252 résultats pour "hands"
No. I shook his hand...
"And then I came straight here,
crawl down theoutside ofthe building, whichIsaw avideo ofone person doingonaPolish site,ortrying touse a tablecloth asaparachute, likesome ofthe people whowere inWindows onthe World actually did.There weresomany different waystodie, and Ijust need toknow which washis." He held outhishands likehewanted metotake them. "Arethose tattoos?" Heclosed hisright hand. Iflipped backand pointed at"Why?" Hetook back hishands andwrote, "It'smade things easier. Instead ofwriting yesand noallthe time, I can sh...
Punch and Judy
Punch and Judy are characters in an English hand puppet show that first appeared in 1662.
Rod puppets are controlled by rods attached to their limbs, heads, and bodies. Although the traditional rod puppets of Belgium and Sicily are worked from above, likemarionettes, most contemporary rod figures are operated from below. In theaters, rod puppeteers are frequently concealed from view by drapery or stage flats (fabric stretched across frames). On television and in films, rod and hand puppeteers usually hold their figures either above their heads or in front of their faces. In the lat...
Every day I wake up to my phone whose alarm is the theme song of Jojo's Bizzare Adventure, I walk to my bathroom and with every step, I hear another Jojo reference, I try to live a normal life saying I'm deaf but I lie, I can hear everything but everything is a Jojo reference, I tried to masturbate but with every stroke when my hand comes in contact with the base of my dick I don't hear a simple clap intead I hear a Jojo reference I tried to commit suicide but when I pulled the trigger
of agony.Every day I wake up to my phone whose alarm is the theme song of Jojo's Bizzare Adventure, I walk to my bathroom and with every step, I hear another Jojo reference, I try to live a normal life saying I'm deaf but I lie, I can hear everything but everything is a Jojo reference, I tried to masturbate but with every stroke when my hand comes in contact with the base of my dick I don't hear a simple clap intead I hear a Jojo reference I tried to commit suicide but when I pulled the trigger...
- Hands, Nuenen 1885 - Vincent Van Gogh
Henry VIII
Henry VIII (1491-1547), king of England (1509-1547), the image of the Renaissance king as immortalized by German artist Hans Holbein, who painted him hands on
hips, legs astride, exuding confidence and power.
that was completed by 1540. The crown then took possession of all their property, paying small pensions to the approximately 10,000 monks and nuns who weredeprived of their homes. In a reversal of roles, many towns were forced to assist the same people who had once provided charity to the less fortunate. To pay for hiscontinued wars, Henry sold the former monastic lands to nobles and gentry, who thereby gained an interest in the success of Henry’s reformation and becamedependent upon the king. T...
Leopold Mozart: Gründliche Violinschule - Texte.
natürlich, und ungezwungen. ( a) [(a) Will der Schüler den Ellebogen nicht biegen, und geigt folglich mit einem steifen Arm und starker Bewegung der Achsel; so stelle man ihn mit dem rechten Arm nahe an eine Wande: er wird, wenn er beym Herabstriche den Ellebogen gegen die Wand stößt, solchen ganz gewiß biegenlernen.] Ich sage: das Glied der Hand soll man natürlich bewegen. Ich verstehe hierdurch: ohne lächerliche und unnatürliche Krümmungen zu machen; ohne es gar zusehr auswärts zu biegen, oder...
the swimmer and the pinky finger should enter the water first. At the same time, the swimmer moves the left arm through the water below the left side of the body.Once in the water, the right arm begins pulling the swimmer forward by bending at the elbow. At the same time the swimmer holds the left arm straight as it reachesthe hip and lifts it out of the water. As the right arm continues to pull, the swimmer rotates slightly onto the right side and swings the left arm up above the head. As the s...
Bridge (game).
IV DUPLICATE BRIDGE Duplicate bridge is a variety of contract bridge in which the element of luck affecting the final score is greatly decreased and the factor of skill is correspondinglyincreased. Duplicate is virtually the only game now played in championship bridge tournaments and matches. Duplicate bridge can be played by any number of players divided into pairs or teams. Each pair competes against all (or in some duplicate tournaments against half) theother pairs. The cards are all dealt...
