88 résultats pour "hectares"
Le Vatican: Une cité-État de 44 hectares pour un milliard de fidèles
puissance spirituelle sur toute espèce de puissance terrestre». Mais le roi de France Philippe IV le Bel refuse l'intervention de Rome dans les affaires intrigues locales, toujours vives. En 1309, il se fixe à Avignon, un domaine • r��!ILI�U�:;.- pontifical à la .__. _ _ .._,., ,. frontière du royaume de France, cédé par le roi Philippe Ill à la papauté avec le Comtat Venaissin (soit la région de Valréas, enclave vauclusienne dans la Drôme) en 1274....
- Bordelais, partie du bassin d'Aquitaine, autour de Bordeaux ; ce vocable est surtout employé pour désigner l'emplacement géographique du prestigieux vignoble de Bordeaux qui couvre 120 000 hectares, dans le département de la Gironde.
cancers, Hodgkin’s disease and leukemia. Unfortunately, human activities have greatly reduced biodiversity around the world. The 20th century encompasses one of the greatest waves of extinction, orelimination of species, to occur on the planet. The greatest threat to biodiversity is loss of habitat as humans develop land for agriculture, grazing livestock, industry,and habitation. The most drastic damage has occurred in the tropical rain forests, which cover less than seven percent of the Earth’...
New Jersey - geography.
C Soils Broadly defined, all of New Jersey’s soils are podzolic soils; that is, they are acidic and contain fairly high amounts of iron oxides. The soils in northern New Jersey areirregular in quality and contain rock fragments and small stones deposited by the continental glaciers of the last Ice Age. The soils of the inner coastal plain, unaffectedby glaciation, are the richest in the state, while those of the outer coastal plain are generally infertile. The newer soil classification system d...
New Jersey - USA History.
C Soils Broadly defined, all of New Jersey’s soils are podzolic soils; that is, they are acidic and contain fairly high amounts of iron oxides. The soils in northern New Jersey areirregular in quality and contain rock fragments and small stones deposited by the continental glaciers of the last Ice Age. The soils of the inner coastal plain, unaffectedby glaciation, are the richest in the state, while those of the outer coastal plain are generally infertile. The newer soil classification system d...
Article de presse: Cuba, si !
confidences. " La loi de réforme agraire, dit-il, n'est pas appliquée. Elle prévoit que nul ne peut posséder plus de 400 hectares. Or on m'atout pris, on ne m'a pas laissé la parcelle de terre que j'ai le droit de conserver. Les services administratifs outrepassent la volontéde Fidel Castro. Je le connais, j'ai financé la révolution, je vais essayer de le voir pour lui expliquer que la loi est violée "... Parmi les premières terres frappées par la réforme agraire figurent celles de Fidel C...
parcs nationaux et réserves naturelles.
Créés avec le parc d'Armorique, en 1969, les 45 parcs naturels régionaux français sont (en 2008) les parcs des Alpilles, d'Armorique, de l'Avesnois, des Ballons des Vosges,des Boucles de la Seine normande, de la Brenne, de Brière, Camargue, des Caps et Marais d'Opale, des Causses du Quercy, de la Chartreuse, de Corse, de la Forêt d'Orient,du Gâtinais français, des Grands Causses, de Guyane, du Haut-Jura, du Haut-Languedoc, de la Haute-Vallée de Chevreuse, des Landes de Gascogne, du Livradois-For...
parcs nationaux et réserves naturelles (faune & Flore).
Créés avec le parc d’Armorique, en 1969, les 45 parcs naturels régionaux français sont (en 2008) les parcs des Alpilles, d’Armorique, de l’Avesnois, des Ballons des Vosges,des Boucles de la Seine normande, de la Brenne, de Brière, Camargue, des Caps et Marais d’Opale, des Causses du Quercy, de la Chartreuse, de Corse, de la Forêt d’Orient,du Gâtinais français, des Grands Causses, de Guyane, du Haut-Jura, du Haut-Languedoc, de la Haute-Vallée de Chevreuse, des Landes de Gascogne, du Livradois-For...
alimentation humaine - Introduction assolement campagne - Les origines : première domestication de la nature céréales défrichement domestication famine fourrage herbage irrigation légumineuses moulin néolithique plantes - Les plantes cultivées - Introduction riz techniques (histoire des) - L'Antiquité - L'Asie techniques (histoire des) - Le Moyen Âge européen techniques (histoire des) - Le néolithique Les principales productions végétales tempérées Le...
