270 résultats pour "neve"
Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis ou Saint-Christopher-et-Nevis.
Découvertes en 1493 par Christophe Colomb, ces îles furent assez superficiellement colonisées par les Espagnols, en raison de la farouche opposition des Indiens caraïbes à la tutelle ibérique. Elles furent classées dans la catégorie des « îles inutiles » de la nomenclature administrative espagnole en raison de leur petitesse, de l'hostilité de leurs habitants cannibales et de l'insignifiance de leurs richesses en métal précieux. Elles servirent d'entrepôts permanents à tous les aventuriers à par...
- névé.
- Nevis.
confess, I've never thought too much about giving lessons.
unpopularity atschool, Grandma's coupons,storagefacilities, peoplewhodon't know whattheInternet is,bad handwriting, beautifulsongs,howthere won't behumans infifty years—" "Whosaidthere won't behumans infifty years?" Iasked her,"Are youanoptimist orapessimist?" Shelooked ather watch andsaid, "I'm optimistic. " "Then Ihave some badnews foryou, because humansaregoing todestroy eachother assoon asitbecomes easyenough to,which will bevery soon." "Whydobeautiful songsmakeyousad?" "Because theyaren't t...
SAi NT KilTS ET NEvis Un relief volcanique Les îles de Saint Kitts et Nevis sont liées non seulement par leur histoire mais aussi par leurs caractères naturels, car eUes sont toutes deux nées du volcanisme. S aint Kitts et Nevis appar tiennent à l'arc interne vol canique des Petite s Antilles et sont assez ressemblantes par leur cadre naturel. Elles s'ap puient sur un socle sous-marin qui a subi au tertiaire un soulè vem...
Debating Sports Records
Mark Purdy, sports columnist for the San Jose Mercury News in California, compiles a list of sports records that he believes will never be broken and a separate list of
records that he thinks are soon to be eclipsed.
UCLA’s dominance of NCAA men’s college basketball in the late 1960s and early 1970s will never be matched. With John Wooden as coach, the Bruins went from1967 to 1973 without losing a tournament game. Wooden built a dynasty around a system that stressed team play and solid defense, anchored by standout centersLew Alcindor (who later changed his name to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) and Bill Walton. The Bruins’ ten straight appearances in the Final Four (1967-1976) will alsobe tough to top, given that tod...
Debating Sports Records
Mark Purdy, sports columnist for the San Jose Mercury News in California, compiles a list of sports records that he believes will never be broken and a separate list of
records that he thinks are soon to be eclipsed.
UCLA’s dominance of NCAA men’s college basketball in the late 1960s and early 1970s will never be matched. With John Wooden as coach, the Bruins went from1967 to 1973 without losing a tournament game. Wooden built a dynasty around a system that stressed team play and solid defense, anchored by standout centersLew Alcindor (who later changed his name to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) and Bill Walton. The Bruins’ ten straight appearances in the Final Four (1967-1976) will alsobe tough to top, given that tod...
- Saint Kitts und Nevis - geographie.
- Description d'une vignette en italien "Pupazzo di neve"
Your mother and I never talk about the past, that's a rule.
under theNothing doorandstained theSomething hallway,there'snothing tosay. Itbecame difficulttonavigate from Something toSomething withoutaccidentally walkingthrough Nothing, andwhen Something—a key,apen, a pocketwatch—was accidentallyleftinaNothing Place,itnever couldberetrieved, thatwasanunspoken rule,likenearly all ofour rules havebeen. There cameapoint, ayear ortwo ago, when ourapartment wasmore Nothing than Something, thatinitself didn't havetobe aproblem, itcould havebeen agood thing, itco...
St. Kitts et Nevis (2003-2004)
: Nevis, toujours tentée par l’indépendance
Forte de ses activités liées au tourisme de luxe...
St. Kitts et Nevis (2003-2004) : Nevis, toujours tentée par l’indépendance Forte de ses activités liées au tourisme de luxe et de ses services financiers offshore florissantes, l’île cadette de Nevis menaçait encore en 2004 de quitter la fédération, malgré l’avis défavorable des instances régionales et les craintes que ce micro-État ne devienne la cible des...
