44 résultats pour "drain"
- DRAIN, substantif masculin.
- brain-drain n.
- brain-drain.
- bassin (hydrographie) 1 PRÉSENTATION bassin (hydrographie), portion de la surface terrestre drainée par un cours d'eau.
drainage - agriculture et agroalimentaire.
4.2 Drains L’intervention la plus élémentaire visant à réduire le taux d’humidité d’un terrain consiste à creuser une tranchée, pour que les eaux ne pouvant pénétrer dans le terrain pargravité puissent couler vers ce creux et, ainsi, détourner une partie des eaux de la surface des terres avoisinantes. Si le terrain est en pente, la tranchée située en partiehaute et perpendiculairement au sens de la pente soustrait une bonne partie des eaux de ruissellement aux terres en aval. De plus, si l’on a...
la partie nord du plateau de l’Ordos, ils sont recouverts d’un fin limon d’origine éolienne, le lœss. Peu compact, le lœss, épais de 200 m, est très sensible à l’érosion(ravinement), la surface des plateaux étant incisée par de nombreux ravins aux parois verticales. Débordant sur le Xinjiang, la Mongolie-Intérieure et le Gansu, le désert de Gobi est un désert de sable et de pierres de type continental. Il s’étend sur le plateau Mongol,situé entre 800 et 1 200 m d’altitude. La végétation devient...
Exposé d'anglais sur le phénomène de "brain drain"
Host: Hello everybody and welcome to our show: Talk About It. I am Andrew McGill today we are discussing the topics of brain drain and reverse brain drain. Joining us is an expert in this field, his name is Gordon Conley. He will be sharing his insights and knowledge on these important issues. Expert: Thank you for having me. Host: To start, can you explain what brain drain and reverse brain drain mean and how they are affecting the world today? Expert: Brain drain refers to the phenomeno...
Water Pollution.
Cryptosporidium in the water supply of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, sickened more than 400,000 people and killed more than 100. H Thermal Pollution Water is often drawn from rivers, lakes, or the ocean for use as a coolant in factories and power plants. The water is usually returned to the source warmer than when itwas taken. Even small temperature changes in a body of water can drive away the fish and other species that were originally present, and attract other species in placeof them. Thermal pol...
Pô (plaine du), bassin alluvial de l'Italie du Nord, drainé par le Pô et ses affluents.
par la tradition artisanale médiévale (armures milanaises), le travail des textiles (soie), l'essor industriel lombard et piémontais s'est réalisé à l'époque de la constitution de l'unité politique italienne, avec l'ouverture des liaisons ferroviaires transalpines, et a abouti à la formation du « triangle industriel ». C'est là le foyer majeur de l'industrie nationale, avec la capitale de l'automobile, Turin, l'agglomération industrielle et financière de Milan, le débouché maritime de Gê...
bois (matériau)
bois (matériau), substance compacte qui constitue le tronc des arbres, formée de fibres, de cellules et parfois de vaisseaux drainant la sève, utilisée depuis des milliers d'années comme combustible et comme matériau de construction.
5 DURABILITÉ Le bois est naturellement très durable. S'il n'est pas attaqué par des organismes vivants, il peut durer des centaines, voire des milliers d'années. Des morceaux de bois utilisés par les Romains ont été retrouvés quasiment dans leur état originel, en raison d'une combinaison de facteurs favorables à leur conservation. L'organisme mettant le plus sûrement en péril l'intégrité du bois est le champignon du bois, qui provoque ce que l'on appelle la pourriture sèche, qui ne cesse que lo...
Illinois - geography.
the state before joining the Mississippi River at Grafton. The Illinois has been deepened and straightened and forms part of the Illinois Waterway. The watershed between rivers that flow into the Mississippi river system and rivers that flow into the Great Lakes is low and in many places is not easily discernible. Inwhat is now the Chicago area, explorers had little difficulty portaging, or carrying, their canoes over the low watershed between the Des Plaines River, which flows intothe Illinois,...
Illinois - USA History.
the state before joining the Mississippi River at Grafton. The Illinois has been deepened and straightened and forms part of the Illinois Waterway. The watershed between rivers that flow into the Mississippi river system and rivers that flow into the Great Lakes is low and in many places is not easily discernible. Inwhat is now the Chicago area, explorers had little difficulty portaging, or carrying, their canoes over the low watershed between the Des Plaines River, which flows intothe Illinois,...