Les forêts de France
survivance d'une époque où le climat était beaucoup moins sec et chaud. Ce microclimat frais, qui fait voisiner hêtres et érables avec des essences plus spécifiquement méditerranéennes (ifs, chênes pubescents, houx ... ), est lié à la présence d'une falaise rocheuse au nord. Celle-ci abrite une grotte (une « baume») où la légende veut que Marie-Madeleine, repentie, se soit retirée après avoir débarqué aux Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer. LES FORÊTS FRANÇAISES...
TPE : Drogues en Colombie : production, acheminement et lutte
En effet, toute une partie de la population du pays (surtout les agriculteurs exploitants) est influencée par les actions des cartels contrôlant ce marché.Dues aux violences et aux enjeux financiers, une vague corruptrice atteignit les plus hautes instances politiques colombiennes.Mais ce phénomène, en partie lancé par des organisations criminelles, se heurte à une lutte grandissante de la part de ses voisins américains. Il convient donc de sedemander : comment se diffuse la drogue en Colombie ?...
Agricultura - geografía.
animales de carne, como las ovejas, las vacas, las cabras y los cerdos; las aves, como los pollos, los patos y los pavos; y productos como la leche, el queso, los frutos secosy los aceites. La fruta, las verduras y las aceitunas son también importantes fuentes de alimentos para el ser humano. Los granos para pienso de animales incluyen la soja,el maíz forrajero y el sorgo. Los artículos independientes sobre plantas y animales en concreto contienen información adicional. Véase también Gramíneas...
North Dakota - geography.
Bismarck, the growing season averages 134 days, as the average date of the last killing frost is May 11 and that of the first killing frost is September 22. The length ofthe growing season drops to about 110 days in the northerly reaches of the state. The long periods of summer sunshine at this latitude, providing as much as 16 hoursof daylight in summer, help crops to mature quickly, thus compensating somewhat for the relatively short growing season. Temperatures in the north are, on the averag...
North Dakota - USA History.
Bismarck, the growing season averages 134 days, as the average date of the last killing frost is May 11 and that of the first killing frost is September 22. The length ofthe growing season drops to about 110 days in the northerly reaches of the state. The long periods of summer sunshine at this latitude, providing as much as 16 hoursof daylight in summer, help crops to mature quickly, thus compensating somewhat for the relatively short growing season. Temperatures in the north are, on the averag...
les campagnes
Il y a environ 40000 paroisses en France, correspondant généralement aux communautés villageoises, avec un curé (nommé par l’évêque, les chanoines ou le patron) à sa tête. Le curé joue un rôle de notable pour la communauté : il s’occupe de l’état civil (enregistrement des naissances, baptêmes, mariages et décès, célébration des mariages, proclamation des décisions royales). Le clergé forme environ 1% de la population rurale ; ils sont privilégiés : ils sont exempts d’impôts et jugés par l...
Versailles est l'un des principaux legs du Grand Siècle.
recomposa la terrasse en réalisant les bassins du Midi et du Nord, décorés par des statues de Coysevox, Le Hongre, Regnaudin et Tubi, figurant les fleuves de France. En contrebas, Mansart édifia une monumentale Orangerie (1687). Dans l'axe du château, l'allée royale (ou Tapis vert) fut aménagée entre le bassin de Latone et celui d'Apollon, le Grand Canal, achevé en 1680, venant compléter la perspective. De part et d'autre de l'allée, Le Nôtre disposa quatorze bosquets ornés de sculptures dues...
Koala - biology.
V REPRODUCTION Female koalas become sexually mature around 18 to 24 months of age. They can produce one offspring a year until they reach about 13 years of age. Males begin toproduce sperm around age 2 and, in the absence of older, stronger males, they may breed at that young age. More often, however, a male must grow big enough tocompete with other males for females, and mating generally begins for males at about 4 years of age. The breeding season for koalas is from October to May, during the...
