31 résultats pour "ordinary"
Elementary Particles
Structure of Matter
Modern physics has revealed successively deeper layers of structure in ordinary matter.
The most fundamental particles that make up matter fall into the fermion category. These fermions cannot be split into anything smaller. The particles that carry theforces acting on matter and antimatter are bosons called force carriers. Force carriers are also fundamental particles, so they cannot be split into anything smaller.These bosons carry the four basic forces in the universe: the electromagnetic, the gravitational, the strong (force that holds the nuclei of atoms together), and the wea...
Tom Jones (1749)
Henry Fielding
Book I -- Chapter 1
An author ought to consider himself, not as a gentleman who gives a private or
eleemosynary treat, but rather as one who keeps a public ordinary, at which all
persons are welcome for their money.
True wit is nature to advantage drest; What oft was thought, but ne'er so well exprest. The same animal which hath the honour to have some part of his flesh eaten at the table of a duke, may perhaps be degraded in another part, and some of his limbs gibbeted, as it were, in the vilest stall in town. Where, then, lies the difference between the food of the nobleman and the porter, if both are at dinner on the same ox or calf, but in the seasoning, the dressing, the garnishing, and the setting for...
Modern Art
American Gothic
American Gothic was painted by the 20th-century American artist Grant Wood in 1930.
while at the other side a woman in black appears to mourn the end of her participation in the dance. Click on the buttonsto learn more.© Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. In view of this diversity, it is difficult to define modern art in a way that includes all of 20th-century Western art. For some critics, the most important characteristic ofmodern art is its attempt to make painting and sculpture ends in themselves, thus distinguishing modernism from earlier forms of art that had con...
Forensic Science.
barbiturates, cocaine, amphetamines, and heroin. When a body is discovered in a lake, stream, river, or ocean and the lungs are found to be filled with water, the medical examiner must determine if the drowningoccurred where the body was found or elsewhere. A standard microscope that can magnify objects to 1500 times their actual size is used to look for the presence orabsence of diatoms, single-celled algae that are found in all natural bodies of water. The absence of diatoms raises the possi...
Conceptual analysis
Kant's important idea that conceptual truths can be either analytic a priori or synthetic a priori is effectively erased by Gottlob Frege in his Foundations of Arithmetic (1884). Frege's overriding philosophical aim is to put mathematical proof on a firm footing by reducing the truths of arithmetic to analytic truths of logic. In view of this, the proper goal of an analysis is the production of non-circular, explanatory, yet meaning-preserving general definitions of fundamental concepts -...
Sound, physical phenomenon that stimulates the sense of hearing.
A fundamental law of harmony states that two notes an octave apart, when sounded together, produce a pleasant-sounding combination. Other combinations of notescan also be pleasing. Physically, an interval of a fifth consists of two notes, the frequencies of which bear the arithmetical ratio 3 to 2, and a major third, the ratio 5 to4. Fundamentally, the law of harmony states that two or more notes sound pleasant when played together if their frequencies bear small, whole number ratios; if thefreq...
Dark Matter - astronomy.
observed, and the measured frequency of such events has placed limits on how much dark matter can take the form of MACHOs. From the observations that have beenmade by astronomers, it is now known that MACHOs cannot be the dominant constituent of dark matter. There are simply not enough such gravitational lenses. Physicists suspect that a more exotic form of cold dark matter must exist. This form is not baryonic. Like neutrinos, this form barely interacts with ordinary matter, butis some type of...
signal, such as a musical note. This form of modulation, AM, is used in many radiotelephony services including standard radiobroadcasts. AM is also employed for carriercurrent telephony, in which the modulated carrier is transmitted by wire, and in the transmission of still pictures by wire or radio. See Broadcasting, Radio and Television. In FM the frequency of the carrier wave is varied within a fixed range at a rate corresponding to the frequency of a sound signal. This form of modulation, p...
Stem Cell.
The medical profession used adult stem cells to treat diseases long before anyone isolated one. In 1968 scientists performed the first successful bone marrowtransplant, a procedure in which a patient receives an infusion of healthy bone marrow cells. The purpose of such transplants is to restore the blood-making capabilitiesof the patient’s diseased bone marrow after extremely strong chemotherapy has destroyed that bone marrow. From the beginning investigators suspected that stemcells in the inf...
Relativity - astronomy.
beta, for example, might be as large as 0.5, and the mass of the electron doubled. The mass of a rapidly moving electron could be easily determined by measuring thecurvature produced in its path by a magnetic field; the heavier the electron, the greater its inertia and the less the curvature produced by a given strength of field ( see Magnetism). Experimentation dramatically confirmed Einstein's prediction; the electron increased in mass by exactly the amount he predicted. Thus, the kinetic ener...
commanded to face the Kaaba, an ancient shrine in the city of Mecca. The Qur’an also refers to the recitation of parts of the Qur’an as a form of prayer. However, evenwith its numerous references, the Qur’an alone does not give exact instructions for this central ritual of prayer. The most detailed descriptions of the rituals for prayer derive from the example set by the prophet Muhammad and are preserved in later Islamic traditions. Somedetails of these rituals vary, however all Muslims agree t...