Le rein est l'appareil sécréteur de l'urine, c'est à l'intérieur du rein qu'on trouve le filtre rénal. Il contient aussi la partie initiale de l'appareil excréteur, qui va se continuer par une structure appe lée PYELON [Bassinet] qui est à la fois, en partie, intra -rénale, mais surtout extra -rénale. On le retrouve des 2 cotés, qui est une cavité excrétrice, dont l'origine se situe en regard de L2. Et ce pyelon, qui a une forme d'entonnoir à base supérieure et sommet inférieure, se c...
conducteur ; sur ses faces latérales, de part et d'autre, une couche d'un autre semi- conducteur est déposée, formant ainsi deux jonctions en vis-à-vis, une de chaque côté du conducteur. Le courant qui parcourt ce barreau dans sa plus grande dimension passe donc entre les deux jonctions. Les noms des zones du FET diffèrent des noms des zones du transistor bipolaire : l'extrémité par laquelle entre le courant est la source (S), celle par lequel il sort est le drain (D). Les deux jonctions constit...
perte d'adhérence du véhicule . Malheureusement, pour respecter l'autre critère, à savoir un faible bruit de roulement , il ne faut pas que la route soit trop rugueuse. Le bruit est en effet produit par l'air qui est comprimé entre la roue et des microcellules en surface de la route . Plus la route est rugueuse , plus ces microcellules sont nombreuses. Comme on le voit, il faut donc trouver un compromis entre une route favorisant l'adhérence mai...
Massif central.
de la Dordogne. Le Limousin est avant tout un pays d'élevage : gros bétail, porcs et moutons. Les villes principales se situent à la périphérie : Montluçon, Guéret, Limoges, Tulle. Complétez votre recherche en consultant : Les livres Massif central - le plateau de Millevaches, page 3088, volume 6 La région centrale, ou auvergnate. Elle comprend la province historique d'Auvergne, qui recouvre les départements du Cantal, du Puy-de-Dôme et l'arrondissement de Brioude (Haute-Loire), à laquelle...
Dans l’ensemble, les cours d’eau italiens, peu profonds, souvent à sec l’été, sujets aux crues en hiver et au printemps, ne sont guère utilisables pour la navigation etl’activité industrielle. Au contraire du Sud, le Nord bénéficie d’un système fluvial équilibré. Il est traversé par deux fleuves principaux qui prennent leur source dans les Alpes et se jettent dansl’Adriatique. Le Pô (652 km) assure l’unité de l’Italie continentale et reçoit de nombreux affluents (Tessin, Adda, Tanaro, Sesi, Tréb...
Pennsylvania - geography.
B Rivers and Lakes There are three major river basins in Pennsylvania: the Susquehanna, the Ohio, and the Delaware. Together they drain more than 90 percent of Pennsylvania’s landarea. Most of eastern and central Pennsylvania is drained by the Susquehanna and Delaware systems. The western part of the state is drained by the Allegheny andMonongahela rivers, which join at Pittsburgh to form the Ohio. In addition to the three major river basins, short streams flowing into Lake Erie drain the north...
Pennsylvania - USA History.
B Rivers and Lakes There are three major river basins in Pennsylvania: the Susquehanna, the Ohio, and the Delaware. Together they drain more than 90 percent of Pennsylvania’s landarea. Most of eastern and central Pennsylvania is drained by the Susquehanna and Delaware systems. The western part of the state is drained by the Allegheny andMonongahela rivers, which join at Pittsburgh to form the Ohio. In addition to the three major river basins, short streams flowing into Lake Erie drain the north...
Turkey - country.
has a general elevation of 900 to 1,500 m (3,000 to 5,000 ft) above sea level. The eastern highlands region is the most mountainous and rugged portion of Turkey; Mount Ararat (Ağrı Da ğı) is the highest peak in the country at 5,165 m (16,945ft). Many Christians and Jews believe it to be the same Mount Ararat mentioned in the Bible as the place where Noah’s ark came to rest. The eastern highlands are thesource for both the Tigris (Dicle) and Euphrates (Fir āt)—two of southwestern Asia’s principal...
Idaho - geography.
Idaho-Montana state line in the southern part of the Bitterroot Mountains. Consequently, nearly all the rivers in the state drain toward the Pacific. Most of Idaho lieswithin the drainage basin of the Columbia River system. The Snake River, which is the chief river in southern and central Idaho, follows a crescent-shaped course forabout 790 km (about 490 mi) across southern Idaho. It then swings northward along the Idaho state line and joins the Columbia River in Washington. Major tributariesof...
Idaho - USA History.
Idaho-Montana state line in the southern part of the Bitterroot Mountains. Consequently, nearly all the rivers in the state drain toward the Pacific. Most of Idaho lieswithin the drainage basin of the Columbia River system. The Snake River, which is the chief river in southern and central Idaho, follows a crescent-shaped course forabout 790 km (about 490 mi) across southern Idaho. It then swings northward along the Idaho state line and joins the Columbia River in Washington. Major tributariesof...
Oregon - geography.
