45 résultats pour "compulsory"
Bolivia Facts and Figures.
Other 2 percent HEALTH AND EDUCATIONLife expectancyTotal 66.5 years (2008 estimate) Female 69.3 years (2008 estimate) Male 63.9 years (2008 estimate) Infant mortality rate 49 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 1,364 people (2004) Population per hospital bed 1,000 people (2003) Literacy rateTotal 88.4 percent (2005 estimate) Female 83.1 percent (2005 estimate) Male 93.8 percent (2005 estimate) Education expenditure as a share of gross nationa...
Labor Unions in Canada - Canadian History.
job. Before collective bargaining begins, workers elect a bargaining committee. The bargaining committee determines the workers’ demands and strategy innegotiations with the employer. Local unions usually are part of national or international unions. These national and international unions employ a staff for organizing workers at the local level, doingresearch, educating union members about labor and political matters, and working with local union leaders. Unions hold regular conventions of dele...
Education in Great Britain
? Education is compulsory from the age of 5 (4 in Northern Ireland) to the
age of 16.
Child ren study English, M athe matics, Science , Inf orm ation technolo gy, hist ory, Geog raphy , Mo dern foreign languag es, Art, Music, Phy sical Education a nd religio us Education. In Great Britain pa rents ha ve a choice b et ween State schools an d In depend ent schools. State schools ar e scho ols run by th e g ov ern ment. The y a re financed b y p ublic funds: t he money com es fro m the n ational a nd local taxes .In depend ent schools , als o ca...
Finland - country.
Productive forestland is the most valuable natural resource of Finland. Spruce, pine, and silver birch are the principal trees used to manufacture wood and pulp andpaper products. Finland lacks coal and petroleum resources and is a net importer of energy resources. However, Finland does have significant deposits of peat, which is cut from thenumerous peat bogs that cover much of the north. Peat is an important heat source for homes, and it provides about 7 percent of Finland’s electricity needs....
Belarus - country.
In the last complete census conducted in the Soviet Union in 1989, the population of Belarus was 10,151,806; a 2008 estimate was 9,685,768, giving the country apopulation density of 47 persons per sq km (121 per sq mi). The most notable demographic trend since the 1950s has been the steady migration of the population fromthe villages to urban centers, and the correspondent aging of the population remaining in the rural areas. In 1959 urban residents accounted for 31 percent of thepopulation; in...
Nauru Facts and Figures.
Population per physician Not available Population per hospital bed Not available Literacy rateTotal Not available Female Not available Male Not available Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP) Not available Number of years of compulsory schooling 11 years (2001-2002) Number of students per teacher, primary school 23 students per teacher (1998-1999) GOVERNMENTForm of government Republic Voting qualifications Universal and compulsory at age 20 Constitution 3...
East Timor Facts and Figures.
Male 64.6 years (2008 estimate) Infant mortality rate 43 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 10,380 people (2004) Population per hospital bed 5 people (2000 estimate) Literacy rateTotal 43 percent (2001 estimate) Female 42.8 percent (2001 estimate) Male 43.1 percent (2001 estimate) Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP) Not available Number of years of compulsory schooling 9 years (2002-2003) Number of students per teache...
Panama Facts and Figures.
HEALTH AND EDUCATIONLife expectancy Total 75.2 years (2008 estimate) Female 77.7 years (2008 estimate) Male 72.7 years (2008 estimate) Infant mortality rate 16 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 595 people (2004) Population per hospital bed 400 people (2002) Literacy rateTotal 93 percent (2005 estimate) Female 92.4 percent (2005 estimate) Male 93.7 percent (2005 estimate) Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP) 4.6 pe...
Albania Facts and Figures.
Female 80.7 years (2008 estimate) Male 75.1 years (2008 estimate) Infant mortality rate 19 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 870 people (2006) Population per hospital bed 323 people (2003) Literacy rateTotal 84.7 percent (2000 estimate) Female 77 percent (2000 estimate) Male 92.1 percent (2000 estimate) Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP) 2.6 percent (2002-2003) Number of years of compulsory schooling 8 years (2002-...
Bulgaria Facts and Figures.