Excerpt from Macbeth - anthology.
As they had seen me with these hangman’s hands.Listening their fear I could not say “Amen”When they did say “God bless us.” LADY. Consider it not so deeply. MACBETH. But wherefore could not I pronounce “Amen”?I had most need of blessing, and “Amen”Stuck in my throat. LADY. These deeds must not be thoughtAfter these ways; so, it will make us mad. MACBETH. Methought I heard a voice cry, “Sleep no more!Macbeth does murder sleep—the innocent sleep,Sleep that knits up the ravelled sleave of care,The...
rebound. Play continues as the teams score and possession changes. A time-out, when the game is stopped for a certain amount of time, allows coaches to instructplayers or to develop a new game strategy. A Offense Playing offense is perhaps the most prominent part of playing basketball, as it allows players to demonstrate and improve upon individual skills necessary to beingsuccessful. Many of basketball's best players have exceptional talents on offense. Basic offensive skills are passing, ball...
humans, such as tools, pottery, and buildings) and human fossils (preserved bones). They also examine past environments to understand how natural forces, such as climate and available food, shaped the development of human culture. Some archaeologists study cultures that existed before the development of writing, a time knownas prehistory . The archaeological study of periods of human evolution up to the first development of agriculture, about 10,000 years ago, is also called paleoanthropology....
Excerpt from Barnaby Rudge - anthology.
Mr. Dennis rolled lazily over upon his breast, and resting his chin upon his hand in imitation of the attitude in which Hugh lay, said, as he too looked towards thedoor: “ Ay, ay, you knew him, brother, you knew him. But who'd suppose to look at that chap now, that he could be the man he is! Isn't it a thousand cruel pities, brother,that instead of taking his nat'ral rest and qualifying himself for further exertions in this here honourable cause, he should be playing at soldiers like a boy?...
Stevenson: From Treasure Island - anthology.
air in front of him: ‘Will any kind friend inform a poor blind man, who has lost the precious sight of his eyes in the gracious defence of his native country, England, and God bless KingGeorge!—where or in what part of this country he may now be?’ ‘You are at the “Admiral Benbow,” Black Hill Cove, my good man,’ said I. ‘I hear a voice,’ said he—‘a young voice. Will you give me your hand, my kind young friend, and lead me in?’ I held out my hand, and the horrible, soft-spoken, eye...
Two assistants, known as linesmen or referees’ assistants, aid the referee. Their primary job is to alert the referee when balls go out of the playing area and to assist inmaking offsides calls (see Rules section below). The assistants carry flags, which they wave when the ball leaves the playing area or use to point to the spot where a foul was committed. V EQUIPMENT Soccer is played with a round leather ball. It is between 68 and 71 cm (27 and 28 in) in circumference and weighs between 396...
From The Sound and the Fury - anthology.
'You'd better slip on your pants and run,' he said. He went out. I got up and moved about, listening to him through the wall. He entered the sitting-room, toward the door. 'Aren't you ready yet?' 'Not yet. Run along. I'll make it.' He went out. The door closed. His feet went down the corridor. Then I could hear the watch again. I quit moving around and went to the window and drew thecurtains aside and watched them running for chapel, the same ones fighting the same heaving coat-s...
Excerpt from Richard II - anthology.
He may surrender. So we shall proceedWithout suspicion. YORK. I will be his conduct.Exit BOLINGBROKE. Lords, you that here are under our arrest,Procure your sureties for your days of answer.Little are we beholding to your love,And little looked for at your helping hands. Enter Richard and York RICHARD. Alack, why am I sent for to a kingBefore I have shook off the regal thoughtsWherewith I reigned? I hardly yet have learnedTo insinuate, flatter, bow, and bend my knee.Give sorrow leave awhile to t...
