327 résultats pour "red"
Redes de comunicación - geografía.
6.2 Tecnología de objetos Otro de los enfoques para la construcción de los sistemas parte de la hipótesis de que deberían estar compuestos por elementos perfectamente definidos, objetosencerrados, definidos y materializados haciendo de ellos agentes independientes. La adopción de los objetos como medios para la construcción de sistemas informáticos hacolaborado a la posibilidad de intercambiar los diferentes elementos. 6.3 Sistemas abiertos Esta definición alude a sistemas informáticos cuya ar...
Red (informática) - ciencia y tecnologia.
planetaria. El TCP/IP, basado en software de aplicación de igual a igual, crea una conexión entre dos computadoras cualesquiera. Actualmente el TCP/IP tiene una muy amplia implantación, incluso en el caso de redes corporativas cliente/servidor, sustituyendo en muchas ocasiones a protocolos tradicionales como el NetBIOS para Windows. 2.1 Medios de transmisión El medio empleado para transmitir información limita la velocidad de la red, la distancia eficaz entre ordenadores y la topología de la...
- Red. Red, cours d'eau formé dans le sud-ouest de l'Oklahoma par
Redes de comunicación - ciencia y tecnologia.
6.2 Tecnología de objetos Otro de los enfoques para la construcción de los sistemas parte de la hipótesis de que deberían estar compuestos por elementos perfectamente definidos, objetosencerrados, definidos y materializados haciendo de ellos agentes independientes. La adopción de los objetos como medios para la construcción de sistemas informáticos hacolaborado a la posibilidad de intercambiar los diferentes elementos. 6.3 Sistemas abiertos Esta definición alude a sistemas informáticos cuya ar...
« Galway » de Jacques Réda est un poème tiré du recueil « Les Sonnets Dublinois »datant de 1990, composé de 18 sonnets retraçant son voyage en Irlande.
conditionnel ce qui peut nous laisser penser que l'auteur exprime des regrets. En effet la nostalgie fait référence à une tristesse liée à quelque chose de révolu, de terminée. « La chance qui m'aura servi plus souvent qu'à mon tour de courage ? » (v7), dans ce vers exprime un de ses remords. L'auteur paraît regretter de ne pas avoir fait preuve de plus de courage dans sa vie et de s'être trop reposé sur la chance qui selon lui vient de l'abandonner, « m'a fait voir l'inconstance des dieux ». De...
"Little Red Riding Hood"
The popular children's story "Little Red Riding
seemed important to them. Thus, the Grimms postulated a common Indo-European origin for folktales, and the German philologist Theodor Benfey as well as theScottish writer William Clouston believed that stories diffused by way of travelers migrating east and west from India. Such theories, however, have proven incompleteand inadequate. Nevertheless, the research of these and other scholars greatly stimulated interest in folklore and folktales. The German scholar Max Muller held thatmyths originat...
Fiche de lecture : RETOUR AU CALME de Jacques Réda
même (voir la section • L'air libre •l l'heureuse instabilité qui appartenait, dans les recueils précédents, à l'homme, le désir de se fondre dans le mouvement du monde: cJe suis sûr que le monde avance avec mes jam bes.• Plus hwnble encore. la dernière section, classique avec humour, offre simplement des images d'un jardin. • On retrouve dans Retour au calme l'ardeur de La Tourne 119751, ou de Amen 11968) et l'humour des proses de Recommandatwns...
RÉDA Jacques : sa vie et son oeuvre
sans bonté »), une poésie qui sait sc vouer à la force des recommencements ou bien à d'insaisissables lumières a fini par s'imposer. Un rythme obscur et tenace est par venu à prendre en charge la disparate, les rebondisse ments et l'inévitable trivialité d'une existence; d'émou vantes perspectives se sont réintroduites au cœur même des lieux communs de la vie. Proches, par leur recours à la modernité, d'une autre prose, celle du Spleen de Paris, les...
- Red trófica - ciencias de la naturaleza.
- Red - geografía.
