91 résultats pour "cata"
Cat, small, mainly carnivorous animal, Felis silvestris catus, member of
D Coat Colors The domestic cat's original coat color was probably grayish-brown with darker tabby stripes, a color that provides excellent camouflage in a variety of environments. Allother coat colors and patterns are the result of genetic mutations; for example, solid coat colors such as black and blue are the result of a gene that suppresses tabbystripes; an orange coat is the result of a gene that transforms black pigment to orange; and a solid white coat is the result of a gene that complet...
Cat - biology.
D Coat Colors The domestic cat's original coat color was probably grayish-brown with darker tabby stripes, a color that provides excellent camouflage in a variety of environments. Allother coat colors and patterns are the result of genetic mutations; for example, solid coat colors such as black and blue are the result of a gene that suppresses tabbystripes; an orange coat is the result of a gene that transforms black pigment to orange; and a solid white coat is the result of a gene that complet...
- Cat Family Did you know that your pet cat is related to big cats like lions and leopards?
Cat Family - biology.
cats have coats that are mainly brown, yellow, or gray, often with white underbellies. The cubs of many species of cats have spotted coats, which helps hide them ingrass and underbrush from predators. Adult cats that have mainly spotted patterns in their fur include cheetahs, leopards, clouded leopards, jaguars, ocelots, margays, Geoffroy’s cat, and servals. Singlecolor coats are found in lions, pumas, and jaguarundis. Some individuals among leopards and jaguars, and more rarely in other species...
- Cats. A cat lies on your lap, purring contentedly. Suddenly it
- Bengal (cat).
- Abyssinian (cat).
- Himalayan (cat).
- Balinese (cat).
- Somali (cat).
- Bombay (cat).
- Burmese (cat).
- Manx (cat).
- Siamese (cat).
- cats and religion
- Norwegian Forest Cat.
- Définition: CATIR, verbe transitif.
- Maine Coon Cat.
CATI, -IE, participe passé, adjectif et substantif masculin.
black cat
negre ar fi nişte vrăjitoare. Nu cred că-ntotdeauna vorbea cu seriozitate, şi pomenesc aceasta doar fiindcă mi-am amintit chiar acum. Îi dădusem numele Pluto, şi-mi devenise tovarăşul favorit de joacă. Pisica nu lăsa pe nimeni altul decât pe mine să-i aducă de mâncare, şi mă urmărea într- una prin casă. Abia izbuteam s-o opresc să nu se ia după mine şi pe stradă. Prietenia noastră a durat ani de-a rândul, ani mulţi în care felul meu de-a fi, întreaga-mi fire — cu aj...
- Rex I INTRODUCTION Rex, a common name for any of three distinct breeds of curly-coated cat: the Cornish rex, the Devon rex, and the Selkirk rex.
- commissariat de l'armée de terre [CAT] (armée).
Grey Cup Champions.
1977 Montréal Alouettes Edmonton Eskimos 41-6 1978 Edmonton Eskimos Montréal Alouettes 20-13 1979 Edmonton Eskimos Montréal Alouettes 17-9 1980 Edmonton Eskimos Hamilton Tiger-Cats 48-10 1981 Edmonton Eskimos Ottawa Rough Riders 26-23 1982 Edmonton Eskimos Toronto Argonauts 32-16 1983 Toronto Argonauts British Columbia Lions 18-17 1984 Winnipeg Blue Bombers Hamilton Tiger-Cats 47-17 1985 British Columbia Lions Hamilton Tiger-Cats 37-24 1986 Hamilton Tiger-Cats Edmonton Eskimos 39-15 1987 Edmonto...
Grey Cup Champions
The first Grey Cup was played in 1909 and was awarded for the Rugby Football Championship of Canada.
1977 Montréal Alouettes Edmonton Eskimos 41-6 1978 Edmonton Eskimos Montréal Alouettes 20-13 1979 Edmonton Eskimos Montréal Alouettes 17-9 1980 Edmonton Eskimos Hamilton Tiger-Cats 48-10 1981 Edmonton Eskimos Ottawa Rough Riders 26-23 1982 Edmonton Eskimos Toronto Argonauts 32-16 1983 Toronto Argonauts British Columbia Lions 18-17 1984 Winnipeg Blue Bombers Hamilton Tiger-Cats 47-17 1985 British Columbia Lions Hamilton Tiger-Cats 37-24 1986 Hamilton Tiger-Cats Edmonton Eskimos 39-15 1987 Edmonto...
Birding - biology.
swallows, and rock doves nest on buildings in cities, towns, and farms. The chimney swift has abandoned hollow trees for chimneys as a nest site in urban areas.Mallards and Canada geese—once exclusively wild, migratory species—now live year-round in the open spaces found in city parks and golf courses. Nearly all purplemartins, a songbird species that once used the abandoned nests of woodpeckers or the natural cavities of cliffs or dead trees, now live primarily in structures specificallyconstru...
