2538 résultats pour "are"
- Ares
Bird, animal with feathers and wings. Birds are the only
B Physical Adaptations for Flight The internal body parts of all birds, including flightless ones, reflect the evolution of birds as flying creatures. Birds have lightweight skeletons in which many of themajor bones are hollow. A unique feature of birds is the furculum, or wishbone, which is comparable to the collarbones of humans, although in birds the left and rightportions are fused together. The furculum absorbs the shock of wing motion and acts as a spring to help birds breathe while they...
All the Things You Are - analyse de l'oeuvre.
Charlie Parker Charlie Parker est ici sur scène en 1950 dans son club de jazz de New York, le célèbre Birdland.Frank Driggs/Archive Photos Le tromboniste Tommy Dorsey est le premier jazzman à avoir enregistré All the Things You Are, en 1939. Succès de l’année 1940, le morceau ne devient toutefois réellement un standard de jazz qu’en 1945, grâce à la fameuse version de Dizzy Gillespie, soutenu par Charlie Parker. Coleman Hawkins a gravé une dizaine de versions de All the Things You Are ; de...
Punch and Judy
Punch and Judy are characters in an English hand puppet show that first appeared in 1662.
Rod puppets are controlled by rods attached to their limbs, heads, and bodies. Although the traditional rod puppets of Belgium and Sicily are worked from above, likemarionettes, most contemporary rod figures are operated from below. In theaters, rod puppeteers are frequently concealed from view by drapery or stage flats (fabric stretched across frames). On television and in films, rod and hand puppeteers usually hold their figures either above their heads or in front of their faces. In the lat...
Water Molecule
A water molecule consists of an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms, which are attached at an angle of 105°.
spontaneously break apart and change, or decay, into other atoms. Unlike electrons, which are fundamental particles, protons and neutrons are made up of other, smaller particles called quarks. Physicists know of six different quarks.Neutrons and protons are made up of up quarks and down quarks —two of the six different kinds of quarks. The fanciful names of quarks have nothing to do with their properties; the names are simply labels to distinguish one quark from another. Quarks are unique amo...
Mercury and digital thermometers are the most common types of household devices for measuring body temperature.
range of the water, which differs for various species. Thus, for example, the increase in temperature of river water by only a few degrees as a result of heat dischargedfrom power plants may kill most of the native fish. See Water Pollution. The properties of all materials are also markedly affected by temperature changes. At arctic temperatures, for example, steel becomes very brittle and breaks easily,and liquids either solidify or become very viscous, offering high frictional resistance to...
Geography essay: Why are some countries more developed than others ?
money just to pay off their debts, they are not able to constructs as many schools, hospitals, water supplies orwhat people people urgently need.LEDC's are generally situated where the environmental conditions are at of the Earth's extreme climates (e.g:equator very humid tornadoes, deserts famine and dry soil). The lack of money and technology enables them tocope with hazard such as hurricanes, such as the one that occurred in Haiti, and cause billions of dollars of damage.Countries st...
Mesopotamian Art and Architecture
Mesopotamian Art and Architecture, the arts and buildings of the ancient Middle Eastern civilizations that developed in the area (now Iraq) between the Tigris and
Euphrates rivers from prehistory to the 6th century
arts. III EARLY DYNASTIC PERIOD Figures from Tell AsmarCreated around 2700 bc, these stone figures are from the city of Tell Asmar in what today is Iraq. From the Temple ofAbu, the statuettes stood in watchful prayer with the wide, staring eyes often found in Sumerian sculpture. The figuresare in the Iraq Museum, Baghdād, Iraq.Art Resource, NY The first historical epoch of Sumerian dominance lasted from about 3000 BC until about 2340 BC. While earlier architectural traditions continued, a ne...
- Arachnids You may think that spiders and ticks are insects, but they are not.
Matrix Theory and Linear Algebra
Matrix Theory and Linear Algebra, interconnected branches of mathematics that serve as fundamental tools in pure and applied mathematics and are becoming
increasingly important in the physical, biological, and social sciences.
vectors and V is called a vector space of dimension m. Two- and three-dimensional Euclidean spaces are vector spaces when their points are regarded as specified by ordered pairs or triples of real numbers. Matrices may be used to describe linear changes from one vector space into another. Contributed By:James Singer Reviewed By:J. Lennart BerggrenMicrosoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- Area (mathematics).
