14 résultats pour "knee"
Les Indiens à Wounded Knee
gemen t financier à titre compen satoi re pour les expropriations il légales effectuées par les Blancs. En optant pour Wounded Knee, les organ isateurs de cette action spect aculair e choi sissent un lieu chargé d'histoire : c'est à Wounded Knee que les gue rres indiennes se terminen t, en 1890, par le massacre d'environ 300 Sioux perpétré par les soldats américains. Les deux tiers des victimes sont des fem mes et des enfants. Wounded Knee devient l...
- Wounded Knee
Excerpt from Coriolanus - anthology.
For that, “Forgive our Romans.” O, a kissLong as my exile, sweet as my revenge!Now, by the jealous queen of heaven, that kissI carried from thee, dear, and my true lipHath virgined it e'er since. You gods! I pray,And the most noble mother of the worldLeave unsaluted. Sink my knee i'th'earth;He kneels Of thy deep duty more impression showThan that of common sons. VOLUMNIA. O, stand up blest!He rises Whilst with no softer cushion than the flintI kneel before thee, and unproperlyShow duty as mistak...
Joyner-Kersee Wins Heptathlon.
With her knee throbbing once again, Joyner-Kersee taped up for the javelin throw. Her toss of 45.35 m (149 ft 9.5 in) was about 3 m (10 ft) short of her personalaverage, dropping her another 86 points off of the record pace. “It was disgusting,” she told Sports Illustrated. ”The knee was sore. I wasn't using the legs. I was just arming it.” One event remained: the 800 meters, the most demanding of the heptathlon's seven tests. It was also the event that had cost Joyner-Kersee the gold meda...
Track and Field.
VI RUNNING EVENTS Running events are competitions that test athletes’ quickness, speed, and endurance. Athletes win running races by completing the distance or course in the leastamount of time. A Sprints The shortest running events, called sprints or dashes, are the premier events at a track-and-field meet. The outdoor sprints consist of the 100-meter, 200-meter, and400-meter events. Sprints contested at indoor meets include the 50-meter, 60-meter, 200-meter, and 400-meter events. Past champ...
In-Line Skating.
the foot using a combination of laces and buckles. Many skaters prefer a simple closure system that has laces on the lower portion of the skate and a buckle at the top.The boot liner is made of a soft, padded, cloth portion that fits inside the outer shell. Boot liners should be vented, which keeps the feet cool by allowing perspiration toescape during strenuous workouts or long trips. Attached to the bottom of each skate is the wheel frame. The frame houses from three to five wheels. The wheels...
C Special Teams Each team has players who enter the game during special plays such as kickoffs, field goals, punts, and returns. The kicker kicks off at the beginning of a game or half,and after his team has scored. The kicker also scores points for the offensive team by kicking the ball through the goalpost’s vertical posts, also known as the uprights;these scores are called field goals. When the offensive team must surrender the ball to the opponents, a punter comes in to kick the ball downfi...
Connecticut Yankee - anthology.
This missionary knight's name was La Cote Male Taile, and he said that this castle was the abode of Morgan le Fay, sister of King Arthur, and wife of King Uriens,monarch of a realm about as big as the District of Columbia—you could stand in the middle of it and throw bricks into the next kingdom. “Kings” and “Kingdoms”were as thick in Britain as they had been in little Palestine in Joshua's time, when people had to sleep with their knees pulled up because they couldn't stretch outwithout a passp...
the swimmer and the pinky finger should enter the water first. At the same time, the swimmer moves the left arm through the water below the left side of the body.Once in the water, the right arm begins pulling the swimmer forward by bending at the elbow. At the same time the swimmer holds the left arm straight as it reachesthe hip and lifts it out of the water. As the right arm continues to pull, the swimmer rotates slightly onto the right side and swings the left arm up above the head. As the s...
La rencontre des premiers occupants de l'Amérique du Nord avec les Européens n'a pas
échappé au schéma classique de la colonisation : privations de territoires, déplacements de
populations, guerres et guérillas.
systématiquement violés par les Blancs, et le gouvernement américain procéda à la déportation des tribus indiennes de l'Est. La conquête de l'Ouest s'accompagna de violents combats et de nombreux massacres. En Californie, la « ruée vers l'or », à partir de 1848, aboutit à un véritable génocide. Les dernières tribus indiennes qui résistaient à la conquête, comme les Apaches d'Arizona et du Nouveau-Mexique, furent vaincues dans les années 1880 (défaite de Geronimo, 1886). Après leur dé...
Neandertals made stone tools by striking flakes from rock “cores.” The cores were carefully selected and prepared so that only a single blow was normally required todetach a flake. A number of relatively standardized flakes were sometimes produced from a single core. These sharp flakes served as “blanks” that were further workedand shaped into the desired tools. Suitable stone was sometimes rare, and often tools were sharpened and resharpened to make new tools, yielding a whole variety ofshapes...
Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker
The Nutcracker is a classic ballet with music by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
Joffrey Ballet SchoolTraining for classical ballet dancers must begin when the students are very young. Here, teacher Dorothy Lister workswith her pre-ballet class of six-year-olds at the Joffrey Ballet School. These students are learning the five basic positions ofclassical ballet.Susan Kunklin/Photo Researchers, Inc. Different systems of ballet training have evolved, named after countries (Russia, France) or teachers (Italian dancer Enrico Cecchetti, Danish choreographer AugustBournonville). T...
Skin, outer body covering of an animal. The term skin
III SKIN APPENDAGES In humans, the skin appendages, or structures embedded in the skin, include hair, nails, and several types of glands. Glands are groups of cells that produce andsecrete substances needed by other parts of the body. In other vertebrates, the skin appendages include scales (in fish and reptiles) and feathers (in birds). Together,the skin and the skin appendages are known as the integumentary system of the body. A Hair Hair is a distinguishing characteristic of mammals, a gro...
- On the road