109 résultats pour "road"
Song of the Open Road
Leaves of Grass, 1900
Walt Whitman
Afoot and light-hearted, I take to the open road,
Healthy, free, the world before me,
The long brown path before me, leading wherever I choose.
I think you are latent with unseen existences — you are so dear to me. You flagg'd walks of the cities! you strong curbs at the edges! You ferries! you planks and posts of wharves! you timber-lined sides! you distant ships! You rows of houses! you window-pierc'd façades! you roofs! You porches and entrances! you copings and iron guards! You windows whose transparent shells might expose so much! You doors and ascending steps! you arches! You gray stones of interminable pavements! you trodden cros...
Silk Road - history.
Takla Makan DesertTravelers on the Silk Road had to cross the Takla Makan desert, a bleak region of drifting sand dunes in northwestern China. Mostcaravans, using camels like these for transport, traveled along the edges of the desert, at the base of the mountain ranges thatsurround it.AFP/Corbis The Silk Road consisted of several principal routes. The different routes developed in response to environmental obstacles and changing political circumstances. All caravans traveling from east to west...
Silk Road - History.
and high in value because they were carried on the backs of the limited number of camels in each caravan. Thus, of necessity they were luxury items, not bulky rawmaterials or essential goods for daily use. The oases and towns along the route, which were located in or near remote areas, profited from the Silk Road trade and reliedon it for their existence. The great empires of Persia, China, and Rome, however, could easily have survived without the commerce in luxury goods. V SPREAD OF RELIGION A...
Les road movies (histoire du cinéma)
JIM JAIMUSCH Un ancien flic, pilote de course à ses De Stranger thon Paradise (Caméra heures , parie de livrer une voiture de d'or en 1983} au mélancolique Broken Denver à San Francisco en un temps Flowers (2005), en passant par l'épopée record. Vrte pris en chasse par la police, du trio de prisonniers en fuite de Dawn il joue le tout pour le tout et fonce , by Law (1985), le genre du road movie guidé dans sa course par un animateur a inspiré...
- Hampton Roads.
- On the road
- road trip
The Road : le film
Hillcoat sought to make the film faithful to the spirit of the book, creating « a world in severe trauma, » although the circumstances of the apocalyptic event are never explained. He preferred to shoot in real locations. He said « We didn't want to go the CGI (Computer-generated imagery) world. ». The filming in outer lasted 60 days, in more than 50 different settings. Unlike most of the filming, the team looked for places in ruins, abandoned, and especially not welcoming. And as The Road is se...
on the road de kerouac
able to give up everything just because they have enough of the other people. But this is also the decision of the main character in Kerouac's text, according to him, he is different, that's why he decided to exclude himself of the white society, he is working to live, but when the work is over, he moves to an another place, he's living on the road. In Beardsley's painting we can see a woman at the top she is half naked and we can see a demon at the bottom. Indeed, she is half naked, she is show...
- commentaire composé L'Emigrant de Landor road
- Hampton Roads.
gather to cheer the riders as they pedal by on each lap. Unlike stage racing and time trialing, the emphasis in a criterium is on speed and bike handling rather thanendurance. Track racing is done in a stadium-like arena called a velodrome. A modern velodrome is an oval track with steeply banked corners that facilitate high speed. Velodromes can be enclosed or open-air, and the tracks are constructed of wood or concrete. Popular in Europe and the United States at the beginning of the 20th cent...
Sustainability 2019,11 , 189 2 of 24Since the 1980s, many research was conducted to minimize the error of prediction through a method dubbed as gradient descent. This method is referred to as a Backpropagation algorithm for the training of the ANNs and it was applied to solve problems in different domains using few hidden layers [ 5,6]. Today, the availability of data has introduced the concept of machine learning as a subcategory to AI. Machine learning implies coding the computers to behave l...
Harry S.
