23 résultats pour "rancher"
- Ranchi.
- RANCHER (Joseph, Rosalinde)
- cadillac ranch
couvrir les b ranches e t les rejetons, t out p érit.
aussi courtes qu'il faut. - Oui. (334e) -Mais qui sera juge de la juste étendue que je dois donner à mes réponses? Sera-ce toi ou moi? -J'ai entendu dire, reprisje, que tu es en état, lorsque tu le veux, de par ler si longtemps sur la même matière, que le dis cours ne tarit pas, et d'apprendre à tout autre à parler de même; ou d'être si concis, qu'il est impos sible de s'exprimer en moins de mots. S'il te plaît don...
La planque était une maison de trois chambres, dans le style ranch, non loin du sommet de la colline, à El
des ravins etdes canyons vertigineux, les barrancas , parfois plusprofonds queleGrand Canyon américain. Ni les empereurs aztèquesniles conquistadors espagnolsn’étaientparvenus àimposer leurautorité auxvillageois violents etfarouchement indépendantsquivivent danslesplis delaSierra, etlegouvernement mexicain n’obtenait pasdemeilleurs résultats. Couvertes dechamps demarijuana etde pavot, lesmontagnes étaient contrôlées parlescaïds locaux etles mafias enguerre pourlemarché deladrogue. Desbandes deho...
Des souris et des hommes - John Steinbeck
lyncher. Pour le protéger, George se h âte de le rejoindre et, tout en discutant, le tue d’un coup de revolver. Analyse du titre Le titre est tir é d’un po ème de Robert Burns : « les plans les mieux con çus des souris et des hommes souvent ne se r éalisent pas ». En effet, Georges et Lennie r êvent d’une petite ferme qui leur appartiendrait mais ne l’auront jamais. Le titre « Des souris et des hommes » met aussi en évidence les rapports entre les hommes et les animaux. L’EPOQUE...
Idaho - geography.
Idaho-Montana state line in the southern part of the Bitterroot Mountains. Consequently, nearly all the rivers in the state drain toward the Pacific. Most of Idaho lieswithin the drainage basin of the Columbia River system. The Snake River, which is the chief river in southern and central Idaho, follows a crescent-shaped course forabout 790 km (about 490 mi) across southern Idaho. It then swings northward along the Idaho state line and joins the Columbia River in Washington. Major tributariesof...
Idaho - USA History.
Idaho-Montana state line in the southern part of the Bitterroot Mountains. Consequently, nearly all the rivers in the state drain toward the Pacific. Most of Idaho lieswithin the drainage basin of the Columbia River system. The Snake River, which is the chief river in southern and central Idaho, follows a crescent-shaped course forabout 790 km (about 490 mi) across southern Idaho. It then swings northward along the Idaho state line and joins the Columbia River in Washington. Major tributariesof...
Georges retrouve Lennie avant les autres. Celui-ci est soulagé de voir son protecteur. Il lui demande de lui décrireleur ferme; Georges commence, tout en appuyant le canon d'un revolver sur la nuque de Lennie qui tombedoucement.Slim emmène affectueusement Georges en lui disant : «Y a des choses qu'on est obligé de faire, des fois. » Pistes de lecture Des travaux agricoles au Prix NobelC'est à Salinas, en Californie, lieu où il situa plusieurs de ses romans, que Steinbeck naît en 1902. So...
Les réécritures ne sont-elles que des imitations ?
(Alinéa) De plus, la réécriture est un texte unique en soi. C’est une touche de nouveauté. En s’inspirant d’un même fond la réécriture a une forme différente. Prenons l’exemple de la fable en prose de Phèdre Le loup et l’agneau réécrit en vers par La Fontaine. Celle-ci étant écrite différemment, et étant plus longue, garde la même histoire mais aussi la même morale. Ainsi, cette fable de La Fontaine est unique en son genre. Quant à la fable de Lery Le Chat Le Loup et Le Chien rééc...
Sandra Day O'Connor.
sex discrimination. VI RETIREMENT AND WRITINGS O’Connor was widely viewed as a likely successor to Rehnquist as chief justice. However, on July 1, 2005, she announced her resignation from the Court, effective uponthe confirmation of a successor. O’Connor’s principal reason for stepping down was reportedly to spend more time with her husband, who was said to have Alzheimer’sdisease. Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., replaced O’Connor on the Court. O’Connor collaborated with her brother, H. Alan Day...
