38 résultats pour "lung"
Lung, either of a pair of elastic, spongy organs used
lead to emphysema, which is caused by wholesale destruction of alveoli. Other lung disorders include pneumonia, or inflammation of the lungs, which is usually causedby viruses or bacteria; pneumothorax, or collapse of the lung; pulmonary edema, or fluid in the lung; and pleural effusion, or fluid on the pleura. Pulmonary embolismoccurs when a blood clot or other foreign substance lodges in the lungs and blocks the major pulmonary arteries. Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corp...
Lunge - biologie.
LungenbläschenEtwa 700 Millionen Lungenbläschen bilden eine dünne Schicht in der Lunge. Dort findet der als äußere Atmung bezeichneteGasaustausch statt.CNRI/Photo Researchers, Inc. Die Luft wird angesaugt, wenn das Zwerchfell, ein kräftiger Muskel unterhalb der Lunge, sich nach unten bewegt, so dass sich der Brustkorb, an dem die Lunge befestigt ist,vergrößert. Daraufhin dehnt sich die Lunge aus und wird mit Luft gefüllt. Wenn sich das Zwerchfell anschließend entspannt, zieht sich die Lunge wied...
Respiratory System.
rapidly, or laughs while swallowing, the swallowing reflex may not work, and food or fluid can enter the larynx. Food, fluid, or other substances in the larynx initiate acough reflex as the body attempts to clear the larynx of the obstruction. If the cough reflex does not work, a person can choke, a life-threatening situation. TheHeimlich maneuver is a technique used to clear a blocked larynx ( see First Aid). A surgical procedure called a tracheotomy is used to bypass the larynx and get air to...
All animals must breathe oxygen to stay alive. They must breathe out a waste gas called carbon dioxide. Some animals breathe through lungs. Lungs take oxygen out of air. Cattle, dogs, cats, whales, people,and other mammals breathe through lungs. Birds and reptiles also breathe air through lungs. Lungs cannot take air from water. Seals, whales, dolphins, and other mammals that live in waterbreathe through lungs. They can stay underwater a long time because they can hold their breath for along tim...
Turtles use their jaws to cut and handle food. Instead of teeth, a turtle’s upper and lower jaws are covered by horny ridges, similar to a bird’s beak. Meat-eating turtlescommonly have knife-sharp ridges for slicing through their prey. Plant-eating turtles often have ridges with serrated edges that help them cut through tough plants.Turtles use their tongues in swallowing food, but unlike many other reptiles, such as chameleons, they cannot stick out their tongues to capture food. C Limb Structu...
Turtle - biology.
Turtles use their jaws to cut and handle food. Instead of teeth, a turtle’s upper and lower jaws are covered by horny ridges, similar to a bird’s beak. Meat-eating turtlescommonly have knife-sharp ridges for slicing through their prey. Plant-eating turtles often have ridges with serrated edges that help them cut through tough plants.Turtles use their tongues in swallowing food, but unlike many other reptiles, such as chameleons, they cannot stick out their tongues to capture food. C Limb Structu...
Tobacco - biology.
quality cigars are made entirely by hand, most cigars are manufactured by machine. Chewing tobaccos are generally made from thick grades of leaves to which binders and flavorings are added. Chewing tobacco is formed by pressing the tobacco intoblocks known as plugs. Snuff is made by grinding tobacco into fine powder, which is then allowed to ferment for a long period of time. Frequently, snuff is scented withspices, such as jasmine or cloves. V TOBACCO INDUSTRY Over 6 million tons of commercial...
The body defends itself against foreign proteins and infectious microorganisms by means of a complex dual system that depends on recognizing a portion of the surfacepattern of the invader. The two parts of the system are termed cellular immunity, in which lymphocytes are the effective agent, and humoral immunity, based on theaction of antibody molecules. When particular lymphocytes recognize a foreign molecular pattern (termed an antigen), they release antibodies in great numbers; other lymphocy...
Physical therapy helps patients with paralytic polio stretch and move affected muscles. This movement minimizes the atrophy, or shrinkage, of affected muscles andlimbs and builds strength. Exercises can also retrain working muscles to compensate for other muscles that have permanently lost the ability to move. Rehabilitativetherapy trains patients to use braces, crutches, and other devices that provide support and aid mobility. V PREVENTION OF POLIO Immunization with polio vaccine is the best w...
