1771 résultats pour "one"
Winning One for the Gipper.
Gipp had a swagger off the field as well. A noted pool shark and gambler, he frequented South Bend's less savory establishments and kept hours that would haveearned any other player a swift dismissal from the team. In an era when gambling and college football seemed congenial bedfellows, Gipp often served as the teambookie—for wagers on Notre Dame games. Accused by Rockne of lacking interest in the 1920 Notre Dame-Army clash, Gipp reportedly replied, “You're wrongthere,” according to Wake Up th...
Electricity, one of the basic forms of energy.
electrons in the neutral object are attracted to the positive object. Some of these electrons flow to the side of the neutral object that is nearest to the positive object.This side of the neutral object accumulates electrons and becomes negatively charged. Because electrons leave the far side of the neutral object while its protonsremain stationary, that side becomes positively charged. Since the negatively charged side of the neutral object is closest to the positive object, the attraction bet...
Physics, major science, dealing with the fundamental constituents of the universe, the forces they exert on one another, and the results produced by these forces.
Starting about 1665, at the age of 23, Newton enunciated the principles of mechanics, formulated the law of universal gravitation, separated white light into colors,proposed a theory for the propagation of light, and invented differential and integral calculus. Newton's contributions covered an enormous range of naturalphenomena: He was thus able to show that not only Kepler's laws of planetary motion but also Galileo's discoveries of falling bodies follow a combination of his ownsecond law of m...
One Hundred Years of Olympics.
Getting over the Hurdles The next three Olympics attracted more athletes and saw stronger performances but otherwise did not measure up to Athens. The 1900 Paris Olympics were upstagedby the concurrent Exposition Universelle and were spread out over two months. The 1904 games in remote St. Louis were subordinated to the Louisiana PurchaseExhibition; over three-fourths of the competitors were Americans, and even Coubertin did not attend. The 1908 London Olympics were also overshadowed byanother...
Gravitation, the force of attraction between all objects that tends to pull them toward one another.
precise observations possible, and Galileo was one of the first to use a telescope to study astronomy. In 1609 Galileo observed that moons orbited the planet Jupiter, afact that could not reasonably fit into an earth-centered model of the heavens. The new heliocentric theory changed scientists' views about the earth's place in the universe and opened the way for new ideas about the forces behind planetarymotion. However, it was not until the late 17th century that Isaac Newton developed a theory...
Johann Sebastian Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), German composer and one of the world's greatest musical geniuses.
Bach served nine years at the Weimar court, first as organist and then, from 1714, as concertmaster as well. His employer, Wilhelm Ernst, duke of Weimar, was a greatadmirer of the organ, and spurred by the duke’s enthusiasm Bach proceeded to compose a vast number of unprecedented works for the instrument: the Orgelbüchlein (“Little Organ Book”), a collection of small chorale preludes for the church year; the so-called Great Eighteen Chorales of larger size; and a series of dramatic preludes a...
Isaac NewtonIINTRODUCTIONIsaac Newton (1642-1727), English physicist, mathematician, and natural philosopher, considered one of the most important scientists of all time.
B Calculus (Newton’s “Fluxional Method”) In 1669 Newton gave his Trinity mathematics professor Isaac Barrow an important manuscript, which is generally known by its shortened Latin title, De Analysi . This work contained many of Newton’s conclusions about calculus (what Newton called his “fluxional method”). Although the paper was not immediately published, Barrowmade its results known to several of the leading mathematicians of Britain and Europe. This paper established Newton as one of the...
Popular Music
Satchmo Sings "Back O' Town Blues"
One of the founders of instrumental jazz music, American Louis Armstrong, known as Satchmo, also profoundly influenced
vocal jazz and popular song.
disseminating popular music until the 1920s remained printed sheet music. By the late 19th century, the music-publishing business was centralized in New York City,particularly in an area of lower Manhattan called Tin Pan Alley. “After the Ball” (1892) by Charles K. Harris, the first popular song to sell 1 million copies—in this case, ofsheet music—inspired rapid growth in the music-publishing industry. Composers were hired to rapidly produce popular songs by the dozens, and the techniques ofFost...
- Pleiades (Sailing Ones) Greek Seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione, one of the Oceanids; sisters of the Hyades.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, an 18th-century Austrian classical composer and one of the most famous musicians of all time,
came from a family of musicians that included his father and sister.
The opera, Mitridati, rè di Ponto (Mithridates, King of Pontus), was produced in 1770 in Milan under Mozart’s direction with success. Also that year the pope made Mozart a knight of the Order of the Golden Spur. A Salzburg and Germany From 1775 to 1780 Mozart was based mainly in Salzburg working for the archbishop Hieronymous von Colloredo. Although dissatisfied with the low pay and limitedopportunities his employment offered, Mozart composed many works during this period, including his first...