- Erik the Red.
- Jacques Réda : La bicyclette
- Réda, Jacques - littérature française.
- Red trófica - ciencias de la naturaleza.
- Commentaire Jacques Réda - La Bicyclette
- Redi, Francesco - Biologiste / Naturaliste.
- Erik the Red - explorer.
- Simply Red- rock.
- Le Rail Chez Jacques Réda
Réda « La Bicyclette » Retour au Calme
« un corridor fermé de vitesse en losanges », le « pavage ». Contre cette maison, « un jardin », « des branches », un « mur ». Dansla suite du poème, la reprise de ces éléments indique que le regard d'attarde : « La rue est vide » ; « le jardin », « le froid ducarreau ». Il écoute aussi. Il est sensible au « silence » (v.10) et aux rares bruits qui se détachent : « Parfois un chien aboie » (v.13) B. La ville, propice à une rêverie agréable. La description de la ville rappelle le titr...
- Red Square and Kremlin - geography.
- Red River Rebellion - Canadian History.
- Red Grange.
- Red Auerbach.
From The Red Badge of Courage - anthology.
The youth put forth anxious arms to assist him, but the tall soldier went firmly on as if propelled. Since the youth's arrival as a guardian for his friend, the otherwounded men had ceased to display much interest. They occupied themselves again in dragging their own tragedies toward the rear. Suddenly, as the two friends marched on, the tall soldier seemed to be overcome by a terror. His face turned to a semblance of gray paste. He clutched the youth's armand looked all about him, as if dre...
- Edgar Allan Poe: The Mask of the Red Death (Sprache & Litteratur).
- Red Square and Kremlin - geography.
- Red Grange's Greatest Game.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero: Erste Rede gegen Catilina - Geschichte.
- BACCHUS EN TOSCANE Francesco Redi (résumé & analyse)
- Chats à poil long: Persan colourpoint red point.
- La Bicyclette de J. Réda
Internet - ciencia y tecnologia.
6 HISTORIA Los orígenes de Internet hay que buscarlos en un proyecto del Departamento de Defensa estadounidense que pretendía obtener una red de comunicaciones segura que sepudiese mantener aunque fallase alguno de sus nodos. Así nació ARPA, una red informática que conectaba ordenadores localizados en sitios dispersos y que operaban sobredistintos sistemas operativos, de tal manera que cada ordenador se podía conectar a todos los demás. Los protocolos que permitían tal interconexión fueron desa...
Basie (William Basie, dit Count) Compositeur, pianiste et chef d'orchestre noir américain (Red Bank, New Jersey,
1904 - Hollywood, Floride, 1984).
Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)\HDLN0000100120 \LINK0054500554PE_0332T \LINK0056500571PE_0899T Basie (William, dit Count) Pianiste de jazz américain * 21.8.1904, Red Bank, New Jersey + 26.4.1984, Hollywood, Floride À l'époque du swing, Basie rencontre ses premiers succès à la tête des meilleurs Big Bands, qui enthousiasment par un rythme dynamique et par leur perfection technique, apparemment toute naturelle, dans des morceaux comme "One o´clock jump" (1939) ou "April in Paris" (1956). La carri...
National League: Gold Glove Award Winners.
1957 no award 1958 Del Crandall Milwaukee Braves 1959 Del Crandall Milwaukee Braves 1960 Del Crandall Milwaukee Braves 1961 John Roseboro Los Angeles Dodgers 1962 Del Crandall Milwaukee Braves 1963 Johnny Edwards Cincinnati Reds 1964 Johnny Edwards Cincinnati Reds 1965 Joe Torre Milwaukee Braves 1966 Johnny Roseboro Los Angeles Dodgers 1967 Randy Hundley Chicago Cubs 1968 Johnny Bench Cincinnati Reds 1969 Johnny Bench Cincinnati Reds 1970 Johnny Bench Cincinnati Reds 1971 Johnny Bench Cincinna...
Wolf - biology.