B Rivers and Lakes The Columbia River forms most of the Oregon-Washington boundary, and with its tributaries this great river drains a large portion of Oregon. From the point where theColumbia first touches the state, at Wallula Gap, the river runs in a shallow gorge, deepening as it approaches the Cascades. This part of the river once had manyrapids and falls, but is now navigable by large vessels because of dams and locks that have been built along much of its length. An important tributary o...
Oregon - USA History.
B Rivers and Lakes The Columbia River forms most of the Oregon-Washington boundary, and with its tributaries this great river drains a large portion of Oregon. From the point where theColumbia first touches the state, at Wallula Gap, the river runs in a shallow gorge, deepening as it approaches the Cascades. This part of the river once had manyrapids and falls, but is now navigable by large vessels because of dams and locks that have been built along much of its length. An important tributary o...
Republic of Indonesia - country.
Mahakam in East Kalimantan and the Martapura and Barito in South Kalimantan. Most of these rivers originate in the island’s central massif (mountain mass) and meander through extensive swamps as they approach the coast. Settlements such as Samarinda and Banjarmasin cluster along the rivers, which serve ascommunication routes into the interior. The largest rivers on Sumatra drain from west to east into the Strait of Malacca. In the north, the Asahan River once linked trade between the Batak peo...
California - geography.
The Basin and Range province is an arid area of mountain ranges, basins, and deserts. In California it is represented primarily by parts of the Great Basin and SonoranDesert sections. Within the Great Basin lies Death Valley, whose lowest elevation, 86 m (282 ft) below sea level, is the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere. TheSonoran Desert section is characterized by numerous flat plains separated by low but rugged ranges. It includes the extensive Mojave, or Mohave, Desert. Also in thisprov...
California - USA History.
The Basin and Range province is an arid area of mountain ranges, basins, and deserts. In California it is represented primarily by parts of the Great Basin and SonoranDesert sections. Within the Great Basin lies Death Valley, whose lowest elevation, 86 m (282 ft) below sea level, is the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere. TheSonoran Desert section is characterized by numerous flat plains separated by low but rugged ranges. It includes the extensive Mojave, or Mohave, Desert. Also in thisprov...
Alberta - Geography.
C Climate Except for the mountain areas, summers throughout the province are quite warm. Winters are long and extremely cold. In July, average daily temperatures range fromabout 16°C (about 60°F) along the northern boundary to about 21°C (about 70°F) in the south. In the extreme southeastern section of the province, temperatures of43°C (110°F) have been recorded. In January, average daily temperatures range from about -14°C (about 6°F) at Grande Prairie to about -9°C (about 16°F) atCalgary. Tem...
Alberta - Canadian History.
C Climate Except for the mountain areas, summers throughout the province are quite warm. Winters are long and extremely cold. In July, average daily temperatures range fromabout 16°C (about 60°F) along the northern boundary to about 21°C (about 70°F) in the south. In the extreme southeastern section of the province, temperatures of43°C (110°F) have been recorded. In January, average daily temperatures range from about -14°C (about 6°F) at Grande Prairie to about -9°C (about 16°F) atCalgary. Tem...
- drainage.
Les réseaux hydrographiques (Travaux Personnels Encadrés – Géographie - Enseignements Pratiques Interdisciplinaires)
de l'interactio n entre oscillations régulières o u exce ptionn elles d e la pluviométrie et d e l'é vaporation et facte urs d'écoulem ent : cadr e morphologique et géologique , p ente, couvert végé tal, dégel d 'amont ou d 'aval (phénomè nes d'emb âcle et d e débâcle en Sibérie et au Canad a). • " S imple » , il comporte annu ellem ent une seule alternance de b asses eaux o u maig res et d e h autes eaux (Amazone). " Co mplexe », il e n connaît plusieurs. la compl ex...
Amazon (river) - geography.
5,000 indigenous groups remain today in Peru, but few are untouched by the outside world.Alison Wright/Corbis The Amazon watershed includes the largest and wettest tropical plain in the world. Heavy rains drench much of the densely forested lowland region throughout the year butespecially between January and June. Seasonal variation in rainfall is reflected by the width, rate of flow, and discharge volume of the river. During the months of maximumprecipitation, broad areas traversed by the Amazo...
migrations de populations.
population - Les perspectives démographiques Les livres migrations de populations - carte des principaux flux internationaux, page 3198, volume 6 Les migrations alternantes. Dans les grandes agglomérations, la dissociation entre le lieu de résidence et le lieu de travail entraîne des déplacements quotidiens. Ce va-et-vient de centaines de milliers de personnes depuis les banlieues vers le centre des villes est appelé « migrations alternantes » ou encore « mouvements pendulaires ». Ces migr...
Colorado (river, North America) - geography.
