40 résultats pour "caesar"
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar (100-44
Roman general and statesman whose dictatorship was pivotal in Rome's transition from republic to empire.
V CROSSING THE RUBICON In 52 BC, with Crassus out of the way, Pompey was made sole consul. Combined with his other powers, this gave him a formidable position. Jealous of his younger rival, he determined to break Caesar’s power. To achieve this objective, he first needed to deprive Caesar of the forces he commanded in Gaul. Pompey ordered him toreturn to Rome without his troops. To protect himself, Caesar suggested that he and Pompey both lay down their commands simultaneously, but this propos...
Julius Caesar.
V CROSSING THE RUBICON In 52 BC, with Crassus out of the way, Pompey was made sole consul. Combined with his other powers, this gave him a formidable position. Jealous of his younger rival, he determined to break Caesar’s power. To achieve this objective, he first needed to deprive Caesar of the forces he commanded in Gaul. Pompey ordered him toreturn to Rome without his troops. To protect himself, Caesar suggested that he and Pompey both lay down their commands simultaneously, but this propos...
From Julius Caesar - anthology.
Let but the commons hear this testament—Which, pardon me, I do not mean to read—And they would go and kiss dead Caesar's wounds,And dip their napkins in his sacred blood,Yea, beg a hair of him for memory,And, dying, mention it within their wills,Bequeathing it as a rich legacyUnto their issue.FIFTH PLEBEIAN : We'll hear the will. Read it, Mark Antony. ALL THE PLEBEIANS : The will, the will! We will hear Caesar's will. ANTONY : Have patience, gentle friends, I must not read it. It is not meet you...
Gaius Julius Caesar - Geschichte.
45 v. Chr. wurde Caesar auf zehn Jahre zum Konsul gewählt und mit weiteren Ehrungen und Vollmachten ausgestattet: So hatte er die Oberaufsicht über sämtlicheStreitkräfte, durfte Robe und den Goldkranz des siegreichen Feldherrn ständig tragen und hatte als Pontifex Maximus die Entscheidungsgewalt über sämtliche religiösenBelange. Seine Herrschaft beinhaltete ein breit angelegtes Reformprogramm zur Neuordnung des Staates und der Provinzen. Unter anderem reformierte er den Kalender,versorgte seine...
- Caesar
- Sueton: Die Ermordung Caesars - Geschichte.
Portia and Brutus in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Scene
First, Portia says she „insisted“ 1. 246 „ Yet I insisted, yet you answered not“ to know what troubeld her husband, then she kneels down; afterwards, uses guilt to get Brutus tell her his secret „If it be no more, Portia is Brutus' harlot, not his wife“ (l. 288) and finally shows him the wound she inflicted herself on her thigh to show that she will not reveal Brutus secrets even under pain of torture (but I will come back to that motive later.) The fact that Portia has already give...
- Springer, Axel Caesar - médias & information.
Reddite ergo quae sunt Caesaris Caesari et quae sunt Dei
Rendez donc à César ce qui est à César...
Reddite ergo quae sunt Caesaris Caesari et quae sunt Dei Deo Rendez donc à César ce qui est à César et à Dieu ce qui est à Dieu Cette expression apparait dans les Evangiles synoptiques (Matthieu, 22, 21 ; Luc, 20, 25 ; Marc, 12, 17 : l'original grec chez Matthieu étant exactement à1T660TE ovv Tà Ka(aapos Ka(aapL Kal Tà Toû 0eov T(f) 9E(f)) et constitue la réponse de Jésus à ceux qui l'interpellent en lui demandant s'il est licite ou non de payer le tribut à Rome; le visage de l'empereur étant g...
Excerpt from Antony and Cleopatra - anthology.
They seize Cleopatra Guard her till Caesar comes. Exit Gallus IRAS. Royal queen! CHARMIAN. O Cleopatra! Thou art taken, queen. CLEOPATRA. Quick, quick, good hands! She draws a dagger PROCULEIUS. Hold, worthy lady, hold! He disarms her Do not yourself such wrong, who are in thisRelieved, but not betrayed. CLEOPATRA. What, of death too,That rids our dogs of languish? PROCULEIUS. Cleopatra,Do not abuse my master's bounty byTh'undoing of yourself. Let the world seeHis nobleness well acted, which you...
- Germanicus Julius Caesar , 15 avant J.
- Domela (Caesar Domela Nieuwenhuis.
Roman Empire - history.
the master of Rome. Three years later the Senate proclaimed him Augustus, the supreme ruler. III THE EMPIRE UNDER AUGUSTUS Roman Emperor AugustusAugustus, the first Roman emperor, brought peace, order, and prosperity to Rome after the civil wars that followed the assassinationof Roman leader Julius Caesar. Caesar had adopted the young Octavian, later known as Augustus, as his heir. After a victory overMark Antony and Cleopatra at Actium, Augustus had absolute power over the entire Roman Empire....
