71 résultats pour "jersey"
New Jersey - geography.
C Soils Broadly defined, all of New Jersey’s soils are podzolic soils; that is, they are acidic and contain fairly high amounts of iron oxides. The soils in northern New Jersey areirregular in quality and contain rock fragments and small stones deposited by the continental glaciers of the last Ice Age. The soils of the inner coastal plain, unaffectedby glaciation, are the richest in the state, while those of the outer coastal plain are generally infertile. The newer soil classification system d...
- Jersey.
New Jersey - USA History.
C Soils Broadly defined, all of New Jersey’s soils are podzolic soils; that is, they are acidic and contain fairly high amounts of iron oxides. The soils in northern New Jersey areirregular in quality and contain rock fragments and small stones deposited by the continental glaciers of the last Ice Age. The soils of the inner coastal plain, unaffectedby glaciation, are the richest in the state, while those of the outer coastal plain are generally infertile. The newer soil classification system d...
- Jersey City.
- New Jersey
- New Jersey.
- Le New Jersey (géographie).
New Jersey - Facts and Figures.
Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders less than 0.1 percent (2000) Mixed heritage or not reporting 7.9 percent (2000) Hispanics (of any race) 13.3 percent (2000) HEALTH AND EDUCATIONLife expectancy 75.4 years (1989-1991) Infant mortality rate 6 deaths per 1,000 live births (2004) Residents per physician 323 people (2005) Residents per hospital bed 394 people (2005) Share of population not covered by health insurance 15.5 percent (2006) Number of students per teacher (K-12) 12....
- Cavalier (Jean) Chef camisard (Ribaute-les-Tavernes, Gard, 1679 - Chelsea, Jersey, 1740).
Basie (William Basie, dit Count) Compositeur, pianiste et chef d'orchestre noir américain (Red Bank, New Jersey,
1904 - Hollywood, Floride, 1984).
Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)\HDLN0000100120 \LINK0054500554PE_0332T \LINK0056500571PE_0899T Basie (William, dit Count) Pianiste de jazz américain * 21.8.1904, Red Bank, New Jersey + 26.4.1984, Hollywood, Floride À l'époque du swing, Basie rencontre ses premiers succès à la tête des meilleurs Big Bands, qui enthousiasment par un rythme dynamique et par leur perfection technique, apparemment toute naturelle, dans des morceaux comme "One o´clock jump" (1939) ou "April in Paris" (1956). La carri...
- Standard Oil Company (New Jersey).
Two assistants, known as linesmen or referees’ assistants, aid the referee. Their primary job is to alert the referee when balls go out of the playing area and to assist inmaking offsides calls (see Rules section below). The assistants carry flags, which they wave when the ball leaves the playing area or use to point to the spot where a foul was committed. V EQUIPMENT Soccer is played with a round leather ball. It is between 68 and 71 cm (27 and 28 in) in circumference and weighs between 396...
- De Palma Brian, né en 1940 à Newark (New Jersey), cinéaste américain.
- Antheil George , 1900-1959, né à Trenton (New Jersey), compositeur et pianiste américain.
Stanley Cup Winners.
1989 Calgary Flames 1990 Edmonton Oilers 1991-92 Pittsburgh Penguins 1993 Montréal Canadiens 1994 New York Rangers 1995 New Jersey Devils 1996 Colorado Avalanche 1997 Detroit Red Wings 1998 Detroit Red Wings 1999 Dallas Stars 2000 New Jersey Devils 2001 Colorado Avalanche 2002 Detroit Red Wings 2003 New Jersey Devils 2004 Tampa Bay Lightning 2005 No Winner* 2006 Carolina Hurricanes 2007 Anaheim Ducks * Season was canceled. Source: Source: National HockeyLeague.
- Smithson Robert, 1938-1973, né à Passaic (New Jersey), artiste américain.
- Stieglitz Alfred, 1864-1946, né à Hoboken (New Jersey), photographe américain.
Stanley Cup Winners
Montréal AAA
Montréal AAA
Montréal Victorias
Winnipeg Victorias
Montréal Victorias
1899 Feb.
1989 Calgary Flames 1990 Edmonton Oilers 1991-92 Pittsburgh Penguins 1993 Montréal Canadiens 1994 New York Rangers 1995 New Jersey Devils 1996 Colorado Avalanche 1997 Detroit Red Wings 1998 Detroit Red Wings 1999 Dallas Stars 2000 New Jersey Devils 2001 Colorado Avalanche 2002 Detroit Red Wings 2003 New Jersey Devils 2004 Tampa Bay Lightning 2005 No Winner* 2006 Carolina Hurricanes 2007 Anaheim Ducks * Season was canceled. Source: Source: National HockeyLeague.Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1...
- Sherman Cindy, née en 1954 à Glen Ridge (New Jersey), photographe américaine.
