150 résultats pour "battle"
Battle of Waterloo.
In the meantime, Grouchy had failed to overtake Blücher's army. At about 10 PM on June 17, Grouchy's scouts informed him that the Prussians, instead of retreating east to Namur, had turned northwest, seeking apparently a juncture with Wellington. Grouchy's message of warning to Napoleon brought the reply, sent at 10 AM on June 18, that Grouchy should keep trying to make contact with the Prussians. Grouchy's pursuit was slovenly and unhurried, and he failed to locate the enemy. On the morning o...
battle of hasting
England should fall into the hands of the Normand because for him it is the decision of god. Therefore War and god are linked . Indeed for William you couldn’t go to war if God is not with you. Moreover, I quote: “William was ready to encourage his soldiers by his voice and by his presence ready to encourage his soldiers by his voice and by his presence» paragraph 5, line 43. As regards Harold, he was able to strike down both a horse and rider with a single blow. Harold fought like a...
- Battle of Gettysburg.
- Battle of Stalingrad.
Cassino, Battles of
• Bien que la ligne Gustav se trouve alors menacée , l'accès à la vallée du Uri est toujours bloqué en raison de la résistance du mont Cassino . Pendant les dix premiers jours de février, la 34 • Dl progresse du mont Castellone vers le mont Calvaire qui commande l'accès à l'éperon du mont Cassino et le débouché sur la vallée du Uri, qui coule 500 mètres plus bas. Entre le 6 et le 10 février , le mont Calvaire change quatre fois de mains pour être re...
- Battle, Kathleen - musique.
- Gazala, Battle of
- Battle of Bunker Hill.
- Coral Sea, Battle of the
- Alam el Halfa, Battle of
- Buna, Battle of
- Cape Esperance, Battle of
- Gona, Battle of
- Aachen, Battle of
The Tennis Battle of the Sexes.
and a raincoat. With the rise in women's tennis Riggs saw the chance for a huge hustle and began making blunt statements about the weakness of the women's game. He challengedany of the top five players on the women's circuit to a match. Margaret Smith Court responded, and the two met on Mother's Day, May 12, 1973. Riggs, a slight,almost frail-looking man, 5-foot-5, with heavy black glasses, looked more like Woody Allen than a chiseled tennis professional, but he possessed an assortment oftri...
Louis Battles Schmeling.
overpowered, Schmeling managed only to land three lackluster blows. “It was no fight,” wrote a New York Daily News reporter. “It was a slaughter, so one-sided and ending so abruptly, expert and customer alike felt cheated of thrills.” To the endless delight of most Americans, this time it was Schmeling who could not leave the ring under his own power. Louis's savage body blows literally brokeSchmeling's back in two places. Schmeling's performance was so disastrous that his handlers disable...
Colonial battles in Canada
In 1713, the Treaty of Utrecht—which ended the War of the Spanish Succession—changed the North American political map. England received Newfoundland, Hudson Bay, part of Acadia, and a protectorate over the Iroquois. New France was limited to Canada, part of Acadia (Île Saint-Jean and Île Royale, today Prince Edward Island and Cape Breton Island, respectively), and Greater Louisiana. Today's New Brunswick became a "disputed land" between the British and French, as England maintain...
- Cape Matapan, Battle of
- Définition et usage du mot: BATTLE-DRESS, substantif masculin.
- Palla s (Warrior) Greek A second generation Titan; considered by some to be the god of warfare and of the springtime battle season.
- Enyo (1) Greek A goddess of war, specifically known for sacking cities and towns of the enemy; daughter of Zeus and Hera; depicted as the sister, daughter, or mother of the war god Ares, often included as a companion of Ares when he went into battle.
Thetis Dipping Achilles in the Styx
The sea nymph Thetis is seen dipping her son Achilles in the River Styx to make him immortal.
Priam Reclaims the Body of HectorThe relief sculpture on this ancient Roman sarcophagus, discovered in northwestern Greece, depicts an event fromHomer’s epic poem the Iliad. In this scene Priam, the king of Troy, reclaims the body of his son, Hector, from the Greekwarrior Achilles, who has killed Hector in battle. Hector’s recumbent body is seen in front of a chariot.Chris Hellier/Corbis Achilles fought many battles during the Greeks’ ten-year siege of Troy. When the Mycenaean king Agamemnon sei...