I'd never loved Grandma more than I loved her right then.
So Iput mystory intoit. I pretended hewas Grandma, andIstarted atthe very beginning. I told himabout thetuxedo onthe chair, andhow Ihad broken thevase, andfound thekey, andthelocksmith, andthe envelope, andtheartsupply store.Itold himabout thevoice ofAaron Black,andhow Iwas soincredibly closetokissing Abby Black. Shedidn't sayshe didn't wantto,just that itwasn't agood idea.Itold himabout AbeBlack inConey Island, and Ada Black withthetwo Picasso paintings, andthebirds thatflew byMr. Black's windo...
- Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols [album] - analyse de l'oeuvre musicale.
St. Kitts et Nevis (1988-1989)
Le Nevis Reformation Party a remporté de nouveau 4 sièges sur 5 à l'Assemblée,
St. Kitts et Nevis (1988-1989) Le Nevis Reformation Party a remporté de nouveau 4 sièges sur 5 à l'Assemblée, mais, pour sa part, le gouvernement envisagerait des élections anticipées. Le tourisme reste la ressource clé du pays (augmentation de...
St. Kitts et Nevis (1995-1996)
Le Premier ministre de Nevis, Vance Amory, a annoncé, en juin 1996, son
intention de...
St. Kitts et Nevis (1995-1996) Le Premier ministre de Nevis, Vance Amory, a annoncé, en juin 1996, son intention de faire sortir son île de la fédération. Il a accusé le gouvernement central d'ingérence dans ses affaires. Le Premier ministre de la fédération, Denzil Douglas,...
St. Kitts et Nevis (1996-1997)
Le Premier ministre de Nevis, Vance Amory, a persisté dans son projet de séparer
St. Kitts et Nevis (1996-1997) Le Premier ministre de Nevis, Vance Amory, a persisté dans son projet de séparer l'île (10 000 habitants) de la fédération (45 000 au total). Cependant, il a été confronté à l'hostilité des leaders de la région, qui estimaient que...
St. Kitts et Nevis (1998-1999): Nevis reste dans la fédération
En septembre 1998, le cyclone Georges a fait cinq morts,...
St. Kitts et Nevis (1998-1999): Nevis reste dans la fédération En septembre 1998, le cyclone Georges a fait cinq morts, provoqué 400 millions de dollars de dégâts et laissé 2 500 personnes sans abri. La croissance économique (tourisme, sucre) a néanmoins été de 7 % en 1998....
St. Kitts et Nevis (1990-1991)
Le Premier ministre de Nevis, Siméon Daniel, a annoncé au gouvernement fédéral,
lors du IIe...
St. Kitts et Nevis (1990-1991) Le Premier ministre de Nevis, Siméon Daniel, a annoncé au gouvernement fédéral, lors du IIe Congrès du Parti de la réforme, fin octobre 1990, que l'île sortirait de la Fédération avant la fin 1992, aux prochaines élections. Le Premier ministre de St. Kitts, Kennedy A. Simmonds, a décidé des augmentations de tarif sur l'électricité et des impôts sur...
Article encyclopédique
Les îles sœurs de Saint Christopher (St. Kitts) et Nevis, orientées...
Article encyclopédique ST. KITTS ET NEVIS AU XXe SIÈCLE Les îles sœurs de Saint Christopher (St. Kitts) et Nevis, orientées vers la culture de la canne à sucre et autrefois du coton (pour la seconde), ont connu, dans les années 1930, une rébellion contre la tutelle britannique. Robert Bradshaw (1916-1978), qui dirigea le syndicat des ouvriers du sucre, gouverne le pays jusqu’à sa...
It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life, motion picture about a man who believes he is a failure because he never left the small town where he grew up, based on the story The Greatest
Gift by Philip Van Doren Stern.
When Uncle Billy leaves George’s house drunk he stumbles over what sounds like trash cans, and says “I’m all right, I’m all right…” In fact, actor Thomas Mitchell wasstumbling over some equipment left by the film crew and he was assuring the crew member he was not hurt. Director Capra left the scene as it was. Quotes Man on Porch: “Why don't you kiss her instead of talking her to death.”Bailey: “You want me to kiss her, huh?”Man on Porch: “Ah, youth is wasted on the wrong people!” Bailey: (rega...