Le concours d'accès au corps des assistants des bibliothèques
1 Introduction 1. Présentation de la profession Un assistant des bibliothèques est un personnel de catégorie B de la fonction publique d'État. Le métier qui correspond à ce titre s'exerce donc au sein des bibliothèques placées sous la tutelle de l'État. li relève directement du ministère de l'Éducation nationale. Le décret (n° 2001-3 26 du 13 avril 2001 paru au JO du 15 avril 20011) portant disposi tions statutaires applicables au corps des assistants...
Cheetah - biology.
animals such as zebras. Unlike most cats, cheetahs hunt during the day, when lions and hyenas that compete with them for prey are less likely to be active. Still,scientists in Tanzania have observed that cheetahs lose 10 to 13 percent of their kills to lions and hyenas. Alerted by the panic of a gazelle herd or by the circling ofvultures, lions and hyenas close in and easily drive the more timid cheetah away from a fresh kill. A cheetah usually stalks prey to within about 10 m (about 33 ft) and...
- TEN CATE Siebe johannes : Les Ruines des Tuileries
Notre Dame de Paris
Quand les rats mangeront les cats.
\24 Oui, répondit Phoebus stupéfait. \24 À sept heures. \24 Dans un quart d'heure. \24 Chez la Falourdel. \24 Précisément. \24 La vilotière du Pont Saint-Michel. \24 De saint Michel archange, comme dit la patenôtre. \24 Impie! grommela le spectre. \24 Avec une femme? \24 Confiteor. \24 Qui s'appelle... \24 La Smeralda, dit Phoebus allègrement. Toute son insouciance lui était revenue par degrés. À ce nom, la serre de l'ombre secoua avec fureur le bras de Phoebus. \24 Capitaine Phoeb...
- ART DU MARIAGE (L’) (résumé & analyse) Jacob Cats
Jaguar (animal) - biology.
scientists have speculated that the jaguar’s robust canine teeth and enormously powerful bite developed specifically to pierce the armor of these reptiles. After killing a large animal, a jaguar will usually drag the carcass into dense cover before beginning to eat. If the kill is made in an open area, jaguars often drag theirprey for considerable distances. On one occasion, a jaguar killed a cow on the edge of a river and swam 790 m (2,600 ft) across the river carrying the cow. Unlike the other...
Joshua Redman
Saxophonist Joshua Redman, a graduate of Harvard University, became a fast-rising star in jazz in the 1990s.
performed a highly produced, jazz-inspired form of blues that was popular in traveling minstrel shows and vaudeville. Thisexample is from the song “St. Louis Blues,” written by American composer and trumpet player W. C. Handy in 1914 andrecorded by Smith in 1925."St. Louis Blues" performed by Bessie Smith, from The Riverside History of Classic Jazz (Cat.# Riverside RB-005) Riverside Records under master license to Fantasy, Inc. All rightsreserved./Frank DriggsCollection/Archive Photos Jazz is ro...
Musical Instruments
World Music Tour
Click on the instruments to hear music from around the world.
Traditional Timbila of MozambiqueAmong the Chopi, who have lived for centuries along the coast of Mozambique, there is a highly developed tradition ofsongwriting and composing for timbila (xylophone) orchestras. Elaborate migodo (dance suites), interspersed with poeticsongs pertaining to village life, are often performed to these compositions. Timbila music is now recognized as the nationalmusic of Mozambique."Eduardo Durao Mauaia" from Eduardo Durao and Orquestra Durao: Timbila (Cat.# Globestyl...
- Définition: CAT(T)LEYA, (CATLEYA, CATTLEYA) substantif masculin.
- Armadillo Armadillos are armor-plated animals about the size of a cat.
Country Music
Willie Nelson
Country singer and musician Willie Nelson gained national popularity during the 1970s for a string of country hits,
including the 1978 hits "Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys" and "Georgia On My Mind.
Singer and mandolin player Bill Monroe is known as the father of bluegrass music. A virtuoso mandolin player, Monroe combined traditional folk ballads and gospel songswith string-band music played at very fast tempos. Monroe, with his band The Blue Grass Boys, performed from the mid-1920s until Monroe’s death in 1996. Otherwell-known bluegrass performers include banjo player Earl Scruggs, who played with Monroe during the 1940s; the Osborne Brothers, a duo from Kentucky known forits work during...
George Gershwin
American pianist, songwriter, and composer George Gershwin was one of the most important figures in popular song in
the 1920s and 1930s.
C Extravaganzas Another predecessor of musical comedy, the extravaganza, evolved soon after the American Civil War (1861-1865) from traditional English pantomime. Extravaganzaswere typically based on fairy tales and Mother Goose. They introduced some of the elements—songs, dances, and comedy combined with spectacular stage sets andeffects—that American musical comedy later became known for. The first and most famous extravaganza show was The Black Crook (1866), often described as America’s fi...