Hundred Years' War.
knowledge of English tactics. Du Guesclin became Constable of France (head of the army) in 1370, and when he died in 1380, Clisson succeeded him. Charles also reorganized the French military, developing a full-time, professional army for the first time, and established a regular system of taxation to pay for it. Inaddition, France gained an important ally on the throne of the Spanish kingdom of Castile, Henry II, who had pledged support for Charles V. When the Caroline war began in 1369, the Eng...
Hundred Years' War .
knowledge of English tactics. Du Guesclin became Constable of France (head of the army) in 1370, and when he died in 1380, Clisson succeeded him. Charles also reorganized the French military, developing a full-time, professional army for the first time, and established a regular system of taxation to pay for it. Inaddition, France gained an important ally on the throne of the Spanish kingdom of Castile, Henry II, who had pledged support for Charles V. When the Caroline war began in 1369, the Eng...
Napoleonic Wars .
Before the effect of British sea power could be manifest, however, Napoleon increased his power over the Continent. In 1806 Prussia, aroused by Napoleon's growingstrength in Germany, joined in a Fourth Coalition with Britain, Russia, and Sweden. Napoleon badly defeated the Prussians in the Battle of Jena on October 14, 1806,and captured Berlin. He then defeated the Russians in the Battle of Friedland and forced Alexander I to make peace. By the principal terms of the Treaty of Tilsit, Russiagave...
Andrew Jackson.
against a resolution praising President George Washington’s administration. Jackson claimed that Washington’s policy toward Native Americans was too lenient and thatJay’s Treaty, concluded with the British under Washington’s administration, was too damaging to American interests. After one year in the House, Jackson was elected to fill out an unexpired term in the U.S. Senate, the other chamber of the Congress of the United States. He servedfrom September 1797 to April 1798 and then retired to p...
Andrew Jackson
against a resolution praising President George Washington’s administration. Jackson claimed that Washington’s policy toward Native Americans was too lenient and thatJay’s Treaty, concluded with the British under Washington’s administration, was too damaging to American interests. After one year in the House, Jackson was elected to fill out an unexpired term in the U.S. Senate, the other chamber of the Congress of the United States. He servedfrom September 1797 to April 1798 and then retired to p...
Andrew Jackson - USA History.
against a resolution praising President George Washington’s administration. Jackson claimed that Washington’s policy toward Native Americans was too lenient and thatJay’s Treaty, concluded with the British under Washington’s administration, was too damaging to American interests. After one year in the House, Jackson was elected to fill out an unexpired term in the U.S. Senate, the other chamber of the Congress of the United States. He servedfrom September 1797 to April 1798 and then retired to p...
From Bulfinch's Mythology: Arthur - anthology.
It must not be concealed, that the very existence of Arthur has been denied by some. Milton [17th-century English poet John Milton] says of him: 'As to Arthur, morerenowned in songs and romances than in true stories, who he was, and whether ever any such reigned in Britain, hath been doubted heretofore, and may again, withgood reason.' Modern critics, however, admit that there was a prince of this name, and find proof of it in the frequent mention of him in the writings of the Welshbards. But th...
Mexican War.
men, mostly Mexicans, rode to Nacogdoches to capture the rebellious Fredonians. The small garrison of Fredonians soundly defeated their attackers in the only battle ofthe rebellion. When Mexican troops arrived at Nacogdoches a short time later, the republic had been dissolved and the leader of the colonists had fled to Louisiana. B The Texas Revolution Although the Fredonians were not successful, by the 1830s the population of Mexican Texas included many immigrants from the United States. These...
Simón Bolívar.
Again, he expressed his dislike of federalism and his preference for strong centralized republics. He felt that Venezuela and New Granada should unite into a centralizedrepublic, which would be called Colombia. This new republic would have an elected executive and a legislature consisting of an elected lower house and a hereditaryupper house. Lastly, he spoke about the need for a union of all the countries in Spanish America to ensure prosperity and security after independence. IV BOLÍVAR AS MI...
