43 résultats pour "forward"
the swimmer and the pinky finger should enter the water first. At the same time, the swimmer moves the left arm through the water below the left side of the body.Once in the water, the right arm begins pulling the swimmer forward by bending at the elbow. At the same time the swimmer holds the left arm straight as it reachesthe hip and lifts it out of the water. As the right arm continues to pull, the swimmer rotates slightly onto the right side and swings the left arm up above the head. As the s...
Hockey Hall of Fame.
Cowley, Bill Center 1968 Crawford, Rusty Left Wing 1962 D'Amico, John Referee/Linesman 1993 Dandurand, Leo Builder 1977 Darragh, Jack Right Wing 1962 Davidson, Scotty Right Wing 1950 Day, Hap Left Wing 1961 Delvecchio, Alex Center 1977 Denneny, Cy Left Wing 1959 Dilio, Frank Builder 1964 Dionne, Marcel Center 1992 Drillon, Gordie Left Wing 1975 Drinkwater, Graham Forward/Defender 1950 Dryden, Ken Goalie 1983 Dudley, George Builder 1958 Duff, Terrance 'Dick' Left Wing 2006 Dumart, Woody Left Wing...
Hockey Hall of Fame.
Cowley, Bill Center 1968 Crawford, Rusty Left Wing 1962 D'Amico, John Referee/Linesman 1993 Dandurand, Leo Builder 1977 Darragh, Jack Right Wing 1962 Davidson, Scotty Right Wing 1950 Day, Hap Left Wing 1961 Delvecchio, Alex Center 1977 Denneny, Cy Left Wing 1959 Dilio, Frank Builder 1964 Dionne, Marcel Center 1992 Drillon, Gordie Left Wing 1975 Drinkwater, Graham Forward/Defender 1950 Dryden, Ken Goalie 1983 Dudley, George Builder 1958 Duff, Terrance 'Dick' Left Wing 2006 Dumart, Woody Left Wing...
naturally flaps down so as to increase lift. Flapping allows the differences in lift caused by uneven rotor tip speed to cancel out, producing a stable ride. Many helicoptersuse mechanical hinges with lubricated bearings, but some use flexible straps made of a composite material in order to reduce the required maintenance. Helicopters require different amounts of lift and thrust at different times during flight, because the aerodynamic forces acting on them change during hovering andacceleration...
Ice Hockey.
Each period begins with a face-off at the blue dot at center ice. During the face-off one player from each team lines up at the dot with the stick blade on the ice. After the referee drops the puck, the two players attempt to gain possession of it. Quick hands and strength are essential qualities for players participating in the face-off. Once the puck is dropped, it is in play until an official’s whistle stops it, a goal is scored, or time expires. The team on offense tries to move the puck f...
rebound. Play continues as the teams score and possession changes. A time-out, when the game is stopped for a certain amount of time, allows coaches to instructplayers or to develop a new game strategy. A Offense Playing offense is perhaps the most prominent part of playing basketball, as it allows players to demonstrate and improve upon individual skills necessary to beingsuccessful. Many of basketball's best players have exceptional talents on offense. Basic offensive skills are passing, ball...
Two assistants, known as linesmen or referees’ assistants, aid the referee. Their primary job is to alert the referee when balls go out of the playing area and to assist inmaking offsides calls (see Rules section below). The assistants carry flags, which they wave when the ball leaves the playing area or use to point to the spot where a foul was committed. V EQUIPMENT Soccer is played with a round leather ball. It is between 68 and 71 cm (27 and 28 in) in circumference and weighs between 396...
and interpret rules. The head official on the court, called the chair umpire, sits on a tall chair at one end of the net. A varying number of line judges sit around the courtbeyond the path of the players. Line judges determine whether serves and shots are good or out. A net-cord judge may be employed to determine when a ball touchesthe top of the net, and a foot-fault judge may watch for that specific infraction. In the 1980s electronic devices began to be used in some professional tournaments...
