38 résultats pour "catch"
- catch n.
Le catch
• Dans les années 1960, le catch bénéficie LE CATCH AU MEXIQUE OU LUCHA UllE The Rock; 2002 (déc.) Triple H ; 2003 (sept) de la diffusion par la télévision de • le catch -ou Jucha libre -s'impose 1999 (mars) Goldberg ; 2003 (déc.) Triple H ; meetings organisés à l~tmartre au Mexique dans les années 1930. S~nAmtla; 2004 (mars) Chris Benoit; 2004 (aoOt) ou à la sllllt Deux organisations rassemblent les 1999 (maQ The Randy Orton ; 2004 (sept)...
Mays Makes "The Catch".
Game one was held at the Polo Grounds in New York. In the eighth inning, with the score tied, 2-2, the Indians put two men on base, Doby and Al Rosen. Durocherbrought in left-hander Don Liddle to face Cleveland first baseman Vic Wertz, who already had three hits in the game, including a two-run triple in the first. Wertzknocked a long drive to center field, the deepest part of the longest outfield in the league. A double or triple would score both runners, giving the Indians a two-runlead and a...
LE CATCH (Exposé – Sports & Loisirs – Collège/Lycée)
• Dans les années 1960, le catch b én é ficie de la diffusion par l a télévis io n de meetings organisés à l'Élysée-Mo ntmartre ou à la solle Wog rom . Ceu x- ci conn a issent un grand succès grâce aux ta le nts des catcheurs, m ais a u ssi à la gouaille et à l'h umour des comm entateurs Roger C ouderc puis Thierry R o la nd. • Le cat c h c o nnaît une désaffection croissa nte a u cours des année s 19 70- 1980, pour disp a r aître d es progra mm es télévisés da...
- catcher n.
Dwight Clark's Catch.
On third down and three, with 51 seconds left, and in need of a touchdown, San Francisco called time-out. Montana and Walsh discussed the play, which wasdesigned to go to Solomon. But as Montana rolled to his right, he spotted Clark behind the defense. With Cowboys defensive linemen D. D. Lewis, Larry Bethea, andJones closing, Montana threw a hurried jump pass that Clark reached up and gathered in. A final point by Ray Wersching gave the 49ers the victory, 28-27. “I hear all the time, especi...
- Définition: CATCH, substantif masculin.
- Catch: Un sport populaire et mésestimé (sport).
- CATCH 22
National Baseball Hall of Fame.
Doby, Larry Outfielder 1998 Doerr, Bobby Second baseman 1986 Dreyfuss, Barney Executive 2008 Drysdale, Don Pitcher 1984 Duffy, Hugh Outfielder 1945 Durocher, Leo Ernest Shortstop; manager 1994 Eckersley, Dennis Pitcher 2004 Evans, Billy Umpire 1973 Evers, John Joseph Second baseman 1946 Ewing, Buck Catcher 1939 Faber, Red Pitcher 1964 Feller, Bob Pitcher 1962 Ferrell, Rick Catcher 1984 Fingers, Rollie Pitcher 1992 Fisk, Carlton Catcher 2000 Flick, Elmer Outfielder 1963 Ford, Whitey Pitcher 1974...
C Special Teams Each team has players who enter the game during special plays such as kickoffs, field goals, punts, and returns. The kicker kicks off at the beginning of a game or half,and after his team has scored. The kicker also scores points for the offensive team by kicking the ball through the goalpost’s vertical posts, also known as the uprights;these scores are called field goals. When the offensive team must surrender the ball to the opponents, a punter comes in to kick the ball downfi...
pitcher or argue a call with an umpire. Two or more coaches, positioned closer to the field, assist the manager by communicating with the players. For example,managers may decide what pitches should be thrown, when batters should swing at a pitch, and how runners should move around the bases. The manager relays thesedecisions through special hand signals that the coaches repeat to communicate to the players. Umpires are responsible for interpreting and enforcing the rules of play. They rule on...
