10 résultats pour "embryo"
Cloning - biology.
found that such embryo cells are totipotent (able to give rise to all the different cell types in the body). Exploiting this characteristic, scientists developed three techniques to clone embryo cells: blastomere separation, blastocyst division, and somatic cell nuclear transfer. A Blastomere Separation In blastomere separation, scientists fertilize an egg cell with a sperm cell in a laboratory dish. The resulting embryo is allowed to divide until it forms a mass of aboutfour cells. Scientist...
Embryology - biology.
stage a portion of the minute yolk sac is enclosed in the body of the embryo to form a part of the embryonic alimentary canal. At the beginning of its fourth week theembryo, now about 4 to 5 mm (about 0.16 to 0.2 in) long, has the rudiments of eyes and ears, and each side of the neck shows four gill clefts. A tail is also present. Early in the second month the buds of the arms and legs appear. The major internal organs begin to take shape, and in about the sixth week bones and muscles beginto fo...
Development (biology) - biology.
Understanding the molecular machinery within cells gives biologists a direct basis for understanding growth, because growth is the synthesis of new protoplasm, andbiologists know the basic mechanism of this synthesis. One key gap, however, exists in this knowledge. Biologists want to know not only how substances aresynthesized but also how growth is controlled so that the proportions of an animal or plant remain consistent from generation to generation. The direction and amountof growth, which a...
Shark - biology.
Sharks have two-chambered hearts that are relatively small compared to the rest of their bodies. Blood flows from the heart to the gills, where it collects oxygen fromwater and then distributes it to the other organs and tissues. The small heart produces weak blood pressure, and many sharks must swim continuously to create themuscular contractions needed to circulate blood throughout their bodies. Most sharks are cold-blooded—that is, they do not generate heat by digesting food. Instead, the bod...
Reproduction - biology.
E Gestation After fertilization of the egg, the resulting zygote undergoes cell division and differentiation to form the embryo. In most higher plants, the embryo is enclosed in a layerof nutritive material surrounded by a hard outer covering, forming the seed. In most lower animals the embryo, surrounded by the nutritive material of the formerovum, is enveloped by a leathery or calcareous shell and is extruded from the body of the female. Animals, such as birds, that lay their eggs before the...
Dictionnaire en ligne:
EMBRYO-, élément préfixe.
fascicule 8, 1925, page 20) 2
Stem Cell.
The medical profession used adult stem cells to treat diseases long before anyone isolated one. In 1968 scientists performed the first successful bone marrowtransplant, a procedure in which a patient receives an infusion of healthy bone marrow cells. The purpose of such transplants is to restore the blood-making capabilitiesof the patient’s diseased bone marrow after extremely strong chemotherapy has destroyed that bone marrow. From the beginning investigators suspected that stemcells in the inf...
Reproductive System.
in which the young develop, and a thinner channel, the vagina, which opens exteriorly. V GENITALS In animals that lay their eggs and discharge their sperm into water, the spermatozoa reach the eggs by chemical attraction; the eggs of individuals of a species attractonly the sperm of members of the same species. When eggs and sperm are deposited at great distances from each other, the number of eggs fertilized is small. Manyamphibians and aquatic vertebrates solve this problem by attaching thems...
Samen - Biologie.
Bevor ein Samen auszukeimen beginnt, muss er eine Reihe von Hürden meistern, die meist ökologische Ursachen haben. Die Samen der Herbstblüher, wie Astern oderChrysanthemen, könnten theoretisch durchaus noch in einem milden Herbst auskeimen, hätten dann aber den harten Winter vor sich. Deshalb benötigen viele Samen einklimatisches Signal, um keimbereit zu sein. Dieses Signal sind Temperaturen um den Gefrierpunkt im Winter. Solange es so kalt ist, keimen die Samen aus physiologischenGründen nicht...
- Seed - biology.