Delaware - geography.
D Climate Delaware has generally hot and humid summers and mild winters. D1 Temperature In July, average daytime temperatures are usually in the upper 20°s to lower 30°sC (80°sF) or even higher. But because summer nights tend to be cooler than thedays, July averages are about 24°C (about 75°F). In addition, onshore sea breezes can reduce daytime temperatures along the coast by 3 to 6 Celsius degrees (5 to 10Fahrenheit degrees). January averages range from -1°C (31°F) at Newark, in the north, t...
Delaware - USA History.
D Climate Delaware has generally hot and humid summers and mild winters. D1 Temperature In July, average daytime temperatures are usually in the upper 20°s to lower 30°sC (80°sF) or even higher. But because summer nights tend to be cooler than thedays, July averages are about 24°C (about 75°F). In addition, onshore sea breezes can reduce daytime temperatures along the coast by 3 to 6 Celsius degrees (5 to 10Fahrenheit degrees). January averages range from -1°C (31°F) at Newark, in the north, t...
survivance d'une époque où le climat était beaucoup moins sec et chaud. Ce microclimat frais, qui fait voisiner hêtres et érables avec des essences plus spécifiquement méditerranéennes (ils, chênes pubescents , houx ... ), est lié à la présence d'une falaise rocheuse au nord. Celle-ci abrite une grotte (une« baume>>) où la légende veut que Marie-Madeleine, repentie, se soit retirée après avoir débarqué aux Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer . LES FORÊTS FRA...
Prince Edward Island - Geography.
hectares (109 acres) each. In 2006 there were 1,700 farms, of which the average size was 148 hectares (366 acres). In 2005 the total farm cash receipts were C$510million. The most important agricultural products in terms of value include potatoes, milk and cream, cattle and calves, hogs, tobacco, vegetables, eggs, hens andchickens, and furs. For the most part the island’s agriculture is diversified, rather than specialized, because of the lack of a large urban industrial population within easy r...
Prince Edward Island - Canadian History.
hectares (109 acres) each. In 2006 there were 1,700 farms, of which the average size was 148 hectares (366 acres). In 2005 the total farm cash receipts were C$510million. The most important agricultural products in terms of value include potatoes, milk and cream, cattle and calves, hogs, tobacco, vegetables, eggs, hens andchickens, and furs. For the most part the island’s agriculture is diversified, rather than specialized, because of the lack of a large urban industrial population within easy r...
Minnesota - geography.
C Climate Minnesota’s climate is classified as humid continental because normally there is a sufficient amount of precipitation to provide at least some surplus for runoff, andbecause Minnesota’s temperature conditions are largely controlled by its location in the interior of the large landmass of North America. The result is extreme seasonaltemperature variations. The average January temperature is about -18°C (about 0°F) in the northwest and about -10°C (about 14°F) in the south, but thetherm...
Minnesota - USA History.
C Climate Minnesota’s climate is classified as humid continental because normally there is a sufficient amount of precipitation to provide at least some surplus for runoff, andbecause Minnesota’s temperature conditions are largely controlled by its location in the interior of the large landmass of North America. The result is extreme seasonaltemperature variations. The average January temperature is about -18°C (about 0°F) in the northwest and about -10°C (about 14°F) in the south, but thetherm...
Florida - USA History.
accidentally introduced into the region in the 1880s, and it spread with alarming rapidity throughout the upper reaches of the river. The plant is very difficult toeradicate, and it has also clogged the channels of other Florida rivers. To increase drainage of the Everglades, which drain naturally to Florida Bay and the Gulf ofMexico, a number of drainage channels and canals have been built across southern Florida. Among the rivers flowing from the peninsula to the Gulf of Mexico are the Suwanne...
Idaho - geography.
Idaho-Montana state line in the southern part of the Bitterroot Mountains. Consequently, nearly all the rivers in the state drain toward the Pacific. Most of Idaho lieswithin the drainage basin of the Columbia River system. The Snake River, which is the chief river in southern and central Idaho, follows a crescent-shaped course forabout 790 km (about 490 mi) across southern Idaho. It then swings northward along the Idaho state line and joins the Columbia River in Washington. Major tributariesof...