Tiger - biology.
have a simple digestive system designed to process meat so that the nutrients can be readily absorbed into the bloodstream. With the exception of white tigers, which have blue eyes, all tigers have yellow eyes. Tigers mainly use vision to find prey. Although tigers see about as well as humansduring the day, their large eye openings gather more light than do human eyes, making tiger night vision far superior to that of humans. In addition, a special structurein the tiger’s eye, called the tapetu...
American Music
American Music, the folk, popular, and classical music of the United States--created by American-born or American-trained composers, or originating in American
culture, or written primarily for American audiences.
The country's first permanent orchestra was the New York Philharmonic Society, founded in 1842. Among the first symphonic and operatic composers the mostprominent was William Henry Fry, who composed the first opera by an American ( Leonora, 1845). Fry is best remembered, however, for four symphonies written in the 1850s and 1860s. George F. Bristow wrote the first opera on an American theme; his Rip Van Winkle was performed in New York City in 1855. Town bands, a popular form of community mu...
Popular Music
Satchmo Sings "Back O' Town Blues"
One of the founders of instrumental jazz music, American Louis Armstrong, known as Satchmo, also profoundly influenced
vocal jazz and popular song.
disseminating popular music until the 1920s remained printed sheet music. By the late 19th century, the music-publishing business was centralized in New York City,particularly in an area of lower Manhattan called Tin Pan Alley. “After the Ball” (1892) by Charles K. Harris, the first popular song to sell 1 million copies—in this case, ofsheet music—inspired rapid growth in the music-publishing industry. Composers were hired to rapidly produce popular songs by the dozens, and the techniques ofFost...
Diseases of Animals.
infected animal. It may also spread in milk or in garbage that contains contaminated meat. Typical symptoms include blisters that appear on the mouth and feet;animals may become lame when their hooves degenerate. Canine distemper is a highly contagious disease caused by the paramyxovirus, which is transmitted in discharges from the nose and eyes. Symptoms begin with fever,malaise, and nasal and ocular discharges and may progress to convulsions and other nervous system disorders. Parvoviruses aff...
African Music
Sacred Christian Music of Nigeria
Among the Igede people of Nigeria, Christianity has been syncretized with the existing religious belief system.
III INSTRUMENTS Traditional Timbila of MozambiqueAmong the Chopi, who have lived for centuries along the coast of Mozambique, there is a highly developed tradition ofsongwriting and composing for timbila (xylophone) orchestras. Elaborate migodo (dance suites), interspersed with poeticsongs pertaining to village life, are often performed to these compositions. Timbila music is now recognized as the nationalmusic of Mozambique."Eduardo Durao Mauaia" from Eduardo Durao and Orquestra Durao: Timbil...
World Music Tour
Click on the instruments to hear music from around the world.
Duke EllingtonAmerican composer, bandleader, and pianist Duke Ellington endures as perhaps the most important pioneer in big-bandjazz. Ellington and his orchestra shared a special interdependent relationship: Using the band as his musical workshop,Ellington derived his orchestra’s tone coloring from the unique sound qualities of the group’s individual players. Thisparticular style was later dubbed the “Ellington Effect” by jazz arranger Billy Strayhorn, who also wrote one of the band’ssignature...
Lion - biology.
Lions usually hunt at night, alone, or in groups. Their preferred prey are large hoofed mammals, such as zebras and wildebeests, but they will go after small hares aswell as huge giraffes. Typically, a lion hunting alone will slowly and silently stalk its prospective victim, trying not to be seen, until it is about 30 m (about 98 ft) away.Then with a burst of speed, the lion will run toward the prey, grab it, and throw it to the ground. The lion kills the prey by biting the back of the animal’s...
Robinson Crusoe (Black Cat)
Part Two: Robinson was happy to be alive, he thanked God for saving his life. He had no clothes, no food and no drink, so R thought he was going to die of stavation or eaten by wild animals. That night he drank fresh water then climbed on a tree and slept. The next morning he saw the ship was near to the shore so he took his clothes off and reached it. To bring food back to the shore he had to build a raft, so he put pieces of wood together and built a raft. He loaded it with food, cloth...
Excerpt from The Merchant of Venice - anthology.
A weight of carrion flesh than to receiveThree thousand ducats. I'll not answer that,But say it is my humour. Is it answered?What if my house be troubled with a rat,And I be pleased to give ten thousand ducatsTo have it baned? What, are you answered yet?Some men there are love not a gaping pig,Some that are mad if they behold a cat,And others, when the bagpipe sings i'th'nose,Cannot contain their urine; for affection,Master of passion, sways it to the moodOf what it likes or loathes. Now for you...