18 résultats pour "apply"
First Aid.
IV SEVERE BLEEDING The presence of blood over a considerable area of a person’s body does not always indicate severe bleeding. The blood may ooze from multiple small wounds or besmeared, giving the appearance of more blood than is actually present. The rate at which blood is lost from a wound depends on the size and kind of blood vesselruptured. Bright red, spurting blood indicates injury to an artery while welling or steadily flowing, dark red blood indicates injury to a vein. Welling or spur...
Machine, simple device that affects the force, or effort, needed to do a certain amount of work.
to decrease the amount of force needed to do work or to change the direction of the force. The wheel and axle and some levers can also be used to increase the speedof performance of a task, but doing so always increases the amount of force needed. A Inclined Plane NutsNuts are pieces of metal with a hole in the middle. They are screwed on the end of a bolt as a fastening. Nuts come invarying shapes, depending on their intended use.© Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Ramps and staircas...
- Circle I INTRODUCTION Circle Terms Terms that apply to circles include the center, radius, diameter, secant, and tangent.
Henri Duhamel
5, rue la Fontaine
84570 Blauvac
18th November , 1997
XYZ Compagny
Big Street
United States
Dear Sir or Madam,
With reference to your advertisement in today's Financial Times, I wish to apply for the post of economic
I am therefore sending you my resume as well as the names and addresses of referenceswhom you may consult regarding my qualifications and character. As you can see from my resume, my profile fulfills the requirements of the post vailable as ........ I will contact your office in the near future to inquire about the status of my application. Sincerely yours.
Devoir d'anglais correction
particular occasion you lacked the tiny bit that would have made the differenceor, as in the given example, you gave the wrong answer to one essential question.The document suggests that in order to take no chances when preparing for a job interview, you should stick asclosely as possible to the skills and attributes mentioned in the job advertisement. If you don't get the job, youshould be prepared to accept it and move on.Being well aware of the qualities required for a position is vital, but...
Throughout United States history many other groups have suffered racial or religious discrimination. Since Europeans first came to America, Native Americans havebeen forcibly deprived of their lands and denied civil rights. Congress enacted the Indian Civil Rights Act in 1968, and the federal courts have entertained a number ofsuits designed to restore to Native American tribes ancestral lands and hunting and fishing rights. Many religious groups, including Roman Catholics, Jews, and others,have...
Bill of Rights.
accused has the right to “confront”—that is, to cross-examine witnesses who testify against him or her at trial. Those accused also have a right to subpoena (compel)supporting witnesses to testify in court and to have a lawyer assist in their legal defense. G Seventh Amendment In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall beotherwise re-examined in any Court of the United Stat...
Bill of Rights - U.
accused has the right to “confront”—that is, to cross-examine witnesses who testify against him or her at trial. Those accused also have a right to subpoena (compel)supporting witnesses to testify in court and to have a lawyer assist in their legal defense. G Seventh Amendment In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall beotherwise re-examined in any Court of the United Stat...
Medical Ethics.
medical profession. In recent years, however, the field of medical ethics has struggled to keep pace with the many complex issues raised by new technologies for creating and sustaininglife. Artificial-respiration devices, kidney dialysis, and other machines can keep patients alive who previously would have succumbed to their illnesses or injuries.Advances in organ transplantation have brought new hope to those afflicted with diseased organs. New techniques have enabled prospective parents to con...
Genetics - biology.
construct identical buildings. Just as each contractor would require a full copy of the blueprint to construct a complete building, each new cell needs a complete copy ofan organism’s genetic information to function properly. Organisms use two types of cell division to ensure that DNA is passed down from cell to cell during reproduction. Simple one-celled organisms and other organisms thatreproduce asexually—that is, without the joining of cells from two different organisms—reproduce by a proces...
- Licence
From Bulfinch's Mythology: Hercules - anthology.
'…amidst the gardens fairOf Hesperus and his daughters three,That sing about the golden tree.' The poets, led by the analogy of the lovely appearance of the western sky at sunset, viewed the west as a region of brightness and glory. Hence they placed in it theIsles of the Blest, the ruddy Isle Erytheia, on which the bright oxen of Geryon were pastured, and the Isle of the Hesperides. The apples are supposed by some to bethe oranges of Spain, of which the Greeks had heard some obscure account...
Together with dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants make up the team that provides dental care to patients. Hygienists record patient medical histories, suchas blood pressure and pulse. They clean teeth, apply sealants and fluoride treatments, teach patients sound oral hygiene practices, and often assist with X rays. Manyhygienists receive a two-year associate degree, while others may choose to enroll in a four-year program at a university or in a master’s degree program. There are25...
suggested that concept possession need not consist in knowing a definition, but in appreciating the role of a concept in thought and practice. Moreover, he claimed, a concept need not apply to things by virtue of some closed set of features captured by a definition, but rather by virtue of ‘family resemblances' among the things, a suggestion that has given rise in psychology to ‘prototype' theories of concepts. Most traditional approaches to possession conditions have been concerned with t...
Gardening - biology.
of synthetic and organic fertilizers, see Organic Farming.) Fertilizers usually are sold in packages, on which the percentage by weight of the macronutrients nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) are listed on thelabel—always in the order N-P-K. For example, a fertilizer that is labeled 10-5-3 is 10 percent nitrogen, 5 percent phosphorus, and 3 percent potassium. V PLANTING AND TRANSPLANTING Before planting seeds, gardeners prepare, or till, the soil using a variety of methods. Some...
Stock Exchange.
A Example of a Trade In an example of a trade, an investor wanting to buy 200 shares—also known as two round lots, of 100 shares each—of IBM stock will telephone or e-mail the order to abrokerage firm. This communication is normally made to an individual called a stockbroker. The investor might desire to buy the shares at the market, or current, price.On the other hand, the investor may choose to pay no more than a set amount per share. The brokerage firm then contacts one of its floor brokers...
Criminal Punishment.
In the United States and Canada, younger offenders may be sentenced to highly regimented, military-style correctional programs known as boot camps. Generally,offenders volunteer to participate in boot camp programs to avoid other types of incarceration. At boot camps, officials subject offenders to strict discipline and physicaltraining. They also provide educational or vocational programs. Boot camps serve as an alternative to traditional, long-term incarceration and attempt to train offenderst...
Quantum Theory
Quantum Theory, in physics, description of the particles that make up matter and how they interact with each other and with energy.
electron in the same way a particle with momentum would: It bumps the electron and changes the electron’s path. The light is also affected by the collision as though itwere a particle, in that its energy and momentum changes. Momentum is a quantity that can be defined for all particles. For light particles, or photons, momentum depends on the frequency, or color, of the photon, which in turndepends on the photon’s energy. The energy of a photon is equal to a constant number, called Planck’s cons...