- Neva. fleuve de Russie, émissaire du lac Ladoga, qui arrose
Saint Kitts und Nevis - Daten und Fakten - geographie.
AnmerkungDie angegebenen Zahlen sind gerundet. Deshalb entspricht die Summe der aufgeführten Werte nicht immer 100 Prozent.Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
St. Kitts and Nevis Facts and Figures.
Official name
Federation of
Female 97.5 percent (1995) Male 97.1 percent (1995) Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP) 3.7 percent (2002-2003) Number of years of compulsory schooling 12 years (2002-2003) Number of students per teacher, primary school 17 students per teacher (2002-2003) GOVERNMENTForm of government Constitutional monarchy Voting qualifications Universal at age 18 Constitution 19 September 1983 Armed forcesTotal number of military personnel Not available Military expend...
- Ben Nevis - encyclopédie.
Excerpt from Mansfield Park - anthology.
arranged round the other. It was a fine arrangement for Henry Crawford, who was close to Fanny, and with his hands full of business, having two persons' cards tomanage as well as his own—for though it was impossible for Fanny not to feel herself mistress of the rules of the game in three minutes, he had yet to inspirit herplay, sharpen her avarice, and harden her heart, which, especially in any competition with William, was a work of some difficulty; and as for Lady Bertram, he mustcontinue in c...
Excerpt from Bleak House - anthology.
patience, courage, hope; so overthrows the brain and breaks the heart; that there is not an honourable man among its practitioners who would not give—who does notoften give—the warning, 'Suffer any wrong that can be done you, rather than come here!' Who happen to be in the Lord Chancellor's court this murky afternoon besides the Lord Chancellor, the counsel in the cause, two or three counsel who are never inany cause, and the well of solicitors before mentioned? There is the registrar below...
From The Sound and the Fury - anthology.
'You'd better slip on your pants and run,' he said. He went out. I got up and moved about, listening to him through the wall. He entered the sitting-room, toward the door. 'Aren't you ready yet?' 'Not yet. Run along. I'll make it.' He went out. The door closed. His feet went down the corridor. Then I could hear the watch again. I quit moving around and went to the window and drew thecurtains aside and watched them running for chapel, the same ones fighting the same heaving coat-s...
From Paradise Lost, Book I - anthology.
At once as far as angels ken he viewsThe dismal situation waste and wild,A dungeon horrible, on all sides roundAs one great furnace flamed, yet from those flamesNo light, but rather darkness visibleServed only to discover sights of woe,Regions of sorrow, doleful shades, where peaceAnd rest can never dwell, hope never comesThat comes to all; but torture without endStill urges, and a fiery deluge, fedWith ever-burning sulphur unconsumed:Such place Eternal Justice had preparedFor those rebellious,...
Excerpt from Emma - anthology.
Her sister, though comparatively but little removed by matrimony, being settled in London, only sixteen miles off, was much beyond her daily reach; and many along October and November evening must be struggled through at Hartfield, before Christmas brought the next visit from Isabella and her husband and their littlechildren to fill the house and give her pleasant society again. Highbury, the large and populous village almost amounting to a town, to which Hartfield, in spite of its separate...
Excerpt from Hard Times - anthology.
Mr Bounderby, the two gentlemen at this present moment walking through Coketown, and both eminently practical, who could, on occasion, furnish more tabularstatements derived from their own personal experience, and illustrated by cases they had known and seen, from which it clearly appeared—in short it was the onlyclear thing in the case—that these same people were a bad lot altogether, gentlemen; that do what you would for them they were never thankful for it, gentlemen; thatthey were restless,...