Grand Canyon and the Colorado RiverA scenic lookout on the edge of the Grand Canyon provides expansive views of the gorge’s steep, multicolored walls and the ColoradoRiver below. Beginning about 6 million years ago, water erosion caused by the river, combined with the rising or upwarping of theColorado Plateau, carved the steep walls of the vast canyon.© Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. The Colorado River's major upper tributaries rise in the central Rocky Mountains in Colorado and Wy...
gonflé tous les affluents, lorsque, du 9 au 27 janvier, des trombes d'eau s'abattirent sur le Morvan, charriées rapidement par l'Yonne ; la Seine atteignit à Paris un débit de 2 500 m 3 et une hauteur de 8,50 m au-dessus de son niveau normal, inondant les quartiers riverains. Grâce à la régularité de son régime, la Seine constitue une voie d'eau appréciable, qu'utilisaient déjà les nautes de l'époque gallo-romaine et les marchands de l'eau du Moyen Âge. Par ses affluents navigables et par...
Les aspects humains. L'Argentine est une nation d'immigrants. Entre 1870 et 1930, 6 millions d'Européens (Espagnols, Italiens, juifs) vinrent s'installer dans un pays qui ne comptait alors que 2 millions d'Espagnols, d'Amérindiens et de métis. Par ailleurs, dans un pays à vocation agricole, la population est urbaine à près de 90 %, groupée pour un tiers dans la capitale et ses banlieues (11,6 millions d'habitants). Enfin – évolution singulière sur un continent jeune –, la population argentine vi...
chirurgie - Mécedine.
occasionnées par des armes blanches ou des armes à feu, elle sert aujourd’hui à corriger des malformations congénitales ou les obstructions au niveau des valves résultantde fièvres rhumatismales. La ligature des artères permettant de contrôler les hémorragies a eu une grande importance dans ces pratiques chirurgicales. De nombreuses affections coronariennes qui autrefois entraînaient la mort ou laissaient de lourdes séquelles peuvent aujourd’hui être guéries grâce à la chirurgie. Il estdésormais...
Georgia (state) - geography.
B Rivers and Lakes Most of the rivers of Georgia drain eastward to the Atlantic Ocean proper or southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Only a few flow northward to the Tennessee River, which isa major tributary of the Mississippi River. Most of the rivers flowing to the coasts are navigable by barges and small craft as far upstream as the Fall Line. The major river flowing to the Atlantic is the Savannah River, which, with the Tugaloo River, one of its headwaters, forms most of the state’s eastern bo...
Georgia (state) - USA History.
B Rivers and Lakes Most of the rivers of Georgia drain eastward to the Atlantic Ocean proper or southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Only a few flow northward to the Tennessee River, which isa major tributary of the Mississippi River. Most of the rivers flowing to the coasts are navigable by barges and small craft as far upstream as the Fall Line. The major river flowing to the Atlantic is the Savannah River, which, with the Tugaloo River, one of its headwaters, forms most of the state’s eastern bo...
Australia - country.
itself forms most of the border between New South Wales and Victoria. Considerable lengths of the Murray, Darling, and Murrumbidgee rivers are navigable during thewet seasons. The central plains region, also known as the Channel Country, is interlaced by a network of rivers. During the rainy season these rivers flood the low-lying countryside,but in dry months they become merely a series of water holes. The Victoria, Daly, and Roper rivers drain a section of the Northern Territory. In Queensland...
Australia - Geography.
itself forms most of the border between New South Wales and Victoria. Considerable lengths of the Murray, Darling, and Murrumbidgee rivers are navigable during thewet seasons. The central plains region, also known as the Channel Country, is interlaced by a network of rivers. During the rainy season these rivers flood the low-lying countryside,but in dry months they become merely a series of water holes. The Victoria, Daly, and Roper rivers drain a section of the Northern Territory. In Queensland...
Brazil - country.
occasional droughts. Brazil contains a wealth of mineral and plant resources that have not yet been fully explored. It possesses some of the world’s largest deposits of iron ore and containsrich deposits of many other minerals, including gold and copper. Brazil’s fossil fuel resources are modest, but this limitation is offset by the considerable hydroelectricpotential of the nation’s many rivers. Although Brazil is an important producer of tropical crops, areas of highly fertile land are limited...
France - country.
In both the Paris and Aquitaine basins, fertile soils derived from limestone and wind-deposited dust, called loess, have supported prosperous agriculture since ancienttimes. Other lowlands in France are scattered and relatively small. They include the Alsace Plain in the east, bordering Germany, the valley of the Rhône River in thesoutheast, and the Languedoc Plain along the Mediterranean coast. A2 Uplands France contains several regions of uplands, the worn down remains of ancient mountain sys...