30 résultats pour "baltimore"
Baltimore - geography.
ranging collections. The Lillie Carroll Jackson Museum honors the civil rights leader who was president of Baltimore’s National Association for the Advancement of ColoredPeople (NAACP) chapter from 1935 to 1970. Also of note are the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and the Baltimore Opera Company. VII HISTORY Before European settlement, the site of Baltimore was inhabited by a Native American people known as the Susquehannock. The area was explored by English soldier JohnSmith in 1608 and was settl...
- Baltimore.
Baltimore - geography.
Baltimore. Contributed By:Fredric Arnold RitterMicrosoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- Baltimore - encyclopédie.
- David Baltimore - Biography.
Le rationalisme du XVIIIe siècle
par Jean Starobinski
Professeur à l'Université Johns Hophins, Baltimore
Ils se sont donné le nom de Philosophes.
par Jean Starobinski Professeur à l'Université Johns Hophins, Baltimore
Major League Baseball: Rookie of the Year by Season.
Rookie of the Year (American League).Year Player Team 1949 Roy Sievers (of) St. Louis Cardinals 1950 Walt Dropo (1b) Boston Red Sox 1951 Gil McDougald (3b) New York Yankees 1952 Harry Byrd (p) Philadelphia Athletics 1953 Harvey Kuenn (ss) Detroit Tigers 1954 Bob Grim (p) New York Yankees 1955 Herb Score (p) Cleveland Indians 1956 Luis Aparicio (ss) Chicago White Sox 1957 Tony Kubek (of/inf) New York Yankees 1958 Albie Pearson (of) Washington Senators 1959 Bob Allison (of) Washington Senators 196...
Major League Baseball: Rookie of the Year by Season
Rookie of the Year (National League).
Year Player Team 1949 Roy Sievers (of) St. Louis Cardinals 1950 Walt Dropo (1b) Boston Red Sox 1951 Gil McDougald (3b) New York Yankees 1952 Harry Byrd (p) Philadelphia Athletics 1953 Harvey Kuenn (ss) Detroit Tigers 1954 Bob Grim (p) New York Yankees 1955 Herb Score (p) Cleveland Indians 1956 Luis Aparicio (ss) Chicago White Sox 1957 Tony Kubek (of/inf) New York Yankees 1958 Albie Pearson (of) Washington Senators 1959 Bob Allison (of) Washington Senators 1960 Ron Hansen (ss) Baltimore Orioles 1...
History of Colonial America - U.
Despite the lack of settlement, New France prospered as a vast fur-trading enterprise. French explorers traveled deep into the North American continent seeking newsupplies of deerskins and beaver pelts. In 1673 French missionary Jacques Marquette reached the Mississippi River in present-day Wisconsin. In 1681 explorer René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, traveled down the majestic Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico. He honored the reign of King Louis XIV (1643-1715) by creating the newcolony...
World Series Winners.
1974 Oakland Athletics Los Angeles Dodgers 4-1 1975 Cincinnati Reds Boston Red Sox 4-3 1976 Cincinnati Reds New York Yankees 4-0 1977 New York Yankees Los Angeles Dodgers 4-2 1978 New York Yankees Los Angeles Dodgers 4-2 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates Baltimore Orioles 4-3 1980 Philadelphia Phillies Kansas City Royals 4-2 1981 Los Angeles Dodgers New York Yankees 4-2 1982 St. Louis Cardinals Milwaukee Brewers 4-3 1983 Baltimore Orioles Philadelphia Phillies 4-1 1984 Detroit Tigers San Diego Padres 4-1...
World Series Winners
Winning Team
Losing Team
Boston Americans
Pittsburgh Pirates
No Series
1 905
New York
1974 Oakland Athletics Los Angeles Dodgers 4-1 1975 Cincinnati Reds Boston Red Sox 4-3 1976 Cincinnati Reds New York Yankees 4-0 1977 New York Yankees Los Angeles Dodgers 4-2 1978 New York Yankees Los Angeles Dodgers 4-2 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates Baltimore Orioles 4-3 1980 Philadelphia Phillies Kansas City Royals 4-2 1981 Los Angeles Dodgers New York Yankees 4-2 1982 St. Louis Cardinals Milwaukee Brewers 4-3 1983 Baltimore Orioles Philadelphia Phillies 4-1 1984 Detroit Tigers San Diego Padres 4-1...
Philippe Ricord
Naître à Baltimore d'émigrés français de la Révolution ;
Ce qui est plus grave, c'est que Ricord nie la contagiosité des “ plaques muqueuses ”. Il se base sur le fait qu'il n'a jamais pu les inoculer. Cette erreur monumentale est pleine de fâcheuses conséquences du point de vue prophylactique. Ricord, muni du spéculum, que Récamier venait de ressusciter, et de sa lancette, prélevait le pus sur des chancres et le réinoculait au porteur. On ignorait alors que la syphilis confère une immunité qui se développe rapidement pendant l'évolution du chancre et...
- Sinclair Upton Beall, 1878-1968, né à Baltimore (Maryland), écrivain américain.