Idaho - USA History.
Idaho-Montana state line in the southern part of the Bitterroot Mountains. Consequently, nearly all the rivers in the state drain toward the Pacific. Most of Idaho lieswithin the drainage basin of the Columbia River system. The Snake River, which is the chief river in southern and central Idaho, follows a crescent-shaped course forabout 790 km (about 490 mi) across southern Idaho. It then swings northward along the Idaho state line and joins the Columbia River in Washington. Major tributariesof...
Maine - geography.
temperatures range from 17° to 21°C (62° to 70°F) with the southern interior being the warmest and the east coast and north the coolest. However, daytime summertemperatures may reach the lower 30°s C (lower 90°s F), and temperatures in winter have fallen as low as -44°C (-48°F) in the interior. D2 Precipitation Precipitation (rainfall and snowfall) in Maine is evenly distributed throughout the year. Most areas receive from 860 to 1,020 mm (34 to 40 in) yearly, although parts ofthe coast are som...
Maine - USA History.
temperatures range from 17° to 21°C (62° to 70°F) with the southern interior being the warmest and the east coast and north the coolest. However, daytime summertemperatures may reach the lower 30°s C (lower 90°s F), and temperatures in winter have fallen as low as -44°C (-48°F) in the interior. D2 Precipitation Precipitation (rainfall and snowfall) in Maine is evenly distributed throughout the year. Most areas receive from 860 to 1,020 mm (34 to 40 in) yearly, although parts ofthe coast are som...
Etude de cas : le Brésil et le Mexique
•Le Mexique est cependant le pays de la réforme agraire. Engagée il y a 140 ans, elle a soutenu 3 millions de paysans par la création de 20 000 ejidos (soit plus de 100 millions d'hectares). • Dès 1856, le pays s 'ouvre aux investissements extérieurs au détriment des ter rains indiens . Plus tard, les grandes haciendas sont démantelées pour constituer des parcelles individuelles de 20 hectares transmissibles. Les limites de la réforme ' s...
India - country.
delta in the north, are intensely farmed. B Rivers and Lakes The rivers of India can be divided into three groups: the great Himalayan rivers of the north, the westward-flowing rivers of central India, and the eastward-flowingrivers of the Deccan Plateau and the rest of peninsular India. Only small portions of India’s rivers are navigable because of silting and the wide seasonal variation inwater flow (due to the monsoon climate). Water transport is thus of little importance in India. Barrages,...
British Columbia - Geography.
hemlock, Douglas fir, Sitka spruce, and various cedars, grows rapidly in the mild, wet climate and produces the largest trees in Canada. In the dry lowlands of thesouthern and central interior, ponderosa and lodgepole pines, aspen, and bunchgrass are characteristic. Spruce dominates the Prince George region. Prairie grasses andstands of aspen are found in the northeastern corner of the province. At elevations higher than about 1,800 m (about 6,000 ft), an alpine vegetation of shrubs, mosses,and...
British Columbia - Canadian History.
hemlock, Douglas fir, Sitka spruce, and various cedars, grows rapidly in the mild, wet climate and produces the largest trees in Canada. In the dry lowlands of thesouthern and central interior, ponderosa and lodgepole pines, aspen, and bunchgrass are characteristic. Spruce dominates the Prince George region. Prairie grasses andstands of aspen are found in the northeastern corner of the province. At elevations higher than about 1,800 m (about 6,000 ft), an alpine vegetation of shrubs, mosses,and...
Les oasis du désert égyptien
LE PROJET «NOUVELLE VALLÉE» Le ·projet « Nouvelle Vallée », presque aussi af!lbiti.eux que la construction du barrage d'Assouan, voit le ]Our en 1959. Il concerne quatre des oasis du désert Jibyque -Kharga, Falafra, Baharia et Dakhla -, soit au total 458 000 km 1 et 120 000 habitants. L'objectif est de rationaliser l'exploitation des ressources en eau afin de mettre en culture de nouvelles terres gagnées sur Je désert. Des relev...
