132 résultats pour "research"
- National Research Council of Canada.
Please forward us your résumé, including previous research experience, graduate and postgraduate transcripts, and two
letters of recommendation.
could check iton this, too." Itold himIcould setupane-mail account forhim ifhe wanted. Hesaid, "Yeah?" Itook his device, whichIwasn't familiar with,butfigured outpretty quickly, andseteverything up.Isaid, "What doyou want fora user name?" Isuggested "Allen,"or"AllenBlack," oranickname. "Or'Engineer.' Thatcould becool." Heput hisfinger on his mustache andthought aboutit.Iasked ifhe had anykids. Hesaid, "Ason. Soon he'sgoing tobe taller thanme.Taller and smarter. He'llbeagreat doctor. Abrain surge...
Robert Hookepar Edward Neville Da Costa AndradeDirecteur de la Royal Institution et du Davy Faraday Research LaboratoryFils du vicaire de la paroisse de Freshwater, dans l'île de Wight, RobertHooke naquit en 1635.
par Edward Neville Da Costa Andrade Directeur de la Royal Institution et du Davy Faraday Research Laboratory
recherch method
2 Chapter I - Research Question Research consist to investigate a given problem in order to solve it. But before to investigate, we need t o find out the problem. Without issue, investigation is not able to take place. That’s why it is important to find out the issue, the true one . An d for that, we need to follow some steps to choose the appropriate one. The first step is the interest . Before to choose a research question, it is primordial to know what w...
Stem Cell.
The medical profession used adult stem cells to treat diseases long before anyone isolated one. In 1968 scientists performed the first successful bone marrowtransplant, a procedure in which a patient receives an infusion of healthy bone marrow cells. The purpose of such transplants is to restore the blood-making capabilitiesof the patient’s diseased bone marrow after extremely strong chemotherapy has destroyed that bone marrow. From the beginning investigators suspected that stemcells in the inf...
La Psychiatrie est elle une science?
distinguish science from non-science. Philosophers of science now generally agree that the search for a demarcation criterion has failed. However, in other disciplines the search for a means of distinguishing science from pseudoscience continues. I review the current debate in psychology and psychiatry. Then, returning to philosophical work, I discuss and support accounts according to which 'science' is best considered a family resemblance term. This suggests that whether psychiatric research is...
Advertising agencies make money in a variety of ways. When the agency uses the client’s advertising budget to buy time for an ad on the radio or on television or whenit buys space for an ad in a newspaper or magazine, the media outlet allows the agency to keep 15 percent of the cost of the space or the time as a commission. The15 percent commission has become an advertising industry standard and usually accounts for the largest portion of the agency’s income. Agencies also charge clientsfor the...
Computer Science.
theoretical research is called algorithmic complexity. Computer scientists in this field seek to develop techniques for determining the inherent efficiency of algorithmswith respect to one another. Another area of theoretical research called computability theory seeks to identify the inherent limits of computation. Software engineers use programming languages to communicate algorithms to a computer. Natural languages such as English are ambiguous—meaning that theirgrammatical structure and vocab...
Library of Congress.
manuscripts, books, and films. The Digital Library’s eventual goal is to make available 80 million items from the Library of Congress’s collection that are not easilyavailable elsewhere. V ORGANIZATION AND FUNDING The librarian of Congress serves as the director of the institution. Tradition, politics, and strong personalities have shaped the function of this office. Although the Libraryof Congress was established in 1800, the office of librarian was not created until passage of a law in 1802....
History museums are dedicated to promoting a greater appreciation and knowledge of history and its importance to understanding the present and anticipating thefuture. They range from historic sites and small historic house museums to large, encyclopedic institutions such as the Smithsonian’s National Museum of AmericanHistory in Washington, D.C. Many cities and states have historical societies that operate museums or historic sites. History museums usually collect a wide range ofobjects, includi...
Manhattan Project - U.
other possible uses of nuclear energy, such as using uranium to operate large power plants or, perhaps, as power sources for ships or submarines. Then Nazi Germanyinvaded Poland on September 1, 1939, and Europe plunged into war. The scientists realized that any plans to build large-scale nuclear power plants would have to waituntil the war was over. Two weeks after the invasion of Poland, Hitler made a radio speech in which he threatened Britain with “a weapon against which there is no defense.”...
