19 résultats pour "performing"
- Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts - musique.
Rhythm-and-Blues Music
Tina Turner
American singer Tina Turner began performing rhythm-and-blues music in a band led by her former husband, Ike Turner,
in the 1960s.
thousands of black Americans migrated from the rural South to Midwest, Northeast, and West Coast cities. In popular music, new styles were created to meet thechanging tastes of this demographic group, leading to the development of the urbane sounds of R&B. The profound sociological changes of the World War II period were accompanied by two significant technological developments: the invention of the electric guitar in thelate 1930s and the discovery of the German-invented tape recorder by the mu...
Art, performing
performers in instancing their work is not to say merely that performers are means for the work's transmission. Thefoundry workers who follow the sculptor's instructions and the film's projectionist help to create or transmit thework, but theirs is not the pivotal role of the performer. They might be replaced by technologically superioralternatives without thereby altering the artistic character of the statue or film, whereas the performer's task isineliminably part of works created fo...
- Lincoln Center for Performing Arts.
Seoul - geography.
higher learning in South Korea. All of South Korea’s top-ranked universities are in Seoul, including Chung-ang University (1918), Ewha Women’s University (1886),Korea University (1905), Seoul National University (1946), Sogang University (1960), Sung Kyun Kwan University (1938), and Yonsei University (1885). The National Museum features collections of Korean art and artifacts, and the National Science Museum showcases modern Korean technology. The National Library ofKorea, the country’s largest...
Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker
The Nutcracker is a classic ballet with music by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
Joffrey Ballet SchoolTraining for classical ballet dancers must begin when the students are very young. Here, teacher Dorothy Lister workswith her pre-ballet class of six-year-olds at the Joffrey Ballet School. These students are learning the five basic positions ofclassical ballet.Susan Kunklin/Photo Researchers, Inc. Different systems of ballet training have evolved, named after countries (Russia, France) or teachers (Italian dancer Enrico Cecchetti, Danish choreographer AugustBournonville). T...
Asian Theater
Asian Theater, live performance, featuring actors or puppets, native to Asia, a continent with more than 2 billion people of many nations and cultures.
III THEATER IN EAST ASIA Theater in East Asia includes the traditions of China, Japan, and Korea. Most Chinese theater is urban, secular (nonreligious) entertainment, influenced by the ethics of Confucianism. However, a belief in spirits influences rituals performed by ethnic minorities in China, and Buddhism dominates traditional Tibetan performance. Japanesedramatic forms combine native shamanistic performance, secular entertainment, and cultural or religious influences from China and Kore...
Folk Dance
Traditional Irish Dancing
Irish dancing comprises mainly reels and jigs and may be accompanied by lively folk music played on the fiddle, harp, or
Highland Games and DancesHighland dances are part of the Highland Games, a series of events held annually in various parts of Scotland, Canada,and the United States. Dance historians point out that warriors from the Scottish Highlands once went into battle dancingand playing the bagpipes. Highland dances, performed to music played on bagpipes or fiddles, remain an important part ofScottish culture.Courtesy of BBC Worldwide Americas. All Rights Reserved. Folk dances are usually thought to be simp...
New York (city) - geography.
The Bronx is the fourth largest and the northernmost of the five boroughs, and the only one on the American mainland. Even so, it is surrounded by water on threesides: Long Island Sound on the east, the Harlem and East rivers on the south, and Hudson River on the west. Encompassing 109 sq km (42 sq mi), it had 1,332,650inhabitants in 2000. Largely residential, the Bronx includes dozens of vibrant neighborhoods. Fieldston is particularly elegant, with great stone houses set among spacious lawns a...
The Beatles
BBC Worldwide Americas, Inc.
more sophisticated lyrical ideas. The group’s next album, Rubber Soul (1965), is regarded as a creative breakthrough. It featured instruments innovative to Western pop/rock music, such as the Indian sitar, and experimental sounds. The Revolver album (1966) was another important advance in songwriting and musical craftsmanship for the band. IV LATER YEARS AND BREAKUP The pressures caused by the group’s extreme popularity—known as Beatlemania—resulted in safety problems for the group, especi...