Debating Sports Records
Mark Purdy, sports columnist for the San Jose Mercury News in California, compiles a list of sports records that he believes will never be broken and a separate list of
records that he thinks are soon to be eclipsed.
UCLA’s dominance of NCAA men’s college basketball in the late 1960s and early 1970s will never be matched. With John Wooden as coach, the Bruins went from1967 to 1973 without losing a tournament game. Wooden built a dynasty around a system that stressed team play and solid defense, anchored by standout centersLew Alcindor (who later changed his name to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) and Bill Walton. The Bruins’ ten straight appearances in the Final Four (1967-1976) will alsobe tough to top, given that tod...
Debating Sports Records
Mark Purdy, sports columnist for the San Jose Mercury News in California, compiles a list of sports records that he believes will never be broken and a separate list of
records that he thinks are soon to be eclipsed.
UCLA’s dominance of NCAA men’s college basketball in the late 1960s and early 1970s will never be matched. With John Wooden as coach, the Bruins went from1967 to 1973 without losing a tournament game. Wooden built a dynasty around a system that stressed team play and solid defense, anchored by standout centersLew Alcindor (who later changed his name to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) and Bill Walton. The Bruins’ ten straight appearances in the Final Four (1967-1976) will alsobe tough to top, given that tod...
How similar and different are you from your parents?
didn’t want to give their opinion about that but I could have easily guessed that they would not have accepted some of these sections. It was clear that I should have chosen sciences , like my brother and sister did . Do our personalities differ? Probably, to a certain extent they do, but not essentially. If being different means having different tastes in music or ways to spend free time, then we are different, since we have entirely opposite views on music, films and pastimes. For...
How Are The Prevalent Expectations Of Marriage Challenged In Pride And Prejudice?
and depending on the family wealth, unlikely - that her brothers would support her into her old age. When she marries Mr Collins, she was almost past the accepted (women past their prime were considered “on the shelf”), and as she was quite plain, could not hope for another offer before her time ran out. Without thinking highly of either men or matrimony, marriage had always been her object; it was the only...
- Enyo (1) Greek A goddess of war, specifically known for sacking cities and towns of the enemy; daughter of Zeus and Hera; depicted as the sister, daughter, or mother of the war god Ares, often included as a companion of Ares when he went into battle.
James Joyce
James Joyce
The works of Irish writer James Joyce are
Odysseus’s wife, Penelope. The 18 chapters of Ulysses parallel episodes from the Odyssey, but there are crucial differences between the two books. For instance, most interpretations of the Odyssey credit Penelope with fidelity during her husband’s lengthy absence, while Molly Bloom is unfaithful to her husband. As in Portrait, each chapter in Ulysses has a distinct style that reflects both the exterior and interior lives of the characters and their development as individuals. The fina...
Définition / Sens du mot:
AREA, substantif féminin.
C.? G?OGRAPHIE. inusit? " ?tendue occup?e par une contr?e " (Dictionnaire de la langue fran?aise (?MILE LITTR?))?: ? 3. Messieurs Behm et Wagner, dans leur Annuaire g?ographique de 1874, donnent, pour l'ar?a de la p?ninsule [l'Arabie] , d'apr?s le relev? des meilleures cartes, 3 156 558 kilom?tres carr?s, pr?s de six fois la superficie de la France. VIVIEN DE ST-MARTIN, Dictionnaire de g?ographie universelle, article Arabie, page 173, 1re. colonne (LITTR? Suppl?ment 1877 ). Remarque : DIC...
- Deer Deer are mammals with branched horns called antlers.
- Área cultural - geografía.
Doping and drugs are unavoidable in sports
Let's not generalize this drugs problem to all athletes. Sometimes ago, sports used to be a way of having fun, but now since it has become a business and because of all the pressure, the field had damaged: sport is became a racial and cultural competition, but also a mean to show who is superior.
- Lemurs Lemurs are primates with long noses, large ears, and long tails.
To my unborn child:
point at,"The regular, please," orperhaps, "AndIwouldn't saynotosomething sweet,"whenmyonly friend, Mr.Richter, suggested, "Whatifyou tried tomake asculpture again?What's theworst thingthatcould happen?" Ishuffled halfway into thefilled book: "I'mnotsure, butit'slate." Iwent through hundreds ofbooks, thousands ofthem, theywere allover the apartment, Iused them asdoorstops andpaperweights, Istacked themifIneeded toreach something, Islid them under thelegs ofwobbly tables,Iused them astrivets andc...