Cancer (medicine).
unable to repair the DNA damage, p53 instructs the cell to undergo programmed cell death, or apoptosis , putting a stop to runaway cell division before it starts. Programmed cell death is a normal part of cell life and is tightly controlled by many genes, primarily p53. In a cancerous cell, one or more mutations prevent these genes from doing their jobs. When mutated, p53 allows a cell to continue to divide, even with damaged DNA.This can lead to additional mutations in proto-oncogenes or tumor...
Diseases of Animals.
infected animal. It may also spread in milk or in garbage that contains contaminated meat. Typical symptoms include blisters that appear on the mouth and feet;animals may become lame when their hooves degenerate. Canine distemper is a highly contagious disease caused by the paramyxovirus, which is transmitted in discharges from the nose and eyes. Symptoms begin with fever,malaise, and nasal and ocular discharges and may progress to convulsions and other nervous system disorders. Parvoviruses aff...
Amphibian (animal) - biology.
strong enough to kill potential predators. C Hearing, Vision, and Vocalizations Amphibians rely on their senses to find food and evade predators. Amphibians lack external ears but have well-developed internal ears. Hearing is most acute in frogs,which typically have a middle ear cavity for transferring sound vibrations from the eardrum, or tympanum, to the inner ear. Frogs and toads also use their keen hearingin communicating with one another. Using a true voice box, or larynx, and a large, exp...
Bird, animal with feathers and wings. Birds are the only
B Physical Adaptations for Flight The internal body parts of all birds, including flightless ones, reflect the evolution of birds as flying creatures. Birds have lightweight skeletons in which many of themajor bones are hollow. A unique feature of birds is the furculum, or wishbone, which is comparable to the collarbones of humans, although in birds the left and rightportions are fused together. The furculum absorbs the shock of wing motion and acts as a spring to help birds breathe while they...
Bird - biology.
B Physical Adaptations for Flight The internal body parts of all birds, including flightless ones, reflect the evolution of birds as flying creatures. Birds have lightweight skeletons in which many of themajor bones are hollow. A unique feature of birds is the furculum, or wishbone, which is comparable to the collarbones of humans, although in birds the left and rightportions are fused together. The furculum absorbs the shock of wing motion and acts as a spring to help birds breathe while they...
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.
child transmission is particularly prevalent in Africa. D Misperceptions About HIV Transmission The routes of HIV transmission are well documented by scientists, but health officials continually grapple with people’s unfounded fears concerning the potential for HIVtransmission by other means. HIV differs from other infectious viruses in that it dies quickly if exposed to the environment. No evidence has linked HIV transmission tocasual contact with an infected person, such as a handshake, huggi...
Spider (arthropod) - biology.
The spider’s abdomen is soft and saclike. On the underside of the tip of the abdomen are three pairs of spinnerets. Each spinneret is studded with many fine, hairliketubes called spigots, which produce a variety of silk threads. The spigots lead to several large silk glands inside the abdomen. Silk is formed as a liquid inside theseabdominal glands. As the silk is drawn out through the spigots, protein molecules within the silk line up parallel to one another, causing the silk to harden and form...
Whale - biology.
III BEHAVIOR OF WHALES Studies of whales in captivity have taught scientists much about the complex social behavior of whales. Since the late 1980s, advances in the use of satellite trackingsystems have also broadened opportunities for scientists to observe how whales behave in the wild. A Swimming and Diving Whales swim by making powerful up-and-down movements of the tail flukes, which provide thrust. The power comes from body muscles that flex the lower spine upand down in a wavelike motion...
Frog (animal).
which means that their body temperature depends on the temperature of the surrounding environment. Few species can tolerate temperatures below 4°C (40°F) orabove 40°C (104°F), and many species can survive only within a narrower range of temperatures. In addition, frogs’ thin, moist skin offers little protection againstwater loss, and when on land the animals must guard against drying out. Many frogs are active at night because temperatures are cooler and humidity is higher thanduring the day. In...