- Laelaps (Lelaps, Lalaps) Greek A hound that could catch whatever he chased.
Fish - biology.
pectoral fins provide fine movements, add forward thrust, or, together with the pelvic fins, serve as brakes. Typically, fins consist of a thin membrane stretched over afanlike series of thin rods called spines or rays. Most fish breathe underwater with the help of special respiratory organs called gills. Gills are made of a series of thin sheets or filaments through which blood circulates.As water moves into a fish’s mouth and passes over the gills, dissolved oxygen passes across the thin gill...
Debating Sports Records
Mark Purdy, sports columnist for the San Jose Mercury News in California, compiles a list of sports records that he believes will never be broken and a separate list of
records that he thinks are soon to be eclipsed.
UCLA’s dominance of NCAA men’s college basketball in the late 1960s and early 1970s will never be matched. With John Wooden as coach, the Bruins went from1967 to 1973 without losing a tournament game. Wooden built a dynasty around a system that stressed team play and solid defense, anchored by standout centersLew Alcindor (who later changed his name to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) and Bill Walton. The Bruins’ ten straight appearances in the Final Four (1967-1976) will alsobe tough to top, given that tod...
Debating Sports Records
Mark Purdy, sports columnist for the San Jose Mercury News in California, compiles a list of sports records that he believes will never be broken and a separate list of
records that he thinks are soon to be eclipsed.
UCLA’s dominance of NCAA men’s college basketball in the late 1960s and early 1970s will never be matched. With John Wooden as coach, the Bruins went from1967 to 1973 without losing a tournament game. Wooden built a dynasty around a system that stressed team play and solid defense, anchored by standout centersLew Alcindor (who later changed his name to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) and Bill Walton. The Bruins’ ten straight appearances in the Final Four (1967-1976) will alsobe tough to top, given that tod...
The Gambia - country.
The population of The Gambia (2008 estimate) is 1,735,464, making it one of the least populous countries of Africa. Still, the country has a fairly high overall populationdensity of 174 persons per sq km (449 per sq mi), and the population is increasing at a rate of 2.7 percent a year. Banjul, formerly called Bathurst, is the capital andonly seaport. The largest city is Serrekunda, a transportation hub and commercial center. B Religion and Language The great majority of the people of The Gambia...
Cheetah - biology.
animals such as zebras. Unlike most cats, cheetahs hunt during the day, when lions and hyenas that compete with them for prey are less likely to be active. Still,scientists in Tanzania have observed that cheetahs lose 10 to 13 percent of their kills to lions and hyenas. Alerted by the panic of a gazelle herd or by the circling ofvultures, lions and hyenas close in and easily drive the more timid cheetah away from a fresh kill. A cheetah usually stalks prey to within about 10 m (about 33 ft) and...
Newfoundland and Labrador - Geography.
Precipitation averages about 1,120 mm (about 44 in) yearly in Newfoundland. In Labrador precipitation varies from about 1,020 mm (about 40 in) in the southeast toabout 510 mm (about 20 in) in the extreme north. Heavy winter snowfalls are common, especially in Newfoundland. D Plant Life About one-third of Newfoundland is forested, and most of the rest of the island is made up of barren areas of reindeer moss and lichens. The forests consist almostentirely of conifers. The most important species...
Newfoundland and Labrador - Canadian History.
Precipitation averages about 1,120 mm (about 44 in) yearly in Newfoundland. In Labrador precipitation varies from about 1,020 mm (about 40 in) in the southeast toabout 510 mm (about 20 in) in the extreme north. Heavy winter snowfalls are common, especially in Newfoundland. D Plant Life About one-third of Newfoundland is forested, and most of the rest of the island is made up of barren areas of reindeer moss and lichens. The forests consist almostentirely of conifers. The most important species...
directly to the spool and turns the spool one rotation at a time. C Fishing Lines Fishing lines serve as the link between the angler’s reel and the lure or bait. The most popular line used for sportfishing is monofilament nylon line, which is strong anddurable and has a certain amount of stretch, which helps when an angler sets the hook. The line comes in a variety of strengths, from 2-pound test to more than 100-pound test. (Pound test is the amount of pressure that can be put on a line before...