C Offensive Techniques To be effective, boxers must have an assortment of punches that are coordinated with their footwork. Less powerful punches often serve the important role of settingup the fighter’s chief “weapons,” as boxing analysts sometimes call a boxer’s main offensive skills. C1 Feinting Moving the hands or head to confuse an opponent is called feinting. A smart boxer will first test the opponent by trying different feints, noting the reaction to each onebefore deciding which will b...
Mechanics, branch of physics concerning the motions of objects and their response to forces.
Components of VelocityNeglecting air resistance, a ball thrown into the air at an angle will travel in a parabolic path. The velocity of the ball (V)has independent vertical (V) and horizontal (H) components; the horizontal component stays the same the entire time theball is in the air, while the vertical component, the only component affected by gravity, changes continuously while theball is aloft.© Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. To understand why and how objects accelerate, force...
From Bulfinch's Mythology: Charlemagne - anthology.
The titles of some of Archbishop Turpin's chapters will show the nature of his history. They are these: 'Of the Walls of Pampeluna, that fell of themselves.' 'Of theWar of the holy Facundus, where the Spears grew.' (Certain of the Christians fixed their spears, in the evening, erect in the ground, before the castle; and found them,in the morning, covered with bark and branches.) 'How the Sun stood still for Three Days, and the Slaughter of Four Thousand Saracens.' Turpin's history has perhap...
Excerpt from Titus Andronicus - anthology.
For that they will not intercept my tale.When I do weep they humbly at my feetReceive my tears and seem to weep with me,And were they but attirèd in grave weedsRome could afford no tribunes like to these.A stone is soft as wax, tribunes more hard than stones.A stone is silent and offendeth not,And tribunes with their tongues doom men to death.But wherefore stand'st thou with thy weapon drawn? LUCIUS. To rescue my two brothers from their death,For which attempt the Judges have pronouncedMy everla...
Excerpt from Henry VI - anthology.
SON. Ill blows the wind that profits nobody.This man whom hand to hand I slew in fightMay be possessèd with some store of crowns;And I, that haply take them from him now,May yet ere night yield both my life and themTo some man else, as this dead man doth me.—Who's this? O God! It is my father's face,Whom in this conflict I, unwares, have killed.O, heavy times, begetting such events!From London by the King was I pressed forth;My father, being the Earl of Warwick's man,Came on the part of York, pr...
Excerpt from Bleak House - anthology.
patience, courage, hope; so overthrows the brain and breaks the heart; that there is not an honourable man among its practitioners who would not give—who does notoften give—the warning, 'Suffer any wrong that can be done you, rather than come here!' Who happen to be in the Lord Chancellor's court this murky afternoon besides the Lord Chancellor, the counsel in the cause, two or three counsel who are never inany cause, and the well of solicitors before mentioned? There is the registrar below...
It might not matter to you, but my brother was having an affair with my wife.
upon them kissing oneafternoon inthe field behind theshed behind ourhouse. Itmade mesoexcited. Ifelt asifIwere kissing someone. Ihad never kissed anyone. Iwas more excited thanifit had been me.Ourhouse wassmall. AnnaandI shared abed. That night Itold herwhat Ihad seen. Shemade mepromise nevertospeak aword about it.Ipromised her. She said, Whyshould Ibelieve you? I wanted totell her, Because whatIsaw would nolonger bemine ifItalked aboutit.Isaid, Because Iam your sister. Thank you. Can Iwatch you...
collection of many different books. The Old Testament is by no means a unified book in terms of authorship, date of composition, or literary type; it is instead a veritablelibrary. Generally speaking, the books of the Old Testament and their component parts may be identified as narratives, poetic works, prophetic works, law, or apocalypses.Most of these are broad categories that include various distinct types or genres of literature and oral tradition. None of these categories is limited to the...
C Special Teams Each team has players who enter the game during special plays such as kickoffs, field goals, punts, and returns. The kicker kicks off at the beginning of a game or half,and after his team has scored. The kicker also scores points for the offensive team by kicking the ball through the goalpost’s vertical posts, also known as the uprights;these scores are called field goals. When the offensive team must surrender the ball to the opponents, a punter comes in to kick the ball downfi...