Frog (animal) - biology.
which means that their body temperature depends on the temperature of the surrounding environment. Few species can tolerate temperatures below 4°C (40°F) orabove 40°C (104°F), and many species can survive only within a narrower range of temperatures. In addition, frogs’ thin, moist skin offers little protection againstwater loss, and when on land the animals must guard against drying out. Many frogs are active at night because temperatures are cooler and humidity is higher thanduring the day. In...
days and disappear in seven to ten days. However, coughing and fatigue may persist for two or more weeks. Death from influenza itself is rare. But influenza can aggravate underlying medical conditions, such as heart or lung disease. Invading influenza viruses produceinflammation in the lining of the respiratory tract, damage that increases the risk that secondary infections will develop. Common complications include bronchitis,sinusitis, and bacterial pneumonia, occurring most frequently in olde...
Human Disease.
disease can be transmitted through food infected with mutated proteins. B Spread of Infectious Disease Some pathogens are spread from one person to another by direct contact. They leave the first person through body openings, mucous membranes, and skin wounds,and they enter the second person through similar channels. For example, the viruses that cause respiratory diseases such as influenza and the common cold are spreadin moisture droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. A hand that...
Medical Ethics.
medical profession. In recent years, however, the field of medical ethics has struggled to keep pace with the many complex issues raised by new technologies for creating and sustaininglife. Artificial-respiration devices, kidney dialysis, and other machines can keep patients alive who previously would have succumbed to their illnesses or injuries.Advances in organ transplantation have brought new hope to those afflicted with diseased organs. New techniques have enabled prospective parents to con...
Acid Rain.
the Adirondack Mountains of New York State, a quarter of the lakes and ponds are acidic, and many have lost their brook trout and other fish. In the middleAppalachian Mountains, over 1,300 streams are afflicted. All of Norway’s major rivers have been damaged by acid rain, severely reducing salmon and trout populations. E Plants and Animals The effects of acid rain on wildlife can be far-reaching. If a population of one plant or animal is adversely affected by acid rain, animals that feed on tha...
Atmung - biologie.
Atempigmente binden Sauerstoffmoleküle nicht dauerhaft, sondern werden damit „beladen”. Ob Sauerstoff auf- oder abgeladen wird, hängt vor allem vom Partialdruck (derKonzentration) der Gase und dem pH-Wert der Körperflüssigkeit an der betreffenden Körperstelle ab. Beim Menschen läuft der Gasaustausch bei der Atmung – vereinfacht dargestellt – folgendermaßen ab: In der Lunge werden die Hämoglobinmoleküle in den Erythrozytenwegen des hohen Sauerstoff-Partialdrucks an der Oberfläche der Alveolen (Lu...
III SURGICAL PROCEDURES Surgical procedures are classified as optional, required, elective, urgent, and emergent based on the patient’s medical condition. Optional surgery consists of operationsthat are not required but which the patient chooses to undergo as with some types of cosmetic surgery. Required surgery is performed when only surgery will correct aproblem—such as cataracts—but the surgery can be delayed for a period of weeks or months. Elective surgical procedures usually involve cond...
Kreislaufsystem - biologie.
Das aus dem Körper kommende Blut fließt im Herzen zuerst in den rechten Herzvorhof. Dieser kontrahiert (zieht sich zusammen) und drückt das Blut durch eine Öffnung indie rechte Hauptkammer. Nun kontrahiert die Hauptkammer und befördert das Blut über die Lungenarterie in die Lunge. Dabei schließt sich die dreizipflige Trikuspidalklappein der Öffnung zwischen Vorhof und Hauptkammer, so dass das Blut bei der Kontraktion der Hauptkammer nicht in den Vorhof zurückfließen kann. Ein Zurückfließen desBl...
Immune System.
The humoral immune response involves a complex series of events after antigens enter the body. First, macrophages take up some of the antigen and attach it to classII MHC molecules, which then present the antigen to T helper cells. The T helper cells bind the presented antigen, which stimulates the T helper cells to divide andsecrete stimulatory molecules called interleukins. The interleukins in turn activate any B lymphocytes that have also bound the antigen. The activated B cells then divide...