Hatteras essayait de percer le rideau de brume, car, d'après
défavorables ! – Eh bien, capitaine, s’ilfaut hiverner, noushivernerons ! Autantvautcetendroit qu’unautre ! – Sans doute, fitHalteras àvoix basse ; maisilne faudrait pashiverner, surtoutaumois dejuin. L’hivernage estplein dedangers physiques etmoraux. L’espritd’unéquipage selaisse vite abattre parcelong repos aumilieu devéritables souffrances. Aussi,jecomptais bienn’hiverner que sous unelatitude plusrapprochée dupôle ! – Oui, mais lafatalité avoulu quelabaie deBaffin fûtfermée. – Elle quis’est t...
Basketball, Mannschaftssportart, bei der zwei gegnerische Teams zu je fünf Spielern versuchen, einen Ball in den Korb des Gegners zu werfen und so Punkte zu erzielen.
Wurftechnik und Ballbehandlung liegt das Hauptaugenmerk der meisten Power Forwards in der Defensivarbeit. Eine wichtige Offensivfunktion der Forwards und des Centersliegt jedoch darin, ihren Mitspielern als „Block” zu dienen, an dem sie ihre Gegenspieler abschütteln können, um in eine freie Wurfposition zu gelangen. Der blockendeSpieler muss bei dieser Aktion jedoch eine feste Position eingenommen haben, bevor der Verteidiger seinen Weg kreuzt. 4.5 Center Die größten Spieler einer Mannschaft we...
Chapitre 3
Richard Shandon était un bon marin ; il avait longtemps commandé les baleiniers dans les mers
arctiques, avec une réputation solidement établie dans tout le Lancastre.
véritablement danslesmers boréales ouaustrales, jel’ignore, ils’agit peut-être dequelque nouvelle découverte àtenter. Ausurplus, ildoit seprésenter unjour oul’autre uncertain docteur Clawbonny, quiensaura sansdoute pluslong, etsera chargé denous instruire. Nous verrons bien. – Attendons alors,ditmaître Johnson ; pourmapart, jevais memettre enquête desolides sujets, commandant ; etquant àleur principe dechaleur animale, commeditlecapitaine, je vous legarantis d’avance. Vouspouvez vousenrapporter...
Elephant - biology.
B Trunk An elephant's nose and upper lip are combined in a long, limber trunk, an exceptionally supple appendage with an estimated 150,000 muscles. The versatile trunk actslike a hand for grasping low-growing shrubs and other food and placing it into the mouth; an arm for breaking off tree branches; or a snorkel for breathing when theelephant's body is submerged. Elephants also use their trunks to suck up water and squirt it into their mouths for drinking or over their bodies for bathing. Nostr...
Russian Revolutions of 1917 (Histoire) .
as Marxists. They believed that the working class—with its struggles to organize trade unions and to bring about political reforms of benefit to the majority ofpeople—would become the primary force for revolutionary change. The Russian Marxists formed the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP) in 1898. By 1903,however, the RSDLP had split into two factions. The faction called the Bolsheviks (from the Russian word for “majority”), led by Vladimir Ilich Lenin, favored a more centralized a...
Please forward us your résumé, including previous research experience, graduate and postgraduate transcripts, and two
letters of recommendation.
could check iton this, too." Itold himIcould setupane-mail account forhim ifhe wanted. Hesaid, "Yeah?" Itook his device, whichIwasn't familiar with,butfigured outpretty quickly, andseteverything up.Isaid, "What doyou want fora user name?" Isuggested "Allen,"or"AllenBlack," oranickname. "Or'Engineer.' Thatcould becool." Heput hisfinger on his mustache andthought aboutit.Iasked ifhe had anykids. Hesaid, "Ason. Soon he'sgoing tobe taller thanme.Taller and smarter. He'llbeagreat doctor. Abrain surge...
reviendrai plus.
donc cequ’il convient defaire. Hatteras dépliasurlatable l’unedeces excellentes cartespubliées, en1859, parordre de l’Amirauté. – Veuillez mesuivre, jevous prie.Sile détroit deSmith nousestfermé, iln’en estpas demême du détroit deLancastre, surlacôte ouest delamer deBaffin ; selonmoi,nous devons remonter ce détroit jusqu’à celuideBarrow, etde làjusqu’à l’îleBeechey ; laroute aété cent fois parcourue pardes navires àvoiles ; nousneserons doncpasembarrassés avecun brick à hélice. Unefoisàl’île Bee...