- Number Systems I INTRODUCTION Number Systems, in mathematics, various notational systems that have been or are being used to represent the abstract quantities called numbers.
Your mother and I never talk about the past, that's a rule.
under theNothing doorandstained theSomething hallway,there'snothing tosay. Itbecame difficulttonavigate from Something toSomething withoutaccidentally walkingthrough Nothing, andwhen Something—a key,apen, a pocketwatch—was accidentallyleftinaNothing Place,itnever couldberetrieved, thatwasanunspoken rule,likenearly all ofour rules havebeen. There cameapoint, ayear ortwo ago, when ourapartment wasmore Nothing than Something, thatinitself didn't havetobe aproblem, itcould havebeen agood thing, itco...
- The Arts are not essential to life and do not merit government subsidies
- Are there limits to freedom of expression?
- Antelopes Antelopes are mammals with hooves and hollow horns.
- Harmonia (Peace) Greek Daughter of Aphrodite and Ares; wife of Cadmus, king of Thebes.
- Nathaniel Hawthorne I INTRODUCTION Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864), American novelist, whose works are deeply concerned with the ethical problems of sin, punishment, and atonement.
Who am I, who are you
Because friends come in different colors, shapes, nationalities, religions... So please, don't judge a person from the outside! We can learn from each other, About different cultures, We can teach each other, Different languages, And spread love and peace all over the world. Wars were made, People were dead, Concepts were made, Justice was sometimes served, But wars didn't disappear! I wish we can all scream: Yes to love & no to wars! My brother lets hold our hands together, And shout to t...
Who am I, who are you
Because friends come in different colors, shapes, nationalities, religions... So please, don't judge a person from the outside! We can learn from each other, About different cultures, We can teach each other, Different languages, And spread love and peace all over the world. Wars were made, People were dead, Concepts were made, Justice was sometimes served, But wars didn't disappear! I wish we can all scream: Yes to love & no to wars! My brother lets hold our hands together, And shout to t...
- Centipede Centipedes are small animals with multiple pairs of legs.
- Armadillo Armadillos are armor-plated animals about the size of a cat.
- Ant. Class Insecta Order Hymenoptera Family Formicidae Conservation Concerns 45 species are at risk
Map - geography.
Relief MapRelief maps are three-dimensional models of the terrain in an area; on them, color and scale are used to indicate geographicalfeatures rather than simply to delineate political boundaries. Because of this feature, relief maps are extensively used in engineeringand the military. This map shows portions of Alaska and northwestern Canada.United States Geological Survey Among the most important of the special-purpose maps are hydrographic and aviation charts. Hydrographic charts are used f...
Grasses - biology.
This, together with details of overall structure and less easily observed characteristics of anatomy, cytology, and chemistry, accounts for the tremendous number ofspecies of grasses. VI OTHER GRASSLIKE PLANTS Plants of two other groups, the sedges and the rushes, are superficially similar to grasses and are often confused with them. The three groups are easily distinguished,however, by examining their flowers, stems, and leaves. Rushes have flowers with six-part perianths (floral whorls) and...
American black bears live in Canada, the United States, and northern Mexico. Scientists think there maybe as many as 700,000 black bears in the United States. American black bears eat grasses, berries,acorns, and walnuts. BROWN BEAR Brown bears have fur that is light or dark brown. They also have a big hump on their shoulders. Theirsnout is turned upward. Brown bears live in Asia, Europe, and North America. Grizzly bears are a kind ofbrown bear. Brown bears are among the largest bears. Large mal...
Plant - biology.
B1 Vacuoles Vacuoles are membrane-bound cavities filled with cell sap, which is made up mostly of water containing various dissolved sugars, salts, and other chemicals. B2 Plastids Plastids are types of organelles, structures that carry out specialized functions in the cell. Three kinds of plastids are important here. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyllsand carotenoid pigments; they are the site of photosynthesis, the process in which light energy from the sun is fixed as chemical energy in the b...
Shrimp - biology.
shrimp have a maximum length of about 20 cm (8 in). On the West Coast, the Franciscan Bay shrimp is caught commercially. Freshwater shrimp are most common in warm parts of the world. They include river shrimp, edible shrimp that are trapped or farmed in the tropics, and also all trueshrimp that have become adapted for life in caves. Cave shrimp are typically pale, with vestigial (nonfunctioning) eyes, and they find their way mainly by touch. Decapod shrimp also include animals that are rarely ea...
