52 résultats pour "championship"
U.S. Figure Skating Individual Championships.
U.S. Figure Skating: Men's Individual Championships.
1946 Gretchen Merrill 1947 Gretchen Merrill 1948 Gretchen Merrill 1949 Yvonne Sherman 1950 Yvonne Sherman 1951 Sonya Klopfer 1952 Tenley Albright 1953 Tenley Albright 1954 Tenley Albright 1955 Tenley Albright 1956 Tenley Albright 1957 Carol Heiss 1958 Carol Heiss 1959 Carol Heiss 1960 Carol Heiss 1961 Laurence Owen 1962 Barbara Roles Pursley 1963 Lorraine Hanlon 1964 Peggy Fleming 1965 Peggy Fleming 1966 Peggy Fleming 1967 Peggy Fleming 1968 Peggy Fleming 1969 Janet Lynn 1970 Janet Lynn 1971 Jan...
U.S. Figure Skating Individual Championships
U.S. Figure Skating: Men's Individual Championships.
1946 Gretchen Merrill 1947 Gretchen Merrill 1948 Gretchen Merrill 1949 Yvonne Sherman 1950 Yvonne Sherman 1951 Sonya Klopfer 1952 Tenley Albright 1953 Tenley Albright 1954 Tenley Albright 1955 Tenley Albright 1956 Tenley Albright 1957 Carol Heiss 1958 Carol Heiss 1959 Carol Heiss 1960 Carol Heiss 1961 Laurence Owen 1962 Barbara Roles Pursley 1963 Lorraine Hanlon 1964 Peggy Fleming 1965 Peggy Fleming 1966 Peggy Fleming 1967 Peggy Fleming 1968 Peggy Fleming 1969 Janet Lynn 1970 Janet Lynn 1971 Jan...
Ice Hockey World Championship
The first Ice Hockey World Championship was held in 1920.
2006 Sweden Czech Republic Finland 2007 Canada Finland Russia Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- Henie's Tenth Championship.
Ice Hockey World Championship.
2006 Sweden Czech Republic Finland 2007 Canada Finland Russia
Michael Jordan.
playoffs the Bulls pushed the Pistons to seven games in the Eastern Conference Finals before losing again. As he grew older, Jordan made a concerted effort to help his teammates reach their own potential. The result of his renewed commitment to team-oriented play was theBulls’ first NBA championship title. After the 1990-91 season the Bulls swept the Pistons in the Eastern Conference Finals and then defeated the Los Angeles Lakers inthe NBA Finals. Jordan won the league MVP award for the second...
Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan, born in 1963, American professional basketball player, considered by many to be the greatest player in basketball history.
playoffs the Bulls pushed the Pistons to seven games in the Eastern Conference Finals before losing again. As he grew older, Jordan made a concerted effort to help his teammates reach their own potential. The result of his renewed commitment to team-oriented play was theBulls’ first NBA championship title. After the 1990-91 season the Bulls swept the Pistons in the Eastern Conference Finals and then defeated the Los Angeles Lakers inthe NBA Finals. Jordan won the league MVP award for the second...
Once play has started, players tend to hit straight, low-flying shots called drives. When the shuttle remains close to the center of the court, net shots can be a goodoption. Net shots can be hard-hit or delicate. They are aimed at the front area of the opponent’s court, forcing the opponent to play the shot close to the net. If the opponent manages to return a net shot, the return must be hit high to clear the net. This gives the player a chance for a smash—the deadliest attacking stroke inbadm...
Automobile Racing.
beginning in 1906 at Le Mans it came to refer to the principal F1 auto race in a given nation, except in the United States, where the term continues to be used lessdiscriminately. After the end of World War I in 1918, when automobile racing blossomed internationally, a series of GP races in several nations became reserved for F1competition, and an annual GP calendar was developed consisting of national races, such as the French Grand Prix and the British Grand Prix. An annual award calledthe Wor...
Golf, outdoor game in which individual players use specially designed
caddie or caddy. (Caddies, once an integral feature of the game, have now been replaced on many courses by motorized carts and pull carts.) In England the game was made popular by the attention given it by James VI of Scotland, later James I of England, and his son Charles I. In the 18th century the first golf associations were established. They included the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers (founded 1744) in Edinburgh, Scotland;the Saint Andrews Society of Golfers (1754) in Saint Andrew...
