17 résultats pour "buchanan"
James Buchanan.
John Slidell. Slidell was instructed to insist that Mexico recognize the annexation of its former province, Texas, and that it pay certain long-standing claims of UnitedStates citizens. As payment for the claims, Slidell was told to press for the Mexican territory lying between Texas and the Pacific Ocean. The American demands werenot met, and soon afterward the Mexican War broke out in 1846. D3 Cuba While secretary of state, Buchanan also tried to further one of his favorite projects, the purc...
James Buchanan
John Slidell. Slidell was instructed to insist that Mexico recognize the annexation of its former province, Texas, and that it pay certain long-standing claims of UnitedStates citizens. As payment for the claims, Slidell was told to press for the Mexican territory lying between Texas and the Pacific Ocean. The American demands werenot met, and soon afterward the Mexican War broke out in 1846. D3 Cuba While secretary of state, Buchanan also tried to further one of his favorite projects, the purc...
- Buchanan, James
- James Buchanan - Biography.
- Rapport Buchanan
- Rapport Buchanan
Franklin Pierce.
At the end of the war, Pierce returned home to his wife and six-year-old son. His law partnership had been dissolved, and he took a new partner. The new firm, like theold one, was highly successful. D Elder Statesman Pierce was by nature a politician. Although still in his early forties, as a retired U.S. senator he became New Hampshire's elder statesman and head of a group of lawyer-politicians called the Concord Clique, or the Regency. The group controlled the state's Democratic Party. Pierce...
Franklin Pierce
At the end of the war, Pierce returned home to his wife and six-year-old son. His law partnership had been dissolved, and he took a new partner. The new firm, like theold one, was highly successful. D Elder Statesman Pierce was by nature a politician. Although still in his early forties, as a retired U.S. senator he became New Hampshire's elder statesman and head of a group of lawyer-politicians called the Concord Clique, or the Regency. The group controlled the state's Democratic Party. Pierce...
- Buchanan G eorge , 1506-1582, né à Killearn, humaniste écossais.
- Buchanan (George) Humaniste et dramaturge écossais (près de Killearn, comté de Stirling, 1506 - Édimbourg, 1582).
Millard Fillmore.
B Vice President of the United States During the first half of 1850, Fillmore as vice president presided over the United States Senate (the upper chamber of Congress) as angry debates raged betweenNorthern and Southern sectionalists over the status of slavery in the recently acquired lands. His fairness and sense of humor in the chair were not enough to restorepeace among the contending senators. The antislavery faction, led by Senator Seward (the former governor of New York) and Senator Salmon...
Millard Fillmore
B Vice President of the United States During the first half of 1850, Fillmore as vice president presided over the United States Senate (the upper chamber of Congress) as angry debates raged betweenNorthern and Southern sectionalists over the status of slavery in the recently acquired lands. His fairness and sense of humor in the chair were not enough to restorepeace among the contending senators. The antislavery faction, led by Senator Seward (the former governor of New York) and Senator Salmon...
février 1996 dans le monde (histoire chronologique)
Le terrorisme basque en Espagne : une gigantesque manifestation contre l'ET A est organisé< à Madrid. indépendantiste tient un meeting à San Sebastian. Les drapeaux espagnol et français sont brûlés. Alternance politique en Haïti 7 Le nouve3u président René Préval prête serm�nt. Après avoir rendu hom mage à son prédéc ess eur Jean-Ber trand Arislide, il souligne la situation économiq11e dramatique dans laquelle se trouve son pays. La violence en Cors...
Andrew Johnson.
As senator, Johnson continued to work for a homestead law, and he was disappointed when President James Buchanan vetoed the homestead act of 1860. On theslavery issue, Johnson still followed the orthodox Southern line, but with no great enthusiasm. He voted for the resolutions proposed in 1860 by Senator Jefferson Davisof Mississippi to implement the Dred Scott Decision of 1857, which stated that Congress could not prohibit slavery in the territories of the United States. C1 Presidential Electio...
Andrew Johnson
As senator, Johnson continued to work for a homestead law, and he was disappointed when President James Buchanan vetoed the homestead act of 1860. On theslavery issue, Johnson still followed the orthodox Southern line, but with no great enthusiasm. He voted for the resolutions proposed in 1860 by Senator Jefferson Davisof Mississippi to implement the Dred Scott Decision of 1857, which stated that Congress could not prohibit slavery in the territories of the United States. C1 Presidential Electio...
- Buchanan, James
George W. Bush, PDG de l'Amérique
confie en privé avoir vécu 36 jours « très durs, mais qui feront de lui un meilleur président ». A la veille de son inauguration, il donne aux journalistes de USA Today et du Wall Street Journal qu'il reçoit longuement uneimpression de grande confiance en lui, tout en faisant part de son « humilité » : « il ne paraît pas du tout ébranlé par la tournurechaotique de sa victoire », note l'une des journalistes. La transition, de la mi-décembre à la mi-janvier, est plus révélatrice encore. Mené...