- Saint Kitts y Nevis - ficha de geographia.
traduction texte sur Neve tsedek en hebreu
Traduction texte Névé Tsedek Dans le Sud de Tel Aviv, entre les tours du tourisme et le quartier d’affaire, proche de Yafo, se trouve un quartier spécial dont le nom est Névé Tsedek. Les maisons du quartier sont basses, les rues sont étroites, les galeries sont belles et les structures du centre de danse et de théâtre sont pittoresques et impressionnantes. Le quartier a été fondé à la fin du siècle précédent. De nombreuses familles juives ont décidé de partir de Yafo qui était bondé pour a...
discour de steeve jobs a Stanford en 2005
None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, it's likely that no personal computer would have them. If...
Excerpt from Northanger Abbey - anthology.
“I will read you their names directly; here they are in my pocket-book. Castle of Wolfenbach, Clermont, Mysterious Warnings, Necromancer of the Black Forest, Midnight Bell, Orphan of the Rhine, and Horrid Mysteries. Those will last us some time.” “Yes; pretty well; but are they all horrid? Are you sure they are all horrid?” “Yes, quite sure; for a particular friend of mine, a Miss Andrews, a sweet girl, one of the sweetest creatures in the world, has read every one of them. I wis...
- Caetano (Marcelo Das Neves Alves, dit Marcelo)
Excerpt from Henry IV - anthology.
PRINCE HAL. Or an old lion, or a lover's lute. FALSTAFF. Yea, or the drone of a Lincolnshire bagpipe. PRINCE HAL. What sayest thou to a hare, or the melancholy of Moorditch? FALSTAFF. Thou hast the most unsavoury similes, and art indeed the most comparative rascalliest sweet young prince. But Hal, I prithee trouble me no more withvanity. I would to God thou and I knew where a commodity of good names were to be bought. An old lord of the Council rated me the other day in the street aboutyou, sir,...
Segregation in the United States - U.
acts of discrimination. Writing for the court, Justice Joseph Bradley declared: “When a man has emerged from slavery, and by the aid of beneficent legislation ... theremust be some stage in the progress of his elevation when he takes the rank of a mere citizen, and ceases to be the special favorite of the laws, and when his rights as acitizen, or a man, are to be protected in the ordinary modes by which other men’s rights are protected.” Rather than being the “special favorites” of the law, blac...
The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin
“The Dream of An Hour”, it is described as a dream to describe something unrealistic and unreachable. Women were not allowed to think for themselves or have an opinion of their own, they had to have the same opinions as their husbands or fathers, at the time. It took her husband dying for her to feel free, it was the only way, back then, for a woman to be free, as women were always financially dependent on men, a woman goes from being dependant on her father to being dependant on her husband, sh...
Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe - anthology.
Ever yet was blest with seeing bird above his chamber door—Bird or beast upon the sculptured bust above his chamber door,With such name as “Nevermore.” But the raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke onlyThat one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.Nothing further then he uttered—not a feather then he fluttered—Till I scarcely more than muttered, “other friends have flown before—On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before.' Then the bird said, “Nevermo...
Frank Zappa - Musik.
1969 Burnt Weeny Sandwich Theme from Burnt Weeny SandwichHoliday in Berlin, Full BlownLittle House I Used to Live in 1970 Weasels Ripped My Flesh Prelude to The Afternoon of ASexually Aroused Gas MaskEric Dolphy Memorial BarbecueMy Guitar Wants To Kill Your MamaOrange County Lumber Truck 1970 Chunga's Revenge Transylvania BoogieRoad LadiesTwenty Small CigarsNancy & Mary MusicChunga's RevengeSharleena 1971 Fillmore East: June 1971 Little House I Used To Live InMud SharkWhat Kind of Girl Do You Th...
Excerpt from Much Ado About Nothing - anthology.
BEATRICE. Alas, he gets nothing by that. In our last conflict four of his five wits went halting off, and now is the whole man governed with one; so that if he havewit enough to keep himself warm, let him bear it for a difference between himself and his horse; for it is all the wealth that he hath left, to be known a reasonablecreature. Who is his companion now? He hath every month a new sworn brother. MESSENGER. Is't possible? BEATRICE. Very easily possible: he wears his faith but as the fashio...
- Prior to August 1991 Belorussia had never existed as a sovereign State.