World War II .
the Nazi-Soviet Pact was signed. In the part published the next day, Germany and the Soviet Union agreed not to go to war against each other. A secret protocol gaveStalin a free hand in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, eastern Poland, and eastern Romania. See also German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact. III MILITARY OPERATIONS In the early morning hours of September 1, 1939, the German armies marched into Poland. On September 3 the British and French surprised Hitler by declaring war onGermany, but they...
which became a seed.
BEAUTIFUL ANDTRUE Mom made spaghetti fordinner thatnight. Ronatewith us.Iasked himifhe was stillinterested inbuying meafive-piece drum setwith Zildjian cymbals. Hesaid, "Yeah. Ithink thatwould begreat." "Howabout adouble basspedal?" "Idon't know whatthatis,but Ibet wecould arrange it."Iasked himwhy hedidn't havehisown family. Momsaid,"Oskar!" I said, " What? " Ron putdown hisknife andfork andsaid, "It'sOK." Hesaid, "Idid have afamily, Oskar.Ihad awife anda daughter." "Didyougetdivorced?" Helau...
The Souls of Black Folk by W.
in amused contempt and pity. One ever feels his two-ness,—an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in onedark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder. The history of the American Negro is the history of this strife—this longing to attain self-conscious manhood, to merge his double self into a better and truer self. Inthis merging he wishes neither of the older selves to be lost. He would not Africanize America, f...
United States Senate.
providing for military forces, and declaring war. Article I, Section 8, also gives Congress implied powers—to “make all laws which shall be necessary and proper” forcarrying out the enumerated powers, and to investigate and oversee the executive branch. The Senate also has the power to conduct impeachment trials against thepresident, federal judges, and other officials. The Senate can only impeach someone after the House brings charges, however. A two-thirds majority vote of thesenators in the c...
From Bulfinch's Mythology: Bacchus (Dionysus) - anthology.
me their fishing rods and nets and their fisherman's trade. This I followed for some time, till growing weary of remaining in one place, I learned the pilot's art and howto guide my course by the stars. It happened as I was sailing for Delos we touched at the island of Dia and went ashore. Next morning I sent the men for fresh water,and myself mounted the hill to observe the wind; when my men returned bringing with them a prize, as they thought, a boy of delicate appearance, whom they hadfound a...
Michelangelo (1475-1564), Italian painter, sculptor, architect, and poet whose artistic accomplishments exerted a tremendous influence on his contemporaries and on
subsequent European art.
(17 ft) tall, was carved from a block of stone that another sculptor had left unfinished. Michelangelo drew on the classical tradition in depicting David as a nude,standing with his weight on one leg, the other leg at rest ( see contrapposto). This pose suggests impending movement, and the entire sculpture shows tense waiting, as David sizes up his enemy and considers his course of action. While David reveals Michelangelo's expert knowledge of anatomy (he had been dissecting corpses for about...
(17 ft) tall, was carved from a block of stone that another sculptor had left unfinished. Michelangelo drew on the classical tradition in depicting David as a nude,standing with his weight on one leg, the other leg at rest ( see contrapposto). This pose suggests impending movement, and the entire sculpture shows tense waiting, as David sizes up his enemy and considers his course of action. While David reveals Michelangelo's expert knowledge of anatomy (he had been dissecting corpses for about...
After the ante and the initial deal, the first round of betting starts with the player to the left of the dealer. This bettor can check (make no bet), make a bet, or fold. To stay in the game, subsequent bettors must call (match the current bet) or raise (increase the total bet). A round of betting ends when no player makes a further bet or a set limit of turns around the table has been reached. In the next round of betting, the player to the left of the bettor that started the last round o...
