12 résultats pour "carnegie"
Andrew Carnegie.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- Carnegie Hall - musique.
- Carnegie (Andrew) Industriel et philanthrope américain d'origine écossaise (Dunfermline, Écosse, 1835 - Lenox, Massachusetts, 1919).
- Carnegie, Andrew (économie).
Pittsburgh - geography.
College of Allegheny County (1966), with branches in the city and suburbs. Pittsburgh has many outstanding cultural institutions. The Oakland district is where Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh are located. The CarnegieMuseums of Pittsburgh include The Carnegie Museum of Art (including the Scaife Galleries), which holds a distinguished motion-picture and video collection and a uniquestudy of architecture; the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, which displays an extensi...
History of United States Business.
their lives. But the rewards were worth it; a few lucrative voyages and a merchant could buy a townhouse, a carriage, perhaps a summer retreat. The merchant couldclimb the social ladder and circulate among the powerful in this highly materialistic society. This prospect of riches and the honor that accompanied them made Americancolonists willing to engage in highly speculative enterprises, such as shipping flour to the West Indies or importing goods from England by the thousands without beingcer...
notion anglais mithe et heros
Je vais parler des mythes notion et des héros . Tout d'abord , je tiens à donner une définition de ces mots : un mythe est une histoire ancienne sur dieux , des héros et de la magie , une notion sans fondement ou fausses . Un héros est une personne admirée pour son / ses réalisations avec des qualités nobles . J'ai étudié cette notion à travers les succès de carrière grâce à trois documents : Un poème écrit pa...
- Carnegie, Andrew
Peterson Oscar Pianiste canadien
Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Peterson, Oscar - jazz. 1 PRÉSENTATION Peterson, Oscar (1925-2007), pianiste et compositeur de jazz canadien. Musicien virtuose, Oscar Peterson est l’une des figures les plus importantes de l’histoire du jazz, qu’il a traversée sans jamais se départir de son style direct, véloce et démonstratif, toujours ancré dans le swing des musiques afro-américaines. 2 OSCAR PETERSON ET LE JAZZ AT THE PHILHARMONIC Oscar Peterson Les premiers enregistrements du pianiste can...
New York City - geographie.
Zu Beginn des Nordamerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieges (1776-1783) wurde die Stadt nach der Schlacht von Long Island von britischen Truppen besetzt, blieb aberZentrum des Widerstands gegen die Kolonialherrschaft. 1779 wurde New York Hauptstadt des gleichnamigen Bundesstaates. Nach der Fertigstellung des Erie-Kanals 1825 erfuhr New York als nunmehr wichtigste Hafenstadt an der nordamerikanischen Ostküste einen weiteren Wachstumsschub undwurde zu einem wichtigen Handels-, Finanz- und Industriezen...
American Music
American Music, the folk, popular, and classical music of the United States--created by American-born or American-trained composers, or originating in American
culture, or written primarily for American audiences.
The country's first permanent orchestra was the New York Philharmonic Society, founded in 1842. Among the first symphonic and operatic composers the mostprominent was William Henry Fry, who composed the first opera by an American ( Leonora, 1845). Fry is best remembered, however, for four symphonies written in the 1850s and 1860s. George F. Bristow wrote the first opera on an American theme; his Rip Van Winkle was performed in New York City in 1855. Town bands, a popular form of community mu...
Library (institution).
rooms, special galleries for exhibitions, auditoriums for lectures or concerts, computer rooms, children’s rooms, photocopy rooms, and classrooms. A3 Lending Materials As part of their mission to provide information resources to the community, public libraries allow users to borrow items from their collections for limited amounts of time.To be eligible to borrow public library materials, a user must register her or his name, address, and other basic information with the local library’s circulat...