- Holiday (Eleanora, dite Billie), 1915-1959, née à Baltimore (Maryland), chanteuse américaine.
American Civil War.
free state to keep the balance in the Senate. It also provided that slavery would be excluded from the still unorganized part of the Louisiana Territory. A line was drawnfrom Missouri’s southern boundary, at the latitude of 36°30’, and slavery would not be allowed in the territory north of that line,with the exception of Missouri. B Compromise of 1850 Agitation against slavery continued in the North. The South reacted by defending it ever more strongly. The Mexican War, by which the United Stat...
American Civil War - U.
free state to keep the balance in the Senate. It also provided that slavery would be excluded from the still unorganized part of the Louisiana Territory. A line was drawnfrom Missouri’s southern boundary, at the latitude of 36°30’, and slavery would not be allowed in the territory north of that line,with the exception of Missouri. B Compromise of 1850 Agitation against slavery continued in the North. The South reacted by defending it ever more strongly. The Mexican War, by which the United Stat...
Major League Baseball: Most Valuable Player by Season.
1990 Rickey Henderson (of) Oakland Athletics 1991 Cal Ripken, Jr. (ss) Baltimore Orioles 1992 Dennis Eckersley (p) Oakland Athletics 1993 Frank Thomas (1b) Chicago White Sox 1994 Frank Thomas (1b) Chicago White Sox 1995 Mo Vaughn (1b) Boston Red Sox 1996 Juan Gonzalez (of) Texas Rangers 1997 Ken Griffey, Jr. (of) Seattle Mariners 1998 Juan Gonzalez (of) Texas Rangers 1999 Ivan Rodriguez (c) Texas Rangers 2000 Jason Giambi (1b) Oakland Athletics 2001 Ichiro Suzuki (of) Seattle Mariners 2002 Migue...
Major League Baseball: Most Valuable Player by Season
Most Valuable Player (American League).
1990 Rickey Henderson (of) Oakland Athletics 1991 Cal Ripken, Jr. (ss) Baltimore Orioles 1992 Dennis Eckersley (p) Oakland Athletics 1993 Frank Thomas (1b) Chicago White Sox 1994 Frank Thomas (1b) Chicago White Sox 1995 Mo Vaughn (1b) Boston Red Sox 1996 Juan Gonzalez (of) Texas Rangers 1997 Ken Griffey, Jr. (of) Seattle Mariners 1998 Juan Gonzalez (of) Texas Rangers 1999 Ivan Rodriguez (c) Texas Rangers 2000 Jason Giambi (1b) Oakland Athletics 2001 Ichiro Suzuki (of) Seattle Mariners 2002 Migue...
III GAUGES The gauge of track is the distance between the inner edges of the rails at points 1.59 cm (0.626 in) below the top of the heads. In the United States, Canada, theUnited Kingdom, Mexico, Norway, Sweden, and much of continental Europe, the standard gauge is 143.51 cm (56.5 in). Why this measurement became the standard isa matter of speculation. Probably the tradition is inherited from early tramroads built to accommodate wagons with axles 1.5 m (5 ft) long; some of the early edge rail...
Grey Cup Champions.
1977 Montréal Alouettes Edmonton Eskimos 41-6 1978 Edmonton Eskimos Montréal Alouettes 20-13 1979 Edmonton Eskimos Montréal Alouettes 17-9 1980 Edmonton Eskimos Hamilton Tiger-Cats 48-10 1981 Edmonton Eskimos Ottawa Rough Riders 26-23 1982 Edmonton Eskimos Toronto Argonauts 32-16 1983 Toronto Argonauts British Columbia Lions 18-17 1984 Winnipeg Blue Bombers Hamilton Tiger-Cats 47-17 1985 British Columbia Lions Hamilton Tiger-Cats 37-24 1986 Hamilton Tiger-Cats Edmonton Eskimos 39-15 1987 Edmonto...
Grey Cup Champions
The first Grey Cup was played in 1909 and was awarded for the Rugby Football Championship of Canada.
1977 Montréal Alouettes Edmonton Eskimos 41-6 1978 Edmonton Eskimos Montréal Alouettes 20-13 1979 Edmonton Eskimos Montréal Alouettes 17-9 1980 Edmonton Eskimos Hamilton Tiger-Cats 48-10 1981 Edmonton Eskimos Ottawa Rough Riders 26-23 1982 Edmonton Eskimos Toronto Argonauts 32-16 1983 Toronto Argonauts British Columbia Lions 18-17 1984 Winnipeg Blue Bombers Hamilton Tiger-Cats 47-17 1985 British Columbia Lions Hamilton Tiger-Cats 37-24 1986 Hamilton Tiger-Cats Edmonton Eskimos 39-15 1987 Edmonto...
Transporte - geografía.
Carrera de barcos de vaporDos barcos de vapor compiten en el Mississippi. Muy utilizados durante el siglo XIX y principios del XX, los barcos transportabanmercancías y pasajeros. Además, proporcionaban entretenimiento, como los barcos en que se representaban obras de teatro.Robert Harding Picture Library Durante la década de 1870 llegó a las costas del Río de la Plata el barco francés Le Frigidaire, que incluía unas cámaras frigoríficas. Esto supuso un gran avance en el modo de producción del...