Quels sont les moyens d'économie d'énergie utilisés par l'homme de nos jours pour préserver la planète ?
pousse a faire encore plus attention en nos dépenses d'eau en trop[8]. 3. Les conséquences pour la biodiversité[9] et la biomasse[10] Il y a la disparition des forêts qui est du a l'exploitation forestière, agricole ou minière. Les activités humaines ont pour conséquence une augmentation du taux deCO2 et donc nous détruisons les forêts qui contribuent à éliminer le CO2 (en fixant le carbone sous forme de bois). Aujourd'hui, les forêts tropicales ne couvrent plusque 2% de la surface de la Terre....
Ellis Island, porte de l'espoir ou des larmes
Une vieille femme arrive à Ellis Island avec son baluchon. Ellis Island, porte de l'espoir ou des larmes Plus de 12 millions de personnes ont transité par Ellis Island entre 1892 et 1954 pour se rendre dans le pays de tous les possibles ; parfois il y eut plus cie 10 000 personnes par jour. C'est ainsi que 40% des familles américaines sont arrivées aux États -Unis. C ette petite île proche de Manhattan appartient, à la fin du xv111'siècle, à...
Définition & usage:
ARPENT1, substantif masculin.
compos? de 100 perches carr?es de 22 pieds de c?t? et contenant 48,400 pieds carr?s?? (BOUILLET 1859) ou ??51,0720 ares?? (Dictionnaire de l'Acad?mie Fran?aise, Compl?ments, 1842); ??l'arpent commun de la France de 42,2208 ares?? (Ibidem); ??l'arpent de Paris de 34,1887 ares?? (Ibidem et BALZAC, Correspondance, 1838, page 419); ??arpent de Gen?ve de 51,6610 ares?? (Dictionnaire de l'Acad?mie Fran?aise, Compl?ments, 1842); ??arpent m?trique ou hectare?? (BOUILLET 1859). b) Un arpent de terre labo...
pesticides - chimie.
protection indispensables à leur manipulation (gants, masques, combinaisons, etc.). La pollution engendrée par ces pesticides a un impact local et global : d’une part, elle est à l’origine d’un grave problème de santé publique (augmentation des cas de malformations, de cancers, de désordres du système nerveux, etc.) dans ces pays qui souffrent déjà de nombreux maux ; d’autre part, elle contribue à une pollution planétaire, car les pesticides sont transportés sur des milliers de kilomètres via...
La Pologne est marquée, dans son histoire, par l'opposition
entre l'immutabilité de la nation polonaise et la variabilité de son
territoire, qui connut quatre partages et disparut deux fois de la
carte du monde, en 1795 et en 1939.
Guerre mondiale valent à la Pologne une population homogène, où les minorités nationales (Ukrainiens, Biélorusses, Allemands) comptent pour moins de 2 %. L'accroissement démographique a d'abord été très rapide (1,3 % par an entre 1946 et 1970), avant de se ralentir à partir des années soixante-dix (0,8 % entre 1970 et 1990, 0,2 % entre 1990 et 1995), en raison de la baisse de la natalité et d'une remontée progressive de la mortalité. La population reste relativement jeune : les moins de 30 ans r...
Bolivia - geografía.
está intentando desplazar a un importante volumen de la población a la zona, lo que aumenta la gravedad del problema medioambiental. Bolivia fue el primer país que ingresó en la modalidad intercambio “deuda por naturaleza”, un tipo de acuerdo que permite a los países en vías de desarrollo pagar deudapública mediante la conservación de la naturaleza. El intercambio afectó a unas 800.000 hectáreas, la mayor parte de selva lluviosa. Bolivia es miembro de tratadosrelativos a biodiversidad, cambio cl...
Other plants and animals have special adaptations suited for living in a wet environment. Most emergent plants have air spaces in their stems that enable oxygen to betransported to roots that grow in sediments with no oxygen. Some of the trees that grow in swamps form a set of roots above the soil surface or above the water thatallows them to get oxygen to the lower roots. In saltwater wetlands, specialized cells can limit the amount of salt that enters a plant, or specialized organs can excrete...
Philadelphia (city, Pennsylvania) - geography.
national trend of migration from eastern cities to the warmer climate of the Sun Belt. Whereas in 1950 Philadelphia contained more than 2 million people and ranked as the third largest city in America, the city's population plunged to 1,517,550 by 2000.In 2006, the city's population was estimated at 1,448,394. While the city proper was decreasing in population, the metropolitan area centered on Philadelphia grew. In 2006 the region had 6.2 million inhabitants. Philadelphiaranked as the nation’s...
