’s fertile soils support agriculture and provide the vast majority of Japan’s pasturelands. In addition, Hokkaidō contains coal deposits, and the cold currents off itsshores supply cold-water fish. Winters are long and harsh, so most of Hokkaid ō is lightly settled, housing about 5 percent of Japan’s population on approximately 20 percent of its land area. However,its snowy winters and unspoiled natural beauty attract many skiers and tourists. Hokkaid ō is thought of as Japan’s northern fr...