Confucius (551 or 552-479
Chinese philosopher and educator, one of the most important individuals in Chinese history, and one of the most influential figures in
world history.
From a modern perspective, Confucius’s worldview has certain limitations. He was ignorant of cultural diversity; he accepted the sexism of his society; he shows nointerest in natural science or technology; his political philosophy is undemocratic; and he gives insufficient stress to social change. However, Confucius will no doubtcontinue to inspire people across the world with his vision of social harmony, his insight into human virtue, and his techniques for cultivating ethical individuals. Mi...
- Janus (Ianus) Roman One of the principal Roman gods and one of the oldest.
Magnetism, an aspect of electromagnetism, one of the fundamental forces of nature.
the French physicist Paul Langevin produced a theory regarding the temperature dependence of the magnetic properties of paramagnets (discussed below), which wasbased on the atomic structure of matter. This theory is an early example of the description of large-scale properties in terms of the properties of electrons and atoms.Langevin's theory was subsequently expanded by the French physicist Pierre Ernst Weiss, who postulated the existence of an internal, “molecular” magnetic field inmaterials...
- 'One is not born a hero, one becomes a hero'
Rembrandt (1606-1669), Dutch baroque artist, who ranks as one of the greatest painters in the history of Western art.
of his collection of art and antiquities, taken before an auction to pay his debts, showed the breadth of Rembrandt's interests: ancient sculpture, Flemish and ItalianRenaissance paintings, Far Eastern art, contemporary Dutch works, weapons, and armor. Unfortunately, the results of the auction—including the sale of hishouse—were disappointing. These problems in no way affected Rembrandt's work; if anything, his artistry increased. Some of the great paintings from this period are The Jewish Brid...
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), 16th president of the United States (1861-1865) and one of the great leaders in American history.
fence in 4 hectares (10 acres) to grow corn. Then he hired out to neighbors, helping them to split rails. That year, Lincoln attended a political rally and was persuaded tospeak on behalf of a local candidate. It was his first political speech. A witness recalled that Lincoln “was frightened but got warmed up and made the best speech of theday.” In 1831 Lincoln made a second trip to New Orleans. He was hired, along with his stepbrother and a cousin, by Denton Offutt, a Kentucky trader and specul...
George Gershwin
American pianist, songwriter, and composer George Gershwin was one of the most important figures in popular song in
the 1920s and 1930s.
C Extravaganzas Another predecessor of musical comedy, the extravaganza, evolved soon after the American Civil War (1861-1865) from traditional English pantomime. Extravaganzaswere typically based on fairy tales and Mother Goose. They introduced some of the elements—songs, dances, and comedy combined with spectacular stage sets andeffects—that American musical comedy later became known for. The first and most famous extravaganza show was The Black Crook (1866), often described as America’s fi...
Metalwork, in the fine arts, objects of artistic, decorative, and utilitarian value made of one or more kinds of metal--from precious to base--fashioned by either casting,
hammering, or joining or a combination of these techniques.
Early Bronze DiskThis disk with the head of Acheloos, an Etruscan river god, was made of bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, sometime inthe early 5th century bc. It comes from the necropolis of Monte Quaglieri in Tarquinia. Alloys are made by smelting twodifferent metals together.Scala/Art Resource, NY Knowledge of smelting ultimately led to knowledge of mixing different ores together in the smelting process to produce simple alloys. This followed an intermediateperiod, about 3000 BC, when comp...
Prometheus (Forethought) Greek One of the
Titans, descended from the Earth Mother (Gaia)
and the Sky Father (Uranus); son of Iapetus and
one of the daughters of Oceanus, possibly Clymene;
brother of Atlas and Epimetheus; father of Deucalion.
knew he was being tricked, Zeus decided to keep the knowledge of fire-making from humankind. Prometheus, undaunted, stole fire from heaven, or from the forge of the smith-god, Hephaestus, and took it to Earth hidden in the hollow stalk of the fennel plant. He then began to teach people all the uses of fire—how to make tools and fashion metal, how to build, and how to cook. He also taught people how to sow and reap, and how to use herbs for healing. Prometheus, Bound and Unbound - Mythology. Pro...
John Milton
John Milton
Seventeenth-century writer John Milton ranks as one of the greatest poets in the history of English literature.
liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.” In Of Education (1644) Milton advocated an education combining classical instruction, to prepare the student for government service, with religious training. The third group of pamphlets includes those Milton wrote to justify the execution of Charles I. The first of these, The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates (1649), deals with constitutional questions and particularly with the rights of the people a...
Laurel and Hardy
Stan Laurel, in overalls, and Oliver Hardy, left, formed one of the most popular comedy teams in motion-picture history.