Spider (arthropod) - biology.
The spider’s abdomen is soft and saclike. On the underside of the tip of the abdomen are three pairs of spinnerets. Each spinneret is studded with many fine, hairliketubes called spigots, which produce a variety of silk threads. The spigots lead to several large silk glands inside the abdomen. Silk is formed as a liquid inside theseabdominal glands. As the silk is drawn out through the spigots, protein molecules within the silk line up parallel to one another, causing the silk to harden and form...
Coral Reef.
sensitive to particles of mud or sediment settling on them, which means that corals rarely grow close to rivers or other sources of sediment. In the sea, light is filteredout by depth, so reef-building corals can only grow in relatively shallow water. Even in the clearest oceans few reef-building corals grow below a depth of 80 to 100 m(260 to 328 ft). Although corals need nutrients, they cannot thrive in areas where there are large amounts of nutrients. Typically, microscopic organisms in the p...
Shark - biology.
Sharks have two-chambered hearts that are relatively small compared to the rest of their bodies. Blood flows from the heart to the gills, where it collects oxygen fromwater and then distributes it to the other organs and tissues. The small heart produces weak blood pressure, and many sharks must swim continuously to create themuscular contractions needed to circulate blood throughout their bodies. Most sharks are cold-blooded—that is, they do not generate heat by digesting food. Instead, the bod...
treatments to reduce the risk of tooth decay; clear plastic coatings painted on the teeth, called dental sealants, and applications of the mineral fluoride, which fortifiestooth enamel, are two such treatments. Fluoride is also added to public water supplies in a process called fluoridation, which benefits more than 150 million Americans. Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is a progressive condition that worsens with age. Gum disease occurs when bacteria eat away at gum tissue, causing it to p...
From "The Metamorphosis" - anthology.
As all this was running through his mind at top speed without his being able to decide to leave his bed—the alarm clock had just struck a quarter to seven—therecame a cautious tap at the door behind the head of his bed. 'Gregor,' said a voice—it was his mother's—'it's a quarter to seven. Hadn't you a train to catch?' Thatgentle voice! Gregor had a shock as he heard his own voice answering hers, unmistakably his own voice, it was true, but with a persistent horrible twittering squeakbehind it lik...
Tunisia - country.
mixture of Berber and Arab stock, and they regard themselves as Arabs. Nearly everyone speaks Arabic. The population of Tunisia is concentrated in the coastal plain. It is fairly dense in the hilly north, but the arid plateau, basin, and south are thinly settled. About two-thirds of the country’s people live in urban areas. A Principal Cities The capital and largest city of Tunisia is the seaport of Tunis. Other important cities include Sfax, a port and center of trade on the eastern coast; Sūs...
Prince Edward Island - Geography.
hectares (109 acres) each. In 2006 there were 1,700 farms, of which the average size was 148 hectares (366 acres). In 2005 the total farm cash receipts were C$510million. The most important agricultural products in terms of value include potatoes, milk and cream, cattle and calves, hogs, tobacco, vegetables, eggs, hens andchickens, and furs. For the most part the island’s agriculture is diversified, rather than specialized, because of the lack of a large urban industrial population within easy r...
Prince Edward Island - Canadian History.
hectares (109 acres) each. In 2006 there were 1,700 farms, of which the average size was 148 hectares (366 acres). In 2005 the total farm cash receipts were C$510million. The most important agricultural products in terms of value include potatoes, milk and cream, cattle and calves, hogs, tobacco, vegetables, eggs, hens andchickens, and furs. For the most part the island’s agriculture is diversified, rather than specialized, because of the lack of a large urban industrial population within easy r...
Frog (animal).
which means that their body temperature depends on the temperature of the surrounding environment. Few species can tolerate temperatures below 4°C (40°F) orabove 40°C (104°F), and many species can survive only within a narrower range of temperatures. In addition, frogs’ thin, moist skin offers little protection againstwater loss, and when on land the animals must guard against drying out. Many frogs are active at night because temperatures are cooler and humidity is higher thanduring the day. In...