Tuen her voice again. "Y es." "What have you got?" The first voice. "What have you got there 30 in the back?" Her voice. "Old clothes. I'm making a collection for China War Relief." The first voice. "We'll have a look, if you don't mind." Her voice. "Go right ahead." 35 The sound of the door opening. The sound of the blonde girl mo- ving over so that the policemen could gain access to the back seat. He started to picture it again. Th...
brushing past me?
trying tofind theone onwhich shewas born, herfirst love, when shelast saw herparents, andIwas looking forAnna, too, Isearched andsearched, Igot apaper cutonmy forefinger andbled alittle flower ontothepage onwhich Ishould have seenherkissing somebody, butthis was allIsaw: I wanted tocry but Ididn't cry,Iprobably shouldhavecried, Ishould havedrowned usthere inthe room, ended our suffering, theywould havefound usfloating face-down intwo thousand whitepages, orburied underthesalt ofmy evaporated tea...
Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker
The Nutcracker is a classic ballet with music by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
Joffrey Ballet SchoolTraining for classical ballet dancers must begin when the students are very young. Here, teacher Dorothy Lister workswith her pre-ballet class of six-year-olds at the Joffrey Ballet School. These students are learning the five basic positions ofclassical ballet.Susan Kunklin/Photo Researchers, Inc. Different systems of ballet training have evolved, named after countries (Russia, France) or teachers (Italian dancer Enrico Cecchetti, Danish choreographer AugustBournonville). T...
From Moby Dick - anthology.
'My song for ever shall recordThat terrible, that joyful hour;I give the glory to my God,His all the mercy and the power.' Nearly all joined in singing this hymn, which swelled high above the howling of the storm. A brief pause ensued; the preacher slowly turned over the leaves of theBible, and at last, folding his hand down upon the proper page, said: 'Beloved shipmates, clinch the last verse of the first chapter of Jonah—'And God had prepared agreat fish to swallow up Jonah.' 'Shipmate...
may also repeat body movements, such as spinning, rocking, or flapping hands. When upset or excited, they may also harm themselves by skin-biting or head-banging. They may also show significant aggression toward other people or inanimateobjects, or may have episodes of extreme anger or frustration. D Associated Symptoms Some children with autism show other symptoms that do not contribute to the diagnosis of autism itself. Sensory sensitivity is quite common, especially to some textures, sounds,...
III SURGICAL PROCEDURES Surgical procedures are classified as optional, required, elective, urgent, and emergent based on the patient’s medical condition. Optional surgery consists of operationsthat are not required but which the patient chooses to undergo as with some types of cosmetic surgery. Required surgery is performed when only surgery will correct aproblem—such as cataracts—but the surgery can be delayed for a period of weeks or months. Elective surgical procedures usually involve cond...
Scramble for Africa.
additional territorial grabs. The most significant of these rules stated that colonial powers were obligated to notify each other when they claimed African territory.Further, subsequent “effective occupation” of the claimed area was necessary for the claim to remain valid. Through it all, as Europeans negotiated their rights toAfrican territory, not a single African was present. Once the conference was over, it was clear that a European Scramble for African territories was underway. Southern Afr...
VI POTTERY Ceramic objects can be molded completely by hand or thrown (shaped) on a potter's wheel, a device with a rotating horizontal disk. When the clay hardens, it is fired ina high-temperature oven, or kiln, to strengthen it. To make the object waterproof, glazes may then be applied and the piece fired again. Although hand construction iseasy to master, throwing on the potter's wheel requires practice. Several simple tools are used by potters, including sponges, trimming tools, wooden sha...
Ice Hockey.
Each period begins with a face-off at the blue dot at center ice. During the face-off one player from each team lines up at the dot with the stick blade on the ice. After the referee drops the puck, the two players attempt to gain possession of it. Quick hands and strength are essential qualities for players participating in the face-off. Once the puck is dropped, it is in play until an official’s whistle stops it, a goal is scored, or time expires. The team on offense tries to move the puck f...