Nonreligious 5 percent Other 11 percent HEALTH AND EDUCATIONLife expectancy Total 72.8 years (2008 estimate) Female 76.7 years (2008 estimate) Male 69.2 years (2008 estimate) Infant mortality rate 19 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 4,000 people (2006) Population per hospital bed 159 people (2003) Literacy rateTotal 98.8 percent (2005 estimate) Female 98.4 percent (2005 estimate) Male 99.2 percent (2005 estimate) Education expenditure...
Paraguay Facts and Figures.
Male 73 years (2008 estimate) Infant mortality rate 26 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 855 people (2004) Population per hospital bed 833 people (2002) Literacy rateTotal 94.4 percent (2005 estimate) Female 93.6 percent (2005 estimate) Male 95.2 percent (2005 estimate) Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP) 4.4 percent (2002-2003) Number of years of compulsory schooling 9 years (2002-2003) Number of students per teache...
Honduras Facts and Figures.
Total 69.4 years (2008 estimate) Female 71 years (2008 estimate) Male 67.8 years (2008 estimate) Infant mortality rate 25 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 1,202 people (2004) Population per hospital bed 1,000 people (2002) Literacy rateTotal 77.2 percent (2005 estimate) Female 77.5 percent (2005 estimate) Male 77 percent (2005 estimate) Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP) 4.2 percent (1998-1999) Number of years o...
Uruguay Facts and Figures.
Total 76.1 years (2008 estimate) Female 79.5 years (2008 estimate) Male 72.9 years (2008 estimate) Infant mortality rate 12 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 274 people (2004) Population per hospital bed 526 people (2003) Literacy rateTotal 98.2 percent (2005 estimate) Female 98.5 percent (2005 estimate) Male 97.8 percent (2005 estimate) Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP) 2.6 percent (2002-2003) Number of years o...
Singapore Facts and Figures.
HEALTH AND EDUCATIONLife expectancyTotal 81.9 years (2008 estimate) Female 84.7 years (2008 estimate) Male 79.3 years (2008 estimate) Infant mortality rate 2 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 714 people (2004) Population per hospital bed 345 people (2001) Literacy rateTotal 93.9 percent (2005 estimate) Female 90.8 percent (2005 estimate) Male 97 percent (2005 estimate) Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP) 3 percent...
Dominican Republic Facts and Figures.
Total 73.4 years (2008 estimate) Female 75.2 years (2008 estimate) Male 71.6 years (2008 estimate) Infant mortality rate 27 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 532 people (2004) Population per hospital bed 476 people (2003) Literacy rateTotal 85.4 percent (2005 estimate) Female 85.6 percent (2005 estimate) Male 85.3 percent (2005 estimate) Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP) 2.4 percent (2002-2003) Number of years o...
Costa Rica Facts and Figures.
Total 77.4 years (2008 estimate) Female 80.1 years (2008 estimate) Male 74.8 years (2008 estimate) Infant mortality rate 9 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 582 people (2004) Population per hospital bed 714 people (2003) Literacy rateTotal 96.3 percent (2005 estimate) Female 96.4 percent (2005 estimate) Male 96.2 percent (2005 estimate) Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP) 5.2 percent (2002-2003) Number of years of...
Democratic Republic of the Congo Facts and Figures.
Female 59.9 years (2008 estimate) Male 55.3 years (2008 estimate) Infant mortality rate 64 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 9,339 people (2004) Population per hospital bed 701 people (1990) Literacy rateTotal 89.8 percent (2005 estimate) Female 84.9 percent (2005 estimate) Male 95 percent (2005 estimate) Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP) 1 percent (1985) Number of years of compulsory schooling 8 years (2002-2003)...
Greece Facts and Figures.
Female 82.2 years (2008 estimate) Male 77 years (2008 estimate) Infant mortality rate 5 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 227 people (2004) Population per hospital bed 213 people (2000) Literacy rateTotal 97.7 percent (2005 estimate) Female 96.8 percent (2005 estimate) Male 98.7 percent (2005 estimate) Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP) 4 percent (2002-2003) Number of years of compulsory schooling 9 years (2002-200...