Safety is very important to all skiers, and all Alpine resorts have a ski patrol. The ski patrol’s responsibility is to take care of injured skiers, to mark hazardous spots ontrails, to make sure that trails are in good condition before opening them, and, at times, to act as traffic police in congested areas. Skiers are also responsible for takingtheir own safety into consideration, as well as that of others. Anyone who participates in the sport should be aware of the Skier’s Responsibility Code...
Greek Art and Architecture - USA History.
The struggle between these two city-states and their allies ultimately led to the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC), which Sparta won. Despite this conflict, the 5th century, often called the Classical period, is usually considered the culmination of Greek art, architecture, and drama, with its highest achievements being the Temple ofZeus at Olympia, the Parthenon in Athens, and the plays of Athenian dramatists Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes. The 4th century, or Late Classical p...
From The Red Badge of Courage - anthology.
The youth put forth anxious arms to assist him, but the tall soldier went firmly on as if propelled. Since the youth's arrival as a guardian for his friend, the otherwounded men had ceased to display much interest. They occupied themselves again in dragging their own tragedies toward the rear. Suddenly, as the two friends marched on, the tall soldier seemed to be overcome by a terror. His face turned to a semblance of gray paste. He clutched the youth's armand looked all about him, as if dre...
the vacuum of space, however, demonstrated that this belief was not true. In fact, rockets produce more thrust in the vacuum of space than on Earth. Air pressure andfriction with the air reduce a rocket’s thrust by about 10 percent on Earth as compared to the rocket’s performance in space. B Thrust and Efficiency Thrust is a measurement of the force of a rocket, or the amount of “push” exerted backward to move a rocket forward. Thrusts vary greatly from rocket to rocket.Engineers measure thrust...
Rocket - astronomy.
the vacuum of space, however, demonstrated that this belief was not true. In fact, rockets produce more thrust in the vacuum of space than on Earth. Air pressure andfriction with the air reduce a rocket’s thrust by about 10 percent on Earth as compared to the rocket’s performance in space. B Thrust and Efficiency Thrust is a measurement of the force of a rocket, or the amount of “push” exerted backward to move a rocket forward. Thrusts vary greatly from rocket to rocket.Engineers measure thrust...
Coins and Coin Collecting.
U.S. coins dates from 1909, when the first Lincoln Cents appeared during the centennial of Abraham Lincoln’s birth. George Washington’s profile was used on thequarter-dollar of 1932, a coin originally intended as a one-year commemorative to honor the 200th anniversary of his birth. The design quickly became so popular thatit was retained for regular-issue quarters and is still being used today. Thomas Jefferson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and Dwight D. Eisenhower are theother Americ...
B Propulsion Modern submarines use either diesel-electric or nuclear power to drive the sub's propeller and to provide internal electric power. Diesel-electric power emerged as themost efficient propulsion system for submarines in the early 20th century, following unsuccessful attempts to use steam or gasoline power. While on the surface, thesubmarine uses a diesel engine to drive the propeller and generate electricity. When submerged, a battery-driven electrical motor takes over for propulsion...
Cat Family - biology.
cats have coats that are mainly brown, yellow, or gray, often with white underbellies. The cubs of many species of cats have spotted coats, which helps hide them ingrass and underbrush from predators. Adult cats that have mainly spotted patterns in their fur include cheetahs, leopards, clouded leopards, jaguars, ocelots, margays, Geoffroy’s cat, and servals. Singlecolor coats are found in lions, pumas, and jaguarundis. Some individuals among leopards and jaguars, and more rarely in other species...
is learned or memorized”), the earliest document of rabbinic literature, edited in Palestine at the turn of the 3rd century. Subsequent rabbinic study of the Mishnah inPalestine and Babylonia generated two Talmuds (“that which is studied”; also called Gemera, an Aramaic term with the same meaning; see Talmud), wide-ranging commentaries on the Mishnah. The Babylonian Talmud, edited about the 6th century, became the foundation document of rabbinic Judaism. Early rabbinic writings also include exe...