- Merritt Abraham, 1884-1943, né à Beverley (New Jersey), écrivain américain.
- Katchen Julius , 1926-1969, né à Long Branch (New Jersey), pianiste américain.
- Crane Stephen, 1871-1900, né à Newark (New Jersey), écrivain américain.
- Nicholson Jack , né en 1937 à Neptune (New Jersey), acteur et cinéaste américain.
- Robeson Paul, 1898-1976, né à Princeton (New Jersey), chanteur et acteur américain.
- Von Stade Frederica, née en 1945 à Somerville (New Jersey), artiste lyrique américaine.
- Cooper James Fenimore , 1789-1851, né à Burlington (New Jersey), écrivain américain.
- Princeton, ville des États-Unis, dans le New Jersey, à mi-parcours entre New York et Philadelphie.
- Wace Robert, vers 1100-vers 1174, né à Jersey, poète anglo-normand.
- Williams William Carlos, 1883-1963, né à Rutherford (New Jersey), écrivain américain.
- Kinsey Alfred Charles , 1894-1956, né à Hoboken (New Jersey), biologiste et sociologue américain.
- Vaughan Sarah, surnommée Sassy, 1924-1990, née à Newark (New Jersey), chanteuse américaine.
- Streep ( Mary Louise , dite Meryl), née en 1950 à Basking Ridge (New Jersey), actrice américaine.
Nordamerikanischer Unabhängigkeitskrieg - Geschichte.
lediglich den Handel kontrollieren dürfen. Der Kongress verabschiedete außerdem die Continental Association, die alle Kolonien dazu aufforderte, bis zur Zurücknahme der Coercive Acts den Handel mit Großbritannien zu unterlassen. Anschließend vertagte sich der Kongress auf den Mai 1775; zu diesem Zeitpunkt hatte der Krieg zwischen Großbritannien und den Kolonien bereits begonnen. 4 LEXINGTON UND CONCORD Die ersten bewaffneten Auseinandersetzungen des Nordamerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieges...
- Basie ( William, dit Count), 1904-1984, né à Red Bank (New Jersey), pianiste et chef d'orchestre américain.
American Revolution.
C1 The South Southern agriculture was founded on the cultivation of tobacco, wheat, and corn in Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina, and of rice and indigo (a blue dye) in SouthCarolina and Georgia. There was a large demand for these crops in Europe. These crops were cultivated with the help of black slaves imported from Africa. The whiteplanter class in the South was the most powerful, both politically and economically. C2 The North Wheat was the main cash crop of the mid-Atlantic colonies...
American Revolution - U.
C1 The South Southern agriculture was founded on the cultivation of tobacco, wheat, and corn in Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina, and of rice and indigo (a blue dye) in SouthCarolina and Georgia. There was a large demand for these crops in Europe. These crops were cultivated with the help of black slaves imported from Africa. The whiteplanter class in the South was the most powerful, both politically and economically. C2 The North Wheat was the main cash crop of the mid-Atlantic colonies...
Woodrow Wilson.
daughters. In 1885 Wilson also accepted a position with the newly opened Bryn Mawr College, a school for women near Philadelphia. Wilson was not particularly patient with womenas intellectual associates and did not enjoy his teaching duties. He was, however, able to pursue his writing. A University Professor In 1888 Wilson left Bryn Mawr for a professorship in history and political economy at Wesleyan University in Connecticut. There, in 1889, he published The State, a lengthy textbook analyz...
Woodrow Wilson
daughters. In 1885 Wilson also accepted a position with the newly opened Bryn Mawr College, a school for women near Philadelphia. Wilson was not particularly patient with womenas intellectual associates and did not enjoy his teaching duties. He was, however, able to pursue his writing. A University Professor In 1888 Wilson left Bryn Mawr for a professorship in history and political economy at Wesleyan University in Connecticut. There, in 1889, he published The State, a lengthy textbook analyz...
James Madison.
In the spring of 1784 Madison again ran for election to the Virginia assembly, and won. He served nearly three years there, pursuing the same objectives he had foughtfor in Congress. He advocated strengthening the federal government, which was an unpopular position in Virginia, as it was in most of the states. He consistentlysupported measures, at both state and national levels, that would best safeguard the rights of the individual. Madison also continued to oppose any connection betweenchurch...
James Madison
In the spring of 1784 Madison again ran for election to the Virginia assembly, and won. He served nearly three years there, pursuing the same objectives he had foughtfor in Congress. He advocated strengthening the federal government, which was an unpopular position in Virginia, as it was in most of the states. He consistentlysupported measures, at both state and national levels, that would best safeguard the rights of the individual. Madison also continued to oppose any connection betweenchurch...
James Madison - USA History.