The elements and techniques of comedy are diverse and differ from culture to culture. More than tragedy or serious drama, comic entertainment is controlled by socialconventions that define the boundaries of acceptable humor and topics that are taboo or off-limits for humor. What is considered funny in one place and time may beforbidden culturally or viewed as infantile or in poor taste in another. Virtually every component of human behavior is subject to comic treatment. This includes bodilyfunc...
One. Number 31 1950 Jackson Pollock (1912-1956)
One. Number 31 1 199 Sans chevalet La femme de Pollock, Lee Krasner, raconte que, dans ses toiles abstraites, Pollock commençait par un dessin figuratif que petit à petit il recouvrait de coulées de peinture jusqu'à ce qu'il soit complètement voilé. Jackson Pollock ne travaillait pas sur_ un che valet. Non, il posait sa toile à même le sol et, trempant ses pin ceaux dans les pots d'émail, avec l'assurance d'un danseur, tout en tournant autour d...
Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens
English author Charles Dickens ranks as one of the most popular writers in the history of world literature.
Papers of the Pickwick Club (1836-1837; 1837); The Adventures of Oliver Twist (1837-1839; 1838); The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (1838-1839; 1839); The Old Curiosity Shop (1840-1841; 1841); Barnaby Rudge (1841); The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit (1843-1844; 1844); Dombey and Son (1846-1848; 1848); The Personal History of David Copperfield (1849-1850; 1850); Bleak House (1852-1853; 1853); Hard Times (1854); Little Dorrit (1855-1857; 1857); A Tale of Tw...
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), German political and military leader and one of the 20th century's most powerful dictators.
A Economic Collapse At the end of World War I, the Allies (those countries who had fought against Germany) had demanded that Germany pay reparations—that is, payments for wardamages. The government refused to pay all that was demanded by the Allies. When Germany failed to pay enough, France and Belgium occupied the coal mines in theRuhr industrial area in west central Germany in January 1923. In protest, the German government halted all reparation payments and called for passive resistance by a...
- Medusa Greek One of the three Gorgons, the only one who was not immortal; her sisters were Stheno and Euryale.
- Hyperion (The One Above) Greek One of the Titans; son of Uranus and Gaia; father with Theia of Helios, Selene, and Eos (the Sun, the Moon, and Dawn).
- Should we have one global language?
Act V, scene one of A Midsummer Night's Dream
than vast hell can hold” (l.9). The lover sees beauty everywhere even where the others don’t. Love makes him blind and the hyperbole shows the power of imagination: “The lover sees Helen’s beauty in a brow of Egypt” (l.11). Then, the poet turns abstract into concrete, capturing in words what humans can’t imagine. He creates a news language, he has a central role four society and also, he is intermediary between heaven and earth. Like justify the chiasmus line 13: “The poet’s eye, in a fine frenz...
- anglais, banksy one nation under cctv
- Manes (Good Ones) Roman The spirits of the dead.
- Cosecant Cosecant, one of the six fundamental ratios of trigonometry.
Bansky One nation under cctv
Le trompe l'oeil est une technique pratiquée depuis l'antiquité. Elle cherche à restituer le sujet avec le plus possibke de réel, notamment en donnant l'illusion du relief
Igor Stravinsky
Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971), Russian American composer, one of the most influential figures of music in the 20th century.
Schoenberg's disciple, the Austrian composer Anton Webern. Gradually Stravinsky drew more and more on serial techniques—integrating them into his own approach,as he had done with every previous musical influence—in works such as the cantata Threni (1958), the Movements for Piano and Orchestra (1959), and his last major work, the Requiem Canticles (1966). In 1967, in his mid-80s and failing in health, Stravinsky conducted a recording of his music for the last time. He died on April 6, 1971,...
Jason (Iason) Greek The hero of one of the
most famous Greek legends, often known as "Jason
and the Golden Fleece," or "Jason and the Argonauts.
They fought among themselves until all were dead. Medea then led Jason to the place where the Golden Fleece hung, guarded by a terrible dragon. Using a magic potion, Medea put the dragon to sleep, allowing Jason to secure the precious trophy. Jason and the Argonauts went to sea, accompanied by Medea, and pursued by King Aeetes. Medea slew her brother, Absyrtus, who had accompanied them. She cut his body into pieces and flung them into the sea and onto the surrounding land, knowing that Aeetes wo...
Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson
Heralded as one of the most gifted American writers, Emily Dickinson authored nearly 2,000 poems.
particular form of self-publication. She also read her poems aloud to several people, including her cousins Louise and Frances Norcross, over a period of three decades. Editions of Dickinson’s writings include The Poems of Emily Dickinson (3 volumes, 1955), The Letters of Emily Dickinson (3 volumes, 1958), and The Manuscript Books of Emily Dickinson (2 volumes, 1981). Contributed By:Martha Nell SmithMicrosoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- Miles Davis Miles Davis (1926-1991), American trumpet player and bandleader, one of the most innovative, influential, and respected figures in the history of jazz .