New York (ville)1PRÉSENTATIONNew York (ville), en anglais New York City, ville du sud-est de l'État de New York, située dans le nord-est des États-Unis, à l'embouchure de l'Hudson, sur l'océanAtlantique.
Les différents districts de New York sont reliés entre eux par de nombreux ponts et tunnels : Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge, Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel entre Manhattanet Brooklyn ; Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, l’un des plus longs ponts suspendus du monde, entre Brooklyn et Staten Island ; Queensboro Bridge entre Manhattan et leQueens ; Triborough Bridge entre Manhattan, le Queens et le Bronx ; enfin, le George Washington Bridge, les tunnels Holland et Lincoln, et la voie Port Authority Trans-Hudso...
Miami (Florida) - geography.
VI EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS Colleges and universities in the area include the University of Miami, Florida International University, Barry University, St. Thomas University, and Florida MemorialCollege. Miami-Dade Community College, one of the nation’s largest two-year colleges, has six campuses in the region. Leading museums include the Historical Museumof Southern Florida, the Miami Museum of Science, the Miami Art Museum, the Lowe Art Museum on the campus of the University of M...
Houston - geography.
Prominent historical and cultural institutions include the Civic Center Complex, located in the central business district. The complex is composed of the George R. BrownConvention Center; the Wortham Center, which is the home of the Houston Grand Opera and the Houston Ballet; and the Jesse H. Jones Hall for Performing Arts, whichis the home of the Houston Symphony. The nearby Alley Theatre houses a professional repertory acting company. Among other local professional performance groupsare the Ma...
harmoniously with the equipment to perform a graceful and error-free routine. There are also two team events in which five competitors perform together. At thehighest international levels, rhythmic gymnastics is judged on a 30-point scale rather than with the traditional 10-point scoring system. IV TRAMPOLINE Trampoline first appeared in the Olympics as a medal sport at the 2000 Games in Sydney, Australia, with a men’s individual event and a women’s individual event.Contestants bounce up and d...
Nashville - geography.
May event has grown into a major festival. In September the city hosts the Tennessee State Fair. One of Nashville's principle attractions is Opryland, a complex of entertainment and broadcasting facilities that offers live music shows, a resort and convention center,and shopping outlets. Since 1974 it has been the home to the Grand Ole Opry radio show, a country-music production that has not missed a broadcast since 1925. Percy Park and Edwin Warner Park provide open space, trails, playing field...
Kansas City (Missouri) - geography.
Major institutions of higher education in Kansas City are a branch (established in 1929) of the University of Missouri, Avila College (1916), Rockhurst College (1910),DeVry Institute of Technology (Missouri) (1931), and the Kansas City Art Institute (1885). Schools in neighboring suburbs include Park University (1875), in Parkville,and William Jewell College (1849), in Liberty. Baptist, Nazarene, and Methodist theological schools are also located in the area. Midwest Research Institute, one of t...
American Literature: Drama
American Literature: Drama, literature intended for performance, written by Americans in the English language.
American plays, while still a minority, began to appear in the theater repertory in the 19th century. Although American plays were still styled after British models, theirsubject matter came to be based on specifically American incidents or themes. In the United States as in Britain, many plays reflected the influence of romanticism , a European literary and artistic movement. Melodrama, with its outpourings of emotion, was the most prevalent dramatic form in the 19th century. Gothic melodramas...
Colleges and Universities.
and (3) large universities that include undergraduate programs in addition to graduate and professional schools. D Graduate and Professional Schools Professional schools are typically divisions of large universities. They offer specialized education in a variety of professional fields, such as education, business, medicine,law, social work, agriculture, journalism, architecture, fine arts, nursing, engineering, and music. Some professional schools offer four- or five-year programs leading toa b...
London (England) - geography.
In the northern part of the West End is Bloomsbury, the city’s traditional intellectual center, with its concentration of bookshops and homes of writers and academics. Inthe early 20th century a number of famous writers, critics, and artists who lived here became known as the Bloomsbury Group. Here, too, is the British Museum, one ofLondon’s chief tourist attractions. Nearby is the giant complex of the University of London, whose various colleges and departments have taken over much ofBloomsbury...