Transporte - ciencia y tecnologia.
Carrera de barcos de vaporDos barcos de vapor compiten en el Mississippi. Muy utilizados durante el siglo XIX y principios del XX, los barcos transportabanmercancías y pasajeros. Además, proporcionaban entretenimiento, como los barcos en que se representaban obras de teatro.Robert Harding Picture Library Durante la década de 1870 llegó a las costas del Río de la Plata el barco francés Le Frigidaire, que incluía unas cámaras frigoríficas. Esto supuso un gran avance en el modo de producción del...
WAGON RESTAURANT A partir de 1863, un
wagon restaurant permit aux voyageurs de la
ligne Philadelphie-Baltimore de s'alimenter...
W-Y - WAGON RESTAURANT A partir de 1863, un wagon restaurant permit aux voyageurs de la ligne Philadelphie-Baltimore de s'alimenter pendant le trajet. Il fut le premier du genre. L'Europe ne suivit qu'en 1879, quand une voiture restaurant prit du service sur la ligne Leeds-Londres. WALKMAN Il s'agit d'un nom propre, déposé par la firme Souy, pour son baladeur*. W-C POUR CHIENS Quand il utilise sa «cabinette» toutou exerce une pression (par son seul poids) qui· se relâche à son départ: automati...
Zappa Frank (Francis Vincent, dit)
Chanteur et compositeur américain
* 21.12.1940, Baltimore, Maryland
+ 4.12.1993, Los Angeles
Dès 1966 avec...
Zappa Frank (Francis Vincent, dit) Chanteur et compositeur américain * 21.12.1940, Baltimore, Maryland + 4.12.1993, Los Angeles Dès 1966 avec "Freak out", premier double album de l'histoire du rock, Frank Zappa se hisse au rang de personnage culte pour la jeunesse de gauche, notamment grâce aux textes incisifs de ses chansons qui raillent la petite bourgeoisie américaine et évoquent la sexualité en des termes explicites. Constamment surveillé par la censure, Zappa n'en devient que plus populaire...
American League: Gold Glove Award Winners.
1957 Sherm Lollar Chicago White Sox 1958 Sherm Lollar Chicago White Sox 1959 Sherm Lollar Chicago White Sox 1960 Earl Battey Washington Senators 1961 Earl Battey Minnesota Twins 1962 Earl Battey Minnesota Twins 1963 Elston Howard New York Yankees 1964 Elston Howard New York Yankees 1965 Bill Freehan Detroit Tigers 1966 Bill Freehan Detroit Tigers 1967 Bill Freehan Detroit Tigers 1968 Bill Freehan Detroit Tigers 1969 Bill Freehan Detroit Tigers 1970 Ray Fosse Cleveland Indians 1971 Ray Fosse Clev...
American League: Gold Glove Award Winners
American League: Gold Glove Award Winners (Pitcher).
1957 Sherm Lollar Chicago White Sox 1958 Sherm Lollar Chicago White Sox 1959 Sherm Lollar Chicago White Sox 1960 Earl Battey Washington Senators 1961 Earl Battey Minnesota Twins 1962 Earl Battey Minnesota Twins 1963 Elston Howard New York Yankees 1964 Elston Howard New York Yankees 1965 Bill Freehan Detroit Tigers 1966 Bill Freehan Detroit Tigers 1967 Bill Freehan Detroit Tigers 1968 Bill Freehan Detroit Tigers 1969 Bill Freehan Detroit Tigers 1970 Ray Fosse Cleveland Indians 1971 Ray Fosse Clev...
Maryland - geography.
Maryland has no large natural lakes. The largest body of water is a reservoir, Deep Creek Lake, which has a surface area of only 18 sq km (7 sq mi). It lies on theAllegheny Plateau, behind a dam on a tributary of the Youghiogheny River. C Coastline The deeply indented shoreline has a length of 5,134 km (3,190 mi), of which only 50 km (31 miles) fronts on the Atlantic Ocean. The most significant coastal feature isChesapeake Bay. In the bay are many islands and Kent Island is the largest. The sta...
Maryland - USA History.
Maryland has no large natural lakes. The largest body of water is a reservoir, Deep Creek Lake, which has a surface area of only 18 sq km (7 sq mi). It lies on theAllegheny Plateau, behind a dam on a tributary of the Youghiogheny River. C Coastline The deeply indented shoreline has a length of 5,134 km (3,190 mi), of which only 50 km (31 miles) fronts on the Atlantic Ocean. The most significant coastal feature isChesapeake Bay. In the bay are many islands and Kent Island is the largest. The sta...
Together with dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants make up the team that provides dental care to patients. Hygienists record patient medical histories, suchas blood pressure and pulse. They clean teeth, apply sealants and fluoride treatments, teach patients sound oral hygiene practices, and often assist with X rays. Manyhygienists receive a two-year associate degree, while others may choose to enroll in a four-year program at a university or in a master’s degree program. There are25...