Heracles (Herakles; Glory of Hera) Greek The
greatest hero of Greek mythology, he was called
Hercules by the Romans.
Amphitryon’s cattle. Heracles killed the lion and ever after wore its pelt (though some say that the pelt worn by Heracles was that of the Nemean lion; see The Twelve Labors of Heracles , right). Heracles then did battle with Erginus, King of Orchomenos, who attacked Thebes. Amphitryon died in this struggle. The victorious Heracles became the idol of Thebes. Creon, the new king of Thebes, gave his daughter Megara (2) to Heracles in marriage. The marriage was not a happy one, and in later years,...
Mpande died in 1872 and Cetshwayo continued his policy of maintaining good relations with the British. However, British interests soon shifted. For the sake of imperialstrategy and economic opportunity, the British decided to bring all the white-ruled states of southern Africa under their authority. But confederation, as this policy wasknown, seemed to be threatened by an independent, powerful, and unpredictable Zulu state in its midst. Despite desperate negotiations by Cetshwayo, the British we...
Zululand - U.
Mpande died in 1872 and Cetshwayo continued his policy of maintaining good relations with the British. However, British interests soon shifted. For the sake of imperialstrategy and economic opportunity, the British decided to bring all the white-ruled states of southern Africa under their authority. But confederation, as this policy wasknown, seemed to be threatened by an independent, powerful, and unpredictable Zulu state in its midst. Despite desperate negotiations by Cetshwayo, the British we...
- Eniwetok Atoll, Battle of
Zachary Taylor.
army fled back across the Río Grande into Mexico. When Polk got word of the victories, he promoted Taylor to major general. Congress awarded him two gold medals. B1 Battle of Monterrey In September 1846, Taylor began an invasion of northern Mexico. His army of 6000 consisted of regulars and volunteers. On September 21 he attacked the fortifiedcity of Monterrey, which was defended by more than 7000 Mexicans under General Pedro de Ampudia. Taylor divided his army, giving Brigadier General William...
Zachary Taylor
army fled back across the Río Grande into Mexico. When Polk got word of the victories, he promoted Taylor to major general. Congress awarded him two gold medals. B1 Battle of Monterrey In September 1846, Taylor began an invasion of northern Mexico. His army of 6000 consisted of regulars and volunteers. On September 21 he attacked the fortifiedcity of Monterrey, which was defended by more than 7000 Mexicans under General Pedro de Ampudia. Taylor divided his army, giving Brigadier General William...
Korean War.
During the summer of 1949, South Korea had expanded its army to about 90,000 troops, a strength the North matched in early 1950. The North had about 150 SovietT-34 tanks and a small but effective air force of 70 fighters and 62 light bombers—weapons either left behind when Soviet troops evacuated Korea or bought from theUSSR and China in 1949 and 1950. By June 1950 American data showed the two armies at about equal strength, with roughly equal numbers amassed along the 38thparallel. However, thi...
Korean War - History.
During the summer of 1949, South Korea had expanded its army to about 90,000 troops, a strength the North matched in early 1950. The North had about 150 SovietT-34 tanks and a small but effective air force of 70 fighters and 62 light bombers—weapons either left behind when Soviet troops evacuated Korea or bought from theUSSR and China in 1949 and 1950. By June 1950 American data showed the two armies at about equal strength, with roughly equal numbers amassed along the 38thparallel. However, thi...
Korean War - U.
During the summer of 1949, South Korea had expanded its army to about 90,000 troops, a strength the North matched in early 1950. The North had about 150 SovietT-34 tanks and a small but effective air force of 70 fighters and 62 light bombers—weapons either left behind when Soviet troops evacuated Korea or bought from theUSSR and China in 1949 and 1950. By June 1950 American data showed the two armies at about equal strength, with roughly equal numbers amassed along the 38thparallel. However, thi...
Boston - geography.
The neighborhoods of Allston and Brighton occupy the northwest corner of the city to the west of Fenway. The Allston-Brighton area is bordered to the east, north, andwest by the Charles River and to the south by the Massachusetts Turnpike and the town of Brookline. It is an industrial and residential neighborhood that is also thelocation of Boston College and Harvard University Business School. Boston has been unsuccessful in annexing Brookline, the birthplace of U.S. president John F.Kennedy an...