VIII RED WOLF The red wolf is smaller than the gray wolf. An adult red wolf stands about 65 cm (about 2 ft) high at the shoulder, measures 100 to 130 cm (3 to 4 ft) in lengthexcluding the tail, and weighs 20 to 36 kg (45 to 80 lb). It has long legs and ears and its head is not as wide as that of the gray wolf. The coat of red wolves varies incolor from light tan to black with reddish head, ears, and legs. Scientists have debated whether the red wolf is a subspecies of the gray wolf, a separate...
World Series Winners.
1974 Oakland Athletics Los Angeles Dodgers 4-1 1975 Cincinnati Reds Boston Red Sox 4-3 1976 Cincinnati Reds New York Yankees 4-0 1977 New York Yankees Los Angeles Dodgers 4-2 1978 New York Yankees Los Angeles Dodgers 4-2 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates Baltimore Orioles 4-3 1980 Philadelphia Phillies Kansas City Royals 4-2 1981 Los Angeles Dodgers New York Yankees 4-2 1982 St. Louis Cardinals Milwaukee Brewers 4-3 1983 Baltimore Orioles Philadelphia Phillies 4-1 1984 Detroit Tigers San Diego Padres 4-1...
World Series Winners
Winning Team
Losing Team
Boston Americans
Pittsburgh Pirates
No Series
1 905
New York
1974 Oakland Athletics Los Angeles Dodgers 4-1 1975 Cincinnati Reds Boston Red Sox 4-3 1976 Cincinnati Reds New York Yankees 4-0 1977 New York Yankees Los Angeles Dodgers 4-2 1978 New York Yankees Los Angeles Dodgers 4-2 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates Baltimore Orioles 4-3 1980 Philadelphia Phillies Kansas City Royals 4-2 1981 Los Angeles Dodgers New York Yankees 4-2 1982 St. Louis Cardinals Milwaukee Brewers 4-3 1983 Baltimore Orioles Philadelphia Phillies 4-1 1984 Detroit Tigers San Diego Padres 4-1...
substances. For example, a person who is blood type A positive will not make antibodies against the A or Rh markers, but will make antibodies against the B marker,which is not on that person’s own red blood cells. If blood containing the B marker (from types B positive, B negative, AB positive, or AB negative) is transfused into thisperson, then the transfused red blood cells will be rapidly destroyed by the patient’s anti-B antibodies. In this case, the transfusion will do the patient no good a...
Major League Baseball: Rookie of the Year by Season.
Rookie of the Year (American League).Year Player Team 1949 Roy Sievers (of) St. Louis Cardinals 1950 Walt Dropo (1b) Boston Red Sox 1951 Gil McDougald (3b) New York Yankees 1952 Harry Byrd (p) Philadelphia Athletics 1953 Harvey Kuenn (ss) Detroit Tigers 1954 Bob Grim (p) New York Yankees 1955 Herb Score (p) Cleveland Indians 1956 Luis Aparicio (ss) Chicago White Sox 1957 Tony Kubek (of/inf) New York Yankees 1958 Albie Pearson (of) Washington Senators 1959 Bob Allison (of) Washington Senators 196...
Major League Baseball: Rookie of the Year by Season
Rookie of the Year (National League).
Year Player Team 1949 Roy Sievers (of) St. Louis Cardinals 1950 Walt Dropo (1b) Boston Red Sox 1951 Gil McDougald (3b) New York Yankees 1952 Harry Byrd (p) Philadelphia Athletics 1953 Harvey Kuenn (ss) Detroit Tigers 1954 Bob Grim (p) New York Yankees 1955 Herb Score (p) Cleveland Indians 1956 Luis Aparicio (ss) Chicago White Sox 1957 Tony Kubek (of/inf) New York Yankees 1958 Albie Pearson (of) Washington Senators 1959 Bob Allison (of) Washington Senators 1960 Ron Hansen (ss) Baltimore Orioles 1...
Major League Baseball: Most Valuable Player by Season.