Frog (animal) - biology.
which means that their body temperature depends on the temperature of the surrounding environment. Few species can tolerate temperatures below 4°C (40°F) orabove 40°C (104°F), and many species can survive only within a narrower range of temperatures. In addition, frogs’ thin, moist skin offers little protection againstwater loss, and when on land the animals must guard against drying out. Many frogs are active at night because temperatures are cooler and humidity is higher thanduring the day. In...
Tiger - biology.
have a simple digestive system designed to process meat so that the nutrients can be readily absorbed into the bloodstream. With the exception of white tigers, which have blue eyes, all tigers have yellow eyes. Tigers mainly use vision to find prey. Although tigers see about as well as humansduring the day, their large eye openings gather more light than do human eyes, making tiger night vision far superior to that of humans. In addition, a special structurein the tiger’s eye, called the tapetu...
Manitoba - Geography.
E Plant Life Forests cover 66 percent of Manitoba. The main forest area is divided into the boreal forest and the mixed-wood forest. The boreal, or northern, forest containsconiferous (cone-bearing) trees, especially white and black spruce, balsam fir, and jack pine. South of the boreal forest is the mixed-wood forest, which contains conifers as well as such deciduous trees as white birch, aspen, poplar, and Manitoba maple. Prairie land is found in the southwest, where the natural vegetation i...
Manitoba - Canadian History.
E Plant Life Forests cover 66 percent of Manitoba. The main forest area is divided into the boreal forest and the mixed-wood forest. The boreal, or northern, forest containsconiferous (cone-bearing) trees, especially white and black spruce, balsam fir, and jack pine. South of the boreal forest is the mixed-wood forest, which contains conifers as well as such deciduous trees as white birch, aspen, poplar, and Manitoba maple. Prairie land is found in the southwest, where the natural vegetation i...
British Columbia - Geography.
hemlock, Douglas fir, Sitka spruce, and various cedars, grows rapidly in the mild, wet climate and produces the largest trees in Canada. In the dry lowlands of thesouthern and central interior, ponderosa and lodgepole pines, aspen, and bunchgrass are characteristic. Spruce dominates the Prince George region. Prairie grasses andstands of aspen are found in the northeastern corner of the province. At elevations higher than about 1,800 m (about 6,000 ft), an alpine vegetation of shrubs, mosses,and...
British Columbia - Canadian History.
hemlock, Douglas fir, Sitka spruce, and various cedars, grows rapidly in the mild, wet climate and produces the largest trees in Canada. In the dry lowlands of thesouthern and central interior, ponderosa and lodgepole pines, aspen, and bunchgrass are characteristic. Spruce dominates the Prince George region. Prairie grasses andstands of aspen are found in the northeastern corner of the province. At elevations higher than about 1,800 m (about 6,000 ft), an alpine vegetation of shrubs, mosses,and...
DiMaggio Wins Batting Title.
In game four DiMaggio took part in one of the most bizarre plays in World Series history. Down two runs in the top of the ninth, the Yankees tied the score at fourapiece to take the game into extra innings. DiMaggio came up in the top of the tenth with two men on base and a chance to bring home the go-ahead run. He rapped asingle to right field, scoring one run. When Reds outfielder Ival Goodman misplayed the ball, Keller, a burly rookie known as King Kong, raced home and slammedinto catcher Ern...
Italy - country.
C Natural Resources Italy is poor in natural resources. Much of the land is unsuitable for agriculture because of mountainous terrain or unfavorable climate. Italy, moreover, lacks substantialdeposits of basic natural resources such as coal, iron, and petroleum. Natural gas is the country’s most important mineral resource. Other deposits include feldspar andpumice. Many of Italy’s mineral deposits on the islands of Sicily and Sardinia had been heavily depleted by the early 1990s. Italy is rich...