Syria - country.
D Education Primary education is free and compulsory for all children aged 6 through 12. Some 78 percent of the adult Syrian population was estimated to be literate in 2005.Primary schools enrolled 2.8 million pupils in the 2000 school year, and 1.1 million students attended secondary schools and vocational institutes. In 1998, 94,110 Syrian students were enrolled in institutes of higher education. Syria has universities in Damascus, Ḩalab, Ḩim ş, and Al L ādhiq īyah. Also in Damascus isthe Ar...
Seattle - geography.
Mountains. The area includes the suburban cities of Bellevue, Kirkland, Redmond, Renton, and Issaquah. The Eastside has become home to dozens of high-technologyindustries including Microsoft Corporation, ATL Ultrasound, Nintendo of America, divisions of The Boeing Company, and many other firms. In the 1960s commutersheaded to Seattle jobs from homes on the Eastside. Today, the “reverse commute” from Seattle homes to jobs on the Eastside is just as heavy, and both streams oftraffic cross the same...
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare (1564-1616), English playwright and poet, recognized in much of the world as the greatest of all dramatists.
Shakespeare’s reputation today is, however, based primarily on the 38 plays that he wrote, modified, or collaborated on. Records of Shakespeare’s plays begin toappear in 1594, when the theaters reopened with the passing of the plague that had closed them for 21 months. In December of 1594 his play The Comedy of Errors was performed in London during the Christmas revels at Gray’s Inn, one of the London law schools. In March of the following year he received payment for two playsthat had been per...
William Shakespeare.
Shakespeare’s reputation today is, however, based primarily on the 38 plays that he wrote, modified, or collaborated on. Records of Shakespeare’s plays begin toappear in 1594, when the theaters reopened with the passing of the plague that had closed them for 21 months. In December of 1594 his play The Comedy of Errors was performed in London during the Christmas revels at Gray’s Inn, one of the London law schools. In March of the following year he received payment for two playsthat had been per...
Vermont - geography.
Forests cover 78 percent of Vermont. Most of the trees are deciduous, principally the maple, elm, birch, beech, oak, hickory, ash, cherry, and butternut. The state treeis the sugar maple, which provides Vermont’s famous maple syrup. Conifers are common in some mountain areas and include mainly the white pine, red spruce,hemlock, and cedar. A great variety of ferns have been found within the state. Among the more common wildflowers that grow in Vermont are anemones, arbutuses,violets, lilacs, dai...
Vermont - USA History.
Forests cover 78 percent of Vermont. Most of the trees are deciduous, principally the maple, elm, birch, beech, oak, hickory, ash, cherry, and butternut. The state treeis the sugar maple, which provides Vermont’s famous maple syrup. Conifers are common in some mountain areas and include mainly the white pine, red spruce,hemlock, and cedar. A great variety of ferns have been found within the state. Among the more common wildflowers that grow in Vermont are anemones, arbutuses,violets, lilacs, dai...
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), 16th president of the United States (1861-1865) and one of the great leaders in American history.
fence in 4 hectares (10 acres) to grow corn. Then he hired out to neighbors, helping them to split rails. That year, Lincoln attended a political rally and was persuaded tospeak on behalf of a local candidate. It was his first political speech. A witness recalled that Lincoln “was frightened but got warmed up and made the best speech of theday.” In 1831 Lincoln made a second trip to New Orleans. He was hired, along with his stepbrother and a cousin, by Denton Offutt, a Kentucky trader and specul...
Abraham Lincoln.
fence in 4 hectares (10 acres) to grow corn. Then he hired out to neighbors, helping them to split rails. That year, Lincoln attended a political rally and was persuaded tospeak on behalf of a local candidate. It was his first political speech. A witness recalled that Lincoln “was frightened but got warmed up and made the best speech of theday.” In 1831 Lincoln made a second trip to New Orleans. He was hired, along with his stepbrother and a cousin, by Denton Offutt, a Kentucky trader and specul...