Celtics Win in 1957.
The game stayed close throughout the first overtime and a last-second basket pulled the Hawks back into another tie, forcing a second extra period. Late in thesecond overtime Boston's Jim Loscutoff hit two free throws for a 125-123 Celtics lead in the final seconds. Because several St. Louis players had fouled out inovertime, Alex Hannum, the player-coach for the Hawks, inserted himself into the game for the first time in the series. Hannum threw an inbounds pass off thebackboard that Pettit gat...
and interpret rules. The head official on the court, called the chair umpire, sits on a tall chair at one end of the net. A varying number of line judges sit around the courtbeyond the path of the players. Line judges determine whether serves and shots are good or out. A net-cord judge may be employed to determine when a ball touchesthe top of the net, and a foot-fault judge may watch for that specific infraction. In the 1980s electronic devices began to be used in some professional tournaments...
Diving (sport).
water that creates a larger, more noticeable splash after the diver’s body displaces water under the surface. To minimize this upjet, top-level divers make a quickswimming motion by releasing their hands and collapsing their arms as they submerge. Instead of a large splash, the surface of the water appears to boil as the airbubbles rise from the diver’s entry. For feetfirst entries, which are rare in top-level competitions, divers place their legs and feet together while pointing their toes down...
Babe Ruth's "Called Shot".
When Ruth, the second New York batter in the fifth inning, came to the plate, Wrigley Field was roaring. “They called me ‘big belly’ and ‘baboon,’” Ruth recalled,according to the book Great Moments in American Sports by Jerry Brondfield. The New York Times said of the Chicago fans, “It seems decidedly unhealthy for anyone to taunt the great man Ruth too much, and very soon the crowd was to learn its lesson.” During the at bat, Ruth mouthed off to the Chicago players in thedugout as they and...
- NCAA Division I Wrestling Championships.
Figure Skating World Champions.
1979 Vladimir Kovalev (USSR) 1980 Jan Hoffmann (East Germany) 1981 Scott Hamilton (United States) 1982 Scott Hamilton (United States) 1983 Scott Hamilton (United States) 1984 Scott Hamilton (United States) 1985 Alexandr Fadeev (USSR) 1986 Brian Boitano (United States) 1987 Brian Orser (Canada) 1988 Brian Boitano (United States) 1989 Kurt Browning (Canada) 1990 Kurt Browning (Canada) 1991 Kurt Browning (Canada) 1992 Viktor Petrenko (CIS) 1993 Kurt Browning (Canada) 1994 Elvis Stojko (Canada) 1995...
Figure Skating World Champions
Men's Individual Champions.
1979 Vladimir Kovalev (USSR) 1980 Jan Hoffmann (East Germany) 1981 Scott Hamilton (United States) 1982 Scott Hamilton (United States) 1983 Scott Hamilton (United States) 1984 Scott Hamilton (United States) 1985 Alexandr Fadeev (USSR) 1986 Brian Boitano (United States) 1987 Brian Orser (Canada) 1988 Brian Boitano (United States) 1989 Kurt Browning (Canada) 1990 Kurt Browning (Canada) 1991 Kurt Browning (Canada) 1992 Viktor Petrenko (CIS) 1993 Kurt Browning (Canada) 1994 Elvis Stojko (Canada) 1995...
There are two standard methods of recording chess moves: the algebraic system and the descriptive system. In both systems, the pieces are designated by capitalinitials: K for king, Q for queen, R for rook, B for bishop, and N for knight. The initial P for pawn is used in the descriptive system only. Castling is noted as either 0-0(“short” castling on the king’s side) or 0-0-0 (“long” castling on the queen’s side). Each square is part of both a file and a rank, and in the algebraic system, that u...
(4) Escapes are scored when a wrestler, controlled by the opponent on the mat, frees himself or herself and moves to a standing position, facing the opponent. Common escapes include the standup and the sitout. V HISTORY Wrestling has been popular throughout recorded history. Origins of the sport can be traced back 15,000 years through depictions in cave drawings in France. EarlyEgyptian and Babylonian reliefs depict wrestlers using most of the holds known to the present-day sport. In ancient G...
NCAA Basketball Division I Championships: Most Outstanding Player.