Orthodox Church.
formally defined by an ecumenical council, as it was in Catholicism, some Orthodox theologians have taught that the act of becoming a monk or the service of burial canalso be sacraments. The sacramental practice of the Orthodox differs in many details from Western customs. Baptism is administered by immersing the child or adult three times under thewater, each time in the name of one of the persons of the Trinity. It is followed immediately by anointment with chrism, a sacred perfumed oil that r...
do. PART II: JE explains why he decided to write thisantismoking article to launch his antismoking campaign/crusade. The answerisquite clear, 18 month before he was diagnosed with throat cancer (l.27)although he is still alive, he's had an operation,which has deprived him ofmore of his larynx. He calls himself "maimed". All of a sudden he has decidedto become a goodboy. God gone was the bad boy image. He goes to church, he hasbecome a family man and wants to see his 4 boys grow up, hehas made a...
Pottery, clay that is chemically altered and permanently hardened by firing in a kiln.
basket, or a clay or plaster form. Liquid clay can be poured into plaster molds. A pot can be coil built: Clay is rolled between the palms of the hands and extended intolong coils, a coil is formed into a ring, and the pot is built up by superimposing rings. Also, a ball of clay can be pinched into the desired shape. The most sophisticatedpottery-making technique is wheel throwing. The potter's wheel, invented in the 4th millennium BC, is a flat disk that revolves horizontally on a pivot. Both...
Horse - biology.
Horses reach sexual maturity at about one and a half years. The estrous cycle in the mare—a mature female horse—typically lasts 21 days. During the first five days ofthe cycle, the mare is usually receptive to mating. The estrous cycle stops during winter and resumes in the spring, which is the start of the breeding season. Astallion—a mature male horse—approaching a mare in estrus engages in various courtship rituals. These include uttering nickering sounds and sniffing and licking themare’s ge...
Martial Arts.
These movements are based on stylized renditions of ancient kung fu arm and foot blows. C Tae Kwon Do Tae kwon do (Korean for 'way of hands and feet') was founded in 1955 by a group of masters led by Korean general Choi Hong Hi. It is the national sport and pastimeof Korea and is also popular throughout the world. Often referred to as Korean karate, tae kwon do is reputedly based on ancient Korean and modern Japanesemethods of combat. Basic to tae kwon do are many spectacular kicks, particularl...
Fußball, Ballspiel für zwei Mannschaften zu je elf Spielern (ein Torhüter und zehn Feldspieler), das beliebteste und am weitesten verbreitete Mannschaftsspiel der Welt.
außerhalb des Strafraumes mit einem Freistoß geahndet, innerhalb des Strafraumes erhält die benachteiligte Mannschaft einen Elfmeter. Sowohl beim Strafstoß als auchbeim Freistoß müssen die Spieler der gegnerischen Mannschaft einen Abstand von 9,15 Metern einhalten. Bei absichtlichem Handspiel und bei Fouls verhängt derSchiedsrichter je nach Schwere des Vergehens eine Verwarnung in Form einer gelben Karte. Erhält ein Spieler im Verlauf eines Spieles eine zweite gelbe Karte, bekommt ergleichzeitig...
Russian Revolutions of 1917 (Histoire) .
as Marxists. They believed that the working class—with its struggles to organize trade unions and to bring about political reforms of benefit to the majority ofpeople—would become the primary force for revolutionary change. The Russian Marxists formed the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP) in 1898. By 1903,however, the RSDLP had split into two factions. The faction called the Bolsheviks (from the Russian word for “majority”), led by Vladimir Ilich Lenin, favored a more centralized a...
Le ballon à la main
LA VIE DES HOMMES LE BALLON À LA MAIN DRIBBLE MOYEN DRIBBLE HAUT (en course rapide) (il n'y a pas de danger immédiat) Principes du hand-ball Sur un terrain de 40 m x 20 m, deux équipes de sept joueurs, dont un gardien, s'opposent au cours de deux mi-temps DRIBBLE BAS (pour éviter qu'un adversaire ne s'empare du ballon) Un joueur ne peut pas faire plus de trois pas avec /e ballon sans dribbler . avec la jambe ou le pied ....