Tibère (Tiberius Julius Caesar)
Tibère, Tiberius Claudius Nero Tibère est le fils d'un ancien officier de César et de Livia Drusilla. Quatre ans après sa naissance, sa destinéebascule. Ses parents divorcent et sa mère choisit d'épouser Auguste. Le couple impérial donne naissance à unsecond enfant, Drusus. Passionné de littérature, le jeune Tibère se consacre aux études tandis que son demi-frèresuscite l'admiration de l'empereur par sa vivacité dans l'action physique. Afin de compléter son éducation, Augusteconfie à T...
- Le personnage de CESAR [Julius Caesar]
- Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutant - encyclopédie.
- aut Caesar aut nihil - encyclopédie.
Römisches Kaiserreich - Geschichte.
Reichsgebiet aus. Italien büßte seinen Sonderstatus allmählich ein, und folgerichtig erhielten unter Caracalla (211-217) alle freien Reichsbewohner das römischeBürgerrecht ( Constitutio Antinoniana von 212). Schon in severischer Zeit wandelte sich auch das außenpolitische Umfeld Roms: Im Osten trat an die Stelle des feudalisierten, innerlich geschwächten Partherreiches dieDynastie der Sassaniden (seit 224), die aus Persien in der Tradition der Achaimeniden ein neues, die römische Euphratgrenze...
Römisches Kaiserreich - Geschichte.
Reichsgebiet aus. Italien büßte seinen Sonderstatus allmählich ein, und folgerichtig erhielten unter Caracalla (211-217) alle freien Reichsbewohner das römischeBürgerrecht ( Constitutio Antinoniana von 212). Schon in severischer Zeit wandelte sich auch das außenpolitische Umfeld Roms: Im Osten trat an die Stelle des feudalisierten, innerlich geschwächten Partherreiches dieDynastie der Sassaniden (seit 224), die aus Persien in der Tradition der Achaimeniden ein neues, die römische Euphratgrenze...
Roman Empire .
A Government Augustus did not derive his power from any single office, but from the authority of his name and his victory. In fact, he carefully pieced together a patchwork of powersthat allowed him to be an absolute ruler and yet avoid the hatred Caesar aroused as dictator. In Latin, the name Augustus implies both political authority and religiousrespect. The Romans had for some time called Octavian imperator , a title once awarded to victorious generals that soon became associated with the r...
Roman Empire - History.
A Government Augustus did not derive his power from any single office, but from the authority of his name and his victory. In fact, he carefully pieced together a patchwork of powersthat allowed him to be an absolute ruler and yet avoid the hatred Caesar aroused as dictator. In Latin, the name Augustus implies both political authority and religiousrespect. The Romans had for some time called Octavian imperator , a title once awarded to victorious generals that soon became associated with the r...
César Jules, en latin Caius Julius Caesar.
Cicéron Cléopâtre - Cléopâtre VII Crassus Marcus Licinius déification Éburons Éduens forum France - Histoire - Des pouvoirs territoriaux à la Gaule romaine gallo-romain Gaule - La conquête romaine Gergovie Germains Guerre des Gaules Helvètes ides Juba - Juba Ier Juba - Juba II Julia (gens) julien julio-claudienne (dynastie) Labienus Titus latin Pharnace - Pharnace II Pharsale Pison - Pison Caius Calpurnius Pison - Pison Lucius Calpurnius Pompée le Grand Pont (royaume d...
Caius Julius Caesar Octavinus Augustus (dit Auguste)
opposants, il bat Sextus Pompée à Nauloque en 36 avant JC. Il reçoit ensuite la puissance tribunitienne à vie.
- Caligula (Caius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, dit) (Antium, 12 apr.
Roman Mythology.
Her temple on the Aventine Hill in Rome was a center for organizations of skilled craftspeople. According to tradition, in 509 BC the dynasty of Etruscan kings ended and the Roman Republic was founded. The republic was ruled by two chief magistrates, called consuls, who were elected by the people to one-year terms. During the time of the republic, the Capitoline temple became the most important public shrine of theRoman people and the focus of public worship. Each January, the new consuls offer...
Marcus Tullius Cicero - Geschichte.
und Akadmie einander gegenüberstellte. Daran schlossen sich die zwei Bücher De Divinatione (44 v. Chr.; Über die Weissagung ) an, ein Dialog über Sinn und Zweck der Weissagungen, sowie das nur fragmentarisch überlieferte, nicht dialogische De fato (44 v. Chr.; Über das Schiksal ). 44 v. Chr. entstanden auch die beiden kleineren, wieder auf ethische Fragen zurückgreifenden Dialoge Cato maior de senectude (Cato der Ältere, über das Greisenalter) und Laelius de amicitia (Laelius, über di...
151. Caesar non supra grammaticos
César n’est pas au-dessus des grammairiens
L’expression, encore utilisée de nos jours pour indiquer quelles...
151. Caesar non supra grammaticos César n’est pas au-dessus des grammairiens L’expression, encore utilisée de nos jours pour indiquer quelles sont les limites de l'autorité royale, fait allusion à un épisode rapporté par 'trangec Âteius lui répondit que désormais ce terme ferait partie de la langue latine, ce à quoi Marcus Pomponius Marcellus rétorqua avec indignation : Tu enim, Caesar, civilatem dare potes hominibus, verbo norJ potes, « Tu peux accorder la citoyenneté romaine à des hommes, Cés...