Giant Panda - biology.
In 2007 conservationists announced that a parasitic roundworm was responsible for a significant number of the panda deaths reported in the wild since 1990. Theparasite Baylisascaris schroederi causes the disease visceral larval migrans, which results in bleeding in the lungs, the liver, and the intestines, and can also affect the brain. It is not known if other recent pandas deaths were caused by the same parasite or by a different contagious disease. Loss of habitat from deforestation is forc...
Social Psychology.
During the 1960s, American psychologist Stanley Milgram studied a form of social influence stronger than conformity: obedience to authority. In a famous series ofexperiments that attracted controversy about human research ethics, Milgram put each of 1,000 subjects into a situation in which they were ordered by anexperimenter to administer painful electric shocks to a confederate (who did not actually receive any shocks). The subjects in these studies were led to believe that theywere acting as '...
Cognitive Psychology.
full richness of people’s cognitive experiences. Describing the act of remembering as a process of storage and retrieval, for example, neglects the subjective experienceof remembering. Another criticism is that information-processing theory may not reflect how the brain actually works. Newer models, such as the parallel distributedprocessing model, try to address this criticism by drawing on studies of brain structure and function. Psychologists continue to debate the adequacy of the information...
research paper 1
People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Batna 2 University Faculty of Foreign Languages Department of English Abstract In educational contexts , the textbook provide teachers with a fundamental framework that directs lesson planning and guarantees a systematic method for teaching and learning , it is used as a valuable source for expanding vocabulary in a foreign language . This research paper aims at evaluating vocabulary presented...
B1 Acquisition The acquisition phase is the initial learning of the conditioned response—for example, the dog learning to salivate at the sound of the bell. Several factors can affect the speed of conditioning during the acquisition phase. The most important factors are the order and timing of the stimuli. Conditioning occurs most quickly when theconditioned stimulus (the bell) precedes the unconditioned stimulus (the food) by about half a second. Conditioning takes longer and the response is...
Smithsonian Institution.
F Arthur M. Sackler Gallery The Arthur M. Sackler Gallery houses a permanent collection of art from China, South and Southeast Asia, ancient and Islamic Iran, and Japan. Changing exhibitions ofAsian art are drawn from collections in the United States and abroad. The core of the collection was a gift from American research physician and medical publisherArthur M. Sackler. G Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum The Cooper-Hewitt is located in New York City and features examples of historical an...
the specific model and configuration of the supercomputer. In July 1995, computer scientists at the University of Tokyo, in Japan, broke the 1 teraflop (1 trillion floating-point operations per second) mark with a computer theydesigned to perform astrophysical simulations. Named GRAPE-4 (GRAvity PipE number 4), this MPP supercomputer consisted of 1,692 interconnected processors. InNovember 1996, Cray Research debuted the CRAY T3E-900, the first commercially available supercomputer to offer teraf...
Sustainability 2019,11 , 189 2 of 24Since the 1980s, many research was conducted to minimize the error of prediction through a method dubbed as gradient descent. This method is referred to as a Backpropagation algorithm for the training of the ANNs and it was applied to solve problems in different domains using few hidden layers [ 5,6]. Today, the availability of data has introduced the concept of machine learning as a subcategory to AI. Machine learning implies coding the computers to behave l...
Prehistoric archaeology is practiced by archaeologists known as prehistorians and deals with ancient cultures that did not have writing of any kind. Prehistory, a term coined by 19th-century French scholars, covers past human life from its origins up to the advent of written records. History—that is, the human past documented insome form of writing—began 5000 years ago in parts of southwestern Asia and as recently as the late 19th century AD in central Africa and parts of the Americas. Becaus...
Race - biology.
distributed as a cline, generally varying along a north-south line. Skin color is lightest in northern Europeans, especially in those who live around the Baltic Sea, andbecomes gradually darker as one moves toward southern Europe, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and into northern Africa and northern subtropical Africa. Skin isdarkest in people who live in the tropical regions of Africa. The lack of clear-cut discontinuities makes any racial boundary based on skin color totally arbitrary. Sim...