Beste RegieJAHR NAME ORIGINALTITEL DEUTSCHER TITEL 1929 Lewis MilestoneFrank Borzage Two Arabian KnightsSeventh Heaven SchlachtenbummlerIm siebenten Himmel 1930 Frank Lloyd The Divine Lady Die ungekrönte Königin 1930 Lewis Milestone All Quiet on the Western Front Im Westen nichts Neues 1931 Norman Taurog Skippy - 1932 Frank Borzage Bad Girl - 1934 Frank Lloyd Cavalcade Cavalcade 1935 Frank Capra It Happened One Night Es geschah in einer Nacht 1936 John Ford The Informer Der Verräter 1937 Frank C...
theories of Common-sense reasoning
formulas of some logical language, and that the reasoning tasks underlying this intelligence can then be accomplished by means of logical deduction. Both the idea of using logic as an underlying representation language for artificial intelligence and the emphasis on formalizing common-sense knowledge are present even in McCarthy's very early work (for example, McCarthy 1959 ), but the project receives its clearest articulation in a paper jointly authored by McCarthy and Patrick Hayes (1969 )...
Thermodynamics, field of physics that describes and correlates the physical properties of macroscopic systems of matter and energy.
Carnot EngineThe idealized Carnot engine was envisioned by the French physicist Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot, who lived during theearly 19th century. The Carnot engine is theoretically perfect, that is, it converts the maximum amount of energy intomechanical work. Carnot showed that the efficiency of any engine depends on the difference between the highest andlowest temperatures reached during one cycle. The greater the difference, the greater the efficiency. An automobileengine, for example, wou...
Hydrogen - chemistry.
Hydrogen gas does not usually react with other chemicals at room temperature. That is, it does not split into two hydrogen atoms to combine with other chemicals. Thebond between the hydrogen atoms is very strong and can only be broken with a large amount of energy. However, when heated with a flame or a spark, hydrogen gaswill react violently with oxygen in the air to produce water in the following reaction: 2H2 + O 2 → 2H 2O This chemical equation shows that two hydrogen molecules (H 2) and o...
Nuclear Energy
Gundremmingen Nuclear Power Plant, Germany
The first of three boiling-water nuclear reactors at Germany's Gundremmingen plant began operating in 1966 but was
permanently shut down after being decommissioned in 1983.
such as ¯U is induced by the absorption of a neutron as in producing cesium-140, rubidium-93, three neutrons, and 200 MeV, or 3.2 × 10 -11 J (7.7 × 10 -12 cal). A nuclear fission reaction releases 10 million times as much energy as is released in a typical chemical reaction. See Nuclear Chemistry. III NUCLEAR ENERGY FROM FISSION The two key characteristics of nuclear fission important for the practical release of nuclear energy are both evident in equation (2). First, the energy per fiss...
Western Music
Bizet's Carmen
Georges Bizet's Carmen, first performed in Paris in 1875, was a milestone in the history of French opera.
church ceremonies during the period from the 5th to the 7th century. Roman chant became known as Gregorian chant after Pope Gregory I, the Great, who may havecomposed some of the melodies and who actively encouraged an orderly, ritualized use of music by the church. Because Gregory and later popes preferred Gregorianchant to the varieties that had developed elsewhere in Europe, Gregorian chant eventually superseded most of the others. Gregorian and other chant styles arepreserved in many manuscr...
English Literature
English Literature, literature produced in England, from the introduction of Old English by the Anglo-Saxons in the 5th century to the present.
evident. That feature is typical of other Old English literature, for almost all of what survives was preserved by monastic copyists. Most of it was actually composed byreligious writers after the early conversion of the people from their faith in the older Germanic divinities. Sacred legend and story were reduced to verse in poems resembling Beowulf in form. At first such verse was rendered in the somewhat simple, stark style of the poems of Caedmon, a humble man of the late 7th century who w...
In Britain, Robert Owen, a philanthropic Welsh manufacturer, strove against the social problems brought about by the Industrial Revolution and sought to improve thewelfare of workers. As manager of a cotton mill, he enhanced the environment of his workers by improving their housing, modernizing mill equipment for greater safetyand sanitation, and establishing low-priced stores for the workers and schools for their children. Owen believed that workers, rather than governments, should createthe in...
Communism .
In Britain, Robert Owen, a philanthropic Welsh manufacturer, strove against the social problems brought about by the Industrial Revolution and sought to improve thewelfare of workers. As manager of a cotton mill, he enhanced the environment of his workers by improving their housing, modernizing mill equipment for greater safetyand sanitation, and establishing low-priced stores for the workers and schools for their children. Owen believed that workers, rather than governments, should createthe in...