Kelten - Geschichte.
wurden aber auch einige komplexere Anlagen entdeckt. Die britischen Druiden hatten ihr Kultzentrum auf der Insel Anlesey vor der walisischen Küste. Wie bei den Römerngalten auch bei den Kelten Bäume als heilig ( siehe keltische Mythologie). Die Druiden waren nicht nur Priester, sondern auch Ärzte, Richter und politische Berater. Sie genossen hohes Ansehen und gaben ihre Kenntnisse mündlich weiter. Von den Römern wurden sie heftig verfolgt, da sie eine keltische Elite darstellten. Nach Caesar so...
Rome (Italy) - geography.
country’s best, and in the summer at the Baths of Caracalla. The city also has some 20 theaters and 6 major concert halls, which offer a varied repertory during the fall,winter, and spring. The museums of the city deal with all aspects of the arts and sciences and are among the world’s finest. The oldest art collection in Rome, housed in the CapitolineMuseum, was established in 1471 and contains exceptional antiquities. Among other Roman museums are the National Museum of the Villa Giulia, which...
Caesare,n vehis Caaarisq11e Fort11nam
C'est César et la fortune de César que tu transportes
Cet encouragement - qui est aussi...
Caesare,n vehis Caaarisq11e Fort11nam C'est César et la fortune de César que tu transportes Cet encouragement - qui est aussi une recommandation, voire un avertissement - provient d'un épisode de la vie de César. que rapportent différents auteurs (Plutarque, Vie de César, 38. 5 ; Romanorom apophthegmata, 206cd ; Appien, la guerre civile, 2. 9, 57 ; Dion Cassius, 41, 46, 3 ; Florus, 2, 13, 37). Durant la guerre civile, César se trouvait près de D)'11achium et attendait un convoi en provenance de...
Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutant
Ave César, ceu:1 qui vont mourir te saluent
C'est avec cette f0111aule que les gladiateurs...
Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutant Ave César, ceu:1 qui vont mourir te saluent C'est avec cette f0111aule que les gladiateurs saluèrent l'empereur Claude au début du combat naval qui fut organisé avant que les eaux du lac Fucin ne soient lâchées (Ave, imperator. morituri te sa/utant). l'épisode raconté par Suétone ( Vie des douze Césars, 21) et par Dion Cassius (60, 33, 4) connait un déroulement imprévu dans la version de Suétone: Claude ayant répondu aux gladiateurs >, ceux-ci, sous prétexte qu'...
294. M•Uerib•s longam esse caesarie,n, breve,n a11te111 sensum
l ..es femmes ont de longs cheveux mais de courtes idées
294. M•Uerib•s longam esse caesarie,n, breve,n a11te111 sensum l ..es femmes ont de longs cheveux mais de courtes idées c.·e proverbe médiéval (Walther 15364a, cf. 2256 ; 8252 ; 13946), repris par l'humaniste Heinrich Bebel dans ses Adagia Germanica, possède de nombreuses variantes ou transcriptions dans toutes les langues européennes (cf. en français lafemme est un animal à cheveux l,>ngs et à idées courtes ; le cerveau de lafemme est fait...
- Pompeius der Große - Geschichte.
- Sallust - Geschichte.
- Kleopatra VII.
- Römische Bürgerkriege - Geschichte.
Ancient Rome .
attributed to Numa, including the selection of virgins to be priestesses of the goddess Vesta. He also established a calendar to differentiate between normal workingdays and those festival days sacred to the gods on which no state business was allowed. His peaceful reign lasted from 715 to 673 BC. Under Tullus Hostilius (672–641 BC) the Romans waged an aggressive foreign policy and began to expand their lands by the conquest of nearby cities like Alba Longa. When the warlike King Hostilius co...
Ancient Rome - USA History.
attributed to Numa, including the selection of virgins to be priestesses of the goddess Vesta. He also established a calendar to differentiate between normal workingdays and those festival days sacred to the gods on which no state business was allowed. His peaceful reign lasted from 715 to 673 BC. Under Tullus Hostilius (672–641 BC) the Romans waged an aggressive foreign policy and began to expand their lands by the conquest of nearby cities like Alba Longa. When the warlike King Hostilius co...
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ (between 8 and 4
Monday and Tuesday, according to the synoptists), he drove from the Temple the traders and moneychangers who, by long-established custom, had been allowed totransact business in the outer court (Mark 11:15-19), and he disputed with the chief priests, the scribes, the Pharisees, and the Sadducees questions about hisauthority, tribute to Caesar, and the resurrection. On Tuesday, Jesus also revealed to his disciples the signs that would usher in his Parousia, or second coming. See Second Coming. O...
Jesus Christ.
Monday and Tuesday, according to the synoptists), he drove from the Temple the traders and moneychangers who, by long-established custom, had been allowed totransact business in the outer court (Mark 11:15-19), and he disputed with the chief priests, the scribes, the Pharisees, and the Sadducees questions about hisauthority, tribute to Caesar, and the resurrection. On Tuesday, Jesus also revealed to his disciples the signs that would usher in his Parousia, or second coming. See Second Coming. O...