Geographic Exploration.
The commercial reason for exploration has been a consistent driving force. In 1492 the great navigator Christopher Columbus sailed west across the Atlantic Oceanseeking a new, shorter, and cheaper route to reach the riches of East Asia, and Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama circumnavigated Africa for much the same reason.Yet similar investigations of the profitable eastern trade had already been made by Arab sailors. Arab trading ships were sailing from the Arabian Sea to southeasternAsia probab...
Geographic Exploration - explorer.
The commercial reason for exploration has been a consistent driving force. In 1492 the great navigator Christopher Columbus sailed west across the Atlantic Oceanseeking a new, shorter, and cheaper route to reach the riches of East Asia, and Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama circumnavigated Africa for much the same reason.Yet similar investigations of the profitable eastern trade had already been made by Arab sailors. Arab trading ships were sailing from the Arabian Sea to southeasternAsia probab...
30 "All right." He sank back in the chair, and after a moment said in a low voice, "I am a British agent." This was the last thing she had expected to hear, but thunders truck though she was shekeptherexpression neutral. Whyeverdidn't 1 think of the intelligence business? She wondered, but she said in 35 a cool, very steady voice, "You're with MI 6, is that it?" "A special branch of SIS, actually." "What is SIS?" 'The Secret Intelligence Se...
Ice Skating.
cold climate. Competitors for these events are chosen from the best skaters in each participating country, usually through preliminary national competitions. Speedskaters also compete on a World Cup circuit, which pits the world’s best skaters against one another during the year. A Figure Skating The major types of competitive figure skating are individual men’s and women’s competitions, pairs skating, ice dancing, and precision skating. In individualcompetitions a single skater performs requir...
Meteor Shower - astronomy.
Meteor observations with radar work much the same way that observations with radio forward scattering observations do. With radar, the receiver and transmitter areat the same place. Both methods provide numbers of meteors per hour, without the visual observer’s dependence on a clear, dark sky. Astronomers can determine the orbit of the particle stream that creates a meteor shower by finding out the radiant of the shower and the speed of the meteors.Observers must record meteors with cameras or v...
Mao ZedongIINTRODUCTIONMao Zedong (1893-1976), foremost Chinese Communist leader of the 20th century and the principal founder of the People's Republic of China.
outside the government was also muted because the educated elite remembered the turmoil of the “Hundred Flowers” and “Antirightist” campaigns of 1957. Mao’srelationship with intellectuals was an uneasy one, and he was critical of the gap between the lives of the urban educated elite and the rural masses. These tensions wereamong the underlying causes of the Cultural Revolution, a period of social unrest and political persecution launched by Mao in 1966. Mao mobilized youth into the RedGuards to...
Mao Zedong.
outside the government was also muted because the educated elite remembered the turmoil of the “Hundred Flowers” and “Antirightist” campaigns of 1957. Mao’srelationship with intellectuals was an uneasy one, and he was critical of the gap between the lives of the urban educated elite and the rural masses. These tensions wereamong the underlying causes of the Cultural Revolution, a period of social unrest and political persecution launched by Mao in 1966. Mao mobilized youth into the RedGuards to...
Mao Zedong - History.
outside the government was also muted because the educated elite remembered the turmoil of the “Hundred Flowers” and “Antirightist” campaigns of 1957. Mao’srelationship with intellectuals was an uneasy one, and he was critical of the gap between the lives of the urban educated elite and the rural masses. These tensions wereamong the underlying causes of the Cultural Revolution, a period of social unrest and political persecution launched by Mao in 1966. Mao mobilized youth into the RedGuards to...
Brontë: From Jane Eyre - anthology.
He rang and despatched an invitation to Mrs Fairfax, who soon arrived, knitting-basket in hand. ’Good-evening, madam; I sent to you for a charitable purpose: I have forbidden Adèle to talk to me about her presents, and she is bursting with repletion; have thegoodness to serve her as auditress and interlocutrice: it will be one of the most benevolent acts you ever performed.’ Adèle, indeed, no sooner saw Mrs Fairfax, than she summoned her to her sofa, and there quickly filled her lap with...