In the spring of 1784 Madison again ran for election to the Virginia assembly, and won. He served nearly three years there, pursuing the same objectives he had foughtfor in Congress. He advocated strengthening the federal government, which was an unpopular position in Virginia, as it was in most of the states. He consistentlysupported measures, at both state and national levels, that would best safeguard the rights of the individual. Madison also continued to oppose any connection betweenchurch...
C Special Teams Each team has players who enter the game during special plays such as kickoffs, field goals, punts, and returns. The kicker kicks off at the beginning of a game or half,and after his team has scored. The kicker also scores points for the offensive team by kicking the ball through the goalpost’s vertical posts, also known as the uprights;these scores are called field goals. When the offensive team must surrender the ball to the opponents, a punter comes in to kick the ball downfi...
Pennsylvania - geography.
B Rivers and Lakes There are three major river basins in Pennsylvania: the Susquehanna, the Ohio, and the Delaware. Together they drain more than 90 percent of Pennsylvania’s landarea. Most of eastern and central Pennsylvania is drained by the Susquehanna and Delaware systems. The western part of the state is drained by the Allegheny andMonongahela rivers, which join at Pittsburgh to form the Ohio. In addition to the three major river basins, short streams flowing into Lake Erie drain the north...
Pennsylvania - USA History.
B Rivers and Lakes There are three major river basins in Pennsylvania: the Susquehanna, the Ohio, and the Delaware. Together they drain more than 90 percent of Pennsylvania’s landarea. Most of eastern and central Pennsylvania is drained by the Susquehanna and Delaware systems. The western part of the state is drained by the Allegheny andMonongahela rivers, which join at Pittsburgh to form the Ohio. In addition to the three major river basins, short streams flowing into Lake Erie drain the north...
New York (city) - geography.
The Bronx is the fourth largest and the northernmost of the five boroughs, and the only one on the American mainland. Even so, it is surrounded by water on threesides: Long Island Sound on the east, the Harlem and East rivers on the south, and Hudson River on the west. Encompassing 109 sq km (42 sq mi), it had 1,332,650inhabitants in 2000. Largely residential, the Bronx includes dozens of vibrant neighborhoods. Fieldston is particularly elegant, with great stone houses set among spacious lawns a...
New York (ville)1PRÉSENTATIONNew York (ville), en anglais New York City, ville du sud-est de l'État de New York, située dans le nord-est des États-Unis, à l'embouchure de l'Hudson, sur l'océanAtlantique.
Les différents districts de New York sont reliés entre eux par de nombreux ponts et tunnels : Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge, Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel entre Manhattanet Brooklyn ; Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, l’un des plus longs ponts suspendus du monde, entre Brooklyn et Staten Island ; Queensboro Bridge entre Manhattan et leQueens ; Triborough Bridge entre Manhattan, le Queens et le Bronx ; enfin, le George Washington Bridge, les tunnels Holland et Lincoln, et la voie Port Authority Trans-Hudso...
Constitution of the United States.
chief executive should have the power to veto legislation, should be elected by Congress or the people, should be eligible to run for reelection, and should command thearmed forces. Some delegates even hoped for a limited monarchy. Not until September 8, more than three months after the convention started, did the final shape ofthe presidency emerge: a single leader, elected to a four-year term and eligible for reelection, with authority to veto bills enacted by Congress. The president was alsog...
Constitution of the United States - U.
chief executive should have the power to veto legislation, should be elected by Congress or the people, should be eligible to run for reelection, and should command thearmed forces. Some delegates even hoped for a limited monarchy. Not until September 8, more than three months after the convention started, did the final shape ofthe presidency emerge: a single leader, elected to a four-year term and eligible for reelection, with authority to veto bills enacted by Congress. The president was alsog...
Ill Texte 2 : VOLTAIRE, Poème sur le désastre de Lisbonne, 1756 En 1175, Lisbonne est dévastée par un tremblement de terre. Ô malheureux mortels ! ô terre déplorable ! Ô de tous les mortels assemblage effroyable! D'inutiles douleurs éternel entretien ! Philosophes trompés qui criez: «Tout est bien»; 5 Accourez, contemplez ces ruines affreuses, Ces débris, ces lambeaux, ces cendres malheureuses, Ces femmes, ces enfants l'un sur...
Exilé dans J'Ue de Jersey, Victor Hugo, au cours d'une promenade a ren
contré une jeune « gardeuse de chèvres...
Exilé dans J'Ue de Jersey, Victor Hugo, au cours d'une promenade a ren contré une jeune « gardeuse de chèvres J>. Puis il poursuit son chemin vers la mer••• Elle essuie aux roseaux ses pieds que l'étang mouille; Chèvres, brebis, béliers, paissent; quand, sombre esprit, J'apparais, le pauvre ange a peur, et me sourit; Et moi, je la salue, elle étant l'innocence. Ses agneaux, dans le pré plein de fleurs qui l'encense, Bondissent, et chacun, au soleil s'empourprant, Laisse aux buissons, à qui la...