African American History - U.
In their day-to-day lives, slaves and servants shared similar grievances and frequently formed alliances. Advertisements seeking the return of slaves and servants whohad run away together filled colonial newspapers. When a slave named Charles escaped in 1740, the Pennsylvania Gazette reported that two white servants, a 'Scotch man' and an Englishman, escaped with him. Sometimes interracial alliances involved violence. During Bacon's Rebellion in 1676, slaves and servants took up armsagainst Na...
Indo-Pakistani Wars - History.
wrest Jammu and Kashmīr from India through the use of force. This effort failed as India held its ground, and the war ended in a stalemate after almost two months ofarmed conflict. Although the second war over the territory was shorter than the first, the increased firepower of the two nations resulted in a more deadly war, with atotal of about 6,800 battle casualties. A Events Before the War A number of factors precipitated the second conflict over Jammu and Kashm īr. In the wake of a border w...
Spanish-American War.
A Blockade of Cuba The Navy’s basic job was to blockade the island of Cuba. If the Spanish army could be cut off from seaborne supplies from Spain, it could not maintain itself for longagainst the Cuban insurgents, let alone prepare to fight the U.S. forces. To maintain a successful blockade, the U.S. Navy would have to control the sea approaches toCuba. To accomplish this, the United States determined that the Spanish navy had to be destroyed wherever it was found. Thus the U.S. war objectives...
Ulysses S.
In the autumn of 1862, Grant began planning the drive on Vicksburg, Mississippi, the Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River, which was to yield one of hisgreatest military successes. After several unsuccessful attempts on Vicksburg during the winter, Grant devised a new strategy of attack. In April 1863 he marched hisarmy south along the west side of the river to a point well below the heavily defended city. There, with the aid of the Union river fleet, he crossed the river and began as...
Ulysses S.
In the autumn of 1862, Grant began planning the drive on Vicksburg, Mississippi, the Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River, which was to yield one of hisgreatest military successes. After several unsuccessful attempts on Vicksburg during the winter, Grant devised a new strategy of attack. In April 1863 he marched hisarmy south along the west side of the river to a point well below the heavily defended city. There, with the aid of the Union river fleet, he crossed the river and began as...
War of 1812 - History.
the thorough training they received in handling guns was far ahead of contemporary British standards. As hostilities loomed, Congress authorized a regular army of 35,000 men, but when the United States officially declared war in June 1812, the actual land force was lessthan 10,000 and nearly half of these soldiers were raw recruits. The existing troops were also widely scattered in small garrisons. The government planned tosupplement this regular force with 50,000 volunteers and 100,000 militiam...
War of 1812 - U.
the thorough training they received in handling guns was far ahead of contemporary British standards. As hostilities loomed, Congress authorized a regular army of 35,000 men, but when the United States officially declared war in June 1812, the actual land force was lessthan 10,000 and nearly half of these soldiers were raw recruits. The existing troops were also widely scattered in small garrisons. The government planned tosupplement this regular force with 50,000 volunteers and 100,000 militiam...
Spread of Islam - History.
Muhammad died in 632 and was succeeded by Abu Bakr, the father of Muhammad’s favorite wife, Aisha. Abu Bakr was the first caliph ( khalifah, Arabic for “successor”) of Islam. Like Muhammad, Abu Bakr was a member of the Quraysh clan. While neither Abu Bakr nor any subsequent caliph claimed the role of prophet, they wereleaders of this new religious enterprise that was quickly becoming a political entity as well. The first four caliphs, all of whom were selected by some form of council ofMuslims,...
George Washington
George Washington (1732-1799), first president of the United States (1789-1797) and one of the most important leaders in United States history.
A2 Promotion This was Washington’s first experience with the difficulties of raising troops while lacking equipment, clothing, and funds. Apparently he thought his efforts worthy ofsome recognition and successfully applied to Dinwiddie for a lieutenant colonel’s commission. He left Alexandria, Virginia, early in April with about 150 poorly equippedand half-trained troops. A3 First Battles Before he had advanced very far, Washington received news that the French had driven Trent’s men back from...