Austin, John Langshaw
traditional problem of the nature of action. Austin was sure that to plunge in at the deep end by asking 'What is anaction?' was mere folly. The way to start was by a close examination of the language ordinarily used for discussingaction; a sub-area of this vocabulary is that which is concerned with the defects that actions may exhibit; theymay, for example, be unintended, mistakes, inadvertences, involuntary or clumsy. As a deliberate illustration of hisgeneral ideas, he set out to examine some...
Electric Lighting.
successful arc lamp in 1878. Tungsten filaments were substituted for carbon filaments in incandescent lamps in 1907, and gas-filled incandescent lamps were developedin 1913. The fluorescent lamp was introduced in 1938. See also Lamp. For most of the 20th century the incandescent light bulb was widely used for lighting in homes. More energy-efficient and longer-lasting fluorescent lamps were adoptedfor industrial and office use. In 1979 a compact fluorescent bulb that screwed into ordinary lig...
Steam Engine.
wear caused by this pressure, steam-engine valves are frequently made in a cylindrical form entirely enclosing the piston, so that the pressure is equal all around thevalve and friction is minimized. The development of this type of valve is attributed to the American inventor and manufacturer George Henry Corliss. In other types ofslide valves, the moving portion of the valve is designed so that steam does not press directly on the back of the valve. The linkage between the piston of the engine...
House (architecture)
Trulli in Alberobello, Italy
Alberobello, in the Apulia region of southeastern Italy, is noted for its unusual limestone houses known as trulli (from
Greek trullos, dome).
Fresco in the Villa of the Mysteries, PompeiiThe Villa of the Mysteries, Pompeii, Italy (built about 50 bc), featured a large hall with this mural encircling it. The mural ispainted in the Second Style of Roman painting. (Historians of art recognize four periods or styles in Roman wall painting.)The mural in the Villa of the Mysteries is thought to depict the initiation rituals of a mystery religion. For this reason, it hasbeen conjectured that the hall was used for cult rituals.Bridgeman Art Li...
Archive Films/BBC Worldwide Americas, Inc.
features in its dance styles. The ordinary potential of the body can be expanded in dance, usually through long periods of specialized training. In ballet, for example, the dancer exercises to rotate,or turn out, the legs at the hips, making it possible to lift the leg high in an arabesque. In India, some dancers learn to choreograph their eyeballs and eyebrows.Costuming can extend the body's capabilities. Toe or pointe shoes, stilts, and flying harnesses are a few of the artificial aids employe...
Nuclear Weapons.
Regardless of the method used to attain a supercritical assembly, the chain reaction proceeds for about a millionth of a second, liberating vast amounts of heat energy.The extremely fast release of a very large amount of energy in a relatively small volume causes the temperature to rise to tens of millions of degrees. The resultingrapid expansion and vaporization of the bomb material causes a powerful explosion. VI PRODUCTION OF FISSILE MATERIAL Much experimentation was necessary to make the p...
Qing Dynasty - History.
The Manchus also dealt with the problem of Russian expansion into northeastern Asia. In 1689 the Treaty of Nerchinsk was signed by an envoy from the Manchu courtand a Russian representing Peter the Great. The treaty, the first between China and a Western country, established territorial boundaries and defined rules ofcommerce for the two powers. Through the mid-18th century, the Manchus continued to consolidate their power. In 1720 the Qing ruler sent forces to fight the Mongols in Tibet and the...
the vacuum of space, however, demonstrated that this belief was not true. In fact, rockets produce more thrust in the vacuum of space than on Earth. Air pressure andfriction with the air reduce a rocket’s thrust by about 10 percent on Earth as compared to the rocket’s performance in space. B Thrust and Efficiency Thrust is a measurement of the force of a rocket, or the amount of “push” exerted backward to move a rocket forward. Thrusts vary greatly from rocket to rocket.Engineers measure thrust...
Rocket - astronomy.
the vacuum of space, however, demonstrated that this belief was not true. In fact, rockets produce more thrust in the vacuum of space than on Earth. Air pressure andfriction with the air reduce a rocket’s thrust by about 10 percent on Earth as compared to the rocket’s performance in space. B Thrust and Efficiency Thrust is a measurement of the force of a rocket, or the amount of “push” exerted backward to move a rocket forward. Thrusts vary greatly from rocket to rocket.Engineers measure thrust...
Manhattan Project - U.
other possible uses of nuclear energy, such as using uranium to operate large power plants or, perhaps, as power sources for ships or submarines. Then Nazi Germanyinvaded Poland on September 1, 1939, and Europe plunged into war. The scientists realized that any plans to build large-scale nuclear power plants would have to waituntil the war was over. Two weeks after the invasion of Poland, Hitler made a radio speech in which he threatened Britain with “a weapon against which there is no defense.”...
exploitation, ethnic discrimination, and religious persecution. Perceived inequities in the distribution of wealth and political power have led some terrorists to attempt tooverthrow democratically elected governments. To achieve a fairer society, they would replace these governments with socialist or communist regimes. Left-wingterrorist groups of the 1960s and 1970s with such aims included Germany’s Baader-Meinhof Gang, Italy’s Red Brigades, and the Weather Underground ( see Weathermen) in the...