Women1982 Janice Lawrence Louisiana Tech 1983 Cheryl Miller USC 1984 Cheryl Miller USC 1985 Tracy Claxton Old Dominion 1986 Clarissa Davis Texas 1987 Tonya Edwards Tennessee 1988 Erica Westbrooks Louisiana Tech 1989 Bridgette Gordon Tennessee 1990 Jennifer Azzi Stanford 1991 Dawn Staley Virginia 1992 Molly Goodenbour Stanford 1993 Sheryl Swoopes Texas Tech 1994 Charlotte Smith North Carolina 1995 Rebecca Lobo Connecticut 1996 Michelle Marciniak Tennessee 1997 Chamique Holdsclaw Tennessee 1998 Ch...
The Undefeated Dolphins.
The Dolphins weren't seriously challenged during the remainder of the regular season. They defeated the St. Louis Cardinals, 31-10; the Patriots, 37-21; the NewYork Giants, 23-13; and the Colts, 16-0. In the playoffs Miami defeated the Cleveland Browns, 20-14, and then captured the American Football Conference (AFC)championship by downing the Pittsburgh Steelers, 21-17. Miami's opponent in Super Bowl VII was the Washington Redskins. The Redskins had finished the regular season with an 11-3 r...
Chicago (city, Illinois) - geography.
VI EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS Chicago has one of the largest public school systems in the United States. The Chicago Board of Education administers the system in a centralized fashion; in recentyears it has been experimenting with local school councils as a means of partial devolution of authority. These councils, established in 1989, have authority in severalareas, including the ability to approve budgets and curriculum. In addition, Chicago has many private schools, including larg...
- Copa America Champions The world's oldest existing international soccer tournament, it was known as the South American Championship until 1975.
Grey Cup Champions
The first Grey Cup was played in 1909 and was awarded for the Rugby Football Championship of Canada.
1977 Montréal Alouettes Edmonton Eskimos 41-6 1978 Edmonton Eskimos Montréal Alouettes 20-13 1979 Edmonton Eskimos Montréal Alouettes 17-9 1980 Edmonton Eskimos Hamilton Tiger-Cats 48-10 1981 Edmonton Eskimos Ottawa Rough Riders 26-23 1982 Edmonton Eskimos Toronto Argonauts 32-16 1983 Toronto Argonauts British Columbia Lions 18-17 1984 Winnipeg Blue Bombers Hamilton Tiger-Cats 47-17 1985 British Columbia Lions Hamilton Tiger-Cats 37-24 1986 Hamilton Tiger-Cats Edmonton Eskimos 39-15 1987 Edmonto...
Golf Tournament Winners.
2007 Zach Johnson 2008 Trevor Immelman Source: Professional Golfers' Association ofAmerica.. United States Open Championship.Year Winner 1895 Horace Rawlins 1896 James Foulis 1897 Joe Lloyd 1898 Fred Hard 1899 Willie Smith 1900 Harry Vardon 1901 Willie Anderson 1902 L. Auchterlonie 1903 Willie Anderson 1904 Willie Anderson 1905 Willie Anderson 1906 Alex Smith 1907 Alex Ross 1908 Fred McLeod 1909 George Sargent 1910 Alex Smith 1911 John McDermott 1912 John McDermott 1913 Francis Ouimet* 1914 Walt...
rebound. Play continues as the teams score and possession changes. A time-out, when the game is stopped for a certain amount of time, allows coaches to instructplayers or to develop a new game strategy. A Offense Playing offense is perhaps the most prominent part of playing basketball, as it allows players to demonstrate and improve upon individual skills necessary to beingsuccessful. Many of basketball's best players have exceptional talents on offense. Basic offensive skills are passing, ball...
Track and Field.
VI RUNNING EVENTS Running events are competitions that test athletes’ quickness, speed, and endurance. Athletes win running races by completing the distance or course in the leastamount of time. A Sprints The shortest running events, called sprints or dashes, are the premier events at a track-and-field meet. The outdoor sprints consist of the 100-meter, 200-meter, and400-meter events. Sprints contested at indoor meets include the 50-meter, 60-meter, 200-meter, and 400-meter events. Past champ...
