226 résultats pour "indiana"
Indian Art and Architecture
Art on the Indian Subcontinent
This map highlights places in India and Pakistan where prominent examples of Indian art and architecture have been
Sun Temple of KonarakThis 13th-century relief depicting a wheel of the chariot of Indian sun god Surya is situated in the Konarak temple. Thetemple, dedicated to Surya, is situated at Puri in the Gulf of Bengal.Keren Su/Corbis The arts of India expressed in architecture, sculpture, painting, jewelry, pottery, metalwork, and textiles, were spread throughout the Far East with the diffusion ofBuddhism and Hinduism and exercised a strong influence on the arts of China, Japan, Myanmar (formerly known...
Indian Music
Classical Dance of South India
The southern Indian kathakali is a dance drama that dates from the 17th century.
Sangita Ratnakara, was written in the 13th century. However, subsequent writers tended to focus on the emotional connotations of individual ragas, associating them with moods, performance times, colors, and deities, and grouping them in terms of families. The modern theoretical system began in the 16th century, when ragasbegan to be classified according to scale—72 in the Karnāṭak system and 10 principal ones in the Hindustani. The 72 mela, as the Karn āṭak scales are called, are derived thro...
Indiana - geography.
Michigan in Michigan. There are about 1,000 small natural lakes in Indiana, chiefly in the northern part of the state. The largest is Lake Wawasee, which covers almost 13 sq km (5 sq mi). Inthe central part of the state there are several lakes that were created behind dams on a number of smaller streams. They include Monroe Lake, near Bloomington; Geistand Eagle Creek reservoirs, northeast and northwest of Indianapolis; and Mississinewa and Huntington reservoirs, north of Marion. C Climate Most...
Indian Literature
Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things
Indian author Arundhati Roy poses with a copy of her acclaimed first novel, The God of Small Things (1997).
Mathura BuddhaMany of the earliest texts of Indian literature were religious writings of Buddhism. This Buddha figure carved out ofsandstone is from Mathura, a city in northern India that was at the center of Buddhist sculptural activity from the 2ndcentury bc to the 6th century ad.Angelo Hornak/Corbis The sacred Vedas were composed in Old Sanskrit by Aryan poet-seers between about 1500 BC and about 1000 BC. The Vedas are compilations of two major literary forms: hymns of praise to nature deit...
- Indiana
Indiana - USA History.
Michigan in Michigan. There are about 1,000 small natural lakes in Indiana, chiefly in the northern part of the state. The largest is Lake Wawasee, which covers almost 13 sq km (5 sq mi). Inthe central part of the state there are several lakes that were created behind dams on a number of smaller streams. They include Monroe Lake, near Bloomington; Geistand Eagle Creek reservoirs, northeast and northwest of Indianapolis; and Mississinewa and Huntington reservoirs, north of Marion. C Climate Most...
George SAND - Indiana
Amantine Aurore Dupin épouse du Baron Dudevant). Elle doit son pseudonyme à son ami et amant Jules Sandeau avec lequel elle avait entrepris une carrière journalistique et littéraire. Si elle voue une grande admiration à Victor Hugo avec lequel elle entretiendra une étroite correspondance, si elle attire à elle des hommes prestigieux tels que Chopin ou Litz (qui furent ses amants) ou Balzac et Flaubert, elle s'attire les foudres de Baudelaire ou de Barbey d'Aurevilly. On lui reproche son mode d...
Indian Treaties in Canada - Canadian History.
Pontiac led an attack on British forts in the Great Lakes area to end British domination and to reinforce Indian autonomy. In response, British king George III issued theRoyal Proclamation of 1763 to try to appease the Indians of the interior. The proclamation set aside land for the Indians west of the Appalachian Mountains anddescribed this land as “lands reserved to [Indians] … as their Hunting Grounds.” The proclamation not only recognized Indian land ownership, but also required thattreaties...
Indiana, George Sand, extrait du livre III, ch. 21
La forme théâ trale de cette sc ène permet aussi de d évaloriser le colonel qui en arrive avec ses jurons et ses insultes à ressembler par moments à un personnage de Moli ère : le vieux barbon qui temp ête et fait beaucoup de bruit mais n'a en fait aucune autorit é réelle sur sa femme et se voit ridiculis é. II L'illustration du mariage traditionnel Nous verrons comment sont évoqu és et illustr és dans ce texte les statuts respectifs du mari et de la fem...
French and Indian War.