Luxembourg Facts and Figures.
Female 82.7 years (2008 estimate) Male 75.9 years (2008 estimate) Infant mortality rate 5 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 393 people (2004) Population per hospital bed 167 people (2003) Literacy rateTotal 100 percent (1995) Female Not available Male Not available Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP) 4 percent (1999-2000) Number of years of compulsory schooling 10 years (2002-2003) Number of students per teacher, p...
Australia Facts and Figures.
HEALTH AND EDUCATIONLife expectancy Total 80.7 years (2008 estimate) Female 83.8 years (2008 estimate) Male 77.9 years (2008 estimate) Infant mortality rate 5 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 401 people (2004) Population per hospital bed 135 people (2002) Literacy rateTotal 100 percent (1995) Female Not available Male Not available Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP) 5 percent (2002-2003) Number of years of com...
Belgium Facts and Figures.
Muslims 4 percent Nonreligious 6 percent Other 8 percent HEALTH AND EDUCATIONLife expectancy Total 79.1 years (2008 estimate) Female 82.4 years (2008 estimate) Male 75.9 years (2008 estimate) Infant mortality rate 5 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 236 people (2006) Population per hospital bed 145 people (2002) Literacy rateTotal 99 percent (1995) Female Not available Male Not available Education expenditure as a share of gross natio...
Mexico Facts and Figures.
HEALTH AND EDUCATIONLife expectancy Total 75.8 years (2008 estimate) Female 78.8 years (2008 estimate) Male 73 years (2008 estimate) Infant mortality rate 19 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 583 people (2004) Population per hospital bed 1,000 people (2003) Literacy rateTotal 92.7 percent (2005 estimate) Female 91.2 percent (2005 estimate) Male 94.4 percent (2005 estimate) Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP) 5.4...
Egypt Facts and Figures.
Infant mortality rate 28 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 472 people (2004) Population per hospital bed 455 people (2003) Literacy rateTotal 59.3 percent (2005 estimate) Female 48.9 percent (2005 estimate) Male 69.4 percent (2005 estimate) Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP) 4.1 percent (1999-2000) Number of years of compulsory schooling 8 years (2002-2003) Number of students per teacher, primary school 22 students per...
Austria Facts and Figures.
HEALTH AND EDUCATIONLife expectancy Total 79.4 years (2008 estimate) Female 82.4 years (2008 estimate) Male 76.5 years (2008 estimate) Infant mortality rate 5 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 273 people (2006) Population per hospital bed 121 people (2003) Literacy rateTotal 99 percent (1995) Female Not available Male Not available Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP) 5.8 percent (2002-2003) Number of years of co...
Chile Facts and Figures.
Other 10 percent HEALTH AND EDUCATIONLife expectancy Total 77.2 years (2008 estimate) Female 80.6 years (2008 estimate) Male 73.9 years (2008 estimate) Infant mortality rate 8 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 916 people (2004) Population per hospital bed 385 people (2002) Literacy rateTotal 96.5 percent (2005 estimate) Female 96.4 percent (2005 estimate) Male 96.6 percent (2005 estimate) Education expenditure as a share of gross national...
Brazil Facts and Figures.
HEALTH AND EDUCATIONLife expectancy Total 72.5 years (2008 estimate) Female 76.6 years (2008 estimate) Male 68.6 years (2008 estimate) Infant mortality rate 27 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 486 people (2004) Population per hospital bed 370 people (2002) Literacy rateTotal 87.1 percent (2005 estimate) Female 87.5 percent (2005 estimate) Male 86.7 percent (2005 estimate) Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP) 4 pe...
Ice Skating.
cold climate. Competitors for these events are chosen from the best skaters in each participating country, usually through preliminary national competitions. Speedskaters also compete on a World Cup circuit, which pits the world’s best skaters against one another during the year. A Figure Skating The major types of competitive figure skating are individual men’s and women’s competitions, pairs skating, ice dancing, and precision skating. In individualcompetitions a single skater performs requir...
Latvia - country.