C Offensive Techniques To be effective, boxers must have an assortment of punches that are coordinated with their footwork. Less powerful punches often serve the important role of settingup the fighter’s chief “weapons,” as boxing analysts sometimes call a boxer’s main offensive skills. C1 Feinting Moving the hands or head to confuse an opponent is called feinting. A smart boxer will first test the opponent by trying different feints, noting the reaction to each onebefore deciding which will b...
In 1986 Europeans began organizing regional events. The International Snowboard Federation held its first World Championships in 1993. At the 1998 Winter Olympicsin Nagano, Japan, Europeans took nine of the 12 medals awarded. At the 2002 Winter Games in Salt Lake City, Utah, however, the United States led the way with fivemedals, including a 1-2-3 finish in the men’s halfpipe competition. Contributed By:Mary McKhannMicrosoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserv...
Safety is very important to all skiers, and all Alpine resorts have a ski patrol. The ski patrol’s responsibility is to take care of injured skiers, to mark hazardous spots ontrails, to make sure that trails are in good condition before opening them, and, at times, to act as traffic police in congested areas. Skiers are also responsible for takingtheir own safety into consideration, as well as that of others. Anyone who participates in the sport should be aware of the Skier’s Responsibility Code...
Magic in the 1980 NBA Finals.
Abdul-Jabbar racked up 33 points and 14 rebounds as the Lakers won game one in Los Angeles, 109-102. Erving responded in game two with 23 points, 7 assists,and 5 blocked shots as the 76ers evened the series with a 107-104 victory. The series flipped back to Philadelphia. The Lakers won game three, 111-101, and the76ers triumphed in the fourth contest, 105-102. Abdul-Jabbar poured in 40 points in game five, a 108-103 Lakers win that put Los Angeles ahead in the series, 3-2,needing only one win in...
Argentina Wins World Cup.
Dutch team responded with two unanswered goals to earn the victory. In the consolation match Brazil squeaked past Italy, 2-1, in what was the final high-profileappearance of Brazilian star Roberto Rivelino, a three-time World Cup participant. The championship match was held at Río de la Plata stadium in Buenos Aires on Sunday, June 25. In a classic match-up, a methodical, disciplined European teamplayed against a spontaneous, mercurial South American squad. According to Argentina's coach, Ce...
Brazil Wins Third World Cup In Soccer.
Playing their fifth consecutive game at Guadalajara's Jalisco Stadium, the Brazilians faced Uruguay in the semifinals on June 17. Uruguay struck first, capitalizingon a blunder by goalie Felix (Miéli Venerand Felix). Brazil equalized just before the half when midfielder Clodoaldo (Tavares Santana Clodoaldo) took a pass fromTostao and drove it home. It was all Brazil in the second half. Pelé constructed two late-game scores within 13 minutes, feeding Jairzinho and then Rivelino. The 3-1victory av...
Mushers are caretakers, but also coaches. Top mushers have large kennels, and their preparation for competition begins by buying and breeding race-specific dogs.They train their dogs, decide which to run on certain days, and make adjustments during races by switching and dropping dogs. Serious competitors run their dogsyear-round, using carts and all-terrain vehicles when there is not enough snow on the ground. During races they decide their strategy, choosing when to rest and whento push ahead....
1996 Summer Olympics.
jump, the first African woman ever to win an Olympic field event. In the first Olympic women's soccer competition, the United States returned to world prominence with a 2-1 gold medal victory over China before more than 76,000spectators—believed to be the largest crowd in history for a women's sporting event. The U.S. team won the first women's World Cup in 1991, defeating Norway inthe final match, but had failed to defend the title in 1995 when they lost to the Norwegians in the semifinals...
- Martina Navratilova.
- Michelle Kwan Michelle Kwan, born in 1980, American figure skater, one of the world's dominant skaters in the 1990s and early 2000s.
- Tiger Woods.
- Annika Sörenstam.
- Arthur Ashe.
Richards Leads Canadiens to 1944 Stanley Cup.
overtime to capture the Stanley Cup championship. “Richard's first goal was a remarkable shot,” the New York Times wrote. “Turned completely around 10 feetfrom the net as he skated in after taking Blake's pass, the young winger completed his spin and let fly a backhand shot that beat goalie Mike Karakas. When hescored a minute later the game was delayed while the ice was cleared of missiles tossed by fans.” Richard's 1944 Stanley Cup performance established him ashockey's best player of the time...
DiMaggio Wins Batting Title.