George Washington
George Washington (1732-1799), first president of the United States (1789-1797) and one of the most important leaders in United States history.
A2 Promotion This was Washington’s first experience with the difficulties of raising troops while lacking equipment, clothing, and funds. Apparently he thought his efforts worthy ofsome recognition and successfully applied to Dinwiddie for a lieutenant colonel’s commission. He left Alexandria, Virginia, early in April with about 150 poorly equippedand half-trained troops. A3 First Battles Before he had advanced very far, Washington received news that the French had driven Trent’s men back from...
Proton, elementary particle that carries a positive electric charge and, along with the electron and the neutron, is one of the building blocks of all atoms.
Gordon FraserMicrosoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- Sine. Sine, one of the fundamental ratios of trigonometry. A ratio
- Filippo Brunelleschi Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446), Florentine architect, one of the initiators of the Italian Renaissance.
Japanese Art and Architecture
Otani Oniji as Eitoku
Otani Oniji as Eitoku is one of a number of woodblock prints created by the artist T? sh ?sai Sharaku between 1794 and
1795 during the Edo period in Japan.
Jō mon PotteryJapan’s J ōmon people, who thrived from 10,000 to 300 bc, made distinctive pottery for boiling, steaming, and storing food.The pots were made with coils of clay and then decorated by rolling carved sticks, plant fibers, or braided cords over theouter surface. This cord-marked (j ōmon) pottery gave the culture its name.Scala/Art Resource, NY The first settlers of Japan, the J ōmon people (10,000?-300? BC), named for the cord markings that decorated the surfaces of their clay vessel...
Wayne Gretzky
Wayne Gretzky, born in 1961, Canadian professional ice hockey player, nicknamed The Great One, who is the National Hockey League (NHL) career leader in goals,
assists, and points (goals and assists combined).
and 1991. He was captain of the national team for the 1996 World Cup and made his first Olympic Games appearance as a member of Canada’s ice hockey team duringthe 1998 Winter Games in Nagano, Japan. In 1999, just a few months after his retirement from the NHL, Gretzky was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame. The board of directors of the Hall of Fame waived thenormal three-year waiting period as a way of honoring Gretzky for all his contributions to the sport of hockey. Gretzky remained active...
- Secant (trigonometry) Secant (trigonometry), one of the fundamental ratios of trigonometry.
- Lance Armstrong Lance Armstrong, born in 1971, American cyclist, a record seven-time winner of the Tour de France, the most prestigious cycling race in the world and one of the most grueling contests in all of sports.
Dante Alighieri
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), Italian poet, and one of the supreme figures of world literature, who was admired for the depth of his spiritual vision and for the range of
his intellectual accomplishment.
Dante AlighieriOne of the greatest poets in the history of world literature, Italian writer Dante Alighieri composed poetry influenced byclassical and Christian tradition. Dante’s greatest work was the epic poem La divina commedia (1321?; The DivineComedy, 1802). It includes three sections: the Inferno (Hell), in which the great classical poet Virgil leads Dante on a tripthrough hell; the Purgatorio (Purgatory), in which Virgil leads Dante up the mountain of purification; and the Paradiso(Paradi...
- Joe DiMaggio Joe DiMaggio (1914-1999), American baseball player, who was one of the greatest hitters and center fielders of all time.
- Polyphemus Greek The savage, one-eyed giant of Homer's Odyssey.
Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali, born in 1942, American boxer, one of the greatest fighters in the history of the sport.
In 1984 Ali was first diagnosed with Parkinson syndrome, a medical condition closely related to Parkinson disease. Symptoms include body tremors, slurred or difficultspeech, rigid limbs, facial immobilization, and other neurological problems. The disorder sometimes develops in boxers, because of the repeated blows to the head theysuffer over a long career. As the former champion coped with the condition, he became a strong advocate for more research money for Parkinson disease and relatedconditi...
Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner (1813-1883), German composer, conductor, and essayist, one of the most influential cultural figures of the 19th century.
May 1864 he was summoned to Munich by the 18-year-old King Ludwig II of Bavaria, who settled Wagner's debts, paid him a generous allowance, and provided himwith housing. Wagner was soon joined in his new home by Cosima von Bülow, Liszt’s daughter and the wife of German conductor and pianist Hans von Bülow. Wagnerand Cosima began a relationship that produced three children before the dissolution of the Bülows' marriage in 1870. Mounting hostility toward Wagner by members ofLudwig’s court resulted...