The population of Latvia is about 2,245,423 (2008 estimate), yielding an average population density of 35 persons per sq km (91 per sq mi). Latvia is highly urbanized.Some 66 percent of the population lives in urban areas, with nearly one-third of the total population residing in the capital, Rīga. Other important cities includeDaugavpils, an industrial center in the southeast, on the Daugava River; Liep āja, an important port on the Baltic Sea; Jelgava, an industrial center near Rîga; J ūrmala,...
Turkmenistan - country.
A Ethnic Groups With Turkmens constituting 77 percent of the population, Turkmenistan is the most ethnically homogeneous of the Central Asian republics. Uzbeks make up the largestminority group, with about 9 percent of the population. Other ethnic groups include Russians, Kazakhs, Tatars, Ukrainians, Azeris (ethnic Azerbaijanis), Armenians, andBaluch. In 1993 a bilateral treaty between Turkmenistan and Russia granted dual citizenship to Russians in the republic. At the 1995 census Russians cons...
El Salvador - country.
III PEOPLE The Spanish subjugated the native population of El Salvador in the 16th century. Few Spanish women came to the country, however, so many Spanish men took NativeAmerican women as their mates. Today nearly 90 percent of the population is mestizo , of mixed European and Native American descent. People of purely Native American descent represent about 5 to 10 percent of the population, while people of European descent represent only about 1 percent. El Salvador’s population, 5.2 millio...
Hungary - country.
Northern Hungary lacks sufficient water, especially between July and October, when precipitation levels are typically low. Canals irrigate the Great Hungarian Plain,which is subject to drought. Because of the country’s mainly flat terrain, only limited water resources can be harnessed for hydroelectric power. F Environmental Issues Rapid industrialization in Hungary following World War II contributed significantly to a number of major environmental problems, including air, water, and soil pollu...
Austria - country.
Wildlife is generally scarce in Austria. Chamois, deer, and marmot are still present; bear, which were once abundant, are now almost completely absent. Hunting isstrictly regulated to protect the remaining species. F Environmental Issues Industrial emissions, a high volume of tourist traffic, and significant air pollution from other countries—principally the former East Germany, Slovakia, and the CzechRepublic—combine to make acid rain the major environmental problem in Austria. One-quarter of...
Lebanon Facts and Figures.
Male 70.9 years (2008 estimate) Infant mortality rate 23 deaths per 1,000 live births (2008 estimate) Population per physician 307 people (2004) Population per hospital bed 333 people (2001) Literacy rateTotal 88.3 percent (2005 estimate) Female 83.4 percent (2005 estimate) Male 93.6 percent (2005 estimate) Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP) 2.7 percent (2002-2003) Number of years of compulsory schooling 9 years (2002-2003) Number of students per teac...
Somalia - country.
A Agriculture Livestock raising is the principal occupation in Somalia. The size of livestock herds began to recover in the mid-1990s after falling during the country’s civil war. Sheepand goats are the most numerous livestock, with smaller numbers of cattle. The principal crops grown are corn, sorghum, sugarcane, cassava, and bananas. B Forestry and Fishing While most wood is cut for fuel, Somalia’s major forestry export products before the 1990s were frankincense and myrrh. Fish is an import...
Syria - country.
D Education Primary education is free and compulsory for all children aged 6 through 12. Some 78 percent of the adult Syrian population was estimated to be literate in 2005.Primary schools enrolled 2.8 million pupils in the 2000 school year, and 1.1 million students attended secondary schools and vocational institutes. In 1998, 94,110 Syrian students were enrolled in institutes of higher education. Syria has universities in Damascus, Ḩalab, Ḩim ş, and Al L ādhiq īyah. Also in Damascus isthe Ar...
Uruguay (country) - country.
Freedom of religion is guaranteed by the constitution of Uruguay. Three-quarters of the people belong to the Roman Catholic Church. There are also sizable Protestantand Jewish congregations. The official language is Spanish, which in Uruguay has been influenced by Italian vocabulary and pronunciation. C Education Uruguay has one of the highest rates of literacy in Latin America, at 98.2 percent of the adult population. Six years of primary education is compulsory, and Uruguay isone of the few n...