Erste Hilfe - biologie.
der Verletzte ausatmet. Das Ganze wiederholt man bei Erwachsenen etwa zwölfmal und bei Kindern 20-mal in der Minute, wobei man bei Kindern den Druck und dieLuftmenge geringer hält. Sind die Luftwege nicht frei, überprüft man nochmals die Stellung des Kopfes. Gelingt die Beatmung dennoch nicht, legt man die verletzte Person auf die Seite und schlägtkräftig zwischen die Schulterblätter, um Fremdkörper zu lösen. Anschließend versucht man die Mund-zu-Mund-Beatmung erneut. Wenn nötig, wendet man den...
Air Pollution.
Several pollutants attack the ozone layer. Chief among them is the class of chemicals known as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), formerly used as refrigerants (notably in airconditioners), as agents in several manufacturing processes, and as propellants in spray cans. CFC molecules are virtually indestructible until they reach thestratosphere. Here, intense ultraviolet radiation breaks the CFC molecules apart, releasing the chlorine atoms they contain. These chlorine atoms begin reacting withozone, br...
the swimmer and the pinky finger should enter the water first. At the same time, the swimmer moves the left arm through the water below the left side of the body.Once in the water, the right arm begins pulling the swimmer forward by bending at the elbow. At the same time the swimmer holds the left arm straight as it reachesthe hip and lifts it out of the water. As the right arm continues to pull, the swimmer rotates slightly onto the right side and swings the left arm up above the head. As the s...
- Cystic Fibrosis.
- Pneumonia.
Molière: Der eingebildete Kranke (Sprache & Litteratur).
werden um so klarer mit dem einen sehen.A r g a n. Das eilt nicht so.T o i n e t t e. Adieu. Es tut mir leid, Sie so bald verlassen zu müssen, indes ich muß zu einer großen Konsultation, die wegen eines gestern verstorbenen Mannesabgehalten wird.A r g a n. Wegen eines gestern verstorbenen Mannes?T o i n e t t e. Ja, wir wollen feststellen und herausfinden, was hätte geschehen müssen, um ihn zu kurieren. Somit auf Wiedersehen.A r g a n. Sie wissen doch, kranke Leute brauchen kein Geleit zu geben....
TB has existed for thousands of years. Scars on a skull found in Turkey indicate the presence of the disease 500,000 years ago. Scientists also have found tubercles inmummified bodies from ancient Egypt. References to TB can be found in the writings of ancient Babylonia, Egypt, and China. The term tuberculosis was first used in 1839; it was derived from the Latin word tubercula, meaning small lump, referring to the small scars seen in tissues of infected individuals. TB reappeared in Europe...
Comparative Anatomy.
In comparing two species, anatomists have to be careful to differentiate between homologous structures, which are ones that have evolved from a shared ancestor, andanalogous structures, which have developed from different origins. Homologous structures are built on the same underlying plan. A human arm, a bat’s wing, and awhale’s flipper look quite different from the outside, but the bones inside reveal that these limbs all have the same basic structure. Analogous structures, by contrast,often l...
situation. A Cardiac Cycle Although the right and left halves of the heart are separate, they both contract in unison, producing a single heartbeat. The sequence of events from the beginning ofone heartbeat to the beginning of the next is called the cardiac cycle. The cardiac cycle has two phases: diastole, when the heart’s chambers are relaxed, and systole,when the chambers contract to move blood. During the systolic phase, the atria contract first, followed by contraction of the ventricles. T...
Circulatory System.
C Additional Functions In addition to oxygen, the circulatory system also transports nutrients derived from digested food to the body. These nutrients enter the bloodstream by passingthrough the walls of the intestine. The nutrients are absorbed through a network of capillaries and veins that drain the intestines, called the hepatic portal circulation.The hepatic portal circulation carries the nutrients to the liver for further metabolic processing. The liver stores a variety of substances, suc...
Drug, substance that affects the function of living cells, used
normalizing chemical activity in the emotional centers of the brain. Antianxiety drugs, also referred to as tranquilizers, treat anxiety by decreasing the activity in theanxiety centers of the brain. Sedative-hypnotic drugs are used both as sedatives to reduce anxiety and as hypnotics to induce sleep. Sedative-hypnotic drugs act by reducing brain-cell activity.Stimulant drugs, on the other hand, increase neuronal (nerve cell) activity and reduce fatigue and appetite. Analgesic drugs reduce pain...