B2 Presiding Judge Political machines, such as the Pendergast organization, were common to both parties in the 1920s. They were based on the spoils system, in which winning politiciansgave government jobs to those loyal party members who had helped them get elected. Using government jobs as rewards, politicians created efficient (and oftenalmost unstoppable) vote-getting “machines,” in which party loyalty was often more important than doing any work. Without local machine support a political ca...
Harry S.
B2 Presiding Judge Political machines, such as the Pendergast organization, were common to both parties in the 1920s. They were based on the spoils system, in which winning politiciansgave government jobs to those loyal party members who had helped them get elected. Using government jobs as rewards, politicians created efficient (and oftenalmost unstoppable) vote-getting “machines,” in which party loyalty was often more important than doing any work. Without local machine support a political ca...
Himalayas - geography.
result of deforestation the habitat of most of the wildlife has been destroyed. They are now restricted to special protected areas such as the Jaldapara and Kazirangasanctuaries in India ( see Kaziranga National Park) and the Chitawan preserve in Nepal. There are few animals in the Middle Himalayas because of extensive deforestation. In the Great Himalayas musk deer, wild goats, sheep, wolves, and snow leopards are found. The existence of the Abominable Snowman or Yeti has beenreported by highla...
narrow as possible to minimize weight and interference with pedaling. F Specialty Bicycles Many other types of bicycles are designed for special purposes. Although not as common as standard single-rider racing, touring, mountain, or recreational bicycles,they nonetheless have significant niches. Recumbent bicycles are bicycles on which the rider sits upright as if in a chair, with legs and feet stretched out in front. Because they support the rider’s lower back,recumbents allow the rider far mo...
JIM JAIMUSCH Un ancien flic, pilote de course à ses De Stranger thon Paradise (Caméra heures , parie de livrer une voiture de d'or en 1983} au mélancolique Broken Denver à San Francisco en un temps Flowers (2005), en passant par l'épopée record. Vrte pris en chasse par la police, du trio de prisonniers en fuite de Dawn il joue le tout pour le tout et fonce , by Law (1985), le genre du road movie guidé dans sa course par un animateur a inspiré...
My road trip in Italy
Road trip Anglais Hello everybody, today I’m going to tell you about my road trip in Italy. I chose to visit the North of Italy, from Como Lake to Rome. I stayed there one year ago, from the 10th to 15th of March. It was the birthday present for me and my sister. So, we started our road trip from the Como Lake, one of the most famous italian lake. The lake is shaped like an inverted "Y". Each branch of the lake has its own main town: Como on the south-western branch, Lecco on the south-eas...
Automobile Racing.
beginning in 1906 at Le Mans it came to refer to the principal F1 auto race in a given nation, except in the United States, where the term continues to be used lessdiscriminately. After the end of World War I in 1918, when automobile racing blossomed internationally, a series of GP races in several nations became reserved for F1competition, and an annual GP calendar was developed consisting of national races, such as the French Grand Prix and the British Grand Prix. An annual award calledthe Wor...
From The Red Badge of Courage - anthology.
The youth put forth anxious arms to assist him, but the tall soldier went firmly on as if propelled. Since the youth's arrival as a guardian for his friend, the otherwounded men had ceased to display much interest. They occupied themselves again in dragging their own tragedies toward the rear. Suddenly, as the two friends marched on, the tall soldier seemed to be overcome by a terror. His face turned to a semblance of gray paste. He clutched the youth's armand looked all about him, as if dre...
It was some years ago that IJIY wife and 1 and our friends first began to catch on to these roads. We. took them once in a while for variety or for a shortcut to another main highway, and each time the scenery was grand and we left the road with a feeling of relaxation and enjoyment. We did this time after time before realizing what should have been obvious: these roads are truly different from the main ones. The whole pace (1) of lif...
- Figure on a Road, Nuenen 1884 - Vincent Van Gogh
Mumbai - geography.
number of people employed by them increased from 7,000 in the 1860s to 73,000 in 1900. Mumbai also prospered as an international port with the 1869 opening ofthe Suez Canal, which shortened the shipping route to Europe. Today most of India’s cotton continues to be grown in the Mumbai hinterland on a fertile, lava-based soilknown as black cotton soil. Textiles remain the dominant industry, employing more than half the workforce. Other important products of Mumbai include refined oil,petrochemical...