Artificial Intelligence.
Work in AI has primarily focused on two broad areas: developing logic-based systems that perform common-sense and expert reasoning, and using cognitive andbiological models to simulate and explain the information-processing capabilities of the human brain. In general, work in AI can be categorized within three research anddevelopment types: symbolic, connectionist, and evolutionary. Each has characteristic strengths and weaknesses. A Symbolic AI Symbolic AI is based in logic. It uses sequences...
Development (biology) - biology.
Understanding the molecular machinery within cells gives biologists a direct basis for understanding growth, because growth is the synthesis of new protoplasm, andbiologists know the basic mechanism of this synthesis. One key gap, however, exists in this knowledge. Biologists want to know not only how substances aresynthesized but also how growth is controlled so that the proportions of an animal or plant remain consistent from generation to generation. The direction and amountof growth, which a...
- EARN (European Academic Research Network).
Cleveland (Ohio) - geography.
Cleveland Children’s Museum. Also located in University Circle is Severance Hall, the home of the world-acclaimed Cleveland Orchestra. Nearby is the Cleveland PlayHouse, with three large, restored theaters and one of the largest non-profit professional theaters in the country. Downtown is Playhouse Square Center, with fourrecently restored theaters, home to the Cleveland Opera and the Great Lakes Theater Festival. On the waterfront is the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum,opened in 1995 and...
Kansas City (Missouri) - geography.
Major institutions of higher education in Kansas City are a branch (established in 1929) of the University of Missouri, Avila College (1916), Rockhurst College (1910),DeVry Institute of Technology (Missouri) (1931), and the Kansas City Art Institute (1885). Schools in neighboring suburbs include Park University (1875), in Parkville,and William Jewell College (1849), in Liberty. Baptist, Nazarene, and Methodist theological schools are also located in the area. Midwest Research Institute, one of t...
of a day, contributing to the development of obesity. V TREATMENTS FOR OBESITY Obesity can become a chronic lifelong condition caused by overeating, physical inactivity, and even genetic makeup. No matter what the cause, however, obesity can beprevented or managed with a combination of diet, exercise, behavior modification, and in severe cases, weight-loss medications and surgery. A Diets The most common and conservative treatment for obesity utilizes a nutritionally balanced, low calorie diet...
San Antonio (city, Texas) - geography.
The SBC Center is the home venue for the San Antonio Spurs of the National Basketball Association (NBA) and the San Antonio Silver Stars of the Women's NationalBasketball Association (WNBA). The dome also serves as the site for the Alamo Bowl, an annual post-season college football game. Large themed amusement parks inthe San Antonio area are Fiesta Texas and Sea World of Texas. San Antonio’s major annual event is the Fiesta, a ten-day celebration in late April with carnivals, ethnic feasts, art...
Moon - astronomy.
B Volcanic Features Maria, domes, rilles, and a few craters display indisputable characteristics of volcanic origin. Maria are plains of dark-colored rock that cover approximately 40 percent ofthe Moon's visible hemisphere. The maria formed when molten rock erupted onto the surface and solidified between 3.16 billion and 3.96 billion years ago. This rockresembles terrestrial basalt, a volcanic rock type widely distributed on Earth, but the rock that formed the maria has a higher iron content an...
Child Development.
developmental scientists have studied how cultural values guide the skills and attitudes that children acquire as they mature, and how brain maturation influences thedevelopment of thinking and feeling. For a more detailed discussion of child development theories, see the Theories of Child Development section of this article. III BASIC QUESTIONS A Nature and Nurture Scholars have long debated the relative importance of nature (hereditary influences) and nurture (environmental influences) i...
Philadelphia (city, Pennsylvania) - geography.
national trend of migration from eastern cities to the warmer climate of the Sun Belt. Whereas in 1950 Philadelphia contained more than 2 million people and ranked as the third largest city in America, the city's population plunged to 1,517,550 by 2000.In 2006, the city's population was estimated at 1,448,394. While the city proper was decreasing in population, the metropolitan area centered on Philadelphia grew. In 2006 the region had 6.2 million inhabitants. Philadelphiaranked as the nation’s...