In game four DiMaggio took part in one of the most bizarre plays in World Series history. Down two runs in the top of the ninth, the Yankees tied the score at fourapiece to take the game into extra innings. DiMaggio came up in the top of the tenth with two men on base and a chance to bring home the go-ahead run. He rapped asingle to right field, scoring one run. When Reds outfielder Ival Goodman misplayed the ball, Keller, a burly rookie known as King Kong, raced home and slammedinto catcher Ern...
the swimmer and the pinky finger should enter the water first. At the same time, the swimmer moves the left arm through the water below the left side of the body.Once in the water, the right arm begins pulling the swimmer forward by bending at the elbow. At the same time the swimmer holds the left arm straight as it reachesthe hip and lifts it out of the water. As the right arm continues to pull, the swimmer rotates slightly onto the right side and swings the left arm up above the head. As the s...
South Africa Wins Rugby World Cup.
“Shosholoza,” a ballad sung by black workers. On the eve of opening day the team requested a tour of Robben Island. More than 60,000 people at Ellis Park—including a jersey-clad Mandela—watched the Springboks score an unlikely first-round victory over Australia, winners ofthe previous World Cup in 1991. Few sightings of the former national flag were reported. In the neighboring black township of Soweto, residents watched the gameon television, even though the Springboks' first and only black...
Mazeroski's Home Run Wins the Series.
Capitalizing on a break of their own the Yankees tied the score in the top of the ninth inning. With one run in and one out, smart baserunning by Mantle robbedPittsburgh of a double play and allowed pinch-runner Gil McDougald to score. The bottom of the ninth brought the Forbes faithful to its feet and Mazeroski to the plate. A steady but not spectacular hitter, the 24-year-old West Virginian hadearned more of a reputation for his sparkling fielding. Years later a noted statistician gave Maz...
C Special Teams Each team has players who enter the game during special plays such as kickoffs, field goals, punts, and returns. The kicker kicks off at the beginning of a game or half,and after his team has scored. The kicker also scores points for the offensive team by kicking the ball through the goalpost’s vertical posts, also known as the uprights;these scores are called field goals. When the offensive team must surrender the ball to the opponents, a punter comes in to kick the ball downfi...
Debating Sports Records
Mark Purdy, sports columnist for the San Jose Mercury News in California, compiles a list of sports records that he believes will never be broken and a separate list of
records that he thinks are soon to be eclipsed.
UCLA’s dominance of NCAA men’s college basketball in the late 1960s and early 1970s will never be matched. With John Wooden as coach, the Bruins went from1967 to 1973 without losing a tournament game. Wooden built a dynasty around a system that stressed team play and solid defense, anchored by standout centersLew Alcindor (who later changed his name to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) and Bill Walton. The Bruins’ ten straight appearances in the Final Four (1967-1976) will alsobe tough to top, given that tod...
Debating Sports Records
Mark Purdy, sports columnist for the San Jose Mercury News in California, compiles a list of sports records that he believes will never be broken and a separate list of
records that he thinks are soon to be eclipsed.
UCLA’s dominance of NCAA men’s college basketball in the late 1960s and early 1970s will never be matched. With John Wooden as coach, the Bruins went from1967 to 1973 without losing a tournament game. Wooden built a dynasty around a system that stressed team play and solid defense, anchored by standout centersLew Alcindor (who later changed his name to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) and Bill Walton. The Bruins’ ten straight appearances in the Final Four (1967-1976) will alsobe tough to top, given that tod...
gather to cheer the riders as they pedal by on each lap. Unlike stage racing and time trialing, the emphasis in a criterium is on speed and bike handling rather thanendurance. Track racing is done in a stadium-like arena called a velodrome. A modern velodrome is an oval track with steeply banked corners that facilitate high speed. Velodromes can be enclosed or open-air, and the tracks are constructed of wood or concrete. Popular in Europe and the United States at the beginning of the 20th cent...
pitcher or argue a call with an umpire. Two or more coaches, positioned closer to the field, assist the manager by communicating with the players. For example,managers may decide what pitches should be thrown, when batters should swing at a pitch, and how runners should move around the bases. The manager relays thesedecisions through special hand signals that the coaches repeat to communicate to the players. Umpires are responsible for interpreting and enforcing the rules of play. They rule on...