Inca Empire.
The Incas’ public works were built through a labor tax known as mit’a. This tax required most people incorporated into the Inca Empire to provide labor for public worksduring certain portions of each year. This labor tax supported large-scale public works that required the marshalling of large labor forces, such as for the building offorts, roads, and bridges, or the mining of metals and gems. It also allowed the emperor to raise large armies to undertake wars of conquest. Road building was impo...
Inca Empire - History.
The Incas’ public works were built through a labor tax known as mit’a. This tax required most people incorporated into the Inca Empire to provide labor for public worksduring certain portions of each year. This labor tax supported large-scale public works that required the marshalling of large labor forces, such as for the building offorts, roads, and bridges, or the mining of metals and gems. It also allowed the emperor to raise large armies to undertake wars of conquest. Road building was impo...
Tuen her voice again. "Y es." "What have you got?" The first voice. "What have you got there 30 in the back?" Her voice. "Old clothes. I'm making a collection for China War Relief." The first voice. "We'll have a look, if you don't mind." Her voice. "Go right ahead." 35 The sound of the door opening. The sound of the blonde girl mo- ving over so that the policemen could gain access to the back seat. He started to picture it again. Th...
The Beatles - Musik.
1963 Please, Please Me Please, Please MeLove Me DoI Saw Her Standing ThereTwist and Shout 1963 With The Beatles It Won't Be LongAll My LovingPlease Mister PostmanRoll Over BeethovenI Wanna Be Your Man 1964 Meet The Beatles I Want To Hold Your HandThis Boy 1964 Something New Things We Said TodayAnd I Love Her 1964 A Hard Day's Night A Hard Day's NightCan't Buy Me LoveI Should Have Known Better 1964 Beatles for Sale I'm A LoserEight Days A WeekEverybody's Trying To Be MyBaby 1965 Help! Help!Youre...
2 Critical commonsensism: a systematic treatment ‘The slogans are impressive enough, ' one may say, ‘but how are they to be applied? ' In setting out, one presupposes that, by contemplating various possible beliefs, we can find out that some of them logically imply others, that some contradict others, that some are such that they serve to confirm others (they make the others probable) and that some are such as to disconfirm others (they make the others improbable). Probability, as Peirce con...
Cameroon - country.
seminomadic herders of the north. Cattle, goats, and fowl are the most commonly raised animals. B Forestry and Fishing Timber is traditionally one of Cameroon’s most valuable exports, consisting mainly of mahogany, ebony, and teak. The timber cut in 2006 amounted to 11.4 million cu m(401 million cu ft). Most of the fish caught in Cameroon come from the country’s rivers and lakes and are consumed locally. However, deep-sea fishing activity isincreasing, especially from the port of Douala. Some 1...
From Bulfinch's Mythology: Prometheus and Pandora - anthology.
The world being thus furnished with inhabitants, the first age was an age of innocence and happiness, called the Golden Age. Truth and right prevailed, though not enforced by law, nor was there any magistrate to threaten or punish. The forest had not yet been robbed of its trees to furnish timbers for vessels, nor had men builtfortifications round their towns. There were no such things as swords, spears, or helmets. The earth brought forth all things necessary for man, without his labour inplo...
Buenos Aires (city) - geography.
The city has produced or nurtured many of the most prominent Spanish-language writers of the 20th century, including Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortázar, and ManuelPuig. Buenos Aires has long been one of the primary centers of Spanish-language publishing and printing, and it is home to major publishing companies. It supports theoldest English-language daily newspaper in Latin America, the Buenos Aires Herald, published since 1876. The arts have a long, rich history in Buenos Aires. This is mani...