Virginia as well as the French governor-general of Canada had attempted to seize their lands. After receiving large presents of supplies and arms, the Iroquoisgrudgingly renewed their alliances with the British colonies. Delegates then moved on to plan other defensive measures. An important topic was a plan of union developed by Benjamin Franklin. The Albany Plan, as it became known, proposed a single institution to govern all of the Britishcolonies in America. Under the plan, each colony would...
French and Indian War - Canadian History.
Virginia as well as the French governor-general of Canada had attempted to seize their lands. After receiving large presents of supplies and arms, the Iroquoisgrudgingly renewed their alliances with the British colonies. Delegates then moved on to plan other defensive measures. An important topic was a plan of union developed by Benjamin Franklin. The Albany Plan, as it became known, proposed a single institution to govern all of the Britishcolonies in America. Under the plan, each colony would...
Mohandas Gandhi
Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948), Indian nationalist leader, who established his country's freedom through a nonviolent revolution.
released two years later because of failing health. By 1944 the Indian struggle for independence was in its final stages, the British government having agreed to independence on condition that the two contendingnationalist groups, the Muslim League and the Congress Party, should resolve their differences. Gandhi stood steadfastly against the partition of India but ultimately hadto agree, in the hope that internal peace would be achieved after the Muslim demand for separation had been satisfied....
- INDIANA de George Sand
- Indian Ocean - Geography.
- Indiana.
- Franco-Indian Alliance
- Indian Act of Canada - Canadian History.
- INDIANA de George Sand
- Indian Ocean - geography.
- Indiana, Robert - vie et oeuvre du peintre.
George Sand (1804-1876): Indiana
COMMENTAIRE COMPOSé DIFFICULTÉS -CONSEILS -PROPOSITION·S _ •George Sand (1804-1876), de son vrai nom Aurore Dupin, fut un écrivain à la personnalité complexe et forte. En son temps, sa forme d'originalité provoqua le scandale. C'est celle d'une femme libre partagée entre un romantisme sensible aux charmes de la nature, qui lui fera écrire des romans« cham pêtres » comme La Mare au diable, La Petite Fadette, ou François le Champi, et u...
NCAA Basketball Men's Division I Champions
Howard Hobson
Ohio State
Branch McCracken
Harold Foster
2. Now Oklahoma State.3. Now Texas-El Paso.4. Standing vacated because team included ineligible players. Source: National Collegiate Athletic Association.Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- George Sand, Indiana
- Tecumseh: "Once a Happy Race" Early in the 19th century, Governor William Henry Harrison of the Indiana Territory made a number of treaties with Native Americans that involved the ceding of land to the United States government.
- Article de presse: Ayoub Khan, un officier de l'Indian Army
Indo-Pakistani Wars - History.
wrest Jammu and Kashmīr from India through the use of force. This effort failed as India held its ground, and the war ended in a stalemate after almost two months ofarmed conflict. Although the second war over the territory was shorter than the first, the increased firepower of the two nations resulted in a more deadly war, with atotal of about 6,800 battle casualties. A Events Before the War A number of factors precipitated the second conflict over Jammu and Kashm īr. In the wake of a border w...
(1916) then secreatry-general in 1926 and finally president of it in 1929. H e would be four times President, mandates being interrupted with stays in English prisons for "civil disobedience" and trips abroad. He became Prime Minister in August 1947 and assured a remarkable political stability h owever, he had not done much to poverty and underdevelopment of the state. His p restige enabled him to play an important role in the UN and in international meetings (Pact of Colombo, 1950 B...
Native Americans of North America.
addition to smallpox and measles, explorers and colonists brought a host of other diseases: bubonic plague, cholera, typhoid fever, scarlet fever, pleurisy, mumps,diphtheria, pneumonia, whooping cough, malaria, yellow fever, and various sexually transmitted infections. Despite the undisputed devastation wreaked on Indian populations after European contact, native populations showed enormous regional variability in their response todisease exposure. Some peoples survived and, in some cases, even...
Native Americans of North America - Canadian History.
addition to smallpox and measles, explorers and colonists brought a host of other diseases: bubonic plague, cholera, typhoid fever, scarlet fever, pleurisy, mumps,diphtheria, pneumonia, whooping cough, malaria, yellow fever, and various sexually transmitted infections. Despite the undisputed devastation wreaked on Indian populations after European contact, native populations showed enormous regional variability in their response todisease exposure. Some peoples survived and, in some cases, even...
Native American Policy.
of white settlement dominated policy during the second quarter of the 19th century. IV REMOVAL PERIOD The idea of moving Native Americans to a different part of the country was not new. After the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, President Thomas Jefferson had suggestedthat tracts of land in this vast new territory could be given to native peoples if they agreed to cede their lands in the eastern part of the country. Transfers occurred in apiecemeal way, but no consistent removal program developed u...
