8 résultats pour "puck"
- PUCK ou Robin Goodfellow. Personnage de Shakespeare
Ice Hockey.
Each period begins with a face-off at the blue dot at center ice. During the face-off one player from each team lines up at the dot with the stick blade on the ice. After the referee drops the puck, the two players attempt to gain possession of it. Quick hands and strength are essential qualities for players participating in the face-off. Once the puck is dropped, it is in play until an official’s whistle stops it, a goal is scored, or time expires. The team on offense tries to move the puck f...
US Beats USSR in Hockey.
The two sides once again exchanged goals during the first period. Sergei Makarov briefly gave the Soviets a lead when he beat Craig. The goal outraged many in thecrowd who felt that referee Karl Kaisla of Finland missed a holding violation by a USSR player in front of the net. Controversy also played a role in the Americans'game-tying goal at the end of the period. With a few seconds left on the clock, Ken Morrow unleashed an 80-foot slap shot that ricocheted to center Mark Johnson,who deposited...
- PUCK, LUTIN DE LA COLLINE de Rudyard Kipling
Eishockey, schnelle, kampfbetonte Mannschaftssportart auf einer Eisfläche, bei dem die Spieler auf Schlittschuhen versuchen, mit einem Schläger eine Hartgummischeibe
ins gegnerische Tor zu schießen.
einem Foul unterbindet, wird ein Strafschuss („Penalty”) verhängt: Ein Spieler der benachteiligten Mannschaft darf mit dem Puck vom Mittelkreis aus alleine auf dasgegnerische Tor zulaufen, das lediglich vom Torwart bewacht wird; alle anderen Spieler müssen das Eis verlassen. Beim Penalty ist nur ein einziger Torschuss erlaubt. Alle Spieler dürfen – auch während des laufenden Spieles durch so genannte „fliegende Wechsel” – beliebig ausgewechselt werden. Bei Unterbrechungen werden oft alleFeldspie...
Plante First Goalie to Wear a Mask.
rubber shock, which one player described as “the first cousin to shell shock.” Those with advanced cases have been known to skate off the ice during the middle ofchampionship games. Perhaps as a test of Plante's emotional state, Blake requested that he not wear the mask during the regular season. Plante complied, although hedonned the mask for pregame practice sessions. Early in the season, on November 1, the Canadiens took a seven-game unbeaten streak into a match against the New York Range...
Shakespeare, le Songe d'une nuit d'été (extrait).
TITANIA . — La musique ! holà ! une musique à enchanter le sommeil ! PUCK , enlevant la tête d’âne de Bottom. Quand tu t’éveilleras, vois avec tes yeux d’imbécile. OBÉRON . — Résonnez, musique ! (Une musique calme se fait entendre.) (A Titania.) Viens, ma reine, donne-moi la main, et remuons sous nos pas le berceau de ces dormeurs. Toi et moi, maintenant, nous sommes des nouveaux amis ; demain, à minuit, nous exécuterons solennellement des danses triomphales dans la maison du duc Thésée, e...
Messier Lifts the Curse.
Swept up in the hype, the Rangers came out for game five at the Garden in a virtual sleepwalk. By the start of the third period they were down 3-0. New Yorkscratched back to level the score as Messier culminated the three-goal spurt with a wrist shot midway through the period. Vancouver then stunned the Rangers—andthe sellout crowd—by netting three quick goals to put the game far out of reach. Game six in Vancouver proved even more of a challenge for the Rangers. The team showed little will...