Map - Geography.
Often only southeast slopes are hachured or shaded, giving somewhat the effect of a bird's-eye view of the area illuminated by light from the northwest. Shadings orcarefully drawn hachures, neither of which give elevations, are more easily interpreted than contour lines and are sometimes used in conjunction with them for greaterclarity. IV MAP PROJECTIONS For the representation of the entire surface of the earth without any kind of distortion, a map must have a spherical surface; a map of this...
Igneous Rock.
As a magma cools, the first crystals to form will be of minerals that become solid at relatively high temperatures (usually olivine and a type of feldspar known asanorthite). The composition of these early-formed mineral crystals will be different from the initial composition of the magma. Consequently, as these growing crystalstake certain elements out of the magma in certain proportions, the composition of the remaining liquid changes. This process is known as magmatic differentiation.Sometime...
Coral Reef.
sensitive to particles of mud or sediment settling on them, which means that corals rarely grow close to rivers or other sources of sediment. In the sea, light is filteredout by depth, so reef-building corals can only grow in relatively shallow water. Even in the clearest oceans few reef-building corals grow below a depth of 80 to 100 m(260 to 328 ft). Although corals need nutrients, they cannot thrive in areas where there are large amounts of nutrients. Typically, microscopic organisms in the p...
Birds need much less sleep than people do. One seabird, called the sooty tern, can fly for years bytaking “naps” that last only a few seconds. Most birds that live on land are active during the day and sleep at night. Owls are just the opposite.They sleep during the day and hunt at night. Birds usually sleep in shrubs, on tree branches, in holes in trees, or on the ground. Most ducks sleep onthe water. Many birds sleep while they are standing. MATING AND BREEDING Many kinds of birds have only on...
Bee - biology.
wood. They have long tongues and are excellent pollinators of many plants. They carry their pollen on brushy areas near the middle of the hind leg. Carpenter bees are also in the digger bee family. The most familiar bees are the honey bees and their close relatives. In this family are bees that make intricate nests and live in complex societies. The pollen-carrying structure in these bees is a smooth, bristle-surrounded area on one segment of the hind leg. This structure is known as a pollen...
Tree - biology.
The major parts of a tree are its roots, trunk, leaves, flowers, and seeds. These components play vital roles in a tree’s growth, development, and reproduction. A Roots Trees are held in place by anchoring organs called roots. In addition to anchoring the tree, roots also absorb water and minerals through tiny structures called roothairs. From the roots the water and mineral nutrients are carried upward through the wood cells to the leaves. Although the internal structure of most kinds of roots...
Coral - biology.
Soft corals lack a distinct skeleton. Although they live in colonies, the individual polyps are fused into a complex body, usually strengthened by small lumps or spikesknown as sclerites, which are made of protein and calcite. Soft corals come in a variety of shapes, including undulating sheets, upright mushroomlike shapes, andbeautiful shapes that form branches. A number of other octocorals have skeletons made from a hard or horny protein, sometimes strengthened with more brittle calcareous dep...
parents. It does not have wings. It may not even have legs. As the insect grows, it starts to changeshape. This change is called metamorphosis. There are two kinds of metamorphosis, called incompleteand complete. Dragonflies, grasshoppers, and crickets are some insects that go through incomplete metamorphosis asthey grow up. The young insects are called nymphs or naiads. The young insect molts, or crawls out ofits exoskeleton, as it grows bigger. It grows a new, larger exoskeleton. Its body chan...
before eruption. Very violent explosive eruptions are called Plinian eruptions, after Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder. These eruptions can last for several hours to daysand eject a large amount of pyroclastic material. Some volcanoes can produce much more energetic eruptions that eject materials farther from the vents because oftheir andesitic and dacitic composition. Andesitic and dacitic lava is generally thicker than basaltic lava. Stiff lava generally produces more-explosive eruptions. B No...
Leaf - biology.
The mesophyll, sandwiched between the upper and lower epidermis, consists of many thin-walled cells that are usually arranged in two layers. The palisade layer is next to the upper epidermis. It consists of cylindrical cells that are packed closely together. Next to the palisade layer and making up most of the thickness of the leaf bladeis the spongy layer. The spongy layer consists of roundish cells that are packed loosely together and have numerous air spaces between them. In most plants t...