1990 Rickey Henderson (of) Oakland Athletics 1991 Cal Ripken, Jr. (ss) Baltimore Orioles 1992 Dennis Eckersley (p) Oakland Athletics 1993 Frank Thomas (1b) Chicago White Sox 1994 Frank Thomas (1b) Chicago White Sox 1995 Mo Vaughn (1b) Boston Red Sox 1996 Juan Gonzalez (of) Texas Rangers 1997 Ken Griffey, Jr. (of) Seattle Mariners 1998 Juan Gonzalez (of) Texas Rangers 1999 Ivan Rodriguez (c) Texas Rangers 2000 Jason Giambi (1b) Oakland Athletics 2001 Ichiro Suzuki (of) Seattle Mariners 2002 Migue...
Major League Baseball: Most Valuable Player by Season
Most Valuable Player (American League).
1990 Rickey Henderson (of) Oakland Athletics 1991 Cal Ripken, Jr. (ss) Baltimore Orioles 1992 Dennis Eckersley (p) Oakland Athletics 1993 Frank Thomas (1b) Chicago White Sox 1994 Frank Thomas (1b) Chicago White Sox 1995 Mo Vaughn (1b) Boston Red Sox 1996 Juan Gonzalez (of) Texas Rangers 1997 Ken Griffey, Jr. (of) Seattle Mariners 1998 Juan Gonzalez (of) Texas Rangers 1999 Ivan Rodriguez (c) Texas Rangers 2000 Jason Giambi (1b) Oakland Athletics 2001 Ichiro Suzuki (of) Seattle Mariners 2002 Migue...
Jupiter (planet) - astronomy.
Beneath the supercritical fluid zone, the pressure reaches 3 million Earth atmospheres. At this depth, the atoms collide so frequently and violently that the hydrogenatoms are ionized—that is, the negatively charged electrons are stripped away from the positively charged protons of the hydrogen nuclei. This ionization results in asea of electrically charged particles that resembles a liquid metal and gives rise to Jupiter’s magnetic field. This liquid metallic hydrogen zone is 30,000 to 40,000 k...
Vietnam - country.
E Natural Resources Vietnam’s most valuable natural resource is its land, particularly the fertile, alluvial soils in the Red and Mekong deltas. Some 29 percent of the land is currently beingcultivated. Vietnam has some valuable mineral resources, including gold, iron, tin, zinc, phosphate, chromite, apatite, and anthracite coal. Most deposits are located in the northernpart of the country. Few attempts were made to extract these minerals until the French takeover of Vietnam at the end of the 1...
Bear - biology.
programs sponsored by zoos or other breeding centers have attempted to breed giant pandas in captivity, although most of these programs have proved unsuccessful.Among the difficulties faced by captive breeders has been the problem of encouraging a female giant panda to mate with a selected male during the two to three daysof the year when she is most fertile, a period known as estrus. B Spectacled Bear Creamy-white rings surrounding the eyes give the spectacled bear its name. Its shaggy coat of...
Tennessee (state) - geography.
The climate of Tennessee is characterized by hot summers, mild winters, and abundant rainfall. C1 Temperature Average July temperatures range from less than 21° C (70° F) in the Blue Ridge region to 27° C (80° F) at Nashville and Memphis. Maximum daytime temperatures insummer often rise above 35° C (95° F) in central and western Tennessee. Daytime temperatures in the mountains rarely rise above 32° C (90° F). Summer nights tendto be warm and muggy in central and western Tennessee, but temperatu...
Tennessee (state) - USA History.
The climate of Tennessee is characterized by hot summers, mild winters, and abundant rainfall. C1 Temperature Average July temperatures range from less than 21° C (70° F) in the Blue Ridge region to 27° C (80° F) at Nashville and Memphis. Maximum daytime temperatures insummer often rise above 35° C (95° F) in central and western Tennessee. Daytime temperatures in the mountains rarely rise above 32° C (90° F). Summer nights tendto be warm and muggy in central and western Tennessee, but temperatu...