Native American Literature.
Many Native American writers of the 19th century wrote histories of their tribes. One tribal historian was David Cusick (Tuscarora), whose Sketches of Ancient History of the Six Nations (1827) was the first published tribal history. Tribal histories explained the deep ties that tribes had to their ancestral homelands. Beginning in the 18th century, these ties took on special meaning because the United States government began removing Native Americans from their traditional lands. These removal...
Indianerkriege - Geschichte.
Einige Stämme lehnten die Umsiedelung ab, woraufhin erneut Kriege ausbrachen. Die Versuche der Stämme der Sauk und der Fox, Anfang 1832 in ihre Heimatgebietezurückzukehren, endeten im Black-Hawk-Krieg in Illinois und Wisconsin und im Bad-Axe-Massaker vom 3. August 1832, in dem die meisten Indianer ermordet wurden, alssie gerade über den Mississippi nach Iowa ziehen wollten. Gleichzeitig wurden die Cherokee aus Georgia und die restlichen Creek aus Mississippi und Alabama vertrieben.Im zweiten Sem...
Rhinoceros - biology.
Male and female rhinos have a similar physical appearance, although male rhinos are usually larger than females, with the size difference varying between species. Inthe wild, some rhinos probably live into their late 40s, and they have survived into their 30s in captivity. IV TYPES OF RHINOCEROSES Until recently, mammalogists divided the rhinoceros family into three subfamilies, each with different characteristics. Scientists now believe that living rhinos belong to asingle subfamily, although...
The indian ocean
The Indian Ocean -third-largest ocean in the world, covering approximately 70.56 million square kilometers. -one of the world's largest and strategically vital bodies of water. Its growing importance in the global economy can be attributed to a variety of factors: Rich Resource Base: endowed with a wealth of natural resources, including fisheries, minerals, and hydrocarbons. Its vast waters provide a vital source of sustenance and economic activity for the millions of people living along...
Guyana - country.
European patterns of living. People of mixed African and European ancestry form a distinct group in Guyana, maintaining closer social ties to the European communitythan to the African Guyanese community. Asians from the Indian subcontinent began to arrive in the 19th century, following the abolition of slavery in Guyana, to work as indentured and contract laborers. Theycontinued to arrive until 1917, when Britain outlawed indentured servitude. Thousands of Indians chose to remain in Guyana after...
Trinidad and Tobago - country.
III PEOPLE The history of Trinidad and Tobago is reflected in the makeup of its population, among the most ethnically diverse in the Caribbean. Blacks of African ancestry andAsians of Indian ancestry each make up about 40 percent of the population. The remainder is mainly of mixed ancestry, although there are also small groups of peopleof Chinese, European, South American, and Middle Eastern descent. The ethnic diversity of Trinidad and Tobago owes its origins to slavery and its abolition. Afr...
Himalayas - geography.
result of deforestation the habitat of most of the wildlife has been destroyed. They are now restricted to special protected areas such as the Jaldapara and Kazirangasanctuaries in India ( see Kaziranga National Park) and the Chitawan preserve in Nepal. There are few animals in the Middle Himalayas because of extensive deforestation. In the Great Himalayas musk deer, wild goats, sheep, wolves, and snow leopards are found. The existence of the Abominable Snowman or Yeti has beenreported by highla...
Indianapolis - geography.
nation to handle multiple railroad lines (thus the name “union”). Ringing the Mile Square are a number of historic districts such as Woodruff Place and Lockerbie Square. To the immediate northwest of downtown is Indiana Avenue, thehistoric center of the city’s black population. Some 6 km (4 mi) due north of Monument Circle is the North Meridian Street Historic District, a stretch of mansions built in the1920s and 1930s, including the Governor’s Residence. The district ends at the Central Canal,...
Métis - Canadian History.
authority in the Northwest Rebellion. As in 1869, they were worried about title to their river lots, which were unsurveyed and were therefore omitted from the surveyadopted by the Department of the Interior. The Métis demanded a distribution of land and scrip, as had occurred in Manitoba after 1870. The Métis action at Batoche encouraged several bands of indigenous nations (Cree, Assiniboine, and Sioux) to take up arms. Threatened with a general rising across theNorthwest Territories, the Canadi...
British Empire .
B1 The Seven Years’ War During the Seven Years’ War in Europe (1756-1763), Britain made large imperial gains at the expense of France. The North American segment of the Seven Years’ Warwas known as the French and Indian War. It was launched by the British against French possessions in North America in 1754, and in 1758 the British captured theFrench fortress of Louisbourg, which gave them access to French territory in the St. Lawrence Valley. In the following year Québec was captured, marking t...