Berlin - geography.
boroughs of Wedding and Tiergarten. Other important central areas include Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain, now united as the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg borough, andPrenzlauer Berg, now incorporated as a part of the Pankow borough. Tiergarten contains a large wooded park, a zoo, and a variety of public monuments as well as the large, modern Congress Hall and the Reichstag building, which wasbuilt from 1884 to 1894. The Reichstag and the surrounding area have undergone renovation to accommodate the Bun...
Mental Illness.
note that under this definition, political dissidents could be considered mentally ill for refusing to accept the dictates of their government. VI PREVALENCE Mental illness affects people of all ages, races, cultures, and socioeconomic classes. The prevalence of mental illness refers to how many people experience a mentalillness during a specified time period. A United States and Worldwide In the United States, researchers estimate that about 24 percent of people 18 or older, or about 44 mill...
NASA - astronomy.
Challenger shuttle after launch in 1986 and the Columbia shuttle during reentry in 2003, killing both crews. Investigations traced the accidents to design flaws and tomanagement problems. Both accidents led to design and procedure changes, and to a temporary stoppage of shuttle flights. Following the Columbia disaster, NASA alsoannounced plans to retire the shuttle in 2010, after completion of the International Space Station (ISS), a human orbital research facility. The Constellation program is...
Telescope - astronomy.
Observatory). In some telescopes designed in the 1990s, the mirror’s weight has been dramatically reduced by sandwiching a honeycomb pattern of glass ribs between a thin, butrigid, concave mirror and a flat back plate. Engineers have even developed meniscus mirrors—mirrors that are too thin to support their own weight. An adjustableframework supports the meniscus mirror, and servomechanical actuators, controlled by computer, continually adjust the shape of the mirror as it tracks celestial tar...
Bourdieu, Pierre
subjectivism attributes a pivotal role to people's experiences, strategies and improvisations. Focusing on one side only, each perspective inevitably distorts reality. Subjectivist accounts tend to conceive of social life as created de novo by individuals, failing to acknowledge the internalization of societal constraints within the individual. Objectivism tends to adopt a mechanistic model of human action, and fails to recognize that social life is a practical achievement of competent in...
Since the late 1980s
mid-1990s, strong criticism emerged and researchers debated the pros and cons of developing such “dangerous” technologies. However, technological limitations at the time still allowed researchers to claim these social concerns were theoretical rather than actual, and the matter faded from public consciousness again until the early 2000s. By the turn of the 21 st century, mobile phone penetration was globally on the rise, and a vision of ubiquitous information and communication technologies n...
Multiple Sclerosis.
slow the progress of the disease. It has become increasingly clear that early treatment is crucial to prevent or delay further damage to the nervous system. There are also treatments for specific symptoms, including corticosteroids (often taken intravenously), that can shorten the duration of an MS attack. Several drugs canrelieve spasticity, fatigue, and bladder problems. People with MS often find that nondrug treatments, such as regular exercise and adequate rest, can help them tomaintain more...
Rice - biology.
V HISTORY According to the most widely accepted theory, rice cultivation originated as early as 10,000 BC in Asia. Archaeological evidence shows that rice was grown in Thailand as early as 4000 BC, and over the centuries spread to China, Japan, and Indonesia. By 400 BC rice was cultivated in the Middle East and Africa. The invading armies of Alexander the Great probably introduced rice to Greece and nearby Mediterranean countries around 330 BC. Rice was brought to the American colonies in t...
theories of Common-sense reasoning
formulas of some logical language, and that the reasoning tasks underlying this intelligence can then be accomplished by means of logical deduction. Both the idea of using logic as an underlying representation language for artificial intelligence and the emphasis on formalizing common-sense knowledge are present even in McCarthy's very early work (for example, McCarthy 1959 ), but the project receives its clearest articulation in a paper jointly authored by McCarthy and Patrick Hayes (1969 )...
Word & Image
A Journal of Verbal/Visual Enquiry
ISSN: 0266-6286 (Print) 1943-2178 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.