Williams Breaks .
the 374-pound tuna he caught on an off day earlier this summer. If he missed .400, it was going to feel like a failed season.” The A's had been reluctant to pitch to Williams all season, walking him 14 times in the previous eight meetings. Philadelphia catcher Frankie Hayes, however, toldWilliams in his first at bat that the team was instructed to pitch right to him. In Williams's first four at bats he ripped three singles and one home run. In the ninth hereached on an error, making him 4-fo...
V oir la carte
État insulaire d'Europe occidentale, densément peuplé et
fortement urbanisé, le Royaume-Uni est une vieille monarchie
parlementaire qui fait partie de l'Union européenne.
rencontrent dans le Sud-Est), et connaissent des maxima de 2 100 mm sur les massifs écossais. Elles sont très régulières et bien réparties : 165 jours à Londres, plus de 200 sur les massifs montagneux. Le degré d'humidité se traduit aussi par l'importante nébulosité et par la fréquence des brumes et des brouillards. La combinaison de ces phénomènes naturels ( fog ) avec les émissions de fumées ( smoke ) provoqua les célèbres brouillards polluants ( smog ) dans les agglomérations indus...
Messier Lifts the Curse.
Swept up in the hype, the Rangers came out for game five at the Garden in a virtual sleepwalk. By the start of the third period they were down 3-0. New Yorkscratched back to level the score as Messier culminated the three-goal spurt with a wrist shot midway through the period. Vancouver then stunned the Rangers—andthe sellout crowd—by netting three quick goals to put the game far out of reach. Game six in Vancouver proved even more of a challenge for the Rangers. The team showed little will...
Napoleon I
Napoleon I (1769-1821), emperor of the French, whose imperial dictatorship ended the French Revolution (1789-1799) while consolidating the reforms it had brought
until after Napoleon’s fall did the common people of Europe, alienated from his governments by war taxes and military conscription, fully appreciate the benefits he hadgiven them. VI NAPOLEON’S DOWNFALL In 1812 Napoleon, whose alliance with Alexander I had disintegrated, launched an invasion of Russia that ended in a disastrous retreat from Moscow. Thereafter allEurope united against him, and although he fought on, and brilliantly, the odds were impossible. In April 1814, his marshals refused...
Napoleon I.
until after Napoleon’s fall did the common people of Europe, alienated from his governments by war taxes and military conscription, fully appreciate the benefits he hadgiven them. VI NAPOLEON’S DOWNFALL In 1812 Napoleon, whose alliance with Alexander I had disintegrated, launched an invasion of Russia that ended in a disastrous retreat from Moscow. Thereafter allEurope united against him, and although he fought on, and brilliantly, the odds were impossible. In April 1814, his marshals refused...
Napoleon I .
until after Napoleon’s fall did the common people of Europe, alienated from his governments by war taxes and military conscription, fully appreciate the benefits he hadgiven them. VI NAPOLEON’S DOWNFALL In 1812 Napoleon, whose alliance with Alexander I had disintegrated, launched an invasion of Russia that ended in a disastrous retreat from Moscow. Thereafter allEurope united against him, and although he fought on, and brilliantly, the odds were impossible. In April 1814, his marshals refused...
Chiang Kai-shek - History.
Even one of Chiang's allied commanders, Zhang Xueliang, who had been expelled from Manchuria after the Mukden Incident, came to doubt the wisdom of Chiang'sapproach. In 1936 Zhang held Chiang prisoner in Xi'an until Chiang agreed to join the Communists in an allied front against Japan. Chiang later denied making anyagreement. On July 7, 1937, near the Marco Polo Bridge on the outskirts of Beijing, a Chinese patrol and Japanese troops on a training exercise clashed, and full-scalewar broke out be...
Zachary Taylor.
army fled back across the Río Grande into Mexico. When Polk got word of the victories, he promoted Taylor to major general. Congress awarded him two gold medals. B1 Battle of Monterrey In September 1846, Taylor began an invasion of northern Mexico. His army of 6000 consisted of regulars and volunteers. On September 21 he attacked the fortifiedcity of Monterrey, which was defended by more than 7000 Mexicans under General Pedro de Ampudia. Taylor divided his army, giving Brigadier General William...