Azerbaijan - country.
second most important industrial center after Baku. A Ethnic Groups Azerbaijan, including the autonomous exclave of Naxçivan, is populated mostly by ethnic Azerbaijanis, who are also known as Azeris. The ethnic composition of thecountry changed due to a civil war between the government of Azerbaijan and Armenian secessionists in the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave. Beginning in 1988, when thepeople of Nagorno-Karabakh unilaterally decided to secede from Azerbaijan, nearly the entire Azerbaijani popula...
Croatia - country.
III PEOPLE OF CROATIA The total population of Croatia at the time of the 1991 census was 4,784,265; a 2008 estimate was 4,491,543. During and after the war ethnic Serbs fled Croatia whileethnic Croats moved in. Croatia’s population growth rate in 2008 was -0.04 percent, despite population gains due to immigration. Croatia’s natural population growthrate, which measures births and deaths, has been negative since 1998. Life expectancy at birth was 75 years in 2008. The population density in 2008...
Czech Republic - country.
enforcement of environmental regulations. Environmental considerations have also led some government officials to promote nuclear energy as a key source of powerfor the country’s future. The Czech Republic produces most of its energy by burning domestic coal. Much of the coal burned is low quality with a high ash and sulfur content—a key componentof acid rain—producing high levels of air pollution. Forests in the Czech Republic are among the most seriously affected by acid rain in all of Europe....
Ecuador - country.
F Natural Resources Ecuador’s main mineral wealth is in petroleum. Other mineral resources of the country include gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc. Forests cover 38.3 percent of thecountry. G Plants and Animals Along the northern part of the Ecuador coast, and within the inner portion of the southern coast, tropical jungles abound. In some places the jungles extend up theslopes of the Andes as wet, mossy forests. Dense forests cover both flanks of the Cordilleras, as well as the Oriente, u...
Zimbabwe - country.
contamination—especially from the dieldrin and DDT used in tsetse fly control—has significantly affected wildlife and human health. III PEOPLE AND SOCIETY OF ZIMBABWE In 2008 Zimbabwe’s population was estimated to be 12,382,920, giving the country a population density of 32 persons per sq km (83 per sq mi). With a birth rate of27 per 1,000 and a death rate of 22 per 1,000, Zimbabwe’s population growth rate is 0.6 percent. Life expectancy at birth was estimated at 40 years in 2008, downfrom 59...
Bulgaria - country.
E Climate Most of Bulgaria has a continental climate, with cold winters and hot summers. The climate in general is more severe than in other European areas of the samelatitudes, and the average annual temperature range is greater than that of neighboring countries. Severe droughts, frosts, winds, and hail storms frequently damagecrops. A Mediterranean climate, with dry summers and mild, humid winters, prevails in the valley of the southwestern Rhodope Mountains; the northern limit of theclimati...
Belgium - country.
European Union (EU) directives aimed at improving Belgium’s environmental conditions concern water treatment and water quality, both significant issues in such anindustrial center. Before these directives were issued, the Meuse River, a major source of drinking water, had become polluted from steel production wastes. Otherrivers were polluted with animal wastes and fertilizers. However, Belgium failed to meet EU targets set for the early 2000s for protecting its rivers from farm pollutionand for...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - country.
Except in the high elevations, the country’s climate is very hot and humid. The average annual temperature in the low central area is about 27°C (about 80°F).Temperatures are considerably higher in February, the hottest month. At altitudes above about 1,500 m (about 5,000 ft) the average annual temperature is about 19°C(about 66°F). Average annual rainfall is about 1,500 mm (about 60 in) in the north and about 1,300 mm (about 50 in) in the south. Frequent heavy rains occur fromApril to November...
Ukraine - country.
a major hazard, especially to Ukraine’s water supply. The Chernobyl’ complex was finally shut down completely in December 2000, with the financial assistance ofWestern nations. The funds were to pay for the completion of two other nuclear power plants that would produce enough power to make up for the loss of the powersupply from the Chernobyl’ plant. III PEOPLE OF UKRAINE The population of Ukraine was estimated in 2008 at 45,994,287, giving the country a population density of 76 persons per s...