Sandra Day O'Connor - USA History.
sex discrimination. VI RETIREMENT AND WRITINGS O’Connor was widely viewed as a likely successor to Rehnquist as chief justice. However, on July 1, 2005, she announced her resignation from the Court, effective uponthe confirmation of a successor. O’Connor’s principal reason for stepping down was reportedly to spend more time with her husband, who was said to have Alzheimer’sdisease. Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., replaced O’Connor on the Court. O’Connor collaborated with her brother, H. Alan Day...
Jaguar (animal) - biology.
scientists have speculated that the jaguar’s robust canine teeth and enormously powerful bite developed specifically to pierce the armor of these reptiles. After killing a large animal, a jaguar will usually drag the carcass into dense cover before beginning to eat. If the kill is made in an open area, jaguars often drag theirprey for considerable distances. On one occasion, a jaguar killed a cow on the edge of a river and swam 790 m (2,600 ft) across the river carrying the cow. Unlike the other...
Mexican Revolution.
growing economic and social difficulties. Although Madero called for free and democratic elections, and a ban on reelection at all levels of government, he offered little tourban workers seeking higher wages and better working conditions, or to indigenous people seeking the restoration of their traditional lands. Madero’s intention was tolead a political rebellion, not a social revolution. Despite the political nature of the plan, it became a rallying point for poor and working-class Mexicans, m...
Résumé « des Souris et des Hommes » de John Steinbeck
Des souris et des hommes – Steinbeck Présentation de "Des souris et des hommes" (2) John Steinbeck est aujourd'hui connu dans le monde entier. Dans Des souris et des hommes, il met en scène desouvriers agricoles dans l’Ouest américain. L'histoire se déroule dans les années trente, au moment de la GrandeDépression... Un roman captivant, émouvant, qui ne laisse pas indifférent. Un véritable chef-d'oeuvre. Un classique.Magnique. «En Californie, au milieu des années trente, George et Lennie, deux...
- Résumé en anglais of mine and men
- Fiche de lecture "Des Souris et des Hommes"
- OF MICE AND MEN John Steinbeck Fiche de lecture
Wyoming (state) - geography.
The basins, which lie in the rain shadow of mountains, are very dry, with an average annual precipitation of about 250 mm (about 10 in) or less; the Great Plains regionhas an annual average of about 380 mm (about 15 in), and the Black Hills region receives slightly more. Thunderstorms and hailstorms are relatively frequent insummer. The annual snowfall ranges from about 500 mm (about 20 in) in the Bighorn Basin to well over 5,100 mm (over 200 in) in the higher mountains, where annualprecipitatio...
Wyoming (state) - USA History.
The basins, which lie in the rain shadow of mountains, are very dry, with an average annual precipitation of about 250 mm (about 10 in) or less; the Great Plains regionhas an annual average of about 380 mm (about 15 in), and the Black Hills region receives slightly more. Thunderstorms and hailstorms are relatively frequent insummer. The annual snowfall ranges from about 500 mm (about 20 in) in the Bighorn Basin to well over 5,100 mm (over 200 in) in the higher mountains, where annualprecipitatio...
South Dakota - geography.
C1 Temperatures Average January temperatures are everywhere less than -4° C (24° F) and decrease to less than -12° C (10° F) in some northern sections. The January temperaturesin Sioux Falls range from -16° to -4° C (3° to 24° F). Nightime lows of -29° C (-20° F) occur during most winters. July averages are in the low and middle 20°s C (lowand middle 70°s F) throughout most of the state, and are somewhat lower in the Black Hills. The average temperature range in Sioux Falls in July is 17° to 30...
South Dakota - USA History.
C1 Temperatures Average January temperatures are everywhere less than -4° C (24° F) and decrease to less than -12° C (10° F) in some northern sections. The January temperaturesin Sioux Falls range from -16° to -4° C (3° to 24° F). Nightime lows of -29° C (-20° F) occur during most winters. July averages are in the low and middle 20°s C (lowand middle 70°s F) throughout most of the state, and are somewhat lower in the Black Hills. The average temperature range in Sioux Falls in July is 17° to 30...
- On the road