History museums are dedicated to promoting a greater appreciation and knowledge of history and its importance to understanding the present and anticipating thefuture. They range from historic sites and small historic house museums to large, encyclopedic institutions such as the Smithsonian’s National Museum of AmericanHistory in Washington, D.C. Many cities and states have historical societies that operate museums or historic sites. History museums usually collect a wide range ofobjects, includi...
Assembly of First Nations - Canadian History.
status for Québec, and it provided for aboriginal self-government after negotiations with the federal government. Although the AFN initially opposed the accord, itultimately supported it. The Charlottetown Accord was presented to Canadians in a national referendum in October 1992 and they rejected it. IV PRESENT POLICY AND PROSPECTS The AFN continues to push for self-government, sovereignty, and self-determination for Status Indians. It also works with other national aboriginal organizations o...
Zentralamerika - geographie.
unterhalb von etwa 1 000 Meter Höhe zu. Ausgiebige Regenfälle und die hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit lassen eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Arten von Baumfarnen, Lianen undEpiphyten wachsen. Die Pflanzenwelt in Höhen zwischen 1 000 und 1 600 Metern mit den Kieferngewächsen und den Eichenwäldern ähnelt der Flora der mexikanischenHochländer. Die Baumgrenze der Eiche liegt bei etwa 3 200 Metern, Kiefern können bis in Höhen von etwa 4 000 Metern verbreitet sein. In höheren Lagen Guatemalaswachsen Gräserarten...
Asia - geography.
the Himalayas, the world’s highest mountain system. The Pacific Ocean plate drifted westward, scraping along the Eurasian plate and slipping under its coastal edge. This created the islands of Japan, Taiwan, the Kurils, theRyūky ūs, and the Philippines. Southeast Asia lies at the intersection of the Eurasian, Pacific Ocean, and Indian Ocean plates. Over time the contact between these platescreated the mountain ranges of mainland Southeast Asia. The continued slow movement of the plates causes fr...
Asia - history.
the Himalayas, the world’s highest mountain system. The Pacific Ocean plate drifted westward, scraping along the Eurasian plate and slipping under its coastal edge. This created the islands of Japan, Taiwan, the Kurils, theRyūky ūs, and the Philippines. Southeast Asia lies at the intersection of the Eurasian, Pacific Ocean, and Indian Ocean plates. Over time the contact between these platescreated the mountain ranges of mainland Southeast Asia. The continued slow movement of the plates causes fr...
American Literature: Drama
American Literature: Drama, literature intended for performance, written by Americans in the English language.
American plays, while still a minority, began to appear in the theater repertory in the 19th century. Although American plays were still styled after British models, theirsubject matter came to be based on specifically American incidents or themes. In the United States as in Britain, many plays reflected the influence of romanticism , a European literary and artistic movement. Melodrama, with its outpourings of emotion, was the most prevalent dramatic form in the 19th century. Gothic melodramas...
American League: Gold Glove Award Winners.
1957 Sherm Lollar Chicago White Sox 1958 Sherm Lollar Chicago White Sox 1959 Sherm Lollar Chicago White Sox 1960 Earl Battey Washington Senators 1961 Earl Battey Minnesota Twins 1962 Earl Battey Minnesota Twins 1963 Elston Howard New York Yankees 1964 Elston Howard New York Yankees 1965 Bill Freehan Detroit Tigers 1966 Bill Freehan Detroit Tigers 1967 Bill Freehan Detroit Tigers 1968 Bill Freehan Detroit Tigers 1969 Bill Freehan Detroit Tigers 1970 Ray Fosse Cleveland Indians 1971 Ray Fosse Clev...
American League: Gold Glove Award Winners
American League: Gold Glove Award Winners (Pitcher).
1957 Sherm Lollar Chicago White Sox 1958 Sherm Lollar Chicago White Sox 1959 Sherm Lollar Chicago White Sox 1960 Earl Battey Washington Senators 1961 Earl Battey Minnesota Twins 1962 Earl Battey Minnesota Twins 1963 Elston Howard New York Yankees 1964 Elston Howard New York Yankees 1965 Bill Freehan Detroit Tigers 1966 Bill Freehan Detroit Tigers 1967 Bill Freehan Detroit Tigers 1968 Bill Freehan Detroit Tigers 1969 Bill Freehan Detroit Tigers 1970 Ray Fosse Cleveland Indians 1971 Ray Fosse Clev...