: Andrew Foster
: 105 Cheriton Road, Dorchester, Dorest DY4
Interests & Activities Playing the piano and harpsichord ; playing renaissance music on authentic instruments ; instrument making, (particularly keyboard instruments); chess ; European literature and philosophy ; cross-country walking ; horticulture ; active member of Ecology Party. Personal Details Married 1978 Two children, born 1982 and 1986 References Dr Bryan Tunniwell, Bartington Hall, London Mr Richard Raine, Headmaster, Grove Middle School, Dorchester, Dorset
Moscow (city, Russia) - geography.
Moscow hosted the XXII Summer Olympics, held in part at the city’s Luzhniki Park sports complex. VI ECONOMY Moscow is the largest industrial center in Russia. More than half of its highly skilled industrial workforce is employed in engineering and metalworking industries thatproduce cars, trucks, ball bearings, and machine tools. The centuries-old textile industry is the city’s second largest employer. In the early 1990s the largest sectors ofemployment for Moscow’s workforce were industry (24...
Liberia - country.
West Atlantic, or Kwa linguistic groups. D Education Education is free and compulsory for children between the ages of 6 and 15. However, a scarcity of educational facilities means that few Liberians progress beyondprimary school. Almost all children of primary school-age attend school, but the figure drops to 23 percent (1999–2000) for secondary school-age children. Just 60percent of the population was literate in 2005. Higher education is provided by the University of Liberia (1862), in Monro...
The Gambia - country.
The population of The Gambia (2008 estimate) is 1,735,464, making it one of the least populous countries of Africa. Still, the country has a fairly high overall populationdensity of 174 persons per sq km (449 per sq mi), and the population is increasing at a rate of 2.7 percent a year. Banjul, formerly called Bathurst, is the capital andonly seaport. The largest city is Serrekunda, a transportation hub and commercial center. B Religion and Language The great majority of the people of The Gambia...
Kuwait (country) - country.
Oil revenues have allowed Kuwait to build an extensive educational system, yielding a literacy rate of 84 percent. Public school is free and compulsory from the age of 6to 13, and several private schools also teach this age group. Kuwait University (founded in 1966) is also free and offers programs in a wide range of professional andscientific fields at several campuses. Both the extensive library system at Kuwait University and the collection at Kuwait National Museum (1957) were heavily damage...
Electric motors have been used to power automobiles since the late 1800s. Electric power supplied by batteries runs the motor, which rotates a driveshaft, the shaftthat transmits engine power to the axles. Commercial electric car models for specialized purposes were available in the 1980s. General Motors Corporation introduced amass-production all-electric car in the mid-1990s. Automobiles that combine two or more types of engines are called hybrids. A typical hybrid is an electric motor with ba...
Puerto Rico - geography.
the length of the day remains fairly constant throughout the year. San Juan has a mean July temperature of 28°C (83°F) and a mean January temperature of 25°C (77°F). The average temperature of the seawater surrounding theisland is 27°C (81°F), with little variation during the course of the year. The entire island is cooled by the trade winds from the northeast. This air also contains much water vapor. As the air is forced to rise over the mountains, it becomescooler and the water vapor condenses...
China - country.
North China lies between the Mongolian Steppe on the north and the Yangtze River Basin on the south. It stretches west from the Bo Hai gulf and the Yellow Sea to theeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau. Administratively, North China includes Beijing and Tianjin municipalities; Shandong and Shanxi provinces; most of Hebei, Henan,and Shaanxi provinces; and portions of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and of Jiangsu, Anhui, and Gansu provinces. Humans have lived in the agriculturally rich region of Nor...
Virginia (state) - geography.
C Coastline Virginia’s coastline, for both the mainland and the Eastern Shore counties, is 180 km (112 mi) long. The state’s tidal shoreline measures 5,335 km (3,315 mi), includingall bays, inlets, tidal estuaries, and other indentations. Major indentations include Chesapeake Bay; Hampton Roads, the excellent natural harbor on which are locatedNewport News, Norfolk, and Portsmouth; and the wide tidal estuaries of the lower Potomac, James, Rappahannock, and York rivers. Cape Henry, in the southe...
Virginia (state) - USA History.
