5 résultats pour "epimetheus"
- Epimetheus
Prometheus (Forethought) Greek One of the
Titans, descended from the Earth Mother (Gaia)
and the Sky Father (Uranus); son of Iapetus and
one of the daughters of Oceanus, possibly Clymene;
brother of Atlas and Epimetheus; father of Deucalion.
knew he was being tricked, Zeus decided to keep the knowledge of fire-making from humankind. Prometheus, undaunted, stole fire from heaven, or from the forge of the smith-god, Hephaestus, and took it to Earth hidden in the hollow stalk of the fennel plant. He then began to teach people all the uses of fire—how to make tools and fashion metal, how to build, and how to cook. He also taught people how to sow and reap, and how to use herbs for healing. Prometheus, Bound and Unbound - Mythology. Pro...
- Epimetheus (Afterthought) Greek Brother of Prometheus, a Titan.
- Pyrrha Greek Daughter of Epimetheus; wife of Deucalion.
- Menoetius Greek A second-generation Titan; son of Iapetus and Clymene, who was a daughter of Oceanus; brother of Atlas, Prometheus, and Epimetheus.