Reception and interference: reading Jean Molinet's rebus-poems ADRIAN ARMSTRONG Northern French culture in the late Middle Ages is marked not only by a proliferation of visual images, but also by the knowledge which these images convey, velY often in the form of figurative discourse. Traditional coded or symbolic visual fornls include heraldly, where tinctures and charges often accumulate particular connotations, and typological staine...
Deoxyribonucleic Acid - biology.
bacterium Escherichia coli . In 1998 scientists achieved the milestone of sequencing the complete genome of a multicellular organism—a roundworm identified as Caenorhabditis elegans . The Human Genome Project, an international research collaboration, was established to determine the sequence of all of the 3 billion nucleotide base pairs that make up thehuman genetic material. In 2003 scientists completed the sequencing of the human genome. The project identified nearly all of the estimated 20...
C Sociological Theories Most social scientists believe that a society’s structure and values can influence suicide rates. French sociologist Émile Durkheim argued that suicide rates are related tosocial integration —that is, the degree to which an individual feels part of a larger group. Durkheim found suicide was more likely when a person lacked social bonds or had relationships disrupted through a sudden change in status, such as unemployment. As one example of the significance of social bond...
Together with dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants make up the team that provides dental care to patients. Hygienists record patient medical histories, suchas blood pressure and pulse. They clean teeth, apply sealants and fluoride treatments, teach patients sound oral hygiene practices, and often assist with X rays. Manyhygienists receive a two-year associate degree, while others may choose to enroll in a four-year program at a university or in a master’s degree program. There are25...
Astrobiology - astronomy.
water to help reactions along. American chemists Stanley Miller and Harold Urey tested part of Oparin and Haldane’s hypothesis in the early 1950s by simulating conditions of the early Earth. In whathas become known as the Miller-Urey experiment, the two scientists connected two flasks with a loop of glass tubing that allowed the gases to pass between the flasks.They filled the upper flask with methane, ammonia, and hydrogen—components thought to have been in the early atmosphere. They filled the...
San Francisco - geography.
recognized symbol of the city, opened in 1937. It connects San Francisco to Marin County to the north, one of the wealthiest suburban areas in the nation. With the construction of the Bay and Golden Gate bridges and other links from the city to its suburbs, the San Francisco Bay area has become one large metropolitanregion. San Francisco itself is only 122 sq km (47 sq mi) of land area, but the city’s Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (defined by the Census Bureau as SanFrancisco, San Mateo,...
Pratique de l’enquête coopérative : La recherche « avec » plutôt que « sur » les personnes in Handbook of Action Research (Peter Reason et Hillary Bradbury-Huan)
Présentation de la Pratique de l’enquête coopérative – Marc Klein 2 les questions ou propositions à étudier. Ce cycle de quatre phases est répété entre 6 et 10 fois. Ces répétitions améliorent la validité des résultats en équilibrant « les divergences sur plusieurs aspects du sujet de l'enquête, avec la convergence sur des aspects spécifiques, afin qu'il y ait un cadre permettant de saisir à la fois le tout et ses parties » ( Heron & Reason, 2007). Exemples • Un groupe de médecin gén...
Scientists use animals to learn more about health problems that affect both humans and animals, and to assure the safety of new medical treatments. M edical researchers need to understand health problems before they can develop ways to treat them. Some diseases and health problems involve processes that can only be studied in a living organism. Animals are necessary to medical research when it is impractical or unethical to use humans. Animals make good research subjects for a variety of...
Medical Ethics.
medical profession. In recent years, however, the field of medical ethics has struggled to keep pace with the many complex issues raised by new technologies for creating and sustaininglife. Artificial-respiration devices, kidney dialysis, and other machines can keep patients alive who previously would have succumbed to their illnesses or injuries.Advances in organ transplantation have brought new hope to those afflicted with diseased organs. New techniques have enabled prospective parents to con...
Library (institution).
rooms, special galleries for exhibitions, auditoriums for lectures or concerts, computer rooms, children’s rooms, photocopy rooms, and classrooms. A3 Lending Materials As part of their mission to provide information resources to the community, public libraries allow users to borrow items from their collections for limited amounts of time.To be eligible to borrow public library materials, a user must register her or his name, address, and other basic information with the local library’s circulat...