Eye, light-sensitive organ of vision in animals. The eyes of
Several structures, not parts of the eyeball, contribute to the protection of the eye. The most important of these are the eyelids, two folds of skin and tissue, upper andlower, that can be closed by means of muscles to form a protective covering over the eyeball against excessive light and mechanical injury. The eyelashes, a fringe ofshort hairs growing on the edge of either eyelid, act as a screen to keep dust particles and insects out of the eyes when the eyelids are partly closed. Inside the...
Snake (reptile).
in their heads that conduct sound. They are able to hear low-frequency sounds and to sense vibrations that travel through the ground or water. The majority of snakeshave good eyesight, especially for detecting moving objects, although most burrowing snakes can only distinguish between light and dark. Pit vipers, boas, and pythons have an unusual adaptation for detecting warm-blooded prey and predators. On the heads of these snakes are small pits lined with cellsthat are extremely sensitive to he...
Arab-Israeli Conflict.
the Suez Canal and in 1951 blockaded the Strait of Tiran (Israel’s access to the Red Sea), which Israel regarded as an act of war. In June 1956 Egypt nationalized theSuez Canal, which had been jointly owned by Britain and France. In late October, Israel invaded the Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula, defeating Egyptian forces there.Britain and France attacked Egypt a few days later. Although the fighting was brief and Israel eventually withdrew from the Sinai and Gaza, the conflict furtherexacerbate...
Arab-Israeli Conflict - History.
the Suez Canal and in 1951 blockaded the Strait of Tiran (Israel’s access to the Red Sea), which Israel regarded as an act of war. In June 1956 Egypt nationalized theSuez Canal, which had been jointly owned by Britain and France. In late October, Israel invaded the Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula, defeating Egyptian forces there.Britain and France attacked Egypt a few days later. Although the fighting was brief and Israel eventually withdrew from the Sinai and Gaza, the conflict furtherexacerbate...
usually pays a fixed monthly fee for a dedicated connection. In exchange, the company providing the connection agrees to relay data between the user’s computer andthe Internet. Dial-up is the least expensive access technology, but it is also the least convenient. To use dial-up access, a subscriber must have a telephone modem, a device thatconnects a computer to the telephone system and is capable of converting data into sounds and sounds back into data. The user’s ISP provides software that con...
From Pride and Prejudice - anthology.
But why Mr Darcy same so often to the Parsonage, it was more difficult to understand. It could not be for society, as he frequently sat there ten minutes togetherwithout opening his lips; and when he did speak, it seemed the effect of necessity rather than of choice—a sacrifice to propriety, not a pleasure to himself. He seldomappeared really animated. Mrs Collins knew not what to make of him. Colonel Fitzwilliam's occasionally laughing at his stupidity, proved that he was generallydifferent, wh...
directly to the spool and turns the spool one rotation at a time. C Fishing Lines Fishing lines serve as the link between the angler’s reel and the lure or bait. The most popular line used for sportfishing is monofilament nylon line, which is strong anddurable and has a certain amount of stretch, which helps when an angler sets the hook. The line comes in a variety of strengths, from 2-pound test to more than 100-pound test. (Pound test is the amount of pressure that can be put on a line before...
Spider (arthropod) - biology.
The spider’s abdomen is soft and saclike. On the underside of the tip of the abdomen are three pairs of spinnerets. Each spinneret is studded with many fine, hairliketubes called spigots, which produce a variety of silk threads. The spigots lead to several large silk glands inside the abdomen. Silk is formed as a liquid inside theseabdominal glands. As the silk is drawn out through the spigots, protein molecules within the silk line up parallel to one another, causing the silk to harden and form...
Supreme Court of Canada.
whether the leave to appeal will be granted and the case heard by the Court. The Court has no specified criteria by which it determines whether to grant leave, and the Court does not give reasons for its decision. The key factor appears to be acase’s degree of national importance. Other factors might include the impact of uncertainty in the challenged law, the case’s appropriateness for developing the law torespond to changing social needs, and the presence of a split decision at the court of ap...
- Midnighters