C Coastline Virginia’s coastline, for both the mainland and the Eastern Shore counties, is 180 km (112 mi) long. The state’s tidal shoreline measures 5,335 km (3,315 mi), includingall bays, inlets, tidal estuaries, and other indentations. Major indentations include Chesapeake Bay; Hampton Roads, the excellent natural harbor on which are locatedNewport News, Norfolk, and Portsmouth; and the wide tidal estuaries of the lower Potomac, James, Rappahannock, and York rivers. Cape Henry, in the southe...
III GAUGES The gauge of track is the distance between the inner edges of the rails at points 1.59 cm (0.626 in) below the top of the heads. In the United States, Canada, theUnited Kingdom, Mexico, Norway, Sweden, and much of continental Europe, the standard gauge is 143.51 cm (56.5 in). Why this measurement became the standard isa matter of speculation. Probably the tradition is inherited from early tramroads built to accommodate wagons with axles 1.5 m (5 ft) long; some of the early edge rail...
Prehistoric archaeology is practiced by archaeologists known as prehistorians and deals with ancient cultures that did not have writing of any kind. Prehistory, a term coined by 19th-century French scholars, covers past human life from its origins up to the advent of written records. History—that is, the human past documented insome form of writing—began 5000 years ago in parts of southwestern Asia and as recently as the late 19th century AD in central Africa and parts of the Americas. Becaus...
Shanghai - geography.
language. V EDUCATION AND CULTURE Shanghai is one of China’s leading centers of learning and culture. The metropolitan area is home to more than 40 institutions of higher learning. These include some ofChina’s most famous universities, such as Fudan University (founded in 1905), Tongji University (1907), and the East China Normal University (1951). A large branch ofthe Chinese Academy of Sciences is located in Shanghai, and extensive research is undertaken in areas such as semiconductors, laser...
Moscow (city, Russia) - geography.
V RECREATION About 30 percent of Moscow’s territory is occupied by parks and public gardens, which were important elements of Soviet city planning. Gorky Park, which providesactivities such as amusement rides and boating, sits on the right bank of the Moscow River; the park’s display of a retired Soviet space shuttle dominates the riverside.The Moscow Zoo is located just west of the city center. The Botanical Gardens, administered by the Russian Academy of Sciences, offers a diverse display of...
Idaho - geography.
Idaho-Montana state line in the southern part of the Bitterroot Mountains. Consequently, nearly all the rivers in the state drain toward the Pacific. Most of Idaho lieswithin the drainage basin of the Columbia River system. The Snake River, which is the chief river in southern and central Idaho, follows a crescent-shaped course forabout 790 km (about 490 mi) across southern Idaho. It then swings northward along the Idaho state line and joins the Columbia River in Washington. Major tributariesof...
Idaho - USA History.
Idaho-Montana state line in the southern part of the Bitterroot Mountains. Consequently, nearly all the rivers in the state drain toward the Pacific. Most of Idaho lieswithin the drainage basin of the Columbia River system. The Snake River, which is the chief river in southern and central Idaho, follows a crescent-shaped course forabout 790 km (about 490 mi) across southern Idaho. It then swings northward along the Idaho state line and joins the Columbia River in Washington. Major tributariesof...
DRIVING corrigé du bac
1. Commentaire dirigé 1) Do you agree with the author about the main cause of road accidents? Can you think of other causes? 2) Why can we consider J. B. Priestley a most unusual car owner? 3) Sorne people think that cars are a nuisance in our modem world. To what extent are they right? 4) Would you spend your first year's salary on a car? State your reasons. 2. Version Traduire de "Spend an hour ... " à "up and down the country"....
Han Dynasty - history.
of merit rather than birth. Written examinations were adopted as a means of determining the best qualified people, although use of the examinations in actually makingappointments was limited. A school was established at the capital for training government officials. The administrative bureaucracy was systematized, and a career civilservice was created and extended through much of the empire. Although personally interested in the